Trailer and Release Dates for The Walking Dead: Season Two Finale
Your choices will decide Clem's fate. Who will YOU become? '#MyClementine
Don't miss this special trailer for The Walking Dead: Season Two Finale, 'NO GOING BACK,' arriving for download starting next week!
- 8/26 - PC/Mac, PlayStation 3 & PS Vita North America
- 8/27 - Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 & PS Vita Europe
- 8/28 - iPhone & iPad via the App Store
Although this video contains MAJOR spoilers for previous episodes in The Walking Dead Season One and Two, there are NO spoilers for the finale... but do watch for an all-new scene created exclusively for the trailer!
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Well that was cheerful...
One question. When will it be released for Android products?
Nice! hell ye baby.
Looks like we'll be waiting weeks after release again
Can I get a confirmation that the footage from the trailer does not show up in the game itself in any way? I never watch trailers for stuff I´m guaranteed to go see / play, but if the footage is exclusive.. Did I miss any other such trailers for previous episodes?
No, this is the first trailer they've done something like this. It's safe to watch, trust Telltale.
Just watched it.. It´s pretty good actually.. Most of it a recap of the 9 previous episodes, and then a flashback from before the outbreak.
Five days from now? I am going to shit my pants and...other bodily movements.
Kenny pls dont die Luke pls dont die Clem pls dont die random baby pls dont die :X
I will predict somewhere around Sept 16th for Android. It's gonna be so hard to stay away from spoilers
I wish they could release it the same time with the other platforms. Have they ever given a reason why people on the Android platforms have to wait for the release so long?
Geez...that sucks.
Cannot wait for the finale I wonder if were going to play as Clementine in season 3 which was confirmed. But that trailer that was sad in the ending how the parents said will be back in a few days.
...Is that blood on her coat at the end?
Why Tell Tale? Why? Why make me cry?
They love to see the tears.
when was it confirmed that clem will be PC in s3???
Is it a gunshot or bite
This trailer is so touching that I had to punch a hole through my door just to feel like a man again.
You beat your door? How dare you sir. How do you sleep at night?
Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.
i am so pumped for the next episode and does anyone know when it comes out?
Same thing i'm wondering ; . ;
A lot of the others came out at 12:00 in the afternoon so I'm sticking with that...?
Same here...I'm wondering about the Android version.
I just finished it... And let's just say I cried more than the first season. It iwas totally IMPOSSIBLE to keep the tears back. This was an amazing experience, so incredibly well written. Game of the year for me. Thank you, Telltale.
alright, I just finished season 2 last episode. I'm now ready for season 3. when will it be ready????
I completely predicted that ending, or should I say the choice I was given and ultimately made. Nonetheless, it was STILL emotional as hell! THANK YOU for a stellar finale, Telltale! Truly went full out.
He said "i wonder if ...."
This episode was a great finale! Hopefully Season 3 starts on as strong of a note as Season 2 ended on.
Im just wondering when i will be able to download the freaking final on PS2 store in Europe. Ive been waiting all day, but still: Nothing.
Different endings... 10/10.
Yea ... me 2 ......
Okay... Heres what i had to do to get the freaking episode:
Go online to to the playstation store network website for your region -> Login -> Find the specifik epsisode and buy it online at the website (Not the store on your playstation, but open up your computer and find it on the net). Then buy it, put it in your download que and then go into the store on your PS3. FINALLY i was able to download the freaking thing and i am looking forward to playing it. Good Freaking Luck!
Sucks that Luke died as he was one of my favourite characters, however I thought that the final part was epic and really well written. It was packed with a twist around every corner and I liked the way they managed to bring Lee into it without him coming back from the dead in some cheesey reunion. The final series saw Kenny in a new light as he lost control of his emotions and followed an evil path, unlike in season 4 were we saw a more gently and loving Kenny, in the end both Kenny and Jane (My least favourite character) ended up losing it, I would put Kenny's violent streak down to brain damage as he was never frequently violent without good reason before the beating he took from Carver. On the whole I would give it a 9/10 if Luke had survived I would have given it 10/10, Keep up the good work telltale.
i have not played it yet and have not seen any spoilers..
im in the UK and i thought No Going Back was out today however it is not on the playstaion store??? and it still says "coming Soon" on the thumbnail?
It was a great and bad ending kinda sad
I hope you add a season 3 cause I'm so confused at the end and want more