Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



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    Goddamn! That's good!

    There's been very few opportunities for you to die, and you have the whole Noncy thing going on with Tobi for the story to focus on. I think you'll be one of the survivors.

  • Shit.... she's got it rough :(

    Hope she doesn't do something stupid like kill herself or anything... what a dumb way to die. :/

    Well, since Tobi took Noncy and Angel from you, WTW is going to go apeshit and go all gorked.

  • edited August 2014

    But I'm sure someone will try to make you feel better... Like giving you flowers. Right @LeeTheProfessional? wink wink notch notch bump bump cough cough smirk smirk

    Shit.... she's got it rough Hope she doesn't do something stupid like kill herself or anything... what a dumb way to die.

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    Go on...

    Shit.... she's got it rough Hope she doesn't do something stupid like kill herself or anything... what a dumb way to die.

  • Lol, actually... I'll ask what they think.

    But I'm sure someone will try to make you feel better... Like giving you flowers. Right @LeeTheProfessional? wink wink notch notch bump bump cough cough smirk smirk

  • Psstt he won't kill you not a chance :D

  • So... IF her character dies. How will you feel? B]

    Psstt he won't kill you not a chance

  • Like poop. But she can't die.

    You're Aladdin and she's Jasmine. You can't kill off your princess!

    So... IF her character dies. How will you feel? B]

  • You're going to kill me off soon... I just know it. :( sigh

    It's okay, I won't get mad or anything, lol. :P

    Get back here!

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    Lmao, hmm, I'll think about it. But, anything can happen. >B]

    Like poop. But she can't die. You're Aladdin and she's Jasmine. You can't kill off your princess!

  • Lol, If MY character could die in the first part of the story, I don't think anyone is safe. >:p

    You're going to kill me off soon... I just know it. sigh It's okay, I won't get mad or anything, lol. :P

  • Lol, I know, I was just kidding :3

    Lol, If MY character could die in the first part of the story, I don't think anyone is safe. >:p

  • 2) We need to save Salt123. Let's get inside the bar again.

    Save Saltbro :)

    Spooch I was sitting down on a lawn chair. Waiting for the others to come out of the RV. It was me, WhatToWriteHere, Dark_Star, BlueShadi

  • Nah Juicy is fine.

    Lol, would you rather be called "Box" instead?

  • Heh, all right. If you're sure, then okay. B]

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Nah Juicy is fine.

  • They? as in everyone? Or that specific person?

    Lol, actually... I'll ask what they think.

  • Just the person, but I'll probably add that part in. I think I know how to include it.

    They? as in everyone? Or that specific person?

  • Wow, you're awake this early? Whatchu doing, bud?

    Just the person, but I'll probably add that part in. I think I know how to include it.

  • Working on the next two parts right now, I probably won't be on that much later today.

    Wow, you're awake this early? Whatchu doing, bud?

  • Ok, so. Do you think one of them is going to be published nooS?

    Working on the next two parts right now, I probably won't be on that much later today.

  • I'm only at the first character of the first part, haha. Almost done with that POV, though. Hmm, more like soon. It'll be a while, but it won't take that long. B]

    Ok, so. Do you think one of them is going to be published nooS?

  • I'm positive. My character is super fucking awesome.

    Heh, all right. If you're sure, then okay. B]

  • No, my character is the original teen >.>

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I'm positive. My character is super fucking awesome.

  • Well yeah, you created her, haha. I'm just the one writing the story. I also gave her a little background story. B]

    You'll be in the next part coming up as well, it'll be up soon.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I'm positive. My character is super fucking awesome.

  • You're going to kill me off soon

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    I call it over Tobi XD

    Lol, If MY character could die in the first part of the story, I don't think anyone is safe. >:p

  • Well true, but you're doing all the representing and awesome! Can't fucking wait!

    Well yeah, you created her, haha. I'm just the one writing the story. I also gave her a little background story. B] You'll be in the next part coming up as well, it'll be up soon.

  • edited August 2014

    There can only be one!!

    No, my character is the original teen >.>

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    mmmmmmmmmmm Juicy :P

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Words stolen from Giraffehat: "Isn't it a bit strange that people are calling a teenage girl 'Juicy'?"

  • edited August 2014


    (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos.

    The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captured by Tobi and his goons, I needed to start having some fun again. The last time I killed anyone was when I was with CornPopper. That fucking farm group that Spider Boy was with, really screwed me over. I needed to reignite the flame, and start causing some chaos again. I looked down at Ever's AK47, I looked back up at the three guys. I stood up and aimed the rifle. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! "AHAHAHAHA!" I started laughing maniacally.

    The man with his back turned caught about two rounds on the back of his bulletproof vest until a bullet hit the back of his head. The barrage of bullets caught the big guy all over the right side of his body. Causing him to let the hostage go and fall down on his back. The beaten hostage fell back into the large camp fire and started to slowly burn, he was too weak and injured to even try to roll around. I ran out of the woods and laid my knee onto the big guy's chest. I looked back and saw that the knife wasn't near us. I inserted the tip of the AK's muzzle into one of his shoulder wounds."AHHH!!! What the fuck?!" He shouted.

    "Ahh... Ah!... AHHH!!!" Their hostage started burning alive. I turned to him and had a large grin on my face as I watched him burn for a quick second. I turned back to the biker guy.

    "Hello there, stranger." I said while retaining my huge grin.

    "Ugh... who the fuck are you?! You killed my friend Papai, you bastard!!!" He said while trying to hold the pain back. I pushed the AK's muzzle a bit deeper into the bullet wound."Ahh!!!"

    "Why don't you shut the fuck up and just slowly die. I'm the one asking the questions here, I need that Humvee of yours. So if you don't mind, I'll be taking it off of your hands, HAHAHAHA!" I told him.

    "Haha... fuck you! Is this why you fucking shot at us? Just for that vehicle?! If you hadn't caught me by surprise, you would be the one on the floor laying dead!" He replied in an angered tone.

    "Unlikely. You with your knife, me with my AK. I don't think so." I said with a smile."Your friend seemed like the only one that MIGHT have had a chance, but he would eventually die as well. Hahaha, "The World Burners" huh? I've heard of your gang before, bunch of degenerates who went around wreaking havoc, sorry to disappoint you, but that's my job now. I think it's time for you to die."

    "Heh... it doesn't matter what you do to me. I've left my mark on this forsaken world, everyone slowly burn to ashes and no one will be able to escape the flames. You're just living on borrowed time..."God giveth, and God taketh away." No one will survive in the end... haha." He said while coughing up blood and smiling.

    "Maybe so, but at least I'll get to see this world burn. Maybe we'll meet again in hell, hahaha!" I said to him.

    "Hehe... just end it already and go have your fun... but be careful, a good thing only lasts so long... Agh... Everyone's luck eventually runs out." He managed to say. He lifted his left hand and pointed his middle finger at me."See you in hell, you fucker!..." He said with a smile.I pulled the AK's muzzle out and then aimed at his heart. BRATAT! "AGH!" He jolted up. Blood spilled on my leg, hands and arms. His head hit the ground and turned to the right. I got up off of him and looked at his face. His eyes were still open, I could see the fire's reflection in them. It was like he was watching the world burn...

    I turned my head and watched the person they were keeping hostage still burning up. His legs were still unharmed, so I grabbed them and dragged him out of the fire. I looked over at Lord's dead friend, Papai. I walked up to his corpse and picked up the FAMAS that he had. I checked and it still had ammo. I looted his corpse and found some ammo magazines to take with me. I turned back around and walked up to Lord's corpse, I did the same and looted his body. Found the Keys to the military Humvee and another set of keys that belonged to the dirty white SUV, I also grabbed his knife and holster and put it around my belt. I walked up to the hostage's corpse which stopped burning at this point, and smoke was coming off of it. He wasn't burnt to badly, but the open cuts and blood loss combined with the fire and lack of oxygen probably finished him off."The hell...?" I realized I had seen this person before, back at Tobi's place. It was one of his guards, Tali. One of the people who had helped us escape."Shit. Sucks to be you." I said. I never got to know him, just seen him once when we first arrived at Tobi's. I made my way over to the military Humvee and checked it out. I checked the inside of the car and then the turret. Still had ammo in it, looks like this Humvee hadn't been used much. I got in the driver seat and started the engine. I think it was time to visit my old friend Tobi again...

    _ Juice_Box_

    (!) Let's try and help that man and kid out.

    I was looking over at the young teen and older male with the walkers around them."Let's try and help that man and kid out." I told Latte."There's no way we're letting that kid die. Come on!" I got up and ran towards them.

    "Hey! Wait for me!" Latte shouted.

    I had my knife ready, once I got closer to them I started shouting to get some of the walker's attention."Hey, uglies! Over here!" Some of the walkers that the older male was fighting off noticed, and started heading my way."Oh crap..." I said while looking at them.

    The older male swung the steel bat and hit a walker in the back of the head."Go for their heads!" He shouted.

    "I know how to kill these things!" I shouted back.

    "Help me!" The young teen shouted.

    One of the walkers was a few feet in front of me. Without any hesitation, I ran up to it and jabbed the knife into the side of it's head."Nice!" The older male shouted as he was killing off more of the walkers.

    Another walker was getting closer to me, this one was bigger and moving faster, like it hadn't eaten anything after turning. I moved back a bit and then I felt something grab my leg, I fell down and saw a walker on it's belly trying to bite me."No!" I shouted and managed to stab it on the top of it's head before it could do anything. I looked up and the walker from before was getting even closer."Ah!!!" I was caught by surprise, this had never happened before. I feared that I was going to die right then and there.

    "Juicy!" Latte shouted. I quickly turned around and saw him speeding down the parking lot with a shopping cart. He let it go with full force and it crashed into the walker in front of me, causing it to get knocked down. The cart fell down on it's side and then the older male came over to help me up.

    "Come on!" He said while helping me up."We need to finish the rest of them off!" He told me and started shouting at the remaining walkers around the car. They noticed and then started heading towards him.

    "Juicy! Are you okay?!" Latte finally reached me.

    "Yes, I'm good. Come on, we have to help kill off the rest of the walkers!" I told him.

    "I don't have a weapon, remember?" He said.

    "Damn it, we have to try!" I replied.

    "Ah!" I turned and saw the older male trying to fight two walkers off of him."Help!!!"

    "Help Simon! Someone help my friend!" The young teen shouted.

    "Oh no!" I said.

    BANG! BANG! Suddenly I heard two gunshots and I saw one of the walkers getting off of Simon. He pushed the other off and then swung the bat to bash it's head in."What the hell?!" Latte shouted.

    I turned and saw someone running towards us with a hooked machete."It's the person that was climbing down the building!" I shouted. She had shoulder length hair and a black sweater with some blue jeans and boots. She also had a gun and machete holster on her sides. She ran up to a walker and kicked it in the back of it's leg, causing it to fall down, she then quickly stabbed the back of it's head and focused on another walker. She ran up to it and hit it's knee with the machete, she proceeded to stab the top of it's head while it was on it's knees.

    "Holy shit!" Latte said.

    "Let's help them." I told him. I ran up to a walker and tried getting it's attention."Hey! Stupid walker, over here!" I shouted.

    The female took notice and came up to me."Hey, you have to get these stupid things to fall down." She told me. She waited for it to get closer and then swept it's leg."Now you can go for it's head." She said, and then stabbed it's forehead.

    "I can't do that!" I told her.

    "Start slow, then." She ran up to another walker and then kicked the side of it's knee. It fell on it and then she took the opportunity to stab it in the head."Like that."

    I saw Latte grabbing the shopping cart and helping Simon kill the walkers on their side. I turned and saw the mysterious female killing off some walkers by herself. I saw one trying to sneak up behind her. I ran up to it and hit the side of it's knee. Once it fell down, I went for it's head and stabbed it. The female turned around."Nice job, kid." She said with a smile.

    "Thanks." I replied with a smile of my own. I got next to her and was ready to help kill off the last two walkers."Two more, this should be easy." I told her.

    "Don't get cocky. You still have to be careful." She replied, and ran up to one of the walkers.

    I ran towards the other one and kicked the side of it's knee to stab it's head once it was down. I turned and saw the female going for the last walker's head."You didn't go for it's knee?" I asked.

    "I don't always have to do that. My weapon has a better reach than that knife of yours, but sometimes it can get stuck because of the hook on the end. Your knife works better for faster kills, but you need to get closer to the walkers, that's why going for their legs to bring them down will work better for you." She replied.

    "Ah, I see." I said.

    "Grafite!" I heard Simon's voice. I turned around and saw him getting the young teen off of the vehicle.

    "Simon! You saved me! I knew you would! Thank you!" He told him.

    "I didn't do it alone. I probably would've died if these people hadn't helped me. You should be thanking them, Grafite." He told him.

    The young teen turned to look at us."Um... thank you..." He said with a shy smile.

    "No problem. I wasn't going to sit back and watch a kid die." The female told them.

    "What's your name?" I asked her.

    "BadassScarlet. I was up on the roof of that building, and saw that these two were in trouble. I'm just here on a supply run, I wasn't going to help until I realized it was a kid on top of the car." Scarlet looked down."I... I couldn't let him die..." She said.

    "Same here. My name's Juicy and this is Latte. I just met him, but he's been helping a lot so far." I told her.

    "You've been helping as well. You did good taking down those walkers." He told me.

    "Scarlet showed me a better way to kill them while the walkers were coming towards us." I said with a smile.

    "You're a fast learner. You'll be able to take care of yourself in no time." Scarlet told me.

    "Well, thanks for all your help. I'm Simon and this is Grafite. We were with a group until a horde of walkers came one night and killed them all. Me and Grafite were the only survivors... it's been tough out here on our own, but we've been managing. We came here looking for some food and supplies, I told Grafite to wait in the car until I came back. I saw the walkers in the parking lot and thought it would be safer if he waited in the car. I wasn't going to take long anyway. I snuck around and right when I was about to enter the superstore, I heard a car honking and turned around. I saw that it was Grafite, and then the walkers were heading towards him. He got scared and got out of the car. He climbed on top and soon the walkers surrounded him. I ran back trying to save him, and that's when you guys came." Simon explained. He looked down at Grafite."Why did you honk the horn? That was stupid, Grafite. You know noise attracts these things." He told him.

    Grafite looked down."I'm sorry. I wanted to try the horn..."

    "Don't do that again, Grafite. We could have died if these guys weren't here to help." Simon told him.

    "I'm just a kid..." Grafite said.

    "You're twelve, Grafite. You're not such a kid anymore." Simon replied.

    Latte scratched the back of his head."Uh... well. It's safe now. We could try the superstore. I've been there plenty of times, looks like we all had the same idea. Maybe we can team up and work together, for now."

    "Sure. Sounds good." Simon told him.

    "I work better alone. Just get us in there and tell us where everything is. After we're finished, we can go our separate ways." Scarlet told him.

    "What?! Why? You should stay with us. I've been out here alone for a while, almost died a couple times and starved a few times. It's not easy..." I told her.

    "For me it is. I would just rather be alone..." Scarlet replied.

    I looked down."All right then. No problem. Let's get in there before it get's too dark. The sun is already going down." Latte told us. He proceeded to head towards the superstore.

    "Let's go, Grafite. Stay close to me." Simon told him.

    Scarlet started following them. I looked down at all the walkers we had killed. I turned and started following everyone into the superstore. Once we reached the back doors and entered the building, I noticed that there were still plenty of items stocked up. Latte was right, it seemed like not a lot of people had been in here before."Where are the snacks?" Scarlet asked.

    "Go over to the right, and then follow the arrows on the floor until you reach the last aisle. That's where you'll be able to find some snacks that still haven't expired." Latte replied.

    "Excellent." Scarlet said and took out her machete. She started running down the store.

    "Hey! Wait! We should stay together!" I shouted.

    "No thanks! Just find what you're looking for, and once we're done, we can meet up back here!" She replied.

    "Well... there she goes." Grafite said.

    "Well come on, guys. Let's go look for some stuff and thaaaangs." Latte told us and started leading the way. We went down a couple aisles and took some supplies with us. We found some canned food, and other useful items. After a while we had a decent amount of things. Latte led us into another part of the store.

    There were a few walkers around but we avoided them with the help of Latte. He took us to the hunting area and it was full of walkers. We ducked down and hid in an empty aisle."That's it. That's what I need for my group, some more weapons." Latte told us.

    "Too many roamers around. It's not going to be easy." I told him.

    "I just need a distraction. There aren't many guns left either, even though this place is still well stocked up, the guns are the first things to go." Latte said while looking around.

    "Have you gotten any weapons from here before?" Simon asked.

    "I was only able to get one hunting rifle. There were a lot more last time I came here, but now it looks like there are only two left. Damn..." Latte replied.

    "Well... If I help you, would you consider letting me and Grafite join your group?" Simon asked him.

    "What are you kidding?! I'd be more than happy to let you join the group if you help me out." Latte said while looking back at him.

    "I wanna help! I wanna help!" Grafite told them.

    Simon turned to him."You can be our lookout. Stay here and watch our backs while I distract some of the walkers. Understand?" He asked him.

    "Sure, I can do that." Grafite said with a smile.

    "I'll help distract them as well. Simon can lure them one side, and I can lure them to the other. That way you'll have a clear path to those two hunting rifles." I told Latte.

    "Sounds like a plan. Let's do this." Latte told us.

    Simon kept looking at Grafite."Remember, Grafite. Stay here and keep a lookout. Got it?"

    "Yeah, I got it. I'll stay here and warn you guys if any of those walkers are sneaking up behind you." He told him.

    "Good. Once we're done, we can play "Simon says." He told him. He turned to us."All right, let's do this."

    Simon got up and ran to the left, A few walkers took notice and started following him. I got up and ran towards the opposite direction and started making as much noise as I could. The walkers heard, and started following me."Now, Latte! Go!" I shouted.

    He waited a few seconds, and then got up and ran towards the counter. He hopped it and grabbed the two rifles that were on the shelf. He turned around and started looking for some ammo boxes from under the counter."Shit! No more ammo left! Almost done! We can escape using the skylights!" He turned around and started climbing the shelf to open one of the skylight windows. Once he opened it, he turned around."Let's go!" He shouted.

    I killed a walker that got too close to me, and then started heading out of the aisle I was in."Help!" I heard Grafite's voice.

    I turned and saw four walkers heading in his direction."Grafite, run!" I shouted.

    "I can't! I'm scared! Simon, help!" He shouted.

    "Grafite!" Simon shouted. I saw him fighting off a few walkers by him.

    "Guys, hurry up!" Latte shouted. I looked up and noticed that the sun had gone down.

    "Ah!!!" The walkers were getting closer to Grafite. Simon was almost done fighting off the walkers by him, I saw that he had a clear path to Grafite. I turned around and saw the walkers behind me getting closer to me...

    1) Simon, let's go! There's nothing we can do!

    2) I'll help Grafite! Simon, go with Latte!

    3) Simon, hurry! Help Grafite!

    4) Simon, let's help Grafite! Latte, go on without us!


  • 4) Simon, let's help Grafite! Latte, go on without us!

  • WOW.........DIED quick...........THANKS GUYS...........kinda feel sad now)":)")")")

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur

  • 4) Simon, let's help Grafite! Latte, go on without us!

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur

  • ''I'll help Grafite. Simon, go with Latte!''

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur

  • I bet I'm next so I know that feel...

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    WOW.........DIED quick...........THANKS GUYS...........kinda feel sad now)":)")")")

  • Damn, Mark spilled a lot of blood on this part. :p

    4) Simon, let's help Grafite! Latte, go on without us!

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur

  • Sorry, man. They voted and Mark had to do what he had to do. I tried to at least give your character a decent death. Next part will be up soon.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    WOW.........DIED quick...........THANKS GUYS...........kinda feel sad now)":)")")")

  • edited August 2014

    3) Damnit Lee, you and your wanting to make my question my choices... xD

    Also, poor Lord...

    That fucking farm group that Spider Boy was with

    Alt text

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I bet I'm next so I know that feel...

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