The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I wish there was something I could do to help with the whole situation I meant. Lol, never mind.

    This is probably a stupid question, but have you tried putting music on to help you fall asleep?

    Lol, I'm better now, all that happened last summer. I'm fine now, except for the sleeping thing.

  • Dude, if I had waited another day before going to the hospital, I probably would have died. o_o Because my appendix had exploded, and there was like infected stuff going in my body, and if I had just waited a little bit longer I wouldn't even be here right now. It's terrifying to look back and realize that I was this close to death.... ~shivers~

    Yeah, I know I'll get through it. I always do. -__- it's just so damn hard because sleep is IMPORTANT. And my STUPID BODY WON'T LET ME DO IT >:(

    Well at least you were able to get throught it. B] Remember, there will be obstacles in your life that you have to get through, just stay

  • Like a potato with legs and arms?

    If Rebecca has her baby, I wonder what its going to look like in the games graphics.

  • I went through insomnia two years ago...but I went over it after taking a break from college...Its a long story, but basically I went through the same thing you did and got over my insomnia after a while...I never wanted to take those pills and i'm glad I never did. Although I must admit, I've been pretty damn nocturnal this summer...xD

    No, I honestly don't think I can Matt. It's really much harder than you think. It makes me depressed too. I don't really have much of a choice anymore. And I have to do something before school starts.

  • Oh, lmao. Well, unless you have a giant sledgehammer you can hit me over the head with, I don't think so.

    And yeah, I've tried that too. Along with other sounds like the ocean and rainforest and rain and everything. Nothing works. It only keeps me awake because now I'm daydreaming whilst listening to all this stuff, and I can't get to sleep because my brain is like "lol no bitch we gon' think bout life"

    I wish there was something I could do to help with the whole situation I meant. Lol, never mind. This is probably a stupid question, but have you tried putting music on to help you fall asleep?

  • I hated that he got replaced without knowing as well. But it is BB and not Solid Snake, it was so people could tell them apart, but after being so used to Hayters voice, idk. I haven't seen any gamplay, but I hope I can get used to his new voice, lol. That's why I didn't get ground zeroes, when I heard it was only one level and that it was going to be 20 or 30 dollars I said no way. I heard you could even speedrun it in like 5 mins.

    I hope so too...I'm still bummed about David Hayter though...the guy didn't even knew he was being replaced after all those years...made me

  • edited July 2014

    Damn that sucks.

    Yeah, my brain doesn't shut up. Through the whole day I'm fine, but then when I lay down its like "is there and end to the universe?!" "I wonder if I can fly". "it would be a shame if that song you heard either got stuck in your head riiiight now"

    Ughhh.. But I started listening to music and it helps. Not all music thought. Only ONE particular thing I can listen to that makes me fall asleep. NOTHING else works. I found it a about a week ago, If you want I can PM it to you and you can try it?

    Oh, lmao. Well, unless you have a giant sledgehammer you can hit me over the head with, I don't think so. And yeah, I've tried that too.

  • Yes! Please PM it to me!

    Damn that sucks. Yeah, my brain doesn't shut up. Through the whole day I'm fine, but then when I lay down its like "is there and end to t

  • Jeez... Enjoy your life to the fullest,each and everyday.

    Hopefully, you'll be able to sleep without needing to use anything. B]

    Dude, if I had waited another day before going to the hospital, I probably would have died. o_o Because my appendix had exploded, and there

  • There getting scared over that? Jesus, they'd probably only get a fine.

    Rigtail posted: »

  • Nah, i know him for a while. ^^

    Talimancer posted: »

    Have people like only just found Cr1tikal?

  • And "people like you"? Whatcha mean? :?

    Talimancer posted: »

    Have people like only just found Cr1tikal?

  • The one with the Mario 65...

    I CAN'T.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    YES! THIS! THIS IS THE BEST. "His appendix has reached the heavens" "I want to explore the acid wonderlands" "I had a classmate tha


    OH GOD

    JENNIFER LAWRENCE OMMG-- ok I'm sorry I'll stop fan girlin now. -_- Ok, ok im sorry, I had to. ;_;

  • Personally, i really like it. I don't care about the other peoples' talents because they don't in any way affect yours. This picture is really beautiful. You should post it, so other people see it. :3

    HEY GUYS! Should I rip it or burn it?!

  • I've had insomnia before, all I did was tire myself during the day, like running, swimming, dancing. Makes me sleep easily.

    No, I honestly don't think I can Matt. It's really much harder than you think. It makes me depressed too. I don't really have much of a choice anymore. And I have to do something before school starts.

  • edited July 2014


    Weird Al Is Back!

  • InKennyWeShaundi - InKennyWeTrust and Shaundi FOR TEH LOLZ

    Alt text

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Cluke_is_Woodburry - Cluke_is_Dumb and WelcometoWoodburry GiraffeLookBack - Giraffehat and Dont_Look_Back InKennyWeShaundi - InKennyWe

  • Thanks Azlyn. <3

    it looks stretch out and weird and different from what it actually looks like in real life.. So I'll fix it tomorrow cuz I'm going to sleep now. Good night.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Personally, i really like it. I don't care about the other peoples' talents because they don't in any way affect yours. This picture is really beautiful. You should post it, so other people see it.

  • (,,◕ ⋏ ◕,,)

  • lmfao Cluke_is_Woodbury???


    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Cluke_is_Woodburry - Cluke_is_Dumb and WelcometoWoodburry GiraffeLookBack - Giraffehat and Dont_Look_Back InKennyWeShaundi - InKennyWe

  • B^]

    Azlyn posted: »

    (,,◕ ⋏ ◕,,)

  • Can we please talk about Tom Hiddleston for a second.

  • Sup, Pro?


  • edited July 2014

    Stuff... Thaaaangs. Actually not much right now, AZ. I was about to get ready for bed. :p

    Azlyn posted: »

    Sup, Pro?

  • Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    Can we please talk about Tom Hiddleston for a second.

  • I used to be his fangirl once.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Can we please talk about Tom Hiddleston for a second.

  • Swagshot69

    Puncake32 posted: »

    what's WhatTheDuck's PSN?

  • BootyMaster69


    SwaggaliciousBootyMaster69 Lmfao, just kidding, I don't know.

  • Omg yes please i love himmm <333

    Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    Can we please talk about Tom Hiddleston for a second.

  • Lmao xD

    Hi Daniel.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    BootyMaster69 XD

  • Oh, okay. Nighty night! :3

    Stuff... Thaaaangs. Actually not much right now, AZ. I was about to get ready for bed.

  • Once? :?

    I used to be his fangirl once.

  • Mornin'!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Good morning!

  • Oh Lord....... I could literally watch this man read the phonebook and I would be happy. ^_^

    pls marry me

    Azlyn posted: »

  • I think there's something wrong with you...

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