The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • thanks :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    were here everything will work out don't worry

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    This is legit I always have a smile on my face :D

    My job here is done. B]

  • I guess that's the best option I have x)

    A hater is hater bro instead of trying to figure it out just...

  • <3

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    sure thanks.

  • :O you harvested the girl!

    Funny thing is the game rewards you more for saving them than harvesting i think it should be balanced. Thats just me tho.

  • you can't be like that... you have to try and find something that can make you smile and feel less lonely

    Twistee posted: »

    I'm pretty much the definition of it.

  • Also if your friends are truly your friends they aren't going to listen to Randy McRandom.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    I guess that's the best option I have x)

  • NO I'm not excited to sit at a lunch table alone every day and look at colleges >_<

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    XD YOU!! not a chance lies

    NO I'm not excited to sit at a lunch table alone every day and look at colleges >_<

  • This forum has helped me take my mind off of things in Life, everyone here is awesome which helps because I literally don't have many friends. :/

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    you can't be like that... you have to try and find something that can make you smile and feel less lonely

  • Should of asked for the AC-130

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    JonGon posted: »

    Give me an a10 Warthog bro. BRRRRRTTTTTT!

  • edited August 2014

    xD yeah that's the worst part, it seems like almost none of them were really true friends.

    Also if your friends are truly your friends they aren't going to listen to Randy McRandom.

  • edited August 2014

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    I never question Bruce Lee/Noncy the legend

    @Cluke_is_Dumb I accept your surrender :)

    EVERYONE!!!!!!! + @NoncyFlippledorp I am sad to report that NoncyFlippledorp is no longer with us. Unfortunately, he has passed away from

  • Damn.. she's actually a really interesting person, obviously very intelligent. I hate how those men in the beginning were talking about her though right in front of her face: "You can buy a blow up doll, and she'll look exactly the same!" Pigs.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Ok get ready to either freak out or laugh your butt off yeah i don't know how to fell about that...........

  • Hell nah man after looking into them Demon eyes i couldn't do evil to them girls i saved every single one of them. I 100% Bioshock 1 and I wanna re-get Bioshock 2 and do the same. As for infinite after i beat it in 1999 mode i had to go to anger management haven't even played Burial at Sea. XD

    :O you harvested the girl!

  • Your real friends would back you up instead of gang up on you. I've seen this kind of thing before. Usually it just wears off after a little while.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    long story, to summarize it, there's this person that is trying to put my friends against me, its a pretty bad situation, but I guess a lot of people have been through worse so...

  • Well then all i can say is... Let them go.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    xD yeah that's the worst part, it seems like almost none of them were really true friends.

  • Bioshoooock <3

    @Markd4547 I saved her. I couldn't kill a little girl for more powers

  • don't worry, because you will always have your family with you :)

    and this forum is here to help also if you need something...

    & it doesn't matter if you don't have a lot of friends, if the ones you have are true friends

    Twistee posted: »

    This forum has helped me take my mind off of things in Life, everyone here is awesome which helps because I literally don't have many friends.

  • there's this person that is trying to put my friends against me

    Not to sound disheartening, but this is what happened to me when I was 13 and I lost 95% of my friends. The person who helped cause it was my best friend and like a sister to me. It really affected me, I still see the effects to this day.

    What I've learned is that you'll see who your REAL friends are, the ones that don't believe the crap that person is saying about you. Those are the people you gotta stick by. The ones who believe it without hearing your side were never good friends anyway.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    long story, to summarize it, there's this person that is trying to put my friends against me, its a pretty bad situation, but I guess a lot of people have been through worse so...

  • I rarely play first person shooters. The only ones have been cod. I need to buy more that's for sure!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Pride intensifies they are more important then the powers you legend I am proud great news :'D

  • I know this happens to a lot of people... :c at least there is 2 good things in all this situation, I saw who were my real friends, and I've learned to not to trust people so easily.

    Your real friends would back you up instead of gang up on you. I've seen this kind of thing before. Usually it just wears off after a little while.

  • looks at school comment I really feel the love guys ;_;

  • Definitely I would recommend TLOU, Infinite, The Darkness 1/2(best game ever) and f.e.a.r all much better then COD

    I rarely play first person shooters. The only ones have been cod. I need to buy more that's for sure!

  • I know this thing happens to almost everyone, and I feel dumb for being worried about this, because in the end, this actually helped me...

    there's this person that is trying to put my friends against me Not to sound disheartening, but this is what happened to me when I

  • Word i always wanted to get into the F.E.A.R games.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Definitely I would recommend TLOU, Infinite, The Darkness 1/2(best game ever) and f.e.a.r all much better then COD

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    looks at school comment I really feel the love guys ;_;

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    I won't go into it but something similar happened to me years ago and I thank god it happened it built my character and I learned so many lessons from it, it really strengthened my mentality and made me the person I am today. It was the best thing that ever happened to me :'D.

    there's this person that is trying to put my friends against me Not to sound disheartening, but this is what happened to me when I

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    XD jk

    looks at school comment I really feel the love guys ;_;

  • edited August 2014

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    I like all my brothers/sisters feels great I have a unidentical twin who's a legend to me.

    I have younger and older each with unique quality's not sure how to answer that.

    How does it feel to have younger/older siblings?

  • Holy cow. That's so insulting and sexist, but it's hilarious at the same time. XD

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Arabic insults are hilarious and bafflingly complicated. Observe...the Arabian Cluster F-Bomb Kol kharrak, ibn al-wikhsa! mokhak gazma

  • School is a forbidden topic here, Brent.

    looks at school comment I really feel the love guys ;_;

  • edited August 2014

    Thats just a normal Tuesday in my neighborhood XD

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Arabic insults are hilarious and bafflingly complicated. Observe...the Arabian Cluster F-Bomb Kol kharrak, ibn al-wikhsa! mokhak gazma


    looks at school comment I really feel the love guys ;_;

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    It's awesome like a mix of COD and silent hill great shooting but get all the scary and gruesome shit :)

    Word i always wanted to get into the F.E.A.R games.

  • " Shut Up, Shut Up, Shut the Fuck up" "Thats Fucking stupid Ben" -Just no.....

    looks at school comment I really feel the love guys ;_;

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    So uhhhh... whose excited for school?

  • Aight bro I'll check it out. Thanks.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    It's awesome like a mix of COD and silent hill great shooting but get all the scary and gruesome shit

  • Man I'm so happy because they announced TLOU movie ^.^

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Definitely I would recommend TLOU, Infinite, The Darkness 1/2(best game ever) and f.e.a.r all much better then COD

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