The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



    edited August 2014

    I seriously don't see it, probably just me ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    I don't see it xD

  • edited August 2014

    You posting Spanish stuff reminds me of that Spanish project I have that I need to do an oral presentation on in front of the whole class. In Spanish. The whole thing. Nu

    Oh and she gave us a Spanish pop quiz and out of 47 questions I got 42 wrong. Start applauding.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Whenever I get mad at someone, I'll post this:

    edited August 2014

    Itz funneh cuz u sed oral and itz liek sex lel

    slow claps

    You posting Spanish stuff reminds me of that Spanish project I have that I need to do an oral presentation on in front of the whole class. I

  • edited August 2014

    oral presentation

    You posting Spanish stuff reminds me of that Spanish project I have that I need to do an oral presentation on in front of the whole class. I

  • Great minds think alike.

    oral presentation

  • Pssh immature Daniel is immature.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Itz funneh cuz u sed oral and itz liek sex lel slow claps

  • or maybe you're just too mature ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ

    Pssh immature Daniel is immature.

  • I'm the only one here thinking they look nothing alike and it frightens me xD

    I think its because both of your lips look small in the pic and your faces are kinda the same shape.

  • I think its because both of your lips look small in the pic and your faces are kinda the same shape.

    I don't see it xD

  • edited August 2014


    .... gotta admit that when my teacher said "oral presentation" I did think of that though....

    oral presentation

  • I'm the only one here who thinks they look nothing alike, and it frightens me xD

    I think its because both of your lips look small in the pic and your faces are kinda the same shape.

  • It's like saying "oral hygiene"

    "hygiene" and "oral" just don't go together :l

    SHHHHHH THATS NOT WHAT I MEAN. .... gotta admit that when my teacher said "oral presentation" I did think of that though....

  • IM DED

    Alt text

    "RIP Rachel"

  • Man, that's just....awful.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Man... My little brother's friend just passed away from cancer One life ended, a new one just started..

  • How in the heavens?

    IM DED "RIP Rachel"

  • This is terrifying ⁀⊙﹏☉⁀

    IM DED "RIP Rachel"

  • Yeah :/

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Man, that's just....awful.

  • She can be a lookout xD

    IM DED "RIP Rachel"

  • 5 right well done Rachel :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD clap

    You posting Spanish stuff reminds me of that Spanish project I have that I need to do an oral presentation on in front of the whole class. I

  • Different kind of liberals than the ones in the US.

    Talimancer posted: »

    Aren't like liberals everywhere. Darn liberals.

  • Alt text

    XDD Creepy yet somehow really impressive :D

    IM DED "RIP Rachel"

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited August 2014

    Just do what we Americans do and send a pre-written email to your representative. It's like saying "I'm mad at you, but I don't care enough to write you a proper message. Bye!"

    I wanna go to Canberra and tell the Liberal Party to fuck off.

  • Alt text

    Oh yeah and High five Rachelle I haven't seen you in ages XD

    oral presentation

  • She said people call her eyes "doe eyes" or something.

    You're not the only one that that's happened to. xD At first I think everyone said Rachelle looked Asian and I was the only one who didn't think that.

  • Lol Blind you know you play CoD you'll be the first one buying them Mountain Dews and Doritos xD

    Look at this. Look at this, and point and laugh at it.

  • You're not the only one that that's happened to. xD

    At first I think everyone said Rachelle looked Asian and I was the only one who didn't think that.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm the only one here who thinks they look nothing alike, and it frightens me xD

  • She said people call her eyes "doe eyes" or something.

    You're not the only one that that's happened to. xD At first I think everyone said Rachelle looked Asian and I was the only one who didn't think that.

  • I don't even know the liberals in the US lel.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Different kind of liberals than the ones in the US.

  • son of a bitch.... played my first football game in two years. Everything went great until my brace snapped in half. T_T My knee is fine though so Im not that mad

  • Damn you musta been workin it to make the freaking thing snap in half.

    But seriously, glad you're okay.

    son of a bitch.... played my first football game in two years. Everything went great until my brace snapped in half. T_T My knee is fine though so Im not that mad

  • @Welcome_to_Woodbury I think I found out what happened to all our princes

    Alt text

  • :O your lucky thankfully your alright

    Did you win? and did you play well? :D

    son of a bitch.... played my first football game in two years. Everything went great until my brace snapped in half. T_T My knee is fine though so Im not that mad

    edited August 2014


    Let us middle-class average-minus straight men celebrate this victory! ヽ༼ ಠ益ಠ ༽ノ

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury I think I found out what happened to all our princes

  • Oh god...

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury I think I found out what happened to all our princes

  • This...this is the stuff nightmares are made of.

    IM DED "RIP Rachel"


    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD They look nothing alike same sort of pose though

  • Alt text

    XD They look nothing alike same sort of pose though :D

    I don't see it xD


    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD They look nothing alike same sort of pose though

  • edited August 2014

    We scrimmaged a team with full pads.... so there was no score. I tackeled like a boss but I got beat a couple times at crucial moments :/ I'm just glad I'm okay

    Markd4547 posted: »

    :O your lucky thankfully your alright Did you win? and did you play well?

  • I KNEW IT.

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury I think I found out what happened to all our princes

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