The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • @WeWillMissYouSarah Moar topics to discuss plis ;-;

  • Fuck my life.

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  • Fuck Wall Street Man, Fuck Wall Street...

    Deceptio posted: »

    Fuck my life.

  • I ate too early. This will be me in a couple of hours...

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  • Fuck Wall Street...

    And fuck everything at this point...

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Fuck Wall Street Man, Fuck Wall Street...

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    XD Ok sistah if living is that important to you I'll have to think about it :D

    SweetPea would never want to kill me.... we're friends. :c

  • They have freaking Tim Hortons/Wendy's combos in Canada??


    dojo32161 posted: »

    Currently at a Tim Hortons/Wendy's combo place on my way to my hotel, it's going to be a long night.

  • Alt text

    Yayyy <3<3<3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Ok sistah if living is that important to you I'll have to think about it

  • <3

    SweetPea would never want to kill me.... we're friends. :c


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    Lmao, I never told you to look it up, that's all on you. I told you to keep watching, haha. Oh well... another spoiler added to your list. B]

  • edited August 2014

    Cool :D

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    It was great. This is by far my favorite food. If you've never tried it.. I dunno what to say.

  • Team Panda

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I ate too early. This will be me in a couple of hours...

  • edited August 2014

    Latin American?!?!?!

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    That Spaniard side of me never goes away...

  • I'm in College and I didn't even take a summer break. I also work and put a lot of effort into staying healthy. Nice try, kid.

    In all seriousness, good luck. School is fucking annoying sometimes, I know.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Fuck my life.

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    Dayum bro all that work even the seats don't look that comfy :'O

    Deceptio posted: »

    Fuck my life.

  • A similar one. Holy crap! They have those in Northern Florida too?

    Latin American?!?!?!

  • When was the last time you have gotten into a fight?

  • Yeah :)

    How'a your day been?

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • TeamEatHealthy

    "HEHEHEHEHEHE. Sorry. Bad joke."

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Team Panda

  • Never.

    When was the last time you have gotten into a fight?

  • edited August 2014

    SOOOOOO hi again

    sry i went to the countryside since thursday and could not talk here (i only had mi coussin's mini pad witch was terrible)

    So i wanted to say that i learned to accept my character death and actually like it

    but i still could not get over how nooS it was );

    BUT (sry for the many Buts) i found a solution i must............ join another one of these interactive stories on the telltale forum's (o i'm sorry i meant "COMMUNITIE'S")

    So i'm asking you guys if you know any of them that need characters preferably any that include you guys and gals ( i really like you people) and have good character treatment (like pro has)

  • edited August 2014

    Why not? I imagine you to be pretty buff, to be honest.

    Twistee posted: »


  • edited August 2014

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    pff ok My evil partner has spoken I won't kill you <3

  • I had a great day just chilling you?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah How'a your day been?

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    You need to stop spoiling yourself! This isn't the first time, lol!


  • edited August 2014

    Umm I'm pretty sure they're in northern Florida.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    A similar one. Holy crap! They have those in Northern Florida too?

  • Team Saltlick Alt text

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    TeamEatHealthy "HEHEHEHEHEHE. Sorry. Bad joke."

  • Lol, but you told her when Joffrey dies, and Mark showed her his death video.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited August 2014

    It was a relatively good day. Just out spending money and stuff, ya know. I have to use my time now that school and work are taking it easy on me.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I had a great day just chilling you?

  • I would join but i'm waiting for my headphone to come so i could finally be listened.

    Alright, I will be hosting once again tonight at 7pm eastern time on my GTAO sessions, so join us in numbers and experience the torture that

  • You guys just needed that motivation, man. That's it. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never watched Game Of Thrones( or Weiners) but I seen red wedding on youtube not bad FOTD just in the last 2 hours here is just awesome agreed unlike earlier I'm so happy :'D

  • About an hour ago with my sister.

    When was the last time you have gotten into a fight?

  • Looks like someone's been texting Twistee again...

    SweetPea be like... a text picture of dots...

    edited August 2014

    Never, even though I want to beat the shit out of some people sometimes, but I don't have enough reason to :/

    I tackled some prick kid who was giving me shit for some reason, he got scared shitless.

    When was the last time you have gotten into a fight?

  • I need moneys.

    I feel like I'm missing out on something great...

    Alright, I will be hosting once again tonight at 7pm eastern time on my GTAO sessions, so join us in numbers and experience the torture that

  • I'm from Spain, though.

    Latin American usually has food from Cuba, Mexico and all those places. :P

    It's funny how we as Floridians know these things, and only us, haha. B)

    Umm I'm pretty sure they're in northern Florida.

  • Lol, if you say so... B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'm a villain the worst is always the best ;D

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