The Walking Dead: Season Two Finale trailer coming soon
"Who will YOU become?" #MyClementine
The Walking Dead: Season Two Finale 'No Going Back' is nearly here! Stay tuned for the upcoming spoiler-free finale trailer, on its way very soon.
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Seriously? We need an announcement of a TRAILER? It's taking loooooong enough to announce the episode itself...
dont be rude. You should be happy Telltale is even giving us the season finale so close to Amid the Ruins
And Telltale always give an announcement for the trailer.
visibly in pain I,,, need... the downvote button...
Who survived the shootout at the end of episode 4!?
I think its kinda cool.

I get the feeling that this is going to involve leaving people behind to save yourself or saving them and sacrificing yourself..... Can't wait.
I have waited for this episode...i hope will end well...thanks telltale
I hope that at least Clem will get to somewhere safe. Even if everyone else dies...I want her to at least live. But...I also know that this is the Walking Dead. Happy endings never happen in this world.
I wonder if this Season will make me cry too.
Season 1 was the first game ever to make me really cry. I couldn't help it, it just came.
i hope that too, but like you said it's the walking dead
i think lee will come back as a walker
I think that lee will come back as a walker too. I also think that Clem will be faced with the decision on whether or not to kill him if he is in any of the later seasons.
Oh no. Clem and the baby are the only ones left! T_T Not Kenny!
In my opinion, Kenny has gone through alot lately. Especially considering the fact that he was faced with his wife killing herself and his son close to turning and having the hard decision on whether to kill him or have Lee do it. And for that, I give Kenny big respect and props. I know I would never have been able to go through that. That would suck really badly to be in Kenny's position as a husband and father.
i respect kenny too
I hope not. She already shot him in the head at the end of last season. So to see him be back would be bad. Unless you chose the option not to kill him and just cuff him to the wall heater.
Yeah...I writer horror novels as a part time job and even I can't get as brutal as the Walking Dead.
I agree Kenny has been through a lot but I think it kind of adds on to his character I mean I wish that never happened to him that should never happened to anyone but it made him a lot more interesting and it only makes me respect him more from how much has happened to him but he still be able to help out the group. now that either Kinney/clementine depending on what you choose shot Rebecca I think for the time being that he will be the one to tack care of it I mean he loved that baby so I think he is going to survive the shoot out and take care of that baby as long as he can in till Kenny either gets separated or dies and clementine will take care of it but that is what I think.
clemi lee is watching over you
Oh, I get brutal in my story telling. But even I won't go as low as the writers for the Walking Dead do. I guess that is one reason why I admire them.
I agree with you for the most part. But I also think that with the way he was acting near the end of Episode Four that he is really starting to slip over the edge and become dangerous. I would hate to see it come down to a point that he has gone completely mad and Clem has to make the choice to kill him out of self-defense or to protect the baby.
Actually, I did choose to leave him. I felt really bad for him so I just left the poor dude hand-cuffed to the wall heater. Plus, I didn't want to put Clem through that sort of pain. I mean, Lee was like her father and she grew really close to him by the end of season 1.
I think she would rather kill him in order to protect the baby instead of out of self-defense. I just don't think that Clem is that kind of person.
That would be cool if you left him behind.