The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • best ep of season 2 or is it just me ;-;

  • I can't even.

  • You played it?

    I can't even.

  • I hate my internet.

  • Of the franchise?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Call me hasty, but this was the best episode of the franchise, I'm speechless.

  • Lol, "seat like a people" xD

  • Yeah, it came out earlier than I thought.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You played it?

  • Dat ending tho.

    The ending of amid the ruins had me like..

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    There's really only one thing that I can complain about, but most of it was really good.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Call me hasty, but this was the best episode of the franchise, I'm speechless.

  • Yes.

    Of the franchise?

  • edited July 2014

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    I must be the only person who hasn't played it on this thread yet just because I'm from Europe we have to wait extra day WHY? :'(

  • I don't even.. Like wat.

    DUUUUDDDDDE YOU CAN TELL KENNY TO STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE!! And you can tell him that you had to shoot lee.

    I can't even.



  • Lol it's not my tv, it's my uncles.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm delighted you got the episode but my fanboy is going crazy over that TV DAYUM :'O

  • Don't worry, you'll be able to play it soon :p

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I must be the only person who hasn't played it on this thread yet just because I'm from Europe we have to wait extra day WHY?

  • edited July 2014

    Me too bro. It's available on steam, but slow internet.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I must be the only person who hasn't played it on this thread yet just because I'm from Europe we have to wait extra day WHY?

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    Your Uncles? Cool that Tv though is so awesome it would be a dream playing TWD on that :'D

    Lol it's not my tv, it's my uncles.

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    NOOOO! never say the forbidden word on the telltale forum SOON. I hate that word. I taught Canadians were nice? that was just cruel :p

    Don't worry, you'll be able to play it soon

  • :'( that's even worse Simon so simple in theory to download yet impossible must be so frustrating knowing you can't download it even though it's released :'O

    Me too bro. It's available on steam, but slow internet.

  • Wow, what an episode ;_;

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    I'm sorry Mark. ;-;

    Markd4547 posted: »

    soon NOOOO! never say the forbidden word on the telltale forum SOON. I hate that word. I taught Canadians were nice? that was just cruel

  • edited July 2014

    Kenny was pissing me off. He was talking like he was the only one that had gone through hard times.

    I'd be replaying it but my stupid sister kept on nagging about wanting to use my ps3 ugh.

    Lmao and I thought they were just cuddling but then I was like"OH WAIT NOPE MEVER MIND"

    LOLOLOL AND when Rebecca's water broke clem was like "IS THAT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN? IS THAT NORMAL"??! LMAO I couldn't stop laughing! Lmao Poor clem. People thought that christa told her about that stuff but I guess not because she seemed CLUELESS.


  • "kissing me off" xD

    Kenny was pissing me off. He was talking like he was the only one that had gone through hard times. I'd be replaying it but my stupid si

  • LOL, I didn't get to see them having sex, just talking about how "human" it was O_O


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    It's ok

    I'm sorry Mark. ;-;

  • Yeah, Kenny was starting to annoy me a bit too, but I could tell that he was just trying to do what was best for the group.

    At first I thought they were just cuddling too! But then I remember you saying that someone was supposed to be "doing the do", so I quickly realized that that wasn't what it was, lol. FUUUUUU I actually really liked Jane ;-; She was really cool. And then she just banged Luke and left (?)..... and did you leave Sarah or nah? Cause I slapped the absolute SHIT out of Sarah, and brought her back with us. But then........ yeah. If you brought her back, you know what happened to her. :( Fucking brutal.

    Kenny was pissing me off. He was talking like he was the only one that had gone through hard times. I'd be replaying it but my stupid si

  • Wait what do you mean "I didn't get to"?? You can actually see them doing it? I saw someone say something like that earlier but evacuated cuz I didn't play the ep yet.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    LOL, I didn't get to see them having sex, just talking about how "human" it was O_O

  • You don't really get to see anything (thank God)... you just see them cuddling or whatever afterwards, and their clothes are on. lmao.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    LOL, I didn't get to see them having sex, just talking about how "human" it was O_O

  • Jane is me second fav behind clem. The moment I saw her she was my second fav no joke. I swear if a apocalypse happens I can see me being a loner like her.

    BUT NAH NAH Nah No way in hell we've seen the last of jane. She told that dude that if she saw him again she would kill him. (She didn't word it that way but you get my point) I'm pretty sure she's coming back. Shel probably come out of the woods or something. I know she is.

    ANND I left Sarah....... IM SORRY I DIDNT WANNA HIT HEEERRR. And the way she says ...clementin"? RIGHT BEFORE SHE GETS EATEN FREAKING TORE ME APART OMFG. And I think she falls from the deck, right? I haven seen it but Ima replay it.

    And the most important question of all.... WHO THE HELL GETS SHOT AT THE END??! and where's the 400days characters??! Ugh.

    Yeah, Kenny was starting to annoy me a bit too, but I could tell that he was just trying to do what was best for the group. At first I th

  • edited July 2014

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    The feel being on Lounge and the forum if you haven't played the new episode brb :'(

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  • edited July 2014

    I actually asked if I could go with Jane... because I figured it would be the safest option for Clem. I mean, she taught Clem how to fight, how to loot corpses.... basically everything she needs to know if she wants to survive, you know? Unfortunately, she was like "nonononono clem can't do that bai". -__________-

    And yeah Sarah falls from the deck. Totally got eaten. Brie style. I just couldn't leave her. ;-; There was no way. I tried to give her that surprise hug i talked about two episodes ago, but she refused it and I had no other choice but the slap the bejeezus out of her. It worked tho, she came with us. Friends don't leave each other behind.

    Hmmmm.... good question. I think Bonnie probably got shot. Maybe Mike too. AND UGH IDK I WISH THEY WOULD SHOW UP ALREADY WTF!!! :(

    Did you shoot Rebecca or call for help? I shot her. ._.

    Jane is me second fav behind clem. The moment I saw her she was my second fav no joke. I swear if a apocalypse happens I can see me being a

  • I don't know, I thought that you can :/

    Wait what do you mean "I didn't get to"?? You can actually see them doing it? I saw someone say something like that earlier but evacuated cuz I didn't play the ep yet.

  • I'm gonna enjoy this one.

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    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • edited July 2014

    I asked to go with her also. I thought it was the best thing to do.

    I also tried I hug hug Sarah. DUDE I WAS SO READY TO FREAKING HUG HER! But then she rejected and I brought my hope up for nothing. Like, the moment I saw the choice I instantly clicked it.

    I shot her. No way in hell I was gonna see the baby get eaten. I WANNA NAME IT SOOOO BAD!!

    But if jane becomes pregnant she gonna be the biggest hypocrite EVER.

    And wtf is Christa coming back? Or nah?

    I actually asked if I could go with Jane... because I figured it would be the safest option for Clem. I mean, she taught Clem how to fight,

    edited July 2014

    About going with Jane, I tried to convince her to do the opposite, sure she was good for Clem, but those people saved her life multiple times and I would follow them to hell if I had to, if you read the comics and saw Rick's speech about how people are the best weapon in the apocalypse you'd get the idea too, I can post it here if you want.

    I shot Rebecca too, I didn't want her nibbling on the baby, I knew it would happen :/

    I actually asked if I could go with Jane... because I figured it would be the safest option for Clem. I mean, she taught Clem how to fight,

  • Yeah it's pretty frustrating. But at least I'll play it tomorrow.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    that's even worse Simon so simple in theory to download yet impossible must be so frustrating knowing you can't download it even though it's released :'O

  • Why?

    I'm gonna enjoy this one.

  • Because a lot of people are saying this episode was the best episode this season so far.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • What makes me sad is that Alvin was wrong when he thought that the baby was gonna be a girl...... ;-; I WANTED IT TO BE A GIRL SO BAD JUST SO ALVIN COULD BE RIGHT!!! NOW "take care of my girls for me" MEANS NOTHING ANYMORE! :(

    c r i e s

    I'm still on the fence about Jane. I don't know if she's gonna come back or not. I don't really think it's the last we're going to see of her, but at the same time, she's leaving just like Molly did... so, I don't really know. I hope we get to see her again but I don't know if we will.

    AND I WANT CHRISTA TO COME BACK SO BAD!!! But I don't know about that either. She could be up in Wellington, just waiting for us. Maybe we'll see her there? Maybe she found a new group? Idfk. I really do hope we can see Christa again though. I miss her :(

    And what about Arvo's bag of medical stuff? Did you take it or nah? I gave it back to him, because I believed him that he had a sick sister. I feel like I should have taken it tho, because of the ending.... Man, FUCK Arvo!

    I asked to go with her also. I thought it was the best thing to do. I also tried I hug hug Sarah. DUDE I WAS SO READY TO FREAKING HUG HER

  • Sure, post it.

    I dunno. I mean, I didn't really want to leave the group behind, but Jane was a good teacher to Clem, and I think that she would have survived a lot longer with just her, than with liabilities such as the baby, Kenny and his possibly infected eye and craziness, etc.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    About going with Jane, I tried to convince her to do the opposite, sure she was good for Clem, but those people saved her life multiple time

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