The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Cool

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'll post it in chapters probably, when I'm done

  • Can you send it on Steam?

    For those who wish, before we leave... I played a but o piano music for y'all. Just tell me if you want me to email it to you d i till try my best! The song is "Implicit Demand For Proof" or the beginning part. or the beginn

  • Nay. Only email.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Can you send it on Steam?

  • I'm about to move over there bro.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You need to tame one from the wild Sahara desert and take it all the way back home, and you don't need to park it, you just get off the camel, I have a horn which when I blow three times, he magically starts running to my position.

  • Oh, yeah.... Lol, you're probably right. :p I can show you the badlands by the city though, because there's like 5 other cities that surround it, so no one would probably guess.

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    Ooo and also, in one of the towns (not my town), there's a giant t rex in the middle of it.

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    So technically, even though i live in the city, i'm like 30 minutes away from an actual desert, lol.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I don't know if you should post 'em, because people may know where it's at, but no one knows Israel so I have no problem to do it.

  • Oh Jesus. If that's true then I'm only staying here, and carefully...

    SHART. Rumor spreading that episode 5 has been leaked O_o

  • These are actually fake. Everyone can easily modify them.

    SHART. Rumor spreading that episode 5 has been leaked O_o

  • I just heard. Hope it isn't true though.

    SHART. Rumor spreading that episode 5 has been leaked O_o

  • lmao, no, I seen it on a show. xD I don't know Arabic.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Whenever I see something in Arabic I just lose interest in it because of past experiences, you learned Arabic or did you see it on some show?

  • Blind confirmed them blatantly fake.

    I just heard. Hope it isn't true though.

  • The people here suck though.

    I'm about to move over there bro.

  • Lol I just saw the "spoilers" now way they're real. xD

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Blind confirmed them blatantly fake.

  • Lol what'd they say?

    Lol I just saw the "spoilers" now way they're real. xD

  • I wanna go hiking there now.

    A random t-rex?! That's awesome.

    Oh, yeah.... Lol, you're probably right. I can show you the badlands by the city though, because there's like 5 other cities that surround

  • Have you ever been to it?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Only from here.

  • I've actually never heard of it until you mentioned getting the package a few days ago. Just checked out the website and it seems pretty cool.

    Have you ever been to it?


    For those who wish, before we leave... I played a but o piano music for y'all. Just tell me if you want me to email it to you d i till try my best! The song is "Implicit Demand For Proof" or the beginning part. or the beginn

  • I might send my email through steam.

    For those who wish, before we leave... I played a but o piano music for y'all. Just tell me if you want me to email it to you d i till try my best! The song is "Implicit Demand For Proof" or the beginning part. or the beginn

    edited July 2014

    This is basically how the war goes these days:

    The vocals are in Arabic and the subtitles in Hebrew, I'm translating it.

    EDIT: Here's the lyrics xD

    Gaza, ruled by Hamas.

    From an ancient beautiful town, to the ruins of terror.

    We're so low on the food chain, we're underground.

    We are the Hamas terrorists, fighting the Zionists!

    All our money is invested in tunnels and rockets.

    Quick, before the UAV strikes!

    Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel,

    tunnels for terror and tunnels for kidnapping!

    Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel,

    Quick, before we all get bombed!

    Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel,

    to murder kids, we all use a shovel!

    Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel!

    Quick, before another shaft explodes!

    Dig a tunnel under the border!

    Pass away as much guns we can!

    Digging tunnels instead of building homes!

    So we can say that we're refugees!

    Cement and gravel are humanitarian,

    electricity from Israel, and the money Quatarian!

    Our goal, to be Shahids,

    Kill some Jews, that's what we need!

    Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel!

    Shoot, destroy, we are evil!

    Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel!

    Quick! Before we're all wiped out!


  • hehee, yeah. And in some places, you can actually see real dinosaur footprints imprinted in the rocks. It's really cool. I went there when I was younger, for a science fieldtrip, because we were learning about dinosaurs and stuff. xD

    The picture doesn't do it justice, but the t-rex is actually ginormous. It's awesome.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I wanna go hiking there now. A random t-rex?! That's awesome.

  • Alt text

    Again, these are fake.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Lol what'd they say?

  • The hell? O_O

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    This is basically how the war goes these days: The vocals are in Arabic and the subtitles

  • Yeah, I just saw them XD there's no way those are real.

    Again, these are fake.

  • Why don't you check the 12 notifications you have there? lol

    It's even on Google, bruh.

  • l...

    Email me your email.

    Ohyoupokedme at gmail

    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I might send my email through steam.

  • Why not? I mean when I was a kid those things hurt like hell, but now it's just a little pinch. It's also cool when you can see all your blood being sucked up.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Oh. Yeah, shots aren't my favorite things...

  • Yeah they clearly are fake....

    Again, these are fake.

  • Idk. I mean, I wouldn't call it a phobia, but it's just uncomfortable.

    And I think what you're thinking of is getting your blood drawn :p I got my blood drawn a few years ago, almost got nauseous. kinda weird how that works for me.

    Why not? I mean when I was a kid those things hurt like hell, but now it's just a little pinch. It's also cool when you can see all your blood being sucked up.

  • The camels make it worth while xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    The people here suck though.

  • Ain't nobody got time fo dat.

    Why don't you check the 12 notifications you have there? lol

  • What was the movie that you watched everyday when you we're a little kid?

  • Chicken Little (It looks like shit now)

    Alt text

    What was the movie that you watched everyday when you we're a little kid?

  • edited July 2014


    I didn't watch it everyday though, lol. But I did watch it a lot.

    What was the movie that you watched everyday when you we're a little kid?

  • The Little Mermaid and Austin Powers

    What was the movie that you watched everyday when you we're a little kid?

  • edited July 2014

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    I'm 'getting a PS4 soon I'm thinking about rebuying TLOU for the ps4 version bundle is the upgrade worth the buy does anyone know?

  • I want this so baaaad but my mom won't get me a ps4;_;

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm 'getting a PS4 soon I'm thinking about rebuying TLOU for the ps4 version bundle is the upgrade worth the buy does anyone know?

  • Should I get the game? Haven't played it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm 'getting a PS4 soon I'm thinking about rebuying TLOU for the ps4 version bundle is the upgrade worth the buy does anyone know?

  • I need to travel.

    hehee, yeah. And in some places, you can actually see real dinosaur footprints imprinted in the rocks. It's really cool. I went there when I

  • Oh, Austin Powers xD That movie was the shit.

    The Little Mermaid and Austin Powers

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