Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • Almost missed the new parts, time for some thorough analysis of your story, like always.

    Markd is supposedly going back to his old ways, its time for some chaos then. I respect his choice.

    Is it a good idea to start shooting randomly though ? Talking to them is out of the question and waiting might not be a good idea, if Pro highlighted the fact that the sun was settling down, it has to have some relevance for the next part. It might be his only chance to get that Humvee.

    Then again, some of those guys have bulletproof vests on. Lets analyse Markd's opponents.

    1- One guy with a hockey mask and bulletproof vest holding a machine gun rifle, important to note that his back is turned. So that's a free shot if Markd can aim at him.

    2- One guy holding a knife to someone's throat. Doesn't seem to have any other weapons on him.

    I think that Markd can take them. The only guy who might be a threat has his back turned, Markd simply has to aim for him first, bulletproof vest or not, if he's riddled with bullets in the back, he won't make it out alive.

    Then that will just leave Lord_EAA to take care of.

    Let the good times roll I say, shoot the bastards !!

    Markd himself voted for it, so he won't be able to blame me if things go south. Hopefully this is the right decision. Seems like the most viable option anyway, after further analysis.

    1) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos.

    Onto the next vote. Juicy finally got introduced to the story :D

    You seem to have her character down perfectly. Their situation seems to be kind of a throwback to the beginning of "Long Road Ahead" of season 1 of The Walking Dead Game.

    Do you use the distraction to your advantage, no matter how immoral that may be, or do you help those in need, no matter how futile or risky the situation will prove to be ?

    Except this time around, someone else seems to be about to help them, or not...They should wait to see how things will play out...They shouldn't give out their position so easily, especially if those are bad people...Mostly that mysterious girl/guy with a hooked machete...

    1) Let's wait and see what the other person will do.

    It might not be morally correct, but taking these kind of chances might get you killed in the apocalypse...You have to take account of every tiny details before going into a fishy situation...You never know...

    That one factor of unpredictability from that mysterious woman/man might end up being your doom. So I vote to wait and see how things will play out.

    Chapter Four: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Markd4547- 4 months in "A military Humvee with a turret on top! Just what I need!" I said to mys

  • You forgot that he has his back turned, like I carefully explained in my analysis of this part. He's done for if Markd can pull it out. You're also done for, unless you escape after the attack. All you have on yourself seems to be a puny knife....

    We'll see how it goes...but expect the unexpected..

    Lord_EAA posted: »


  • Those are quite colorful and interesting characters. Sure have a good sense of humor and are entertaining to read, too bad the apocalypse won't spare them.

    A lot of people seem to want Spooch to go in the bar to get Salt123....but have they forgotten or simply didn't noticed that Blue seems to be closer to him than anyone else ?

    He's the one who went there with Salt123 before, not Spooch.

    Therefore the latter should go help Romy instead and let Blue handle the situation with his friend.

    Be careful when you vote people, and analyse the parts carefully before voting blindly.

    5) Go help Salt123. I'll go check on Romy.

    It's only understandable for friends to support each other, Spooch probably won't be able to wield any results from this drunk mess...Blue on the other hand as better chances at reviving the flame in his old pal.

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • The group most likely wouldnt care if they left Salt first of all, and since he is stuck in a bar, there is probably only maybe 2 exits, and Salt is not going to leave since he is drunk and does not give a shit, so he is only going to slow them down and get surrounded, as for Romy, he is in a alleyway and all they have is a hammer(I think, Lee didnt mention anything else) and I doubt he would pull a kenny and let them survive it.

    They could tell the group that Zombies surrounded the area and there was no getting to them,

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    What the hell would they tell the group ? "O you came back wait did you find Saltlick123 and .... where's Romy?'- group " O that thin

  • Yep Good times, (Wait I think that was Ragings story and he was banned so that's all I'm gonna say about that..)

    Yep, good times. I actually forgot about that story until now. I wonder if it actually still runs.

  • My character this time isn't like in the other story, the other story the guy was a drunk asshole, this one this guy has lost everything and dosnt care anymore, but if he meets new people He might be able to redeem himself for being a jerk to others idk,I'm not the writer but I can't wait too see what happens next :)

    They didn't kick him out just because he hit someone, they did so because he was being a nuisance to the group for a longer period of time.

  • But you have to remember that Lee wants to kill more people. Trying to save people will get characters killed.

    Those are quite colorful and interesting characters. Sure have a good sense of humor and are entertaining to read, too bad the apocalypse wo

  • edited August 2014

    Will Shinna ever use her Plan C? It's up to @LeeTheProfessional to decide

    Alt text

  • edited August 2014

    Thanks Pro, for making my character quite an interesting fellow. Certainly does match the personality description.

    Since Pro has made the decision to start killing characters left and right, I am going to make the PREDICTION that NO MATTER WHICH CHOICE one makes, TWO CHARACTERS WILL DIE.

    EDIT: I was confused over who had the hammer, so i had to change my vote.

    And this is my prediction.

    1) Salt and Romy will die.

    They're left to die

    2) Spooch and Romy will die

    Romy is left to die and Salt is saved because Blue convinces him to leave, but Spooch (the only one with a weapon, the hammer) will die reluctantly sacrificing himself for Blue and Salt.

    3) Salt and Spooch will die.

    Salt is left to die and Romy is saved, but Spooch dies reluctantly sacrificing himself for Blue and Romy (both supposedly unarmed) in the process since Spooch is the only one with an actual weapon (hammer).

    4) Salt and Blue will die

    Spooch fails to convince Salt and leaves him to the zombies. Blue saves Romy but at the cost of his own life.

    5) Blue and Romy will die

    Blue convinces Salt to leave, but dies without the help of Salt who is still too drunk to do anything. Romy dies because Spooch is to cowardly (read character sheet) to fight off so many zombies and get to Romy.

    Keep in mind that Romy and Salt have more chances of dying than Spooch and Blue. Of course this is just my prediction, not what will actually happen since this is Pro's story.

    Based on my reasoning, I would have to choose

    4) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy.

    Obviously I want my character to live, but if my prediction is right then why would I choose Spooch to live and not Blue?

    Honestly, their character sheets are pretty much the same type of person. But since Spooch gave Romy a candy bar and blue didn't (plus he called Romy arrogant), Then i choose Spooch to live. Sorry Blue.

    So what do you guys think of my prediction?

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • Oh, right. That's probably why I forgot about it in the first place.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yep Good times, (Wait I think that was Ragings story and he was banned so that's all I'm gonna say about that..)

  • Hmmm, this pic is oddly familiar.

    Will Shinna ever use her Plan C? It's up to @LeeTheProfessional to decide

  • 4) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy.

    Whoa did not expect my character to be leader of a group. Interesting.

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • This seems cool, mind reserving me a spot for chapter 5?

  • edited August 2014

    @Lord_EAA who knows maybe Mark shooting up place result in his death not yours.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    i'm joking .... maybe (no really i'm joking lol)

  • edited August 2014

    As of the moment of the last edit, these are the current votes and the clear winner is option 4.

    1) Let's leave. We can't save them. 1

    2) We need to save Salt123. Let's get inside the bar again. 0

    3) We need to save Romy. Let's try to get around that alleyway. 2

    4) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. 11

    5) Go help Salt123. I'll go check on Romy. 5

  • Well I'm dead before I had a chance of meeting my Saltlick brother who would put me on the path of wisom, But I still love this story :)

  • Who know's i may yet live.........

    You forgot that he has his back turned, like I carefully explained in my analysis of this part. He's done for if Markd can pull it out. You'

  • Possible.....

    @Lord_EAA who knows maybe Mark shooting up place result in his death not yours.

  • Well it's possible you'll live most people seem to prefer saving you than Romy.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well I'm dead before I had a chance of meeting my Saltlick brother who would put me on the path of wisom, But I still love this story

  • I still think Pro will kill me to give you guys an example to show that anyone can die at any time in this chapter even if it's a new guy and you have to be careful

  • especialy if you you vote Shoot

    i have to be honest in a role reversal i would NOT kill Mark

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I still think Pro will kill me to give you guys an example to show that anyone can die at any time in this chapter even if it's a new guy and you have to be careful

  • Lol, would you rather be called "Box" instead?

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Words stolen from Giraffehat: "Isn't it a bit strange that people are calling a teenage girl 'Juicy'?"

  • Quadruple post, lmfao!

    Almost missed the new parts, time for some thorough analysis of your story, like always. Markd is supposedly going back to his old ways,

  • i don't know if there ARE spots in chapter 5

    you should ask pro

    Partition posted: »

    This seems cool, mind reserving me a spot for chapter 5?

  • Well then....i didn't even realised it...That happened...Dafuq ? XD

    I guess my point will definitely get across to people XD

    Quadruple post, lmfao!

  • edited August 2014

    Lmfao, Nvm, going to close the votes now, I'll start the new parts tomorrow if I can.

    Well then....i didn't even realised it...That happened...Dafuq ? XD I guess my point will definitely get across to people XD

  • I don't mind, but I'm probably done with needing anymore people in the story. I think I wont' add anymore at this point. But if anything, I'll let you know.

    Partition posted: »

    This seems cool, mind reserving me a spot for chapter 5?

  • edited August 2014

    I would disagree with you on that.
    Remember that Blue has a history with Salt and Spooch doesn't. So if Spooch goes to help Salt, i believe he'll fail. But Blue will save Romy because according to his character sheet, he is selfless and will probably sacrifice himself for Romy. Now, on the other hand, if Spooch went to help Romy, Spooch would be too cowardly to take on so many zombies (check character sheet) even with the hammer.

    So, in my opinion, choosing option 4 is actually in Romy's favor to live.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Well it's possible you'll live most people seem to prefer saving you than Romy.

  • Does it matter i said MOST people chose it so if that ends up killing salt then he is dead

    it's like mine we will both die (if things turn out like i suspect at least i will ) do to bad choices


    but i'm so dead my opinion dosen't even matter does it in a Part or two ill be dead and no one will care ): ): );

    I would disagree with you on that. Remember that Blue has a history with Salt and Spooch doesn't. So if Spooch goes to help Salt, i believe




    Chapter Four: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST Markd4547- 4 months in "A military Humvee with a turret on top! Just what I need!" I said to mys



    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • I'll pray to Nick tonight xP

    Btw, sweet chapter today!


  • Um pro you din't do this for last voting......... of course it dosen't matter we counted Most want Mark to shoot and Save the kid ( at least i won that one i hope he lives)


  • What do you mean? I closed the votes on the other one as well, lol.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Um pro you din't do this for last voting......... of course it dosen't matter we counted Most want Mark to shoot and Save the kid ( at least i won that one i hope he lives)

  • lol i din't see sry

    What do you mean? I closed the votes on the other one as well, lol.

  • I am actually creating a list of all the people I think will die in this chapter xD

    I hope you don't though, You've been following this story for a long time and just got into it, would be a shame if you went out so early.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I still think Pro will kill me to give you guys an example to show that anyone can die at any time in this chapter even if it's a new guy and you have to be careful

  • i hope

    ps look back at what my character said he was the guy fighting bananas and clayton and hes also mentioned by twistee

    I am actually creating a list of all the people I think will die in this chapter xD I hope you don't though, You've been following this story for a long time and just got into it, would be a shame if you went out so early.

  • Am I on that list? ;-;

    I am actually creating a list of all the people I think will die in this chapter xD I hope you don't though, You've been following this story for a long time and just got into it, would be a shame if you went out so early.

  • There's been very few opportunities for you to die, and you have the whole Noncy thing going on with Tobi for the story to focus on. I think you'll be one of the survivors.

    Am I on that list? ;-;

  • Well, since Tobi took Noncy and Angel from you, WTW is going to go apeshit and go all gorked.

    Am I on that list? ;-;

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