The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Fave characters?

    @Azlyn I read more of the thing and I really like the thing.

  • I know these xD

    The first one is the worst >.>

    AWESOMEO posted: »



    Alt text

    Green613 posted: »

    hi ._.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Because the characters can't speak Russian, it's like some movies where they don't give you subtitles (though, granted, most of them do), just to hold onto a plot device while the person who speaks that language knows what it is. I honestly liked that we got no subtitles, but that's my opinion.

    Sooo... Why couldn't they have Subtitles again?

  • What comments? About the blood test and stuff?

    Looking at some of the comments..... Are you okay?

  • Yeah

    What comments? About the blood test and stuff?

  • Every decision you make leads to the same thing this episode wasn't well developed.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited July 2014

    I robbed Arvo too... And Luke tends to make more sense, and like he says, it's been two years, he needs dat puss, I think I'll just side with Bonnie and Mike forever now. Also, Nick got lucky, real lucky, he'll return in Season 3. I shot Rebecca too, ain't risking the life of Nick Jr.





    The guy's lucky it wasn't a saltlick. O_O

  • Okay, so, i'm late to the party, but i'm just done playin' Amid The Ruins. And yeah.


    "I'd eat the shit out of that raccoon."


  • I read that stuff too, how'd it go?

    What comments? About the blood test and stuff?

  • Mike is sooooo my favorite character right now

    Azlyn posted: »

    Okay, so, i'm late to the party, but i'm just done playin' Amid The Ruins. And yeah. BEST QUOTE OF THIS EPISODE: "I'd eat the shit out of that raccoon." -Mike.

  • TeamMonnie

    Anybody with me? No? Just me?


    Mike is sooooo my favorite character right now


    Also, Monnie. Monnie forever. And ever. And ever. And ever.

    Goddamn you, Mike, i love you.

    Mike is sooooo my favorite character right now

  • Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm getting checked for STDs.

    Lol, jk. Idk, I've just been having a few symptoms and me mum wants to get me checked out just to be sure I'm okay. Its probably nothing important. My mom's been bugging me cause I've lost weight for no reason. I just think it was the heat but she obviously doesn't care about what I think.


  • :D

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Because the characters can't speak Russian, it's like some movies where they don't give you subtitles (though, granted, most of them do), ju


    Azlyn posted: »

    I KNOW RIGHT?! Also, Monnie. Monnie forever. And ever. And ever. And ever. Goddamn you, Mike, i love you.

  • Didn't get it done yet since I just got back from Mexico and it was too late and the doctor's was closed. I'm going later today.

    I read that stuff too, how'd it go?

  • Ah, okay, hopefully it goes, well.

    Didn't get it done yet since I just got back from Mexico and it was too late and the doctor's was closed. I'm going later today.

  • edited July 2014

    But can i just be pissed for a sec? How i saved Nick because i LOVED that boy, i GENUINELY did, i LOVED Nick, i still do, and he didn't even get A SINGLE LINE in Amid The Ruins? How he was supposed to actually MEAN something and be a significant character and how i hate Luke for being alive and Nick dying just like that and Luke not caring for a bit and then the next second he's "rollin' around" with Jane like a freaking bastard? I don't like Luke. In fact, i highly dislike him right now. And yeah, can i just say how Sarah was supposed to at least be significant to the plot, at LEAST a bit, because otherwise there's really no point in saving her and actually thinking you put yourself in danger for her and all? And how the only character left for me to like besides, say, Kenny, Bonnie and Mike and maybe Rebecca, R.I.P. Rebecca, is Jane, and she's left like a... A... UGH I DON'T KNOW!!!!

    Can i just be pissed that the choices don't mean anything? Yeah, yeah, maybe i'm going a bit too far but there's no puzzles and no meaningful choices here! And, i mean, it's kind of making me sad... All these characters, and only some of them are actually important! And i'm just angry because those characters are the sole core of the game, sort of.


    Yeah. Nevermind.

  • Oh shit XD

    The Japanese kanji for "noisy" can also be 騒 xD And 姦 also means wicked, evil, dirty, and rape. Lol.

  • HAHA! At first I was like dammit Rachelle! I'm sure you'll be fine.

    Oh, okay. Yeah, I'm getting checked for STDs. Lol, jk. Idk, I've just been having a few symptoms and me mum wants to get me checked out j

    edited July 2014

    Man... This is war.. We're at war... I gotta go to the store and buy some food to send to the soldiers, I'll add a letter to that, I gotta thank them for sacrificing their lives for me o_o

  • I dunno, they're just shippable. They seem to be comfortable around each other and they're most likely to have a true relationship. I thought Bonnie was on Luke's ass, though. Well, NOT ANYMORE SHE'S NOT! WOOT WOOT, MIKE! YOU STILL GOT IT, MAN!


  • I would greatly enjoy that. Plus she's probably pissed Luke did "the do" with Jane. So much for Luke being a pedo!She's probably raging as we speak! lol

    LMAOO Ima laugh so hard if lexi porter kills luke. HA. HA. HA.

  • Aww! What are you going to write?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Man... This is war.. We're at war... I gotta go to the store and buy some food to send to the soldiers, I'll add a letter to that, I gotta thank them for sacrificing their lives for me o_o

  • Its true tho son, I've got so many STDs you have no idea.

    HAHA! At first I was like dammit Rachelle! I'm sure you'll be fine.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    We still have Rebecca's baby as a character. That's something, you can like him.

    TeamNick Forever


  • Alt text

    And really do feel like shit right now. ;~;

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm the only one here again sleep time WTF I am disappoint I might leave the forum soon at this rate just so quiet here all the time now

  • I don't like real babies, they're awkward. And my social skills suck, and the babies need, like, demand you reach God Tier at social skills and i can't do that and i always end up with them looking at me weird. >.>

    dojo32161 posted: »

    We still have Rebecca's baby as a character. That's something, you can like him. TeamNick Forever

  • ;~;

    I cried, though. When Nick died. That was a bullshit scene.


  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited July 2014

    I just can't reach God tier social skills for anyone my age or older than me. I'm better at talking to children than my classmates and teachers.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I don't like real babies, they're awkward. And my social skills suck, and the babies need, like, demand you reach God Tier at social skills and i can't do that and i always end up with them looking at me weird. >.>

  • Rocky and that Viktor guy

    Azlyn posted: »

    Fave characters?

  • I was saddened by Nick's death but I wanted to find him dying, share your last moments with him. Making it even more sad than what it was.

    I really liked Sarah, I thought she could pick herself up at the end of the episode. Like saving Clem from a walker. That would've been great. But either way she died the SAME way on the SAME episode. Disappointed she didn't get any further development. That felt lazy.

    Luke was on guard duty and he decided do mate with Jane. Come on Luke! Ep3 was understandable, but this?!

    I did enjoy how we could walk more, only sad as we still couldn't get to talk to cast like S1 or have a puzzle in the museum. The museum was nothing I expected to look like actually.

    I am however depressed that I lost many characters I loved. Nick, Sarah, and finally Rebecca. My whole body aches because of it.

  • Well, i'm actually good at talking to, like, Clementine-style kids. I have met few of those, though. I guess they like me because i acted the same as them when i was their age. And once i get a few years with a person i can really open up to the said individual, if i like them. I'm okay with children that are older than 5. And i dare say most of them like me! ^^ And i'm glad when the kids i like like me back, it's fun talking to them, and i am pretty sure they can keep up better conversations than my classmates. Most of my classmates like me, and when i say "like", i mean they have no quarrel with me, but i am comfortable around one small group in particular. The teachers like me a lot, because i'm not really a trouble child and i guess maybe my great marks help, too? I dunno.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I just can't reach God tier social skills for anyone my age or older than me. I'm better at talking to children than my classmates and teachers.

  • O_o

    Its true tho son, I've got so many STDs you have no idea.

  • =^.^=


  • Whatever's on my mind, thank them, tell them to never give up and that no death was in vain, all that shit.

    Anyway, I got them all kinds of shampoos, toothpastes and stuff like that since they are in need of those things (a neighbor who is also a soldier told us that) and I put it some random box, now I'll just write them something and attach it.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Aww! What are you going to write?

  • Nick Jr. is still alive and well...

    I was saddened by Nick's death but I wanted to find him dying, share your last moments with him. Making it even more sad than what it was.

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