Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • And that one is me!!

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    There can only be one!!

  • :) Thanks Man, You're a great dude too, Gives Cookie

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Thanks, bro. You're a great dude. You know what? From now on my Salty throne is yours as well. I can share.

  • I'm on a 2 hours long drive, so I could use that cookie. Thank god I have a lot at home.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Thanks Man, You're a great dude too, Gives Cookie

  • edited August 2014

    Simon to try and help Grafite, while Juicy goes over to Latte.

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur

  • ;_; i don't believe you

    Yeah, and it died.

  • Hmm, I don't know, SweetPea... with these votes... B^]

    Simon to try and help Grafite, while Juicy goes over to Latte.

  • Read the 1st and 3rd entries.

    Sorry, man.

    papai46 posted: »

    ;_; i don't believe you

  • Yep, Good you have Cookies :)

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm on a 2 hours long drive, so I could use that cookie. Thank god I have a lot at home.

  • Lol, now I don't know if I should change it or if you're trolling me. :c

    Hmm, I don't know, SweetPea... with these votes... B^]

  • 3) Simon, hurry! Help Grafite!

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur

  • What's your personality like? He's normally somewhat easygoing, but he has a temper and can get worked up easily. However, he can take control of it and calm himself down. He's quite pragmatic and won't hesitate to do what he thinks is right. He knows how to get on people's good side, even though sometimes he could be faking.

    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect your family/friends? Unless it's someone he was very close to before the outbreak, he won't risk it. He never did get along with his family well. He has a sort of 'survival of the fittest' mentality.

    If you had to do something evil to keep yourself alive(killing a friend, stealing something, torturing someone) would you? He would do it. He acts like he's on people's side, but when the time is right, he'll do what he needs to do. He might feel some regret from killing a friend, but in those situations he usually looks to the future, not the past.

    What did you want to be when you were growing up? He really wanted to join the military. He would train and work out every day, so he has high running endurance and he is fairly strong. He was only a year from being able to join when the outbreak happened.

    Do you think it's safer to be alone or with a group? He thinks it's safer to be with a small group, but only so he could get on their good side so he can stay alive.

    Gender? Male.

    @Spooch @Dark_Star @Saltlick123 @WhatToWriteHere @papai46 @BadassScarlet @ComingSoon @SuperChocoLatte @Grafite @Lord_EAA @BlueShadiw @Not_De

  • Stop lying, i read it and i didn't die in it...yet.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    Read the 1st and 3rd entries. Sorry, man.

  • 2) I'll help Grafite! Simon, go with Latte!

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur

  • Bullshit!

    And that one is me!!

  • edited August 2014


    (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy.

    Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy." I told him.

    Blue turned to look at me."Uh... okay. Make sure you get Salt123 to leave with you, even if you have to drag him out, just make sure the walkers don't get him." He told me.

    "Yeah, I got it." I nodded my head.

    "Use that hammer, man. We'll meet up at the other side of the gate. Be careful, all right?" He said to me.

    I was looking down at the hammer."Okay. Let's go help our friends." I said to him.

    Blue got up and ran towards the dumpster container to look for anything."Shit, nothing. Fuck it, going to go to Romy now. Hopefully he isn't dead yet. Go get Salt123!" Blue told me as he ran past me and headed around the alleyway that Romy was in.

    "Oh shit... okay. Time to do this. I got up and ran to the back of the bar. I opened the door and I could hear glass breaking again."Salt123!" I called out to him...


    KSHH! I tossed another bottle of wine, the walkers were making their way towards me."Haha! Dumb fuckin' walkers! You don't scare me!" I shouted at them.

    "Salt123!" I heard Spooch's voice.

    I turned around and saw him opening the door that led to the back."Spooch? What are you doing back here? Get out of here, man!" I told him.

    "No, Salt123! I came here to help you, now let's get the fuck out of here before you get yourself killed!" He said to me.

    I turned to look back at the walkers. I grabbed the bar stool that I was sitting on earlier and got ready to swing it at them."We're all going to die anyway. Why bother prolonging the inevitable, Spooch? Heh, been too long since the last time I saw my family. I'm not going down without a fight though, that's for damn sure. C'mon, you pieces of shits!"

    "Salt123, what the fuck?!" Spooch shouted. He ran up next to me and grabbed the sleeve of my jacket."Let's go! We need to get back to the group! They're waiting for us! We're your family now, man! Don't do this!" He said to me.

    "Family don't turn their backs on each other. Only Blue acted like a brother to me, NDY is an asshole, WTWH doesn't even know who he is half the time, Romy can't keep his fuckin' mouth shut. Star barely talks to me, and you... I thought you hated me." I told him.

    I saw a walker right in front of us. I swung the bar stool and knocked it down. I used the stool's legs and repeatedly bashed it over it's head."I don't hate you! I just... I didn't like how you weren't helping as much, that's all!" Spooch told me.

    "Heh, same difference, Spooch." I said and swung the bar stool on another walker.

    "Goddamn it, Salt123!" He shouted.

    "Go on, Spooch. You don't need to see this." I told him.

    "I'm not leaving a friend behind..." He replied and walked up next to me.

    I sighed."Fine... Just stay out of my way. If they get me, don't do anything."

    Spooch looked at me."We're going to make it. We'll meet Blue and Romy on the other side of the gate." He then turned back to look at the walkers making their way inside. I could hear him gulp."Shit..." He said softly.

    I waited for one of the walkers to get closer."Oh, boy! Look at this ugly piece of shit here! C'mon fucker!" I said to it, it got within reach and then I swung the bar stool as hard as I could over it's head. I saw brain matter flying everywhere as it fell on the floor."Holy shit! Either I'm drunk as fuck right now, or I don't know my own strength, haha!" I said out loud.

    Spooch swung the hammer and used the claw to strike a walker on it's head. It fell on it's knees but the hammer got stuck, I noticed two more walkers getting closer to him while he struggled to get the hammer out."Oh fuck!" He said.

    "I got this!" I told him and ran up to the two walkers, I swung the bar stool with full force and knocked both of them down."That's what I'm fuckin' talking about, haha! This is too much fun!"

    "It's not a game, Salt123!" Spooch shouted.

    I turned to look at him."I know it ain't a game, but it's still fun to me, Spooch. Don't ruin it for me, man. Maybe it's the alcohol talking, or maybe I'm just a crazy fuck nut, but let me just enjoy my final moment."

    "You're not going to die! Stop saying that, you fucking dumb asshole!" Spooch shouted.

    "Whoa! What the fuck, man! No need to get all aggressive! I told you to leave, but you decided to stay. What's your fuckin' problem, man?!" I said in an angered tone.

    "I'm trying to save your life, and you don't want my help! You're the one with the problem!" He said while gritting his teeth.

    "You know what, Spooch. I--" Suddenly, I felt some hands grabbing my back.

    "Look out!!!" Spooch shouted while running up to me. Once he reached me, he grabbed me by my jacket and pushed me behind him. I went tumbling down onto the floor."Ahh!!!" I heard Spooch yelling in a sicking manner.

    I quickly turned around and was shocked at what I was seeing. The two walkers from before were chewing on Spooch. One was gnawing on his calf, while the other was on his back with his hand on his eyes, pulling his head back and chomping down on his shoulder. My eyes widened, images of my family started playing in my mind. My, God... Spooch had just saved my life... why did he do that?"No! Spooch!" I shouted.

    "Run! Get out of here!" He shouted back."Go find the othe-- AHH!!!" The other walkers in the bar started making their way towards him, and proceeded to munch down on his body. He was gone. I felt like shit, he tried to help me, we both could have left together. Now he was dead because of me. What the fuck had I done?...


    "That'll get there attention." I said to myself after I finished whistling at the walkers in the street. A lot of them started heading my way, I was hoping that they would avoid the bar so that Blue and Spooch could go inside and get Salt123 out in time. I signaled Blue that it was clear, I saw Spooch standing beside him."Ah, good." I said, I spotted an alleyway beside me and made my way over to it. I was looking back while running, making sure that the walkers were still on my tail."Hehehe, this is good. Now the others can get Salt123. I'll just go around this alleyway and help them out." I turned to look in front of me and saw a rusted, old, tall pointed gate blocking the way. I quickly stopped running."Son of bitch! Are you kidding me?!" I said out in frustration. I looked around and saw a red door leading into the building next to me. I jetted towards it and tried turning the door knob."Locked! Of fucking course!" I started kicking the door down as hard as I could, but it wasn't budging. I looked to my side and the walkers were already in the alleyway with me."Fuck!" I shouted. I started hitting the door with my shoulder to try and open it, but it still wouldn't budge."Shit, I think there's something blocking the other side." I said to myself. I looked around some more, and it seemed like the tall pointed gate was the only option. I saw that the door had a lock on it, too. Thing's weren't looking good for me."How the hell am I going to climb that?!" I said while gritting my teeth. The walkers were about halfway to me, now. I needed to move fast, I saw a dumpster container next to the fence. I ran to it and started to climb on top of it."Okay, be careful, Romy. You got this, man. Don't fuck up now. This is no time to fuck up." I said to myself. I looked up and saw a bar near the top of the pointed fence, I braced myself and jumped for it."Oh shit!" I was able to grab it, and I started lifting myself up. I placed my legs on the wall and used that to help me get up, I placed my left hand on the gate, and then my left foot after it. I used my leg's strength to lift myself up onto the top of the pointed fence, I had my right foot on the bar, and then quickly moved it on top of the fence, I felt it moving underneath me, it wasn't going to be able to support my weight for long. I looked down and saw that the walkers had reached the gate.

    "Romy!" I turned and saw Blue on the other side, he was trying to keep some walkers away from his side of the alleyway.

    "Shit, time to go." I said, and then got ready to jump down. Before I was about to jump, I felt the gate moving even more underneath my feet."What the fuck?!" I said out loud. I realized that the walkers were pushing their weight against it. I lost my balance and fell down."Whoa!" Suddenly, I felt something on the back of my pants. I looked down, and noticed that I was still in midair, I touched the back of my pants to feel what I was hanging on, and I felt a spike on them."Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!" I shouted out."How is this even fucking possible?! Again?! Really?! Of all times!" I was frustrated. I felt the gate starting to go down."Oh no!"

    I looked over to see what Blue was doing, and he kicked a walker out of the way."Hang on, Romy!"

    "Oh yeah, what else am I going to do?!" I shouted back.

    "No fucking way, again?! Haha!" Blue started to laugh a bit.

    "Yeah, whatever, just get me down! Hurry!" I told him as he was running towards me. I felt the gate moving forward."Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUUUCK!!!" I started yelling out when it came crashing down. I landed on my torso, and almost all the air got knocked out of me.

    "No, no, no! Shit!" I heard blue. I looked up and saw him getting closer to me. He grabbed my arms and started to drag me out.

    "No! Get out of here! Save yourself!" I shouted at him.

    "What are you fucking nuts?! I'm not leaving you, we need to meet Salt123 and Spooch on the other side of the gate. Get your ass up, Romy!" Blue replied.

    "The walkers are right behind us!" I shouted.

    "I know!" Blue shouted back."What ever happens, just go! Don't fucking stop, Romy! Just go!" He told me. He turned to look at them and then started to kick some of them out of the way, it wasn't enough, though. One of the walkers managed to grab his foot and then suddenly he was swarmed by them. I crawled out of the way as quickly as I could, and then I stood up."Agh!!!... Fu...ah..." Those were the only things Blue managed to say before he died. He sacrificed himself to save me, one of his only friends. I couldn't believe it. The walkers were all over him like flies on shit. There was nothing I could do. He made the ultimate sacrifice so I could live. This was horrible...


    Almost a day had gone by and the others hadn't returned yet, not even Latte. Usually he always comes back rather quickly, but this time he was nowhere in sight. I was beginning to get worried."See anything?" Star came up to me as I was sitting down on top of the RV with a lawn chair and the only rifle we had.

    "Nothing, Star. I'm starting to get worried that something might have happened. They're taking too long." I told him.

    "Yeah, it's weird. Usually Latte would be here by now. As for the others, well, maybe they'll be back any minute now. It's Latte I'm more concerned about. He's out there on his own, I keep telling him it's a bad idea." Star said with his arms crossed.

    "Yeah, but he doesn't mind. He told me it makes him feel important, like he's doing something for the group. He always makes it back, though. I just hope his luck hasn't run out on him." I replied.

    Star looked down."Same here. I'm going to go check on WTWH. I'll be right back." He told me.

    "Take your time. I'll let you know if I see anything." I told him. Star nodded and heading into the RV. I gazed over the hill that we were on, I could see the town that we usually go to for supply runs. It was filled with roamers. They looked like ants from up here. I was hoping that everyone was alright.

    As I was keeping watch, I felt a gun on the side of my head."Ohohoho! Hey there, asshole!"

    "What the fuck?!" I said while gritting my teeth and trying to see who was behind me.

    "Up, up, up! I wouldn't move if I were you, boy. I have this gun on your head, and my finger is feeling a bit itchy." The guy told me.

    "Who are you?" I asked him.

    "Doesn't matter, boy. Heard you and your group have been killing some of my people. Although, I find that hard to believe, considering how easy I was able to sneak up on you."

    "What? So you're here to kill me?" I asked.

    "Seems like it, huh? Hehe, I want to ask you a few questions first." He quickly snatched the rifle out of my hand. Get up!" He ordered me.I raised my hands and stood up."Get off of the RV, go on!" He said. I slowly walked over to the ladder and started to climb down."And don't even think about running off, I have a few of my people hiding in those bushes there. It wouldn't be very smart." He said with a smile. Once I reached the ground, I turned and saw two people coming out of the bushes, one had a shotgun and the other had an AK47. Their leader came down and placed the gun on the back of my head."On your knees, dog! Place your hands behind your head!" He shouted.

    I looked over at the two men he was with."Better do what he says, hehe." The man with the shotgun told me. The other just spat on the floor and grinned at me.

    I proceeded to do what he told me. I was looking down, staring at the dirt, I saw a decent sized rock in it."All right, first thing's first. Where are the rest of your people?" Their leader asked me...

    1) It's just me. The others are dead.(Lie)

    2) They're out on a supply run. They haven't returned.(Half-truth)

    3) They're out on a supply run. Two more are inside the RV.(Tell the truth)

    4) I honestly don't know. They were supposed to be back here a long time ago. I can tell you where they might be if you want.(Half-truth/stall)

    5) Try to pick up rock and attack them.


  • Holy Shit, , I'm alive, but spooch is dead #RedemptionTime and I choose(2 I guess...

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • edited August 2014

    2) They're out on a supply run. They haven't returned.(Half-truth)

    I have a weird urban feeling that I'm gonna die soon. Dang it... You're gonna surpass Robert Kirkman's character killing record soon @LeeTheProfessional

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • Mind being a little older in the story?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    What's your personality like? He's normally somewhat easygoing, but he has a temper and can get worked up easily. However, he can take contr

  • Oh fuck...

    3) They're out on a supply run. Two more are inside the RV.(Tell the truth)

    Maybe if Latte gets back with Juice and stony gets back...? Maybe Salt123 could head back...?

    Man, you never play it safe do you?!

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • 2) They're out on a supply run. They haven't returned.(Half-truth)

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • Lol, bro! I wasn't lying when I said I needed to kill some characters off. No one is safe. Just wait until the war starts. B]

    Dark_Star posted: »

    2) They're out on a supply run. They haven't returned.(Half-truth) I have a weird urban feeling that I'm gonna die soon. Dang it... You're gonna surpass Robert Kirkman's character killing record soon @LeeTheProfessional

  • Yeah, that's fine. How old were you thinking?

    Mind being a little older in the story?

  • I hope one day I can meet my Saltlick Bro, but that might not happen :(, but can't wait to see what happens next :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Oh fuck... 3) They're out on a supply run. Two more are inside the RV.(Tell the truth) Maybe if Latte gets back with Juice and stony gets back...? Maybe Salt123 could head back...? Man, you never play it safe do you?!

  • Yeah, I'm excited too! Wonder when I'll show up in the story...

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I hope one day I can meet my Saltlick Bro, but that might not happen , but can't wait to see what happens next

  • Uh, not too much, maybe around early to mid twenties. That would be good.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yeah, that's fine. How old were you thinking?

  • edited August 2014

    2) They're out on a supply run. They haven't returned.(Half-Truth)

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • Ok, that's fine. :) 23-24 sounds cool.

    Uh, not too much, maybe around early to mid twenties. That would be good.

  • edited August 2014

    Damn... This is a good one...

    2) They're out on a supply run. They haven't returned.(Half-truth)

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • Be careful with the votes people. B]

    Alt text

  • Alt text My reaction to this Awesome Part and me having a chance.of meeting my Salt Bro...

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • Oh lawd

    c r i e s

    Be careful with the votes people. B]

  • You make me want to change my votes...

    Be careful with the votes people. B]

  • I feel like your trying to get me to change my vote so... Alt text

    Be careful with the votes people. B]

  • Wow, I'm the only one to vote for 3... Damn. No one wants to tell the truth?!

    Be careful with the votes people. B]

  • 4) Simon, let's help Grafite! Latte, go on without us!

    Markd4547 (!) Start shooting at them. Let's cause some chaos. The area seemed clear, aside from those three guys. After getting captur

  • 1) It's just me. The others are dead.(Lie)

    Its best if Not dead yet says that they are alone, hopefully the bad guys will find no interest in wanting to attack since Not dead yet is helpless and doesnt have anything they want. Telling them that they have supplies will keep the bad guys waiting because they want the supplies. Also telling them how much people are there, is dumb because the bad guys will be ready. Attacking them will be useless, they have guns and outnumber.

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • idk why but I think they'll see right through it, if we say They're dead...

    1) It's just me. The others are dead.(Lie) Its best if Not dead yet says that they are alone, hopefully the bad guys will find no interes

  • 1) It's just me. The others are dead.(Lie)

    No reason to attack if "He's by himself", maybe?

    Spooch (!) I'll check the bar. You go help Romy. Blue was waiting for me to give him an answer."I'll check the bar. you go help Romy."

  • The Leader already believes that it isnt likely that they killed their people since it was so easy to get through their defences so maybe he will believe that only one person is there. We will see how it goes though at the end of the half of this chapter in the reverse choices if this does not win though.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    idk why but I think they'll see right through it, if we say They're dead...

  • Yeah, idk I'm just going with what I feel is safest

    The Leader already believes that it isnt likely that they killed their people since it was so easy to get through their defences so maybe he

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