Ethan Porgie
Part 2
'Do you know the answer...'
'The first child will break their hearts,
The second child will try to tak… moree it apart.
The third child will search for a reason,
The fourth child will commit treason.
The fifth child will destroy us all,
The sixth child will gladly take the fall.'
Note: Okay, well....looks like the pictures are disabled once more. :( If I have an image to show, I will post with a link.
When I walked back out into the club, she was gone; Henry would later told me she had already headed over to my parent's place. I sighed and watched as Hans Junior managed to finish moping up the remaining blood and cleaner.
"She look alright?"
"Define 'alright', Ethan."
"You know what I mean, Henry-please. I'm not in the mood for your jokes at this moment..."
"Well, don't let Emily Porgie bring ya' down. THIS is what she does, Ethan. You know that..."
I loved H… [view original content]
Chapter 11 Showdown at the Business Office
The Sheriff Bigby has had enough. By using all his strength he breaks free of his restraints… more and goes wolf on everything. He starts killing the shadows dogs from left to right, it's crazy. Redd is just sitting there as he do it, this is our chance to save Miss white.
Me and Walter make our way towards Miss White and free her, but we suddenly get surrounded by more shadow dogs...
Just when we thought things could get worst, Bufkin starts screaming at us. He then tosses me a bow and some arrows and I make use with them immediately. I manage to take out a hole mob without a scratch, this was too easy..
We turn to see how the Sheriff was doing, and we hear several gun shots go off. Redd shot Bigby 3 times, and as he fall to the floor we watch in horror.. Redd is not finished with Bigby... He then takes out the artifact he stole from the museum and begins to strangle Bigby.
I hav… [view original content]
WARNING: Latest issue of FABLES spoiler ahead! Read at your own risk (Although not much is revealed anyway)
I watch from the back of the crowd as King Cole gives his speech concerning Bigby and his whereabouts. From where I stand, I can see both Snow and Rose, standing several feet apart. Me and Mary lean on the fence waiting for something to happen. The whole town is talking about the war that may come between them. Some root for Snow, others join Rose's side. There's only one problem in it all. Neither sister knows they are even preparing to battle each other. They haven't got anything to fight about anyway, so I'm not sure what will happen at this point.
"...The flying Fables are down from the farm to act as our eyes from high..."
I lean my head back onto the metal bars and close my eyes. My mind flashes to that brief incident in the ally not so long ago. That was only a few blocks away, but who knows how far he's gotten from that point. The mundy news has been flooded with attacks and plans for further prevention. The Mayor of the city has claimed that whoever is brutally murdering these people can not be impossible to beat.
He's horribly mistaken.
"If you sight Bigby, you AREN'T to try to interact in any way. Just report in, as quickly as you can..."
Mary nudges me and I open my eyes again. Rose is whispering something to Flycatcher.
"Do you think she'll try and talk to Snow today?"
"Probably. She looks like she's thinking about it now." Mary points out.
I push myself off the fence and walk closer to the crowd. It's harder to see them the closer I get, and it's too tight a squeeze to get through anyway. I stay put and listen to Cole finish his speech.
"The Mundy is already up in arms about this so we'll have to tread most carefully. That said, Bigby is one of ours, and we look after our own!"
The speech has ended and the crowd shifts. Through people, I can see Rose's red hair bobbing toward the front, near Snow. She's about to say something when a bright flash of light emerges from both of them. Everyone shields their eyes for a brief moment before looking again. Each sister where's shiny metal armor and holds a sword of great power. Rose's armor is gold, whereas Snow's is dark and menacing.
"Huh?" Rose says.
"What the hell?" Snow replies.
The crowd is baffled by the explosion of magic erupting from the two. Snow looks down at her sword and her mouth falls flat.
"Ozma, Fly, can I talk to you two in, erm. Private?"
"Of course," Ozma says, and Snow leads them down the worn out path to the courtyard on the other side of the castle.
Me and Mary sit on the steps to the entrance. I let her lean on my arm as we stare up at the gates that lie about 40 feet in front of us.
"What do you think is gonna happen to Fabletown, Mary?" I ask softly.
"Same thing that happened in the homelands. Except no one is forced to go. They just go." She replies.
Jack enters through the gates and heads toward us, sitting on Mary's side. He wraps his arm over her shoulders and sighs,"When is the due date again?"
Mary scowls,"Not for another 6 months or so. What the hell are you doing here?"
"I was just strolling by. Did I miss that, um...meeting thing?"
"It was over 10 minutes ago." I answer.
"Oh. Oh well. Ah...I'm gonna go. Bye." and Jack stands up.
"Fuck off," Mary says as he walks away.
"Gladly," He replies, turning the corner.
A short chapter, but better than nothing! All the King Cole speaking parts are direct dialog from the latest issue. I wanted to tie it in somehow, so that's how I did it! Also, the part where Rose and Snow magically have armor is true also. I had to figure out how to get the story moving again. Also, thanks for the condolences and such. I haven't tried catching up on everyone's stories just yet, I might wait a while because I have a lot going on at home. Expect another couple chapters by the end of the week, as long as I'm not busy. I've got a lot to write about, though it's hard to keep it all organized. I should write it down in my notebook but it seems to go missing more frequently that I would like. I hope this chapter was good, it took a while to think through, and I used the comic to aid my story telling, so credit to Bill and his crew.
Thanks for welcoming me back, it is much appreciated. I'm still kinda in shock about what happened, but all we can do now is move on. Can't wait to see those pics, sounds like it was awesome.
Uh man! XD Busy, busy, busy weekend! Had a wonderful time at my cousin's wedding and man, did I look dashing! lol I WAS going to put picture… mores up but it looks like they disabled them....-.- I'll try to put a link up or, if not, my DA will have em soon. :)
Now that Georgie is done dancing in his monkey suit and toasting to the happy couple, I should have something up later today if not, by tomorrow. Might take up on JJwolf's challenge and dive into another section for Georgie and Lyla! Not sure yet!
BTW, welcome back to Emmy. :) Glad you had a great trip. Again, sorry for your loss.
Good things come in small packages Fabletown sounds like it is having a troubled time; will Mary still be there in six months? As always I look foward to your next instalment, though obviously take as much time as you need. It sounds like you need a tracking device for your notebook!
WARNING: Latest issue of FABLES spoiler ahead! Read at your own risk (Although not much is revealed anyway)
I watch from the back of th… moree crowd as King Cole gives his speech concerning Bigby and his whereabouts. From where I stand, I can see both Snow and Rose, standing several feet apart. Me and Mary lean on the fence waiting for something to happen. The whole town is talking about the war that may come between them. Some root for Snow, others join Rose's side. There's only one problem in it all. Neither sister knows they are even preparing to battle each other. They haven't got anything to fight about anyway, so I'm not sure what will happen at this point.
"...The flying Fables are down from the farm to act as our eyes from high..."
I lean my head back onto the metal bars and close my eyes. My mind flashes to that brief incident in the ally not so long ago. That was only a few blocks away, but who knows how far he's gotten from th… [view original content]
@JJwolf so you can shut up! XD This has nothing to do with Ethan's story...well, okay. Maybe it does! lol
"What time is dinner?"
"What did Peter want, if you don't mind me asking..."
I cocked my eyebrow to the side. This guy. "He uh, was asking if I was going..."
"Did he mention anything about his visit with Winter?"
"He said it went very well. Guess Snow White was there as well."
"Hm. He sending his 'people' now to obtain information? Chicken shit could at least TRY to visit once in awhile-"
He glared at me, as I gently placed down my phone. I turned to face him; a look of confusion with a mixture of grief and a broken heart stared back into my eyes. I could tell Nick felt the same way I did at that very moment.
"Please, Nick...I need you to talk."
"About what, kid?"
"You know what I want..."
"You're going to have to be more specific, Ethan."
"Okay. You-what is the story behind that."
Nick slowly floated back to the window; he perched on the edge and peered out into the world. By now, the sun was sitting high into the sky and the glares from the reflecting window seem to bounce off of his body. He sat in silence, as I walked towards him and leaned against the glass. It was warm to the touch.
Nick began to speak. "I really can't tell you much, Ethan..."
"Okay and WHY is that? Dad does not speak much about it and-"
"You're father has gone through a lot, Ethan. Sometimes, its best to leave things the WAY they are."
"Like what, though!? Again, he does not SAY much and all I want are a few explanations..."
Nick sighed deeply. "You REALLY want to know?"
Again, Nick floated back to my desk, beckoned me and soon, I followed him. He seemed to think this would be more comfortable in regards to me. I sat down, just as he began to talk.
"Uh, what?"
"I met your father YEARS ago back at the Homelands. He was eight or nine when I came into contact with him. He was crying that night; wandering aimlessly around the forest, continuing to repeat 'I'm sorry' over and over again."
"What happened?" I leaned in closer, placing my chin upon my palms and remained focused on the blue talking spirit before me. His eyes, though. They were starting to worry me; they showcased hurt and anguish.
"He was a sad, lonely child, Ethan. You're father...he had no one. They killed his only friend. I became the last bit of hope and friendship he needed..."
"Killed who? What are you-"
"You're father...he...fuck, Ethan! I shouldn't be telling you this!"
I began begging Nick to continue the story. These were things I needed to know and comprehend WHY. "Nick, seriously....please...I won't say a word. I promise!"
He continued. "He was abused as a child, Ethan. His father did awful, terrible things to him. Things a father should never even consider with his child. But your father never gave in, never lost sight of one day becoming a free man. He...he had no one; his own siblings and mother refused to get involved."
He paused for a second to sigh once more. "That's when he found him-Luke the Rabbit. He was a tiny little thing; think it was a runt and your father snuck him inside his room, placed him in a box and nursed the creature back to health. That WAS his only friend in the world, Ethan. And your father loved that thing...then, one day, while Georgie was out...he discovered Luke..."
I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. The pain in Nick's voice, the sudden crackling of his voice. Even he had to take a minute, before he could continue.
"His father killed that little Rabbit; snapped its neck and left it in the box your father kept it in. When he arrived home, his father felt the need to 'punish' him, so he tossed your father back into the closet. He didn't care, for he knew Luke would be there to comfort him. Instead, Ethan, he found...he, found..."
My heart sank to the floor, for what I feared was coming true. By now, my cheeks were soaked in tears.
"...He found the lifeless body of Luke inside the box, Ethan. And for days, as his punishment, your father had to stay in that closet, with the dead body of his best friend. A large piece of your father died that day..."
I had no idea. None. This is what my siblings and I needed to know. In a way, though, guess I couldn't blame him. Why tell your kids 'grim' tales about your childhood, when you can skip all that and create 'and they all lived happily ever after' ending?
"That's when I found him. Crying. Saying those words. All he wanted was to bury that little Rabbit-that was it-but the bastard threw its body to the wolves and ever since then...I came to him when he desperatly needed someone to tell him it was going to be alright. That, he was not alone and I guess you can say, I was his guidance; I knew everything about this kid and WHO he'd become. Did I LIKE what I saw? Did I LIKE who he was involved with? No. But HE had to learn....HE had to find his way. I was just that little voice he needed."
I stood up, walked over to my dresser and took the family portrait. I stared deep into my father's eyes; those dark brown eyes that for years, masked the truth. I looked at all of us; my siblings and I and noticed the love and care that surrounded us all. I had no idea about my father's past. It all made sense....
Nick continued. "He....he gave me to you and your brother for guidance as well. I'm not sure which one of you and maybe I shouldn't be saying this but one of you will betray us all. I...I hope I've done enough over the years to prevent this from happening, Ethan..."
I closed my eyes and forced what remaining tears I had back into my eyes. I kissed the picture, placed it back on the dresser and sat down once more. Betray us all? That, however, quickly left my thoughts; all I could picture was my eight year old father, holding that dead Rabbit.
"I...I should continue to get ready, Nick."
"Promise me you WON'T say anything, Ethan! Your father-"
"Don't worry...."
That didn't sound very convincing, even to my own ears. Think Nick knew that as well but what can you do? I grabbed my phone and dialed my parent's number. I looked out the window; fucking five o'clock traffic was going to make me late. As I listened to the dial tone, there it was again.
The image of my father still burned into my mind.
Note: Now, on to the full on installment about the kids and where these first couple of pages will take them. Hopefully you enjoyed them and can't wait to continue.
WARNING: Latest issue of FABLES spoiler ahead! Read at your own risk (Although not much is revealed anyway)
I watch from the back of th… moree crowd as King Cole gives his speech concerning Bigby and his whereabouts. From where I stand, I can see both Snow and Rose, standing several feet apart. Me and Mary lean on the fence waiting for something to happen. The whole town is talking about the war that may come between them. Some root for Snow, others join Rose's side. There's only one problem in it all. Neither sister knows they are even preparing to battle each other. They haven't got anything to fight about anyway, so I'm not sure what will happen at this point.
"...The flying Fables are down from the farm to act as our eyes from high..."
I lean my head back onto the metal bars and close my eyes. My mind flashes to that brief incident in the ally not so long ago. That was only a few blocks away, but who knows how far he's gotten from th… [view original content]
gasp Well, can you blame me! lol Thanks you, btw! LOVE the pic.
This story, though! Damn you, Pie! WHY do you have to play with my feelings like this, man! This poor guy! I loved how you included Nick but I was dreading this part because its so devestating! This poor kid lost everything and it made the Georgie we all know today.
Ethan Porgie
Part 3
'Good things come to those who wait'
@JJwolf so you can shut up! XD This has nothing to do with Ethan's story..… more.well, okay. Maybe it does! lol
"What time is dinner?"
"What did Peter want, if you don't mind me asking..."
I cocked my eyebrow to the side. This guy. "He uh, was asking if I was going..."
"Did he mention anything about his visit with Winter?"
"He said it went very well. Guess Snow White was there as well."
"Hm. He sending his 'people' now to obtain information? Chicken shit could at least TRY to visit once in awhile-"
He glared at me, as I gently placed down my phone. I turned to face him; a look of confusion with a mixture of grief and a broken heart stared back into my eyes. I could tell Nick felt the same way I did at that very moment.
"Please, Nick...I need you to talk."
"About what, kid?"
"You know what I want..."
"You're goin… [view original content]
What is with Nick's floating, if I may ask a question again? Is he supposed to be a spirit of some kind in his true form, or does he have spirit-like powers?
Ethan Porgie
Part 3
'Good things come to those who wait'
@JJwolf so you can shut up! XD This has nothing to do with Ethan's story..… more.well, okay. Maybe it does! lol
"What time is dinner?"
"What did Peter want, if you don't mind me asking..."
I cocked my eyebrow to the side. This guy. "He uh, was asking if I was going..."
"Did he mention anything about his visit with Winter?"
"He said it went very well. Guess Snow White was there as well."
"Hm. He sending his 'people' now to obtain information? Chicken shit could at least TRY to visit once in awhile-"
He glared at me, as I gently placed down my phone. I turned to face him; a look of confusion with a mixture of grief and a broken heart stared back into my eyes. I could tell Nick felt the same way I did at that very moment.
"Please, Nick...I need you to talk."
"About what, kid?"
"You know what I want..."
"You're goin… [view original content]
Exactly! He is a spirit, a floating orb of energy in his true form. He rarely goes out into Fabletown but when he does, he glamours up as a dog, so mundies think its just some kids walking their dog. He does not really have powers-Nick is just sort of there-Georgie's conscience guide, as you can say.
What is with Nick's floating, if I may ask a question again? Is he supposed to be a spirit of some kind in his true form, or does he have spirit-like powers?
Ethan Porgie
Part 3
'Good things come to those who wait'
@JJwolf so you can shut up! XD This has nothing to do with Ethan's story..… more.well, okay. Maybe it does! lol
"What time is dinner?"
"What did Peter want, if you don't mind me asking..."
I cocked my eyebrow to the side. This guy. "He uh, was asking if I was going..."
"Did he mention anything about his visit with Winter?"
"He said it went very well. Guess Snow White was there as well."
"Hm. He sending his 'people' now to obtain information? Chicken shit could at least TRY to visit once in awhile-"
He glared at me, as I gently placed down my phone. I turned to face him; a look of confusion with a mixture of grief and a broken heart stared back into my eyes. I could tell Nick felt the same way I did at that very moment.
"Please, Nick...I need you to talk."
"About what, kid?"
"You know what I want..."
"You're goin… [view original content]
Exactly! He is a spirit, a floating orb of energy in his true form. He rarely goes out into Fabletown but when he does, he glamours up as a… more dog, so mundies think its just some kids walking their dog. He does not really have powers-Nick is just sort of there-Georgie's conscience guide, as you can say.
Now, he belongs to Ethan and Peter.
gasp Well, can you blame me! lol Thanks you, btw! LOVE the pic.
This story, though! Damn you, Pie! WHY do you have to play with my feeli… morengs like this, man! This poor guy! I loved how you included Nick but I was dreading this part because its so devestating! This poor kid lost everything and it made the Georgie we all know today.
BTW, you're a dork! XD
high five You get a Bloody Mary plushie! Comes with all her loveable trademark sentences! Get one now! (Pssh, I wish! XD)
Oliver is Penelope's pimp. Peter is the wonderful 'accident' that happened between Bigby and Lyla one night.
gasp Well, can you blame me! lol Thanks you, btw! LOVE the pic.
This story, though! Damn you, Pie! WHY do you have to play with my feeli… morengs like this, man! This poor guy! I loved how you included Nick but I was dreading this part because its so devestating! This poor kid lost everything and it made the Georgie we all know today.
BTW, you're a dork! XD
Nice pic xD I guess if I had to imagine what my version of Mary's baby would look like, this photo could give me some ideas! I was a bit confused on this chapter ONLY because I haven't yet gone back to read ANYTHING any one wrote >.< I don't have much time to do things these days.
Ethan Porgie
Part 3
'Good things come to those who wait'
@JJwolf so you can shut up! XD This has nothing to do with Ethan's story..… more.well, okay. Maybe it does! lol
"What time is dinner?"
"What did Peter want, if you don't mind me asking..."
I cocked my eyebrow to the side. This guy. "He uh, was asking if I was going..."
"Did he mention anything about his visit with Winter?"
"He said it went very well. Guess Snow White was there as well."
"Hm. He sending his 'people' now to obtain information? Chicken shit could at least TRY to visit once in awhile-"
He glared at me, as I gently placed down my phone. I turned to face him; a look of confusion with a mixture of grief and a broken heart stared back into my eyes. I could tell Nick felt the same way I did at that very moment.
"Please, Nick...I need you to talk."
"About what, kid?"
"You know what I want..."
"You're goin… [view original content]
Thanks, I had the comic open next to me so I could write his exact words and describe what happens. Jack is being his usual self XD That might change....we'll see I might write another chapter today if I'm not busy later.
I loved how you have refrences to the comic. Oh, Jack...will you EVER learn! XD
This was a fun read and can't wait for more. Take all the time ya' need. Know how that is! XD
Fabletown has a lot going on currently, and I don't want to reveal all of it because a lot of people like reading the comics and don't want spoilers :P So I only included info that directly affects my character. Mary may go, or she may stay. If she does go, it'll be after the birth, that's for sure. She needs her best friend to be by her side when that happens. As for her and Jack, you'll see how that pans out later. I'm trying to figure out how to do the next chapter right now, I might post it today if I can.
Good things come in small packages Fabletown sounds like it is having a troubled time; will Mary still be there in six months? As always I … morelook foward to your next instalment, though obviously take as much time as you need. It sounds like you need a tracking device for your notebook!
Nice pic xD I guess if I had to imagine what my version of Mary's baby would look like, this photo could give me some ideas! I was a bit con… morefused on this chapter ONLY because I haven't yet gone back to read ANYTHING any one wrote >.< I don't have much time to do things these days.
That is rather sad sure explains a lot about Georgie, though. Nice to know a little more about Nick, I rather like your picture of Georgie Jnr. and Mary with the kids, and, looking at the picture JJ posted, you really do look quite a lot like Georgie! It's uncanny!
Edit: seems my Georgie detecting skills are way off in the photo, apologies.
Ethan Porgie
Part 3
'Good things come to those who wait'
@JJwolf so you can shut up! XD This has nothing to do with Ethan's story..… more.well, okay. Maybe it does! lol
"What time is dinner?"
"What did Peter want, if you don't mind me asking..."
I cocked my eyebrow to the side. This guy. "He uh, was asking if I was going..."
"Did he mention anything about his visit with Winter?"
"He said it went very well. Guess Snow White was there as well."
"Hm. He sending his 'people' now to obtain information? Chicken shit could at least TRY to visit once in awhile-"
He glared at me, as I gently placed down my phone. I turned to face him; a look of confusion with a mixture of grief and a broken heart stared back into my eyes. I could tell Nick felt the same way I did at that very moment.
"Please, Nick...I need you to talk."
"About what, kid?"
"You know what I want..."
"You're goin… [view original content]
No problem. Please, by all means use any little detail you think will help. I was debating for the longest time on hOW I wanted their kids to look like. Might change the George's look but Sheila we will keep. Figured a mini Mary seemed appropriate. Little evil shit startin' kid.
And I totally get where you are coming from. Too busy these days. Remember times when I would write like two or three pages in one day. Now....not so much.
Nice pic xD I guess if I had to imagine what my version of Mary's baby would look like, this photo could give me some ideas! I was a bit con… morefused on this chapter ONLY because I haven't yet gone back to read ANYTHING any one wrote >.< I don't have much time to do things these days.
Redd was standing by the witching well, still dripping black blood. As we approach him he lets out a sigh and tells. He tells us how he didn't understand why his father would kill his family and come to this place. He looked up to his father, but that time has long passed. Since his death and transformation into Black Dog Ghost, the only thing he thought about was revenge.
Redd explained to his time as the Black Dog, haunting the British Isles with his ghostly apparition. Then meeting Barney and being involved in many scandalous deeds. So apparently, he knew nothing about his old life until he touched the artifact that restored his memory as it did mine. What doesn't make sense is how did Redd find out about the artifact? Who told him about it?
I tried to reason with Redd one last time. He gets up slowly and looks at us and says "As I said before, I only came here for what that wolf took from me, MY REVENGE. It was in this very room where he killed him.... But no matter...Robby. After I'm finish with you and you're brother, I'm going right upstairs to finish that fucking dog"
Redd rips off his bloody shirt and then his eyes glow bright red. All demon like. Like he's going super saiyan or something, but I wasn't scared. My bro got my back and I wasn't going to get my ass kicked by some hell hound with daddy issues...
"Here let me show you, my TRUE FORM!"
This must be his last stand, he's going all out and so will we. We take our battle stance and prepare for whatever Redd is turning into. After roaring ferociously, Redd transform into a much larger form of his ghost dog, at least 8 feet tall..
He slowly walks towards us. I then charge at him with my sword in my hands and strike him, Walter follows up and manage to wound Redd's left eye. Redd tries to stomp and swipe at us but, we avoid must of his attacks.. Unfortunately, Walter gets caught and is severely injured, I could hear his bones break from over here. I was enrage by this and I blindly charged at Redd forgetting the consequences band he knocks me into the wall. I cough up blood and then begin to lose my sight..
Is this it? Is this really the end? Am I really about to die? It looks that way...shit.. Looks like I couldn't be a hero... like my father and my mother. I failed them, I failed my brother, my uncle, my home,...fabletown.
Aaaah damn, dying sucks..
As I prepare to accept my fate, I hear Bigby's voice... I sightly turn head and there he is, but this time he's huge.. a big ass wolf! Neat...I have a front row seat to one of the greatest battles that's about to go down.
"But I shot you with 3 fucking silver bullets and tried to strangle you!!! WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!!"
" I saved you the trouble Redd, and brought your ass whooping to you..on a silver platter."
Was just thinking - before I read the part where Bigby comes - that it would be pretty great to have a fight between Bigby and Redd in wolf form! Hope Walter's okay, though.
Chapter 12 Resistant
Redd was standing by the witching well, still dripping black blood. As we approach him he lets out a sigh and tells.… more He tells us how he didn't understand why his father would kill his family and come to this place. He looked up to his father, but that time has long passed. Since his death and transformation into Black Dog Ghost, the only thing he thought about was revenge.
Redd explained to his time as the Black Dog, haunting the British Isles with his ghostly apparition. Then meeting Barney and being involved in many scandalous deeds. So apparently, he knew nothing about his old life until he touched the artifact that restored his memory as it did mine. What doesn't make sense is how did Redd find out about the artifact? Who told him about it?
I tried to reason with Redd one last time. He gets up slowly and looks at us and says "As I said before, I only came here for what that wolf took from me, MY REVENGE. It w… [view original content]
bows down Wow! That is all I have to say, Georgie! They look great and I'm loving every single one of these, especially Katie and Emily. The pills are a nice touch to Penny, love the powers Junior is showcasing and Peter with Ethan!
Can't wait to read the next saga! If not here, I will be lookin' on your DA!!! SQUEE!!!
Thank you. If I get the chance to color them, they will be on my DA. :'ve grown fond of all the kids, yes but ever since I changed Juniors up, he has grown on me; simply because I can do so much. Emily, too. She's so Georgie! XD
bows down Wow! That is all I have to say, Georgie! They look great and I'm loving every single one of these, especially Katie and Emily. The… more pills are a nice touch to Penny, love the powers Junior is showcasing and Peter with Ethan!
Can't wait to read the next saga! If not here, I will be lookin' on your DA!!! SQUEE!!!
thank you. I hate how some of them are blurry. My phone LOVES to pick when they come out clear. -.- Also wish I knew how to use Illustrator. MIGHT go looking for my Paint Shop Pro again.
After changing Georgie Jr's story, he too has become my favorite but I all my creations.
I sat in my mother's foyer on the bench tapping my feet on the icy floor wildly. The doors were closed and my stomach churned at the passing time.
He should be here soon, I thought.
Hopefully he'd actually come.
My brothers went zooming past me faster than the speed of light and it knocked me out of my daze long enough for someone to come by and start a conversation with me.
"How come you're not in the dining room enjoying your party?" Tim asked, placing his hand on my knee.
"Well, um..." I hesitated,"...I don't enjoy all the 'kiddie' stuff anymore. I'd be happy with some cake and a few friends in the comfort of my own apartment."
He could tell I was lying,"Seriously. What's going on?"
I sigh, leaning against him, eyes glued to the doors," I want my father to come. I want him to meet my brothers and..."
I was cut off by 3 echoing knocks at the front door. My heart skipped a beat and I jumped up, nearly flying to the handle. I just reached when my mother stepped in front of me, slowly pulling it open.
"Wait!" I yelled.
She froze in her position and looked back at me,"What now? Is there something wrong with me opening the door?"
Ever since the fight we'd had, our relationship has been tenser than normal. I wasn't sure I was prepared to see her reaction to whoever might be on the other side.
"N-no, you can open the, uh, the door. Go, go ahead, I'm just gonna...stand over there.." And I walked back to the bench Tim was sitting on.
The doors made a creeky noise as they were pulled open, and to my disappointment, it wasn't him. Snow stood on the other side with all of her kids, each child holding a wrapped present for us.
"Do I get any of those gifts, mommy?" Dare said and he hovered over her shoulder.
"Of course, sweetheart. There's one for all of you." She replied. Everyone piled into the house and just as the doors started to close, I saw him walking the path up to the stairs.
Prince Charming.
My dad.
I ran up from where I was and slipped through the small space left in between each door to greet him below. He carried a large gift bag that said 'Party!' on the side and smiled when he saw me.
"I was beginning to think that I was lost until I saw this bright ice castle in the distance about 15 miles that way," He pointed in the direction he came from.
"Oh, you took the long way to get here," I said, giggling.
"You mean there was a shorter way?!"
"Ha, no. I'm pulling your leg. Lets go inside before you freeze to death."
"Good idea." He said, although it wasn't very convincing. Depending on how my mother was going to be the second he stepped through the door, freezing to death might be better than dealing with her wrath.
Gulping, I pushed the doors back open. A wave of brief relief swept over me when no one was in the hall. I led him across to the room to where the gift and snack table were set up. Mary was hovering over it all, periodically refilling her plate of cookies and mini hot-dogs.
"Hey! He made it!" She exclaimed, with her mouth full.
"Yeah, I made it, hopefully this won't be the last time I ever see anyone."
I led him into the adjoining room, where everyone sat waiting for me so we could have cake. My mother faced away from the wall but she was smart enough to know that the silence in the room meant something was wrong. She turned her head slowly to face me, and the sudden disgust that waved over her face was unmistakable.
"Mom, before you do anything, I just want to say-"
"What is there to say?" Her voice was tense. She was holding whatever hatred she had back from me.
"I, uh...."
"Well? Say it."
"I just wanted to say that...I know you don't like to see him, or think of him, or even hear his name, but he's still....he's still my dad, and Dare's dad, and Alec's dad, and Hunter's dad too."
The creases in her forehead relaxed a bit and her pressed lips formed into a sad frown. She said nothing. So I continued.
"I-I'm just saying that, maybe even though you don't love each other, well.....Maybe he can still love his kids? I mean, you both made us equally, I think he deserves to see us as much as you."
She slumps over. I've never seen my mother so defeated looking. And tired. She turned around and grabbed her seat at the end of the table. The room stayed silent as me and Dad sat next to each other, across from my brothers.
Mary walks in,"What the fuck has gotten up all your asses? We're at a party, not a fuckin' funeral. Lets have some cake!"
My mother covered her face with her hand and said,"Very well. Bring out the cake please."
Tim and Jack wheel the cake in from the kitchen. It stands 3 feet tall with 3 layers descending from smallest to biggest. It's decorated white with an array of rainbow sprinkles, and each of our named is scribbled in fancy lettering around the base cake. On the top is a single candle shaped as the number '6'.
Mom stands,"I figured since Harmony isn't home often, she may get to blow out the candle."
"Hey, no fair! It's my birthday too!" Alec pouts.
"Yeah, and it's also my birthday," cried Hunter.
"Can we blow it out together, mommy?" Dare asks.
I smile," They can help me."
I stand up in my chair and start to hover over top the cake. My brothers do the same and the lights go out for the birthday song. I smile across the cake and at the end, we all blow out the candle to the cake.
Except, we blew a little too hard. Damn wind genes.
The cake got all over the place. Snow White, the cubs, my brothers, Mary, Jack, Tim, my father. Even my mother got coated in some of the icing and cake.
Then the most unexpected thing happened. She starts laughing. My mother stands up and clutches her stomach, laughing hysterically. She pulls a chunk of cake off of her and throws it at Snow. Snow's jaw drops, but then suddenly it's an all out cake war. I grab clumps of it and throw it at the first person I see. Mary is going over board, launching every shot she has at Jack's head. He looks like a cake monster. Every few throws she scoops some in her mouth and resumes hitting Jack.
"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry," Jack whines.
"You're gonna have to wait until after our kid is born to negotiate a peace treaty," she says in a maniacal manner.
A good twenty minutes pass before we're all tired of throwing things at people. I sit on the table and watch my dad socialize with his boys.
"It's time for presents," Mom says. That simple sentence sends Dare, Alec, and Hunter on a rampage to the next room. We sit on the ground as Mom hands us each one gift at a time. My first gift was from Mary.
"What is it?" I ask.
"It's a smart phone!" She exclaims. The pregnancy has gotten her in extremely high spirits half the time.
"Uh, what's smart about it?" I ask.
She sighs,"Once you learn the controls, you'll love it. I'll help you set it up at home."
The next gift was from Snow. She gave me a bunch of things. The first was a travel brochure.
"So you can plan your next vacation. I know you like to travel."
The next was a locket.
"It was mine from when I was in the Homelands. I figured you would like it."
The last one from Snow was a fencing sword. My mother disapproved immediately.
"She can't learn to fence, it's-"
"Dangerous?" Both Snow and Charming said it simultaneously.
"I taught Snow to fence way back in the day. And I learned it growing up. It's harmless, as long as you keep the safety pads on."
"Besides, she should learn to defend herself. You never know what's gonna happen in Fabletown next. There might be a war..." Snow's gaze falls after that last sentence.
"Hmm. Fine. You can have it. But make sure you wear your safety equipment. Please."
"Thanks Mom!" I say, running over to kiss her cheek. Her warm smile returns to her icy face.
The last gift is from my Dad. I open it slowly.
"It's ah...It's from the Indian Homelands, I uh...I thought you'd think it was, you know. Cool."
A colorful dress emerges from the bag. It's made from all sorts of silks and fabrics and is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
"Thank you, Daddy." I say, smiling at him.
The boys all liked their presents and after everyone else left, it was just me and my family.
" better get into the tub this instant, boys. You're all covered in cake, how can I kiss your foreheads goodbye?"
"We'll take a bath and come right back! Don't leave, daddy!" Dare said, and they ran up the stairs.
"You should take a bath yourself," I say to my dad.
"And so should you, young lady," my mother interjects.
We stand there a moment without saying anything. My dad is the first to speak up.
"I uh. Winter-...Thanks. For, you know. Not murdering me? Well, maybe you weren't going to kill me. But yeah. Thanks anyway."
"It's alright. I realized that you really did have a right to your children as much as I. I just-" I can hear my mother's voice choke up some," I just wish you hadn't left so suddenly. You know."
"I apologize. I hope that you find someone that won't ever leave you like I did."
She nods, but frowns," Yeah, me too."
After the boys are in their pajamas, my dad kisses each one goodnight.
"I'll try to visit as often as possible. You can probably come with me for a few weeks at a time, give mommy a break. You guys can meet Nalayani," He turns to my mother,"If you don't mind. She's my fiancee. Hopefully this relationship isn't like the countless thousands I've had in the past."
She purses her lips,"I doubt that should be a problem. As long as she's good to my children."
I follow my dad out of the castle. He climbs onto a magic carpet.
"Is that the only way to get back and forth from here?" I ask.
"No, but coming from the Indian Homelands, this was my only ride out of there. I kept it."
"Ah. Well, goodnight. See ya later. I'm staying here for a few days before going home."
My dad got off his carpet and hugged me,"I love you," He whispered.
"I love you too, Daddy. I wish I met you earlier."
"Me too."
Wow! That went better than I'd planned. I hope you all liked it. Is it sad that I had to go back to page 5 to see what I named Harmony's brothers? It turns out that I only ever mention Dare's name, so I had to find a name for the other two. I wish I could draw like pudding_pie, but I can't draw for crap XP Oh well. Thanks for reading! Next chapter comes when I'm not busy or writer's blocked.
Loved it! Your stories have so much fun detail. Forgive me but who is Harmony's mother again. Sorry. My brain has been consumed with pudding and pie. XD Can't read your next chapter. Aww and you are too sweet. blush
Chapter Whatever: The Birthday Bash
I sat in my mother's foyer on the bench tapping my feet on the icy floor wildly. The doors were close… mored and my stomach churned at the passing time.
He should be here soon, I thought.
Hopefully he'd actually come.
My brothers went zooming past me faster than the speed of light and it knocked me out of my daze long enough for someone to come by and start a conversation with me.
"How come you're not in the dining room enjoying your party?" Tim asked, placing his hand on my knee.
"Well, um..." I hesitated,"...I don't enjoy all the 'kiddie' stuff anymore. I'd be happy with some cake and a few friends in the comfort of my own apartment."
He could tell I was lying,"Seriously. What's going on?"
I sigh, leaning against him, eyes glued to the doors," I want my father to come. I want him to meet my brothers and..."
I was cut off by 3 echoing knocks at the front door. My heart skipped a beat a… [view original content]
Another great chapter as usual! Although I do admit that I have been lost in the flurry of comic book references that you've included in this and your other most recent installments.
I don't think I told you this - back in May I finally bought another volume of the comics. (the one with the wooden soldiers) Like with the others, I enjoyed reading it immensely. So yeah, that is the most recent one I've ever read of Fables! Just thought I'd let ya know!
Chapter Whatever: The Birthday Bash
I sat in my mother's foyer on the bench tapping my feet on the icy floor wildly. The doors were close… mored and my stomach churned at the passing time.
He should be here soon, I thought.
Hopefully he'd actually come.
My brothers went zooming past me faster than the speed of light and it knocked me out of my daze long enough for someone to come by and start a conversation with me.
"How come you're not in the dining room enjoying your party?" Tim asked, placing his hand on my knee.
"Well, um..." I hesitated,"...I don't enjoy all the 'kiddie' stuff anymore. I'd be happy with some cake and a few friends in the comfort of my own apartment."
He could tell I was lying,"Seriously. What's going on?"
I sigh, leaning against him, eyes glued to the doors," I want my father to come. I want him to meet my brothers and..."
I was cut off by 3 echoing knocks at the front door. My heart skipped a beat a… [view original content]
Excellent! I actually feel a little sorry for Charming after reading this; even if he is a no-good womaniser, he still loves his kids and would go and see them.
Chapter Whatever: The Birthday Bash
I sat in my mother's foyer on the bench tapping my feet on the icy floor wildly. The doors were close… mored and my stomach churned at the passing time.
He should be here soon, I thought.
Hopefully he'd actually come.
My brothers went zooming past me faster than the speed of light and it knocked me out of my daze long enough for someone to come by and start a conversation with me.
"How come you're not in the dining room enjoying your party?" Tim asked, placing his hand on my knee.
"Well, um..." I hesitated,"...I don't enjoy all the 'kiddie' stuff anymore. I'd be happy with some cake and a few friends in the comfort of my own apartment."
He could tell I was lying,"Seriously. What's going on?"
I sigh, leaning against him, eyes glued to the doors," I want my father to come. I want him to meet my brothers and..."
I was cut off by 3 echoing knocks at the front door. My heart skipped a beat a… [view original content]
Do you think you will you get the chance to reveal the story of Georige and Nick, or weren't you planning on? I'm just intrigued by it.
'goes wolf on everything' I like that :P
Actually, in the 3rd part of Ethan's story I was going to mention it because he too is curious about their relationship.
WARNING: Latest issue of FABLES spoiler ahead! Read at your own risk (Although not much is revealed anyway)
I watch from the back of the crowd as King Cole gives his speech concerning Bigby and his whereabouts. From where I stand, I can see both Snow and Rose, standing several feet apart. Me and Mary lean on the fence waiting for something to happen. The whole town is talking about the war that may come between them. Some root for Snow, others join Rose's side. There's only one problem in it all. Neither sister knows they are even preparing to battle each other. They haven't got anything to fight about anyway, so I'm not sure what will happen at this point.
"...The flying Fables are down from the farm to act as our eyes from high..."
I lean my head back onto the metal bars and close my eyes. My mind flashes to that brief incident in the ally not so long ago. That was only a few blocks away, but who knows how far he's gotten from that point. The mundy news has been flooded with attacks and plans for further prevention. The Mayor of the city has claimed that whoever is brutally murdering these people can not be impossible to beat.
He's horribly mistaken.
"If you sight Bigby, you AREN'T to try to interact in any way. Just report in, as quickly as you can..."
Mary nudges me and I open my eyes again. Rose is whispering something to Flycatcher.
"Do you think she'll try and talk to Snow today?"
"Probably. She looks like she's thinking about it now." Mary points out.
I push myself off the fence and walk closer to the crowd. It's harder to see them the closer I get, and it's too tight a squeeze to get through anyway. I stay put and listen to Cole finish his speech.
"The Mundy is already up in arms about this so we'll have to tread most carefully. That said, Bigby is one of ours, and we look after our own!"
The speech has ended and the crowd shifts. Through people, I can see Rose's red hair bobbing toward the front, near Snow. She's about to say something when a bright flash of light emerges from both of them. Everyone shields their eyes for a brief moment before looking again. Each sister where's shiny metal armor and holds a sword of great power. Rose's armor is gold, whereas Snow's is dark and menacing.
"Huh?" Rose says.
"What the hell?" Snow replies.
The crowd is baffled by the explosion of magic erupting from the two. Snow looks down at her sword and her mouth falls flat.
"Ozma, Fly, can I talk to you two in, erm. Private?"
"Of course," Ozma says, and Snow leads them down the worn out path to the courtyard on the other side of the castle.
Me and Mary sit on the steps to the entrance. I let her lean on my arm as we stare up at the gates that lie about 40 feet in front of us.
"What do you think is gonna happen to Fabletown, Mary?" I ask softly.
"Same thing that happened in the homelands. Except no one is forced to go. They just go." She replies.
Jack enters through the gates and heads toward us, sitting on Mary's side. He wraps his arm over her shoulders and sighs,"When is the due date again?"
Mary scowls,"Not for another 6 months or so. What the hell are you doing here?"
"I was just strolling by. Did I miss that, um...meeting thing?"
"It was over 10 minutes ago." I answer.
"Oh. Oh well. Ah...I'm gonna go. Bye." and Jack stands up.
"Fuck off," Mary says as he walks away.
"Gladly," He replies, turning the corner.
A short chapter, but better than nothing! All the King Cole speaking parts are direct dialog from the latest issue. I wanted to tie it in somehow, so that's how I did it! Also, the part where Rose and Snow magically have armor is true also. I had to figure out how to get the story moving again. Also, thanks for the condolences and such. I haven't tried catching up on everyone's stories just yet, I might wait a while because I have a lot going on at home. Expect another couple chapters by the end of the week, as long as I'm not busy. I've got a lot to write about, though it's hard to keep it all organized. I should write it down in my notebook but it seems to go missing more frequently that I would like. I hope this chapter was good, it took a while to think through, and I used the comic to aid my story telling, so credit to Bill and his crew.
Thanks for welcoming me back, it is much appreciated. I'm still kinda in shock about what happened, but all we can do now is move on. Can't wait to see those pics, sounds like it was awesome.
Good things come in small packages
Fabletown sounds like it is having a troubled time; will Mary still be there in six months? As always I look foward to your next instalment, though obviously take as much time as you need. It sounds like you need a tracking device for your notebook!
Ethan Porgie
Part 3
'Good things come to those who wait'
@JJwolf so you can shut up! XD This has nothing to do with Ethan's story...well, okay. Maybe it does! lol
"What time is dinner?"
"What did Peter want, if you don't mind me asking..."
I cocked my eyebrow to the side. This guy. "He uh, was asking if I was going..."
"Did he mention anything about his visit with Winter?"
"He said it went very well. Guess Snow White was there as well."
"Hm. He sending his 'people' now to obtain information? Chicken shit could at least TRY to visit once in awhile-"
He glared at me, as I gently placed down my phone. I turned to face him; a look of confusion with a mixture of grief and a broken heart stared back into my eyes. I could tell Nick felt the same way I did at that very moment.
"Please, Nick...I need you to talk."
"About what, kid?"
"You know what I want..."
"You're going to have to be more specific, Ethan."
"Okay. You-what is the story behind that."
Nick slowly floated back to the window; he perched on the edge and peered out into the world. By now, the sun was sitting high into the sky and the glares from the reflecting window seem to bounce off of his body. He sat in silence, as I walked towards him and leaned against the glass. It was warm to the touch.
Nick began to speak. "I really can't tell you much, Ethan..."
"Okay and WHY is that? Dad does not speak much about it and-"
"You're father has gone through a lot, Ethan. Sometimes, its best to leave things the WAY they are."
"Like what, though!? Again, he does not SAY much and all I want are a few explanations..."
Nick sighed deeply. "You REALLY want to know?"
Again, Nick floated back to my desk, beckoned me and soon, I followed him. He seemed to think this would be more comfortable in regards to me. I sat down, just as he began to talk.
"Uh, what?"
"I met your father YEARS ago back at the Homelands. He was eight or nine when I came into contact with him. He was crying that night; wandering aimlessly around the forest, continuing to repeat 'I'm sorry' over and over again."
"What happened?" I leaned in closer, placing my chin upon my palms and remained focused on the blue talking spirit before me. His eyes, though. They were starting to worry me; they showcased hurt and anguish.
"He was a sad, lonely child, Ethan. You're father...he had no one. They killed his only friend. I became the last bit of hope and friendship he needed..."
"Killed who? What are you-"
"You're father...he...fuck, Ethan! I shouldn't be telling you this!"
I began begging Nick to continue the story. These were things I needed to know and comprehend WHY. "Nick, seriously....please...I won't say a word. I promise!"
He continued. "He was abused as a child, Ethan. His father did awful, terrible things to him. Things a father should never even consider with his child. But your father never gave in, never lost sight of one day becoming a free man. He...he had no one; his own siblings and mother refused to get involved."
He paused for a second to sigh once more. "That's when he found him-Luke the Rabbit. He was a tiny little thing; think it was a runt and your father snuck him inside his room, placed him in a box and nursed the creature back to health. That WAS his only friend in the world, Ethan. And your father loved that thing...then, one day, while Georgie was out...he discovered Luke..."
I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. The pain in Nick's voice, the sudden crackling of his voice. Even he had to take a minute, before he could continue.
"His father killed that little Rabbit; snapped its neck and left it in the box your father kept it in. When he arrived home, his father felt the need to 'punish' him, so he tossed your father back into the closet. He didn't care, for he knew Luke would be there to comfort him. Instead, Ethan, he found...he, found..."
My heart sank to the floor, for what I feared was coming true. By now, my cheeks were soaked in tears.
"...He found the lifeless body of Luke inside the box, Ethan. And for days, as his punishment, your father had to stay in that closet, with the dead body of his best friend. A large piece of your father died that day..."
I had no idea. None. This is what my siblings and I needed to know. In a way, though, guess I couldn't blame him. Why tell your kids 'grim' tales about your childhood, when you can skip all that and create 'and they all lived happily ever after' ending?
"That's when I found him. Crying. Saying those words. All he wanted was to bury that little Rabbit-that was it-but the bastard threw its body to the wolves and ever since then...I came to him when he desperatly needed someone to tell him it was going to be alright. That, he was not alone and I guess you can say, I was his guidance; I knew everything about this kid and WHO he'd become. Did I LIKE what I saw? Did I LIKE who he was involved with? No. But HE had to learn....HE had to find his way. I was just that little voice he needed."
I stood up, walked over to my dresser and took the family portrait. I stared deep into my father's eyes; those dark brown eyes that for years, masked the truth. I looked at all of us; my siblings and I and noticed the love and care that surrounded us all. I had no idea about my father's past. It all made sense....
Nick continued. "He....he gave me to you and your brother for guidance as well. I'm not sure which one of you and maybe I shouldn't be saying this but one of you will betray us all. I...I hope I've done enough over the years to prevent this from happening, Ethan..."
I closed my eyes and forced what remaining tears I had back into my eyes. I kissed the picture, placed it back on the dresser and sat down once more. Betray us all? That, however, quickly left my thoughts; all I could picture was my eight year old father, holding that dead Rabbit.
"I...I should continue to get ready, Nick."
"Promise me you WON'T say anything, Ethan! Your father-"
"Don't worry...."
That didn't sound very convincing, even to my own ears. Think Nick knew that as well but what can you do? I grabbed my phone and dialed my parent's number. I looked out the window; fucking five o'clock traffic was going to make me late. As I listened to the dial tone, there it was again.
The image of my father still burned into my mind.
Note: Now, on to the full on installment about the kids and where these first couple of pages will take them. Hopefully you enjoyed them and can't wait to continue.
I loved how you have refrences to the comic.
Oh, Jack...will you EVER learn! XD
This was a fun read and can't wait for more. Take all the time ya' need. Know how that is! XD
gasp Well, can you blame me! lol Thanks you, btw! LOVE the pic.
This story, though! Damn you, Pie! WHY do you have to play with my feelings like this, man! This poor guy! I loved how you included Nick but I was dreading this part because its so devestating! This poor kid lost everything and it made the Georgie we all know today.
BTW, you're a dork! XD
What is with Nick's floating, if I may ask a question again? Is he supposed to be a spirit of some kind in his true form, or does he have spirit-like powers?
He is a spirit, a floating orb of energy in his true form. He rarely goes out into Fabletown but when he does, he glamours up as a dog, so mundies think its just some kids walking their dog. He does not really have powers-Nick is just sort of there-Georgie's conscience guide, as you can say.
Now, he belongs to Ethan and Peter.
Baby Mary
Yay, I got it right! Do I win an award?
And Peter, if I remember correctly... Peter is Penelope's pimp too?
If my dragon senses guide me right, I'll assume that the Georgie clone is somewhere in the middle?
high five You get a Bloody Mary plushie! Comes with all her loveable trademark sentences! Get one now! (Pssh, I wish! XD)
Oliver is Penelope's pimp. Peter is the wonderful 'accident' that happened between Bigby and Lyla one night.
Dammit Georgie! Why you do dis to me!? XD
Ah, I gotcha, my dragon mind was somewhere else again, sorry for confusing your characters!
Muhaha! that is what Georgie is good at! XD
Don't worry-they are my own characters and there are times I get em' mixed up, especially the ones I do not use on a daily basis.
If you guessed the guy with the brown hair (one standing next to the guy with watch) then you are right! Too bad she made you cover the tats. -.-
LOVING the random outfit changing! XD Great idea, though!
Nice pic xD I guess if I had to imagine what my version of Mary's baby would look like, this photo could give me some ideas! I was a bit confused on this chapter ONLY because I haven't yet gone back to read ANYTHING any one wrote >.< I don't have much time to do things these days.
Thanks, I had the comic open next to me so I could write his exact words and describe what happens. Jack is being his usual self XD That might change....we'll see
I might write another chapter today if I'm not busy later.
Fabletown has a lot going on currently, and I don't want to reveal all of it because a lot of people like reading the comics and don't want spoilers :P So I only included info that directly affects my character. Mary may go, or she may stay. If she does go, it'll be after the birth, that's for sure. She needs her best friend to be by her side when that happens. As for her and Jack, you'll see how that pans out later. I'm trying to figure out how to do the next chapter right now, I might post it today if I can.
Oh, and I love the face on their daughter xD
Ah okay, I guessed the guy who was wearing the watch (as you said) to be the Georgie lookalike the first time. :P
He's an idiot. -.- you are right. Don't listen to him. lol
That is rather sad
sure explains a lot about Georgie, though. Nice to know a little more about Nick, I rather like your picture of Georgie Jnr. and Mary with the kids, and, looking at the picture JJ posted, you really do look quite a lot like Georgie! It's uncanny!
Edit: seems my Georgie detecting skills are way off in the photo, apologies.
I knew it! Well, down the Witching Well Jones will go!
And nice threads, man. XD
No problem. Please, by all means use any little detail you think will help.
I was debating for the longest time on hOW I wanted their kids to look like. Might change the George's look but Sheila we will keep. Figured a mini Mary seemed appropriate. Little evil shit startin' kid.
And I totally get where you are coming from. Too busy these days. Remember times when I would write like two or three pages in one day. Now....not so much.
Chapter 12 Resistant
Redd was standing by the witching well, still dripping black blood. As we approach him he lets out a sigh and tells. He tells us how he didn't understand why his father would kill his family and come to this place. He looked up to his father, but that time has long passed. Since his death and transformation into Black Dog Ghost, the only thing he thought about was revenge.
Redd explained to his time as the Black Dog, haunting the British Isles with his ghostly apparition. Then meeting Barney and being involved in many scandalous deeds. So apparently, he knew nothing about his old life until he touched the artifact that restored his memory as it did mine. What doesn't make sense is how did Redd find out about the artifact? Who told him about it?
I tried to reason with Redd one last time. He gets up slowly and looks at us and says "As I said before, I only came here for what that wolf took from me, MY REVENGE. It was in this very room where he killed him.... But no matter...Robby. After I'm finish with you and you're brother, I'm going right upstairs to finish that fucking dog"
Redd rips off his bloody shirt and then his eyes glow bright red. All demon like. Like he's going super saiyan or something, but I wasn't scared. My bro got my back and I wasn't going to get my ass kicked by some hell hound with daddy issues...
"Here let me show you, my TRUE FORM!"
This must be his last stand, he's going all out and so will we. We take our battle stance and prepare for whatever Redd is turning into. After roaring ferociously, Redd transform into a much larger form of his ghost dog, at least 8 feet tall..
He slowly walks towards us. I then charge at him with my sword in my hands and strike him, Walter follows up and manage to wound Redd's left eye. Redd tries to stomp and swipe at us but, we avoid must of his attacks.. Unfortunately, Walter gets caught and is severely injured, I could hear his bones break from over here. I was enrage by this and I blindly charged at Redd forgetting the consequences band he knocks me into the wall. I cough up blood and then begin to lose my sight..
Is this it? Is this really the end? Am I really about to die? It looks that way...shit.. Looks like I couldn't be a hero... like my father and my mother. I failed them, I failed my brother, my uncle, my home,...fabletown.
Aaaah damn, dying sucks..
As I prepare to accept my fate, I hear Bigby's voice... I sightly turn head and there he is, but this time he's huge.. a big ass wolf! Neat...I have a front row seat to one of the greatest battles that's about to go down.
"But I shot you with 3 fucking silver bullets and tried to strangle you!!! WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE!!"
" I saved you the trouble Redd, and brought your ass whooping to you..on a silver platter."
Redd charges at Bigby and the two beast clash...
To be continued
Was just thinking - before I read the part where Bigby comes - that it would be pretty great to have a fight between Bigby and Redd in wolf form! Hope Walter's okay, though.
Coming soon
Just an idea of what is to come. If not written on here, check my DA for updates. Enjoy!
bows down Wow! That is all I have to say, Georgie! They look great and I'm loving every single one of these, especially Katie and Emily. The pills are a nice touch to Penny, love the powers Junior is showcasing and Peter with Ethan!
Can't wait to read the next saga! If not here, I will be lookin' on your DA!!! SQUEE!!!
I think my favorites are Emily and Georgie Jr. ;D Nice job on the art, you're so talented!
Thank you. If I get the chance to color them, they will be on my DA.
:'ve grown fond of all the kids, yes but ever since I changed Juniors up, he has grown on me; simply because I can do so much. Emily, too. She's so Georgie! XD
thank you. I hate how some of them are blurry. My phone LOVES to pick when they come out clear. -.- Also wish I knew how to use Illustrator. MIGHT go looking for my Paint Shop Pro again.
After changing Georgie Jr's story, he too has become my favorite but I
all my creations. 
Chapter Whatever: The Birthday Bash
I sat in my mother's foyer on the bench tapping my feet on the icy floor wildly. The doors were closed and my stomach churned at the passing time.
He should be here soon, I thought.
Hopefully he'd actually come.
My brothers went zooming past me faster than the speed of light and it knocked me out of my daze long enough for someone to come by and start a conversation with me.
"How come you're not in the dining room enjoying your party?" Tim asked, placing his hand on my knee.
"Well, um..." I hesitated,"...I don't enjoy all the 'kiddie' stuff anymore. I'd be happy with some cake and a few friends in the comfort of my own apartment."
He could tell I was lying,"Seriously. What's going on?"
I sigh, leaning against him, eyes glued to the doors," I want my father to come. I want him to meet my brothers and..."
I was cut off by 3 echoing knocks at the front door. My heart skipped a beat and I jumped up, nearly flying to the handle. I just reached when my mother stepped in front of me, slowly pulling it open.
"Wait!" I yelled.
She froze in her position and looked back at me,"What now? Is there something wrong with me opening the door?"
Ever since the fight we'd had, our relationship has been tenser than normal. I wasn't sure I was prepared to see her reaction to whoever might be on the other side.
"N-no, you can open the, uh, the door. Go, go ahead, I'm just gonna...stand over there.." And I walked back to the bench Tim was sitting on.
The doors made a creeky noise as they were pulled open, and to my disappointment, it wasn't him. Snow stood on the other side with all of her kids, each child holding a wrapped present for us.
"Do I get any of those gifts, mommy?" Dare said and he hovered over her shoulder.
"Of course, sweetheart. There's one for all of you." She replied. Everyone piled into the house and just as the doors started to close, I saw him walking the path up to the stairs.
Prince Charming.
My dad.
I ran up from where I was and slipped through the small space left in between each door to greet him below. He carried a large gift bag that said 'Party!' on the side and smiled when he saw me.
"I was beginning to think that I was lost until I saw this bright ice castle in the distance about 15 miles that way," He pointed in the direction he came from.
"Oh, you took the long way to get here," I said, giggling.
"You mean there was a shorter way?!"
"Ha, no. I'm pulling your leg. Lets go inside before you freeze to death."
"Good idea." He said, although it wasn't very convincing. Depending on how my mother was going to be the second he stepped through the door, freezing to death might be better than dealing with her wrath.
Gulping, I pushed the doors back open. A wave of brief relief swept over me when no one was in the hall. I led him across to the room to where the gift and snack table were set up. Mary was hovering over it all, periodically refilling her plate of cookies and mini hot-dogs.
"Hey! He made it!" She exclaimed, with her mouth full.
"Yeah, I made it, hopefully this won't be the last time I ever see anyone."
I led him into the adjoining room, where everyone sat waiting for me so we could have cake. My mother faced away from the wall but she was smart enough to know that the silence in the room meant something was wrong. She turned her head slowly to face me, and the sudden disgust that waved over her face was unmistakable.
"Mom, before you do anything, I just want to say-"
"What is there to say?" Her voice was tense. She was holding whatever hatred she had back from me.
"I, uh...."
"Well? Say it."
"I just wanted to say that...I know you don't like to see him, or think of him, or even hear his name, but he's still....he's still my dad, and Dare's dad, and Alec's dad, and Hunter's dad too."
The creases in her forehead relaxed a bit and her pressed lips formed into a sad frown. She said nothing. So I continued.
"I-I'm just saying that, maybe even though you don't love each other, well.....Maybe he can still love his kids? I mean, you both made us equally, I think he deserves to see us as much as you."
She slumps over. I've never seen my mother so defeated looking. And tired. She turned around and grabbed her seat at the end of the table. The room stayed silent as me and Dad sat next to each other, across from my brothers.
Mary walks in,"What the fuck has gotten up all your asses? We're at a party, not a fuckin' funeral. Lets have some cake!"
My mother covered her face with her hand and said,"Very well. Bring out the cake please."
Tim and Jack wheel the cake in from the kitchen. It stands 3 feet tall with 3 layers descending from smallest to biggest. It's decorated white with an array of rainbow sprinkles, and each of our named is scribbled in fancy lettering around the base cake. On the top is a single candle shaped as the number '6'.
Mom stands,"I figured since Harmony isn't home often, she may get to blow out the candle."
"Hey, no fair! It's my birthday too!" Alec pouts.
"Yeah, and it's also my birthday," cried Hunter.
"Can we blow it out together, mommy?" Dare asks.
I smile," They can help me."
I stand up in my chair and start to hover over top the cake. My brothers do the same and the lights go out for the birthday song. I smile across the cake and at the end, we all blow out the candle to the cake.
Except, we blew a little too hard. Damn wind genes.
The cake got all over the place. Snow White, the cubs, my brothers, Mary, Jack, Tim, my father. Even my mother got coated in some of the icing and cake.
Then the most unexpected thing happened. She starts laughing. My mother stands up and clutches her stomach, laughing hysterically. She pulls a chunk of cake off of her and throws it at Snow. Snow's jaw drops, but then suddenly it's an all out cake war. I grab clumps of it and throw it at the first person I see. Mary is going over board, launching every shot she has at Jack's head. He looks like a cake monster. Every few throws she scoops some in her mouth and resumes hitting Jack.
"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry," Jack whines.
"You're gonna have to wait until after our kid is born to negotiate a peace treaty," she says in a maniacal manner.
A good twenty minutes pass before we're all tired of throwing things at people. I sit on the table and watch my dad socialize with his boys.
"It's time for presents," Mom says. That simple sentence sends Dare, Alec, and Hunter on a rampage to the next room. We sit on the ground as Mom hands us each one gift at a time. My first gift was from Mary.
"What is it?" I ask.
"It's a smart phone!" She exclaims. The pregnancy has gotten her in extremely high spirits half the time.
"Uh, what's smart about it?" I ask.
She sighs,"Once you learn the controls, you'll love it. I'll help you set it up at home."
The next gift was from Snow. She gave me a bunch of things. The first was a travel brochure.
"So you can plan your next vacation. I know you like to travel."
The next was a locket.
"It was mine from when I was in the Homelands. I figured you would like it."
The last one from Snow was a fencing sword. My mother disapproved immediately.
"She can't learn to fence, it's-"
"Dangerous?" Both Snow and Charming said it simultaneously.
"I taught Snow to fence way back in the day. And I learned it growing up. It's harmless, as long as you keep the safety pads on."
"Besides, she should learn to defend herself. You never know what's gonna happen in Fabletown next. There might be a war..." Snow's gaze falls after that last sentence.
"Hmm. Fine. You can have it. But make sure you wear your safety equipment. Please."
"Thanks Mom!" I say, running over to kiss her cheek. Her warm smile returns to her icy face.
The last gift is from my Dad. I open it slowly.
"It's ah...It's from the Indian Homelands, I uh...I thought you'd think it was, you know. Cool."
A colorful dress emerges from the bag. It's made from all sorts of silks and fabrics and is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.
"Thank you, Daddy." I say, smiling at him.
The boys all liked their presents and after everyone else left, it was just me and my family.
" better get into the tub this instant, boys. You're all covered in cake, how can I kiss your foreheads goodbye?"
"We'll take a bath and come right back! Don't leave, daddy!" Dare said, and they ran up the stairs.
"You should take a bath yourself," I say to my dad.
"And so should you, young lady," my mother interjects.
We stand there a moment without saying anything. My dad is the first to speak up.
"I uh. Winter-...Thanks. For, you know. Not murdering me? Well, maybe you weren't going to kill me. But yeah. Thanks anyway."
"It's alright. I realized that you really did have a right to your children as much as I. I just-" I can hear my mother's voice choke up some," I just wish you hadn't left so suddenly. You know."
"I apologize. I hope that you find someone that won't ever leave you like I did."
She nods, but frowns," Yeah, me too."
After the boys are in their pajamas, my dad kisses each one goodnight.
"I'll try to visit as often as possible. You can probably come with me for a few weeks at a time, give mommy a break. You guys can meet Nalayani," He turns to my mother,"If you don't mind. She's my fiancee. Hopefully this relationship isn't like the countless thousands I've had in the past."
She purses her lips,"I doubt that should be a problem. As long as she's good to my children."
I follow my dad out of the castle. He climbs onto a magic carpet.
"Is that the only way to get back and forth from here?" I ask.
"No, but coming from the Indian Homelands, this was my only ride out of there. I kept it."
"Ah. Well, goodnight. See ya later. I'm staying here for a few days before going home."
My dad got off his carpet and hugged me,"I love you," He whispered.
"I love you too, Daddy. I wish I met you earlier."
"Me too."
Wow! That went better than I'd planned. I hope you all liked it. Is it sad that I had to go back to page 5 to see what I named Harmony's brothers? It turns out that I only ever mention Dare's name, so I had to find a name for the other two. I wish I could draw like pudding_pie, but I can't draw for crap XP Oh well. Thanks for reading! Next chapter comes when I'm not busy or writer's blocked.
Loved it! Your stories have so much fun detail. Forgive me but who is Harmony's mother again. Sorry. My brain has been consumed with pudding and pie. XD Can't read your next chapter.
Aww and you are too sweet. blush 
Another great chapter as usual! Although I do admit that I have been lost in the flurry of comic book references that you've included in this and your other most recent installments.
I don't think I told you this - back in May I finally bought another volume of the comics. (the one with the wooden soldiers) Like with the others, I enjoyed reading it immensely. So yeah, that is the most recent one I've ever read of Fables! Just thought I'd let ya know!
I really like the first one with Ethan, Peter, Nick, and the wolf! They're all good though
Excellent! I actually feel a little sorry for Charming after reading this; even if he is a no-good womaniser, he still loves his kids and would go and see them.