The kids were tired and asleep by the time we finished buckling them into their seats. I pulled out my phone and dialed Swineheart's number.
"Hey doctor, its Georgie Porgie Junior. Hey, listen, all four of the kids are taking a nap and I was wondering if you could come down later when they wake up? Uh huh. Yes. Okay, sounds great. See you later."
As Mary finished strapping George in, she sat in the passenger seat and waited. "So, what did he say?"
"He said it wouldn't be a problem. There is NO way we would be able to take four sleeping children to Swineheart."
I turned the AC dial on low, put the keys in the ignition and carefully drove away from the park. Mary leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes. She let out a long, deep sigh, as she tried adjusting the seat.
"What's wrong, Mary?"
"This car, Porgie. I HAD my seat just right in the Honda. Don't know why you got rid of the damn thing. Still worked JUST fine."
"It helped with the down payment. And besides, YOU even said it yourself it was too small for four kids."
"Hm. Well, give me a few more tries and I'll have this bitch just right. Freakin' foreign cars...."
There was a yearning feeling to begin a laughing riot, as she flipped out and began pounding the cushion. She had the apperance of dancing, as she thrashed and moved around her seat. Fucking kidding me. This continued for another mile, until she threw her arms up and declared defeat.
"Aw, what's wrong, dear? The chair get the best of you?"
She glared in my direction; her eyes a dark red and black. "FUCK YOU....DRIVE...."
I tried not to chuckle, as we pulled up to the apartment complex, parked the car and tried juggling four sleeping kids. As I finally managed to open the door, Aubrey and Sophis became restless and active in my arms. I became hysterical, as I began rocking the girls in my arms. Aubrey seemed to relax and snuggle deep into my arm but Sophia refused; this kid was going down without a fight and what a battle she was prepared to dish out.
"Sssh, Sophia, sweetie. Its okay....ummm...shit!" I carefully found the stereo, and with what free fingers I had, began looking for the song. "Sssh, baby. Daddy almost has it...almost..."
There was silence and then, the music began to play. A Guitar solo and drums beating in the background filled the room, as her misty eyes focused on the stereo.
'Taste me and you'll see, more is all you'll need. You're dedicated to, how I'm killing you! Come crawling faster, obey your master. Your life burns faster. Obey your master! MASTER! Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings, twisting your minds and smashing your dreams. Blinded by me, you can't see a thing. Just call my name cause I'll hear you scream!'
Just as the guitars continued, Mary walks into the apartment with the other two kids. She finds me sitting on the couch, holding the girls. By this time, Sophia is calm and fast asleep; Aubrey could care less, as she continues sucking on her thumb.
"Aww, just like mommy. She has great taste in music."
I snort. "You know, KIDS enjoy songs like, oh I don't know-Wheels on the Bus, Mary had a little lamb...Twinkle Twinkle little star!"
"Well, have you seen WHO you're holding? Even you can't tell me you're not impressed. You can thank me later."
I followed Mary to the other room, as she laid George and Sheila in their bed. She grabbed Sophia.
"I take it, this is what you listened to with them as well?"
Mary kissed my cheek, as we wealked into the girl's room. "You are so clever, Porgie."
"Did you ever listen to this with George? Am I to expect my son to grow a mohawk, dye it red and blast this through the walls, as he's slowly becoming twisted and plotting his master plan to destroy us all?"
Mary punched me in the arm, as we contiuned to laugh all the way back to the bedroom. I turned the stereo off, as she threw herself onto the bed, kicked off her boots and sunk deep into the sheets. I joined her, as I wrapped my arms around Mary's torso. She actually snuggled closer and laid her head onto my chest. Weird.
"You alright, Mary?"
"The fuck now, Porgie? I'm trying to relax?"
"You're cuddling with me..."
"Fuckin' kidding me, kid? You bitch that we DON'T do this and when I do, you complain. Make up your mind, Porgie. Seriously. Its annoying."
Instead of adding gas to a rapid growing fire, I decided to stand back and simply watch. Perhaps she was the reason the girls were so hot-headed and had the ability to throw fire with a single flicker of their finger. I closed my eyes and sighed; it was nice having her with me and after this morning, made me register just how much I cared for Mary.
"What, Mary?" She startled me awake, as I turned to face her.
"We are done...right?"
"Done? I don't...what are you asking me, exactly?"
"With kids. We ARE done, aren't we?"
I was befuddled by her question, as I tried to adjust myself in the bed. Her eyes never left the ceiling, as she seemed to be lost in the walls of white. She refused to look at me, even as I tried to get her attention.
"Well, I thought we were. Remember? The second the twins were born you swore this would be it? I mean, fuck...we didn't exactly PLAN for the kids but-"
"Be honest with me, kid. I REALLY need you to fucking be honest right now."
I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Mary only did this when something heavy was on her mind. Last time she did this, she was a month pregnant with George. She wasn't too sure how I'd take it, considering WHO I was, who SHE was. Would it honestly work, Porgie and Bloody Mary having a child? Or maybe, she thought the worst. Who knows. She refused to discuss it.
"Mary, what's going on..." Jon B. faintly played in the distant. The hell, thought I turned the stereo off? But I noticed Mary's forefingers extended out and she was sitting up. I grabbed her face and stroked her face. Those eyes. Fuck. "Mary..."
"Did I ruin your life, kid? Tell me the truth."
"No! Mary-what is with you lately? You're not making any sense and-"
Her eyes changed, as did her teeth, hands and posture. She was in her true form, as she pinned me deep into the mattress. There was a moment, however, where her eyes seemed devestated. Mary lifted her elbow off my chest and laid her head back down into the pillow.
"Mary, seriously. What is going on with you? I don't regret anything, you hear me?! So what, we had a tiff earlier in the kitchen! Thought we were over this? It's fine. Mary! We-"
"You were all I thought about, kid. You crossed my mind ALL the time. When you and the others were born, it was a done deal. There were nights, I'd drive myself insane, trying not to think too much about it. But that night I ventured into your room...saw you sleeping in your crib..."
I was taken back. "You were THERE come I-"
"Your father did it out of protection. I can't blame your parents. Bloody Mary stalking their newborn son. Sounds perverted. So, he took out EVERY mirror he could, so I couldn't get to you."
"But ritualistically, you crossed my mind. Then, you summoned me in the bathroom and I couldn't believe it...Georgie Porgie Junior. You were so handsome; a shaking, pathetic corpse hiding in the dark, worried I'd feast on your flesh."
"Yeah. I remember that night. Then, I called you back."
"Why?" Mary adjusted herself, as she sat deep into my lap. "Why did you call me back?"
"For some reason, you never left my thought. I don't regret calling you back, spending my time with you...having the kids. You five ARE my world. I'd rather spend my Saturday night cleaning up smoldering remains of cabinets, baby food in hair and snotty noses, then go out and get drunk."
Mary deeply kissed me; my fingers running through her hair, as her breathing deepend. She fumbled with my jeans, as I didn't hesitate to take my shirt off. As I finished taking my pants off, she slowly undressed herself; my eyes never left her beauty, as she peeled her clothes off, one by one.
"Fuck. Mary..." She deeply kissed me again. "Why...I don't want to ruin this but why did you ask me that about the kids..."
"Junior, I want another baby...please. Give me another baby, Porgie."
There was a reason for her request but sadly, I didn't grasp it in time to comprehend her strange behavior. All my mind could produce was this sweet image of Mary, playing with our children and pregnant with another. Yes, money was tight. Yes, the apartment was becoming too small but I'd make it work in the end.
I tried giving Mary what she wanted that afternoon, as we passionatly made love. But with the question still lingering in my head and Mary's strange actions, it was hard to understand and tell what was really going on.
Just the way she liked it.
Chapter 4 soon
Mary is having a moment and Junior is trying to understand why. But there is always a reason behind someone's actions and Junior will soon learn the sad truth behind it.
Not but seriously, I enjoyed this chapter. You dealt with the continuing struggles of their relationship.
But there is always a reason behind someone's actions and Junior will soon learn the sad truth behind it.
I'm curious now to what this means. You won't TELL me what you have planned! Hopefully, its nothing too serious. Hopefully she was in her 'normal' form while they, know....XD
Chapter 3
The kids were tired and asleep by the time we finished buckling them into their seats. I pulled out my phone and dial… moreed Swineheart's number.
"Hey doctor, its Georgie Porgie Junior. Hey, listen, all four of the kids are taking a nap and I was wondering if you could come down later when they wake up? Uh huh. Yes. Okay, sounds great. See you later."
As Mary finished strapping George in, she sat in the passenger seat and waited. "So, what did he say?"
"He said it wouldn't be a problem. There is NO way we would be able to take four sleeping children to Swineheart."
I turned the AC dial on low, put the keys in the ignition and carefully drove away from the park. Mary leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes. She let out a long, deep sigh, as she tried adjusting the seat.
"What's wrong, Mary?"
"This car, Porgie. I HAD my seat just right in the Honda. Don't know why you got rid of the damn thing. Still wo… [view original content]
Haha! This was awesome. I looked up kikimora briefly, she looks kinda scary xD I suppose she was glamoured though. Really interesting! I also laughed when Tez was like "GIMME!" Lol.
Last chapter for now, going to start my first semester at college tomorrow! I also hope that you guys like the new Fable I've brought into T… moreezoth's tale!
Chapter 12: The Surprise Guest
Ding! Whoosh.
Tap, tap, tap.
8:16 A.M. - Apartment 609:
"This is the place."
Knock, knock. "Hmm." Knock, knock.
"Well, that's just great." The thief leaned on the wall across from the door.
After a few minutes of waiting, the elevator dinged again. The sound caught his attention as he looked towards it, a woman had come out carrying a bag.
She noticed him standing by her door, but continued walking towards it anyway. For some reason, he couldn't get a good look at her, let alone see her facial features.
"Hey. Miss? May I take a moment of your time?"
She got her keys, put them into the keyhole and shut the door, ignoring him altogether.
"That was rude." He walked toward the entrance, attempting to pound at the door again. "H… [view original content]
Wow, omg. That ending though! I think I kinda know where this is going, though I won't say anything. Like JJ above me, SO MANY BABIES!! Lmao. Hopefully George will get the a little brother this time around. Or maybe there'll be more girls and he's just going to have to deal with it xD Good job!
Chapter 3
The kids were tired and asleep by the time we finished buckling them into their seats. I pulled out my phone and dial… moreed Swineheart's number.
"Hey doctor, its Georgie Porgie Junior. Hey, listen, all four of the kids are taking a nap and I was wondering if you could come down later when they wake up? Uh huh. Yes. Okay, sounds great. See you later."
As Mary finished strapping George in, she sat in the passenger seat and waited. "So, what did he say?"
"He said it wouldn't be a problem. There is NO way we would be able to take four sleeping children to Swineheart."
I turned the AC dial on low, put the keys in the ignition and carefully drove away from the park. Mary leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes. She let out a long, deep sigh, as she tried adjusting the seat.
"What's wrong, Mary?"
"This car, Porgie. I HAD my seat just right in the Honda. Don't know why you got rid of the damn thing. Still wo… [view original content]
"No, you're doing it wrong. Focus, Harmony. Focus. Watch me," Morgan lifted her arms in the air. She'd told me that when I became more powerful, I wouldn't even have to lift my arms to cast spells and I wouldn't have to say the spells out loud, but in order to learn them, she had to demonstrate.
"Azaretha, Levita!" She yells. We stood in Rose's castle, which looked very similar to the one in Fabletown. As soon as she recited the spell, the book in front of her began to float.
"Alright. Okay, I think I can do this!" I say.
"Okay," Morgan said. She dropped her arms and the book fell back down. She stood behind me, watching me.
"Okay," I say again,"Azaretha, Levita!" I yell, lifting my arms up high. Every object in the room began floating toward the tall ceiling.
Morgan pressed her temples,"Okay, that's enough for today. You need more focus- There's something on your mind. What did I say about clearing your thoughts?"
"I'm sorry," I say, dropping my arms. Everything falls when the gravity comes back. The room is a mess now.
She sighs, placing her hand on my shoulder and says,"It's alright. If there's anything bothering you though, you should see to fix it. Go home, get some dinner in you. Rest for tomorrow morning's lesson."
"Sounds good. Thank you, Morgan."
"It's my job child." She smiles. I exit the room she took me to practice in. The halls are more winding in this castle, but it's easy to find an exit. It's not entirely done being built, but Rose has already started using the building. I pass a few construction workers, exiting through the front doors and walking the newly paved path into the Farm's "downtown" area. From there, Wolf Manor is a small trip in the opposite direction of the castle.
I start my tread down the lesser traveled path to where my family lives. Not many Fables here visit Wolf Manor, mostly because they don't like Bigby. Even with him not home, there's still hesitation. Maybe they're afraid one of my aunts or uncles with bite them in the ass when they knock on the door. Beats me. The barn and buildings start to grow smaller behind me as I reach the edge of the valley. Just before stepping over the property line, I hear my name called out from behind.
"Harmony! Wait up!" Her voice calls. I turn and discover Rose jogging in my direction.
I stop several feet before Wolf territory and wait for her to catch up. She slows down and pants for a second before talking.
"I heard what ya did over at the castle," She says.
"Yeah. I know, I suck at trying to-"
"Suck? The fuck are you talking about? Oops, sorry for, uh.."
"It's no problem. But yeah, I wasn't able to just levitate the book. I-"
"You did something even cooler. You know, any other Fable wishing to become great and powerful wouldn't have been able to do a third of what you did today. Kid, you've got the skill."
"Thanks, I guess. I'm still, sorta working on the focusing part. I think I have issues keeping my mind clear."
"Everyone has something to work out. Just, keep up the good work. And...." She pauses a moment.
"Well, if you ever...I dunno, want to join my Camelot. You know, training and stuff. You're free to do so. That is, if you're schedule with Morgan isn't full."
"Thanks for the offer. I'll uh, think about it."
"Good. Good, well tell the cubs I said 'Hi'. I bet they miss me. Friggin' Snow won't let me on her property, let alone see the kids. At least you are able to do what you wish, see who you want. See ya later."
"See ya, Auntie."
Rose goes back the way she came from.
Ooh, Harmony's having some influences on her decision. Still haven't decided :L I am too indecisive. As for her and Tim, the next chapter will probably focus on them. We'll see.
"BABIES! So MANY Babies!!!" CUTE overload!!! lol
Not but seriously, I enjoyed this chapter. You dealt with the continuing struggles of th… moreeir relationship.
But there is always a reason behind someone's actions and Junior will soon learn the sad truth behind it.
I'm curious now to what this means. You won't TELL me what you have planned! Hopefully, its nothing too serious. Hopefully she was in her 'normal' form while they, know....XD
Wow, omg. That ending though! I think I kinda know where this is going, though I won't say anything. Like JJ above me, SO MANY BABIES!! Lmao… more. Hopefully George will get the a little brother this time around. Or maybe there'll be more girls and he's just going to have to deal with it xD Good job!
Haha! This was awesome. I looked up kikimora briefly, she looks kinda scary xD I suppose she was glamoured though. Really interesting! I also laughed when Tez was like "GIMME!" Lol.
...Whoa, Harmony has a knack for object lifting! I have a feeling that someone will try to exploit her powers for the greater bad, assuming that there's a good and bad side in the war to begin with.
"No, you're doing it wrong. Focus, Harmony. Focus. Watch me," Morgan lifted her arms in the air. She'd told me that when I became more power… moreful, I wouldn't even have to lift my arms to cast spells and I wouldn't have to say the spells out loud, but in order to learn them, she had to demonstrate.
"Azaretha, Levita!" She yells. We stood in Rose's castle, which looked very similar to the one in Fabletown. As soon as she recited the spell, the book in front of her began to float.
"Alright. Okay, I think I can do this!" I say.
"Okay," Morgan said. She dropped her arms and the book fell back down. She stood behind me, watching me.
"Okay," I say again,"Azaretha, Levita!" I yell, lifting my arms up high. Every object in the room began floating toward the tall ceiling.
Morgan pressed her temples,"Okay, that's enough for today. You need more focus- There's something on your mind. What did I say about clearing your thoughts?"
"I'm sorr… [view original content]
A hearty huffed came from Lyall as he stared at the glass of champagne in his grip. These types of events were never really his thing, not to say he didn't enjoy a little drinking and dancing... but her liked more causal types of parties... ones that didn't included wearing a tux and trying to comb his unruly locks of brow hair. Just another thing he got from his father's side... then again what didn't he get from his father Bigby Wolf? Well perhaps the fact he needed glamour to keep his tail hidden, just one of the very few things he gotten from his mother Nerissa.
Taking a small sip of the crisp champagne he looked at the crowd. A few Fables he was familiar with, such as Snow White, Flycatcher, Bluebeard, Beauty, Beast, their daughter Bonnie and his parents. The rest were just Fables he was unfamiliar with. Not like he would want to be anyway, everyone else looked too snobby to get to know or befriend.
"You look like your having fun." his father scoffed.
"Bout' as much as you are dad." Lyall grumbled selecting a pastry that was being offered to him by one of the caterers. "Food's good at least, can't complain about that."
"You might want to actually make an effort to try to rub elbows with the crowd."
"You sound like mom."
"Trust me, as one sheriff to a future one, Fabletown office will always nag you about these events." Bigby chuckled. "Best to get it over with and leave early."
"It's not that I hate parties, it's just aside from a few Fables it's not really my kind of crowd." he sighed. "I prefer the more causal sorts of folks."
"You and me both, son." his father agreed as he helped himself to a a meatball that was being offered to him.
"You two still complaining?"
Turning around they saw Nerissa coming up to them.
"It's what I'm good at." mused Bigby through a mouthful of meatball.
His mother could only shake her head. "Typical," she scoffed jokingly, offering them a small smile. "Lyall, Bonnie should be around here somewhere, chances are she's having about as much fun as you are."
Lyall nodded, it made sense. He haven't gotten a chance to greet her let alone speak. They both shared one thing in common, they hated the snooty types of Fables.
"I'll go scope things out." he said before leaving his parents.
Of course if he hated this party no doubt Bonnie hated it a thousand times more. Chances were Beauty and Beast fought tooth and nail up get her into a dress and to even her her here. Sure enough her came across her, clad in a light blue dress and her wavy blond hair done up.
Her blue eyes quickly picked sight of her friend, and a sigh of relief shortly afterwards.
"Lyall, oh thank god!" she exclaimed. "I don't know how much more I can take of this."
"That makes too of us."
"You got a smoke on you?" Bonnie asked scanning the crowd for her parents.
"You oughta know after all these years." Lyall tapped the pocket of his tuxedo's, which of course kept a pack of smokes and a lighter.
It was funny he picked up on his father's little nicotine habit. He was told his father cut back largely after he was born. Only child... or well cub in this case, apparently mermaids had a tough time mating, even if his mother didn't have a tail anymore.
"Right, we should be able to have a few quick puffs before anyone tries to look for us. Come on, the balcony should be an okay place." Bonnie grabbed his arm and more or less dragged him away. "Christ, I'm gonna lose my mind if I have to put up with this party shit for another damn second." she grumbled. "Fucking dresses, fucking snobs, fucking everything. I HATE it."
"Join the club."
Eventually the two reached the balcony, after doing a quick take to make sure no one he knew was on this floor Lyall dug through his pockets and retrieved the pack of smokes and a silver lighter.
"I need this more then air right now." he grumbled as him and Bonnie selected a cigarette.
"Think we can sneak out?" she asked as he lit up the smokes.
"Doubt it, beside's this place is huge. I wouldn't know where to start. How many floors again?"
"Three I think... maybe five?" Bonnie shrug then took a long drag. "Only good thing is the food and alcohol... if I could have any."
"If you like tasteless spring rolls then yeah, and I always preferred something a little stronger."
He brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled deeply. Now if only he had remembered to bring his flask of whiskey, now that would really help him out right now.
"Course you do, son of Fabletown's sheriff, wanting to fallow his father's footsteps including his habits." she chuckled while blowing a grey cloud of smoke into the cool night air.
"You though about getting involve with law enforcement?"
"Yes, hopefully next week I'll able to get with it. My parents been trying to talk me out of it for ages."
"I can imagine."
"Once the big one eight rolls around I'm a free woman." she took another drag.
"There just worried about you, you know they had a hard time trying to get pregnant-"
"So did your parents!" she snapped. "Once my birthday rolls around first thing I'm gonna do is go straight to Fabletown office and ask Snow for a job working with law, who knows maybe I'll be your partner in crime or something." she laughed putting her cigarette out. "Thanks, I really needed that."
"Always happy to help." Lyall mused stomping out his own smoke. "Now come on, if my parents found out I smoked with a minor I'm screwed."
"Fine, I'm craving a few of those shitty spring rolls anyway." Bonnie agreed as they left the balcony and returned inside.
Lyall's hears picked up upon hearing a bit more upbeat song playing, although still a bit old time sounding it was by far the most lively sound the band played yet, everything else sounded like a funeral march.
"Bout damn time they played something a little bit decent." he stated watching his fellow Fables dance. "I'm gonna hate myself if I don't get to squeeze in one dance..."
"Good luck looking for a dance partner. I'm gonna go see if there handing out desserts, heard the cream puffs are to die for. Later future sheriff." Bonnie bid her farewell before heading off.
Now with his nicotine craving dealt with all he had to do now was find a dance parter.
Bonnie crept throughout the darken hallways of the building, she just had to get out of the damn area where the party was being held. It was driving her mad! And this frilly mess of a dress wasn't helping, it was giving her a constant wedgie, she could not wait to rip this goddamn dress off of her.
The hallways were off limits so they were quiet, just what she was looking for. Hopefully there was a room that wasn't locked so she could wait out this awful event. Her eyes landed on a door, if unlocked it would be fairly suitable to hide while time passed.
Her hands turned the brass knob and opened the door. Her eyebrows raised in shock too see the room (Most likely where they stores cleaning supplies, judging my all the paper towels and bleach) was currently taken.
He was clad in a tux like every other man here, only real difference was his tie was undone and had a joint of weed that he was currently smoking.
His eyes averted from the shelves of paper towels and bleach to her, a nervous look spread on his face.
"Uhh..." his jaw hung open as green-ish smoke escaped from his mouth
"You gonna share?"
Lyall wasn't having much luck seeking out a dance parter, seems like everyone there was already taken, or planning to dance with their lovers. Still, he was dead set on having at least one dance before the event was over.
Furrowing his brows in frustration he scanned the crowd once more. What floor was this again anyway? He had been going up and down flights of stair cases to find someone willing to dance to at least one song with!
It was then he saw a woman, she looked in her twenties like him, long black hair done up, strapless deep purple dress, white gloves, and freckled cheeks. She was just standing there idly drinking champagne while she listened to the band play music, there was a ring on her finger but it was hard to tell of it was a wedding ring or just normal jewelry.
"Well you don't known until you try." Lyall said to himself and straighten his tie and made his way up to the purple dressed woman. "Good evening." he greeted. Her eyes lazily shifted there gaze to him, acknowledging his presence.
"Lyall Wolf," he introduced taking her hand and kissing the top of the fine silk gloves.
"The pleasure's all mine." her voice was as black as ice as she yanked her hand back.
Feisty one eh?
"This party's coming to a close you know, and I was wondering if I could have this dance." he extended his arm to her, in hopes she would take his offer.
She pouted her red painted lips at him and narrowed her eyes. "And if I do?"
"I'll make it worth your while."
"I'll need a better reason then that." she huffed, her lips formed a straight line.
"Nerve mind, I do enjoy a challenge. Just try to keep up Wolf, I refuse me make a fool of myself in front of everyone." the purple clad woman took a hold of his arm. "Amuse me Wolf."
And there we go, chapter 2.
XD and in case you couldn't figure it out the mystery lady is Scarlett. Lol, nothing beats asking the woman who wants nothing more then to kill your family for a dance, am I right.
Bios of Lyall and Bonnie
Lyall- Bigby and Nerissa's (I don't ship BigbyXSnow) son. The splitting image of Bigby. Loyal, gets the job done, sees a bit of good in everyone, is very blunt. Can turn into a wolf when angered/ need to fight. But needs glamour for his legs Planing to become sheriff. Theme song : Howl by Florence and The machine
Bonnie - Beauty and Beast's daughter, has her mother's eyes and wavy blond hair. Her parents are usually very protective of her, due to this Bonnie craves a life of freedom and adventure. She is a daredevil, a risk taker, bold, cocky, moody, selfish, easy to anger, but extremely loyal to those who understand her. Can turn into a beast like her father. Theme song : Heaven knows by The pretty reckless
Here 's a link to what Scarlett looks like Now you can all see what the daughter of Bloody Mary looks like on case the pic can't upload ont… moreo here.
Also we get to see two new OCs, Lyall and Bonnie.
The cold heart of hate
Chapter 2 The start of a storm
A hearty huffed came from Lyall as he stared at the glass of champagne in his grip. These types of events were never really his thing, not to say he didn't enjoy a little drinking and dancing... but her liked more causal types of parties... ones that didn't included wearing a tux and trying to comb his unruly locks of brow hair. Just another thing he got from his father's side... then again what didn't he get from his father Bigby Wolf? Well perhaps the fact he needed glamour to keep his tail hidden, just one of the very few things he gotten from his mother Nerissa.
Taking a small sip o… [view original content]
Hmmm. No wonder Mary loves ya so much. You fix toilets with Hammers. XD
I woke up to the sound of little mouths chewing. How long was I out? I sat up and looked around; sitting beside me, were George and Sheila. Like always, Mary's spot was empty. My heart became heavy, as Sheila offered me a cracker.
"Hungy, daddy?" She held out a Lion shaped cookie, pieces of cookie stuck to her lips.
"No, baby. Thank you. Mommy here?"
George looked up, his mouth full of snack. "Yes, she is in the kitchen. The doctor guy is here."
Wow, she ACTUALLY stayed? I made Sheila turn her head, as I quickly found my clothes and got dressed. George's eyes were on me the whole time, as I tried searching for my right shoe. Before I knew it, Mary stood in the doorway. At this point, I was on my hands and knees.
"Seriously, Porgie?" She giggled, as her foot kicked my shoe from under the dresser. "You should have just asked."
As I stood up, there was a booming sound from within the kitchens. Sheila giggled, as George looked worried; his attention was directed to me, as if to see my next reaction.
"Ah, seems like the girls are progressing just fine."
"THAT was the girls?! Mary-"
"Hush your face, Porgie. We got this. Believe it or not, they are doing so good."
As she made her exit out the room, the three of us followed. I was terrified. To what would remain of my once neat and tidy apartment? I found the girls sitting on the floor, Swineheart sitting between them and taking down notes. His tie seemed charred at the end and part of his jacket missing some fabric.
"Well, good afternoon, Junior. Glad you could make it. Sorry for the interruption. How is the insomnia?"
"Better, Doctor, thank you. So, how are the girls?" I watched, as Aubrey pointed her finger in Sophia's direction and ignite her sleeve. Panicking, I rushed to put out the fire but was demaned to stop by Swineheart. "But, she-"
"Wait, Junior. This is part of learning. YOU keep running to their rescue and the girls will not be able to defend themselves. They have to know and understand one another."
I sat back and watched, as Sophia began shaking her shoulder. When the fire was out, she glared over at Aubrey and attempted to throw another ball of fire. My heart was racing and the fear within me was over flowing but I trusted Swineheart. He did a fantastic number on Sheila when she was a baby.
"Their powers mostly come from irritating the other one; typical Fable twin behavior, especially if one OR both contain powers. I noticed they have periods of clam before the storm, like eating, sleeping and play."
"So, how do we NOT have this happen? I'd hate for them to be outside and BOOM! There goes the neighborhood."
Swineheart laughed, as he pulled out a Teddy Bear and red ball. The girls' attentions focused on the new toys, as their arms reached out and tried snatching the toys.
"For your father, it was the stone. Mother, guitar...Mary has her mirror and you for awhile derived your power from anguish, guilt and hurt. The twins pick it up from irritation. BUT, if we find a healthy outlet to keep that urge within, they will learn to forget and control the need to pick on the other."
I was confused, as he handed the girls a toy. "Uh, so if they have these in their hands, they'll forget they have powers?"
"Well, not so much as to FORGET but focus on something else. This way, they won't continue to use it on each other and cause damage or believe its okay to continue doing so." He glared over at Mary, who turned her attention to George. "And besides, you can't ERASE something like that from them, either."
"I didn't want that, Doctor. Just something to help them from killing each other or burning this place to a crisp."
Aubrey began chewing on the Bear's arm, as Sophia rolled along side the ball. It was true. Within seconds, it was like the other girl was no longer in the room.
"As they get older and begin to understand vocabulary, we will teach them to control their powers and use them only if neccessary. But for now, this will help them both."
Mary offered Swineheart a slice of pie and coffee but he turned the offer down.
"I appreciate the hospitality but I must be going now. So many newborn Fables in this town. Spring and Summer were the seasons this year for the reproduction of Fabletown."
We both thanked him and watched the doctor push the elevator button and soon, was gone.
"Well, that went well."
"They are not out of control, Porgie. They are just doing what Fables do and that whole sister thing."
"Well, I didn't want them to think it was okay. What about the mirror. Do they have that ability as well?"
"Why, yes they do, Porgie! Congrats-you have two more mirror jumpers to add to the Christmas card."
Mary bent her knees and began searching for a sauce pan. When she retreived one, she filled it with water and threw a sack of potatoes into the sink. I leaned against the counter and watched her peel the potatoes. As the water began to bubble, she glared over.
"So, what is with the domestic household duties you are suddenly performing? Do I see Bloody Mary peeling potatoes and cooking dinner?"
A shard of glass nearly missed my head, as I began laughing hysterically.
"Here you go. Bitch, bitch, bitch that we don't DO these together as much and when we DO, THIS happens!" She turned the heat down, as I walked behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "Make up your mind."
We both looked over; Sheila stood in the kitchen with a profound disapproval look upon her little face.
"What's ew, sweetie?"
She pointed simply at Mary and I. "No touchies, daddy! No! Bad daddy!" She stomped her right foot into the tile. "No..."
I tried not to erupt in laughter, for her face said it all. I snatched her in my arms, swung her around and planted a raspberry kiss onto her belly. The spontaneous noise made created amusment on her face, as she chuckled and kicked the air. The hillarious noises continued, as I made my way into the living room. George knew what was coming, as he stood up from the couch and made his way to the other side. He too, was laughing.
"NO! No, get Aubrey and Sophia, daddy!"
"Are you sure? You don't want one, George!?" I grabbed George and soon, raspberry kisses were being delivered to his belly. The boy couldn't stop, as he and Sheila cackled. As Mary began cutting up the potatoes, she too tried to hold back the laughter.
"Mommy! Help! Save us from the monster!"
"Oh, I don't know. He looks pretty tough, that Raspberry kissing monster!"
The twin girls tackled me, as all four of the kids and I wrestled on the ground. Impressed by his strength, George held onto my arm and tried keeping me away from his sisters. But the fun would end shortly, for Sophia's palms were warming up at an alarming rate.
"Oh! No, no, no, no, sweetie!" I rushed her over to the sink and placed her arm under the faucet; Sheila would soon follow with the bear.
"Here you are, daddy."
I was impressed with the meal prepared by Mary. After all this time and she decided to surprise me with her Martha Stuart capabilities. And this was the woman who SWORE she'll never cook. Or bake. Or, um, have children.
There was a large bowl of mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and Porkchops. As I tried cutting up peices for George, Sheila became fussy, as she moved her corn around with the fork.
"Baby, don't play with your food. Eat it."
"Bleh! I don't like this stuff!"
Mary poured herself another cup of soda. "Since WHEN do you not like corn, young lady?"
"Since now! I don't want this anymore, mommy!"
"Stop raising your voice, Sheila. You need to eat your veggies."
Mary seemed ridiculosly calm, as Sheila's tantrum continued. Oh, the terrible two's. Fun. Before long, Sheila had her plate turned upside down and piles of food forming aroud her seat and floor.
"I don't like corn, mommy!" Her eyes changed and began bleeding, as shards of glass poked through her skin. "I don't like corn-"
Mary's form changed instantly, as she hissed at Sheila; her eyes, too had changed. Shards of glass appeared along her face and arms, as her fingers developed into claws and her teeth became fangs. The twins clapped in their high chairs, as George looked down at his corn. He quickly ate every last one. Sheila sunk deeper into her seat, her mother's face inches from her own. Mary grabbed another plate and added a hefty helping of corn.
"EAT, young lady...NOW!" Mary's hissing grew louder. "And stop...raising...your...VOICE!"
Sheila returned to normal, as her spoon dug into the corn. Mary too returned to her normal self, as she sat down and continued cutting into her meat.
"Gotta fight fire with fire sometimes." She glanced over at the twins, who were still clapping. "Figuratively speaking, you two. Too much like me, Sheila. Man. Gonna bump heads when you're older."
Oh God. Help me now. After dinner and the cleanup of the kitchen, the six of us found ourselves planted in our bed, making shadow puppets on the wall. The kids all participated in the fun, as they tried creating animals, people and things within the walls.
"Look, daddy! Its a Wolf like Nana!" Sure enough, George had created a Wolf. "See!"
"It does look like Nana, huh? You're gonna have to show her when you see her."
After several more minutes, all four of the kids were asleep in our arms; George's face covered in the sheets, while the twins snored like bears in a cave.
"Yeesh, they are loud."
"Hm. Get THAT from you."
"Wow! One thing from me! Yes!"
Mary kissed my lips, as I turned the lamp off. It didn't matter that half my body was hanging from the bed. I was enjoying this.
"No, you're doing it wrong. Focus, Harmony. Focus. Watch me," Morgan lifted her arms in the air. She'd told me that when I became more power… moreful, I wouldn't even have to lift my arms to cast spells and I wouldn't have to say the spells out loud, but in order to learn them, she had to demonstrate.
"Azaretha, Levita!" She yells. We stood in Rose's castle, which looked very similar to the one in Fabletown. As soon as she recited the spell, the book in front of her began to float.
"Alright. Okay, I think I can do this!" I say.
"Okay," Morgan said. She dropped her arms and the book fell back down. She stood behind me, watching me.
"Okay," I say again,"Azaretha, Levita!" I yell, lifting my arms up high. Every object in the room began floating toward the tall ceiling.
Morgan pressed her temples,"Okay, that's enough for today. You need more focus- There's something on your mind. What did I say about clearing your thoughts?"
"I'm sorr… [view original content]
Oh, this is very interesting. I'm loving that you created a child between Bigby and Nerissa. Its always interesting to see people's takes on characters and you didn't doubt me. Lyall seems like a badass to me.
Here 's a link to what Scarlett looks like Now you can all see what the daughter of Bloody Mary looks like on case the pic can't upload ont… moreo here.
Also we get to see two new OCs, Lyall and Bonnie.
The cold heart of hate
Chapter 2 The start of a storm
A hearty huffed came from Lyall as he stared at the glass of champagne in his grip. These types of events were never really his thing, not to say he didn't enjoy a little drinking and dancing... but her liked more causal types of parties... ones that didn't included wearing a tux and trying to comb his unruly locks of brow hair. Just another thing he got from his father's side... then again what didn't he get from his father Bigby Wolf? Well perhaps the fact he needed glamour to keep his tail hidden, just one of the very few things he gotten from his mother Nerissa.
Taking a small sip o… [view original content]
Lol yes but sadly, this won't be a happy little event for the two of them. That's all I can say.
There is a deep secret and reason as to WHY she wants so many children.
Chapter 4
Hmmm. No wonder Mary loves ya so much. You fix toilets with Hammers. XD
I woke up to the sound of little mou… moreths chewing. How long was I out? I sat up and looked around; sitting beside me, were George and Sheila. Like always, Mary's spot was empty. My heart became heavy, as Sheila offered me a cracker.
"Hungy, daddy?" She held out a Lion shaped cookie, pieces of cookie stuck to her lips.
"No, baby. Thank you. Mommy here?"
George looked up, his mouth full of snack. "Yes, she is in the kitchen. The doctor guy is here."
Wow, she ACTUALLY stayed? I made Sheila turn her head, as I quickly found my clothes and got dressed. George's eyes were on me the whole time, as I tried searching for my right shoe. Before I knew it, Mary stood in the doorway. At this point, I was on my hands and knees.
"Seriously, Porgie?" She giggled, as her foot kicked my shoe from under the dresser. "You should have just asked."
… [view original content]
Lol yes but sadly, this won't be a happy little event for the two of them. That's all I can say.
There is a deep secret and reason as to WHY she wants so many children.
Haha, yeah. I wouldn't say that it's 'Good vs Bad', it's more of a rivalry between siblings that hasn't even happened yet, if that makes sense. Fables will most likely join the side they think will win, or join the side that they support the most. It's harder for Harmony, given that it's Family vs. Family, but I think her choice will be surprising in the end. Or maybe it won't be surprising. I guess it depends on who you think she'll choose. There's a lot of influence from both sides, so she's trying her best to see what's right. As for manipulation, I'm still sorting things out as to how things will go, but that's a good idea XD
...Whoa, Harmony has a knack for object lifting! I have a feeling that someone will try to exploit her powers for the greater bad, assuming that there's a good and bad side in the war to begin with.
Yeah, she's more powerful than the average apprentice XD She gets it from Snow and Rose's bloodline. They're actually going through a similar situation sort of, where they are gathering all this power without even knowing it until just recently. Whether they use it all for good or bad is their decision, I'm not Bill Willingham xD
Oh, how exciting! Hopefully she get's the hang of this whole witch thing soon! Wonder how everything will influence her in the end...
Also, can't wait to read more about Tim and Harm's relationship! So Kawaii! XD
"Harm? Where the hell have you been? You just- You just left!" Tim yelled at me over the phone. I sat in the livingroom, kids playing at my feet on the floor.
"I'm sorry! It was all last minute- I...I miss you, you know. I really do."
"I miss you too," He says still frustrated.
"Hey, look. I'll be learning the portal-spell soon. Maybe if I do good, I can come see you."
"That would be nice. God, I wish we were allowed to drive to the Farm. No offense, but you grandfather is screwing Fabletown up big time."
"No kidding. Every now and again I get this insane feeling, like a tug or something. Morgan says that the amount of magic Bigby is letting out at such a rate is screwing with every body who has the ability to wield it."
"Yeah. Good thing I'm ordinary. Well, I hope we see each other soon."
"Me too. I'll talk to you later. Love you."
"Love you too," And Tim hangs up. I stand up, looking out the window at the setting sun. What I'd kill to sleep next to Tim again. It gets lonely, even with all my family here. The only one who I'm really interested in talking with is Therese, and she rarely opens her mouth to speak.
"Are you ready for dinner?" Therese says, walking in. The kids pile into the dining room, eager to get food in their bellies. I sit at the table, twirling my fork in my spaghetti.
"So when are you gonna get married? Can I be the flower girl?" Blossom asks, stuffing noodles in her mouth.
"Yeah. You never said when you planned on having the wedding," My mother says, cutting her knife into her chicken breast.
"Well, me and Tim never discussed it. We were more focused on the now, not the later. I guess I'll talk with him about it later."
"So can I be the flower girl?" Blossom said, smiling from ear to ear.
"Ha, we'll see," I say, chewing on my food.
After dinner, the kids run upstairs for showers and bedtime. Being older, I don't necessarily have to go to bed right away. I wander the halls aimlessly. The book of spells Morgan gave me lies on a shelf in the war room. The war room was used years ago, when Fabletown defeated the Adversary. Snow said she was in command in there, plotting strategies with some of the highest of Fabletown's authority. I stare at the arrangement of the homelands, each represented like a planet. It shows the connections to each universe, the location of each gate. Most gates were destroyed during the war, which is represented by the red X's all over each planet. I'd always wondered what it was like compared to our world.
I open the spell book, looking over the few that Morgan instructed to me. I keep flipping the page until I reach the one about portals.
"Maybe...." I whisper to myself.
I place the book down. I try to think back to what Morgan did. She didn't say a single word when she opened it. Like she said before, once you get good at it, words become meaningless. I look in the book, reciting the words in my head a few times. Luckily, it doesn't open any portal yet. The book says to focus on where I want it to open. I stand in the middle of the room, clearing my mind of nothing but my bedroom in Fabletown.
"Arendius, Aegus, Windictus!" I shout. The faint glimmerings of the portal began to appear, but in the excitement, I lost my focus. It faded away.
"Damnit. Harmony, get your head in the game," I tell myself.
I try again, more determined. After reciting the words once more, the portal opens, full form. It shimmers, making the room light up bright. The light is almost like sunrays, warmer when you get nearer. I remember to think of my room at home. Stepping through, the world around me turns into a vast field in a world unknown.
"What the....What did I do wrong? Shit, shit where am I?"
Dun, dun, dun! Oh no! What did Harm do? Next chapter, you'll see how she get's out of yet another mess. I actually have a change in plans, and I think you'll like how things turn out. Maybe.
Omfg I died laughing at the sim-pic. I play sims 2 and 3 all the time XD
Also: D'AWWWWW Everything was so cute I think Sheila's my favorite! Also, that Martha Stuart cooking XD
Fav line: "Gotta fight fire with fire sometimes." She glanced over at the twins, who were still clapping. "Figuratively speaking, you two. Too much like me, Sheila. Man. Gonna bump heads when your older."
This chapter was WAY too cute! I swear, I love this family so much!
Chapter 4
Hmmm. No wonder Mary loves ya so much. You fix toilets with Hammers. XD
I woke up to the sound of little mou… moreths chewing. How long was I out? I sat up and looked around; sitting beside me, were George and Sheila. Like always, Mary's spot was empty. My heart became heavy, as Sheila offered me a cracker.
"Hungy, daddy?" She held out a Lion shaped cookie, pieces of cookie stuck to her lips.
"No, baby. Thank you. Mommy here?"
George looked up, his mouth full of snack. "Yes, she is in the kitchen. The doctor guy is here."
Wow, she ACTUALLY stayed? I made Sheila turn her head, as I quickly found my clothes and got dressed. George's eyes were on me the whole time, as I tried searching for my right shoe. Before I knew it, Mary stood in the doorway. At this point, I was on my hands and knees.
"Seriously, Porgie?" She giggled, as her foot kicked my shoe from under the dresser. "You should have just asked."
… [view original content]
Well thank you so kindly. I JUST created them earlier this morning and having a BLAST! Can't waith for the Sims 4.
Anyway, that pretty much summons up Mary and Sheila's relationship. Their personalities are so much alike. That's why, certain times, Junior WON'T say anything when it comes to those two. XD
Well, glad you ship them. VERY happy everyone is taking a liking to them as a couple.
The hell! That image! XD
I LOVED this, especially the part where she turns and scares Sheila into eating her corn. 'You gotta fight fire … morewith fire.'
HOW CUTE! Ugh! Love them! Ship these two. IDC what people say-I love these two! #BloodyPorgie Great work, pie! That ending, too.
I had to, especially when my Sim Junior began hammering the toilet seat. LOVE that game.
Well, thank you. Glad you and so many others enjoy the odd but adorable little family. I love Sheila dearl because she is too much like her mother. There is so much Mary won't tell anyone, especially her ability to cook! XD
Omfg I died laughing at the sim-pic. I play sims 2 and 3 all the time XD
Also: D'AWWWWW Everything was so cute I think Sheila's my favor… moreite! Also, that Martha Stuart cooking XD
Fav line: "Gotta fight fire with fire sometimes." She glanced over at the twins, who were still clapping. "Figuratively speaking, you two. Too much like me, Sheila. Man. Gonna bump heads when your older."
This chapter was WAY too cute! I swear, I love this family so much!
"So, can I be the flower girl?" I LOVE Blossom to death! She is actually one of my favorites and I'm still trying to understand why. XD
I feel bad for Tim and hopefully, they will see eachother soon but not after Harm finds her way out of THIS jam! Wonder where she went off to....hmmmm....
I'm SURE whatever idea you have will be wonderful. They always are, Em. Looking forward to the next chapter.
"Harm? Where the hell have you been? You just- You just left!" Tim yelled at me over the phone. I sat in the livingroom, kids playing at my … morefeet on the floor.
"I'm sorry! It was all last minute- I...I miss you, you know. I really do."
"I miss you too," He says still frustrated.
"Hey, look. I'll be learning the portal-spell soon. Maybe if I do good, I can come see you."
"That would be nice. God, I wish we were allowed to drive to the Farm. No offense, but you grandfather is screwing Fabletown up big time."
"No kidding. Every now and again I get this insane feeling, like a tug or something. Morgan says that the amount of magic Bigby is letting out at such a rate is screwing with every body who has the ability to wield it."
"Yeah. Good thing I'm ordinary. Well, I hope we see each other soon."
"Me too. I'll talk to you later. Love you."
"Love you too," And Tim hangs up. I stand up, looking out the window at the setting sun… [view original content]
Thank you and if it's badasses you like, there will certainly be some in the next chapter. Specially when Bigby's son Lyall and Bloody Mary's daughter Scarlett are in the same room with each other. XD
Oh, this is very interesting. I'm loving that you created a child between Bigby and Nerissa. Its always interesting to see people's takes on… more characters and you didn't doubt me. Lyall seems like a badass to me.
Also, loving the picture of Scarlet. Great work!
I love Blossom too! I think she's very much like Rose, and it's a shame that Willingham hasn't really talked about her as much as some of the other cubs. He also doesn't focus on Conner very much. Oh well, I'll just have to include them more myself.
As for plans, man you are not going to believe what's to come. I decided to write out the basic plot line as to what I want to happen. So far, I have 15 chapters worth XD Of course, I think I'll combine a few of them, and most will probably be short, but I think you and every one else is going to melt when you see some of the things that happens. Let's just say, Harmony might not be home for a long time!
"So, can I be the flower girl?" I LOVE Blossom to death! She is actually one of my favorites and I'm still trying to understand why. XD
I… more feel bad for Tim and hopefully, they will see eachother soon but not after Harm finds her way out of THIS jam! Wonder where she went off to....hmmmm....
I'm SURE whatever idea you have will be wonderful. They always are, Em. Looking forward to the next chapter.
"How the- Where am I- What the...the spell book! I still have it on me.... I need to.... I need someone here." I began flipping the pages of the book. I needed Morgan. I needed someone who could get me out of here. I opened up to the page dedicated to summoning things.
"I need to- I need to summon Morgan or..." I sat down, taking a deep breath. I was taught that magic works best when you're relaxed. Currently, I was the farthest thing from relaxed.
I took another deep breath, saying the words that the spell book gave me. I tried so hard to focus on who I wanted here. I closed my eyes tight, saying the words over and over for about 7 times.
"Vindictus Letaris!" I say, one last time.
I open my eyes. There's nothing there.
I'm stuck here with no one.
"Where the fuck am I?" I hear from behind me. My eyes go wide and I turn around. It's Tim.
"Tim! I'm so happy to see you, I-" I stop myself, running into his arms. He takes the embrace but doesn't wrap his arms around me like he normally does.
"Harmony? What happened? I was sleeping...Are we where I think we are?" Tim looks around. We're in a field of flowers, and it looks to be mid-afternoon here. Tim lets go of me and limps around, taking in the sight.
"I have no clue what happened. I just...I just wanted to be with you, I tried to open a portal but I was alone and I-"
"Shhh, it's okay. Calm down, you're hyperventilating. Listen, if I'm right, it looks like we're in the Homelands. This could be good or bad."
"What do you mean? Isn't the adversary defeated? Aren't we safe?"
"Listen. We need to find some place to stay, maybe a barn or something. Let's go for a walk, find something."
"Okay. Alright......wait!" I tug Tim's arm, preventing him from leaving,"What about food, and- and water?"
"We'll find some. It won't be the first time I had to live off the land. Let's go." He starts to lead the way.
"Alright, Tim," I heave a sigh. This is perfect. I can't even bring the right person to help me, let alone do a single spell correctly. I follow Tim down a beaten path. After 20 minutes of walking, Tim spots something.
"There! There's a house. Let's see who lives there, if anyone."
"What if they aren't good though?" I stop a few feet behind him.
He turns around to answer me,"Then that's where our luck runs out. We have to try though. C'mon."
I follow him up to the door. An overgrown rose bush filled with red and white roses sits near the fence. The doors to the cottage are wide open and look weathered to hell. We walk inside and it's almost too dark to see. Thew whole place casts an eerie feeling.
"Huh, that's weird," I say.
"What's weird?" Tim asks, reaching into his pocket. He pulls a match out and lights it.
"This place feels familiar." I run my hand down the window pane, collecting dust all over myself.
"Weird." Tim lights the nearest candles. The room is more visible, though it's still dark and a little bit scary.
"This place looks abandoned to me." I say, sitting on a bench in the room. I don't know why, but it's almost like I knew someone who lived here. It's almost like a scent. A familiar scent. Tim takes his time looking around. I join him, surveying the rooms. There's a washroom, a bedroom, a common area and a kitchen.
"Whoever lived here had children at one point," Tim says, picking up a few toys lying on the ground.
"Yeah, I guess so." Still feeling somewhat familiar, I pick up the doll and sniff it. Who was I smelling?
"We should rest. I was in the middle of sleeping when you brought me here," Tim says. He sits on the edge of the bed, patting the pillow with his hand.
"Tim, what's going to happen to us?" I say, dropping the doll on the wood floor boards. It makes a light thudding noise.
"Nothing, if we're careful. This place is pretty tucked away from civilization, if there is any civilization out here. We can stay here and live a little, until someone comes to rescue us."
"How do you know anyone will rescue us?"
"Have you seen the witches in action? I believe they'll find us, one day."
"How can you be sure?" I sit next to him and he lies back on the bed. He pulls me into his arms and I rest my head on his chest. His breathing is steadier than mine. He's probably used to getting into screwed up situations like this.
"I can't be sure, but we can still have hope, can't we?" He kisses my forehead softly.
"Right. Lets sleep." I close my eyes and pull the blanket over me.
"Sounds like a plan. Goodnight, sweetheart."
So now Tim's dragged into the mess :L It's late where I am, so I'm going to go to bed. Another few chapters probably tomorrow. I actually planned them out, so they may actually be out more frequently this week in particular. Depends on if I can write them in a way I want to.
Haha, yeah. I wouldn't say that it's 'Good vs Bad', it's more of a rivalry between siblings that hasn't even happened yet, if that makes sen… morese. Fables will most likely join the side they think will win, or join the side that they support the most. It's harder for Harmony, given that it's Family vs. Family, but I think her choice will be surprising in the end. Or maybe it won't be surprising. I guess it depends on who you think she'll choose. There's a lot of influence from both sides, so she's trying her best to see what's right. As for manipulation, I'm still sorting things out as to how things will go, but that's a good idea XD
Ah, I see that Harmony got her sense of smell from her uncle Bigby, right? Anyhow, this is interesting and a bit scary to be honest. Usually these type of scenarios turn out to be really creepy while they inevitably turn out for the worst. Can't wait for the next few chapters!
"How the- Where am I- What the...the spell book! I still have it on me.... I need to.... I need someone here." I began flipping the pages of… more the book. I needed Morgan. I needed someone who could get me out of here. I opened up to the page dedicated to summoning things.
"I need to- I need to summon Morgan or..." I sat down, taking a deep breath. I was taught that magic works best when you're relaxed. Currently, I was the farthest thing from relaxed.
I took another deep breath, saying the words that the spell book gave me. I tried so hard to focus on who I wanted here. I closed my eyes tight, saying the words over and over for about 7 times.
"Vindictus Letaris!" I say, one last time.
I open my eyes. There's nothing there.
I'm stuck here with no one.
"Where the fuck am I?" I hear from behind me. My eyes go wide and I turn around. It's Tim.
"Tim! I'm so happy to see you, I-" I stop myself, running into his arms. He takes the … [view original content]
Chapter 4
Hmmm. No wonder Mary loves ya so much. You fix toilets with Hammers. XD
I woke up to the sound of little mou… moreths chewing. How long was I out? I sat up and looked around; sitting beside me, were George and Sheila. Like always, Mary's spot was empty. My heart became heavy, as Sheila offered me a cracker.
"Hungy, daddy?" She held out a Lion shaped cookie, pieces of cookie stuck to her lips.
"No, baby. Thank you. Mommy here?"
George looked up, his mouth full of snack. "Yes, she is in the kitchen. The doctor guy is here."
Wow, she ACTUALLY stayed? I made Sheila turn her head, as I quickly found my clothes and got dressed. George's eyes were on me the whole time, as I tried searching for my right shoe. Before I knew it, Mary stood in the doorway. At this point, I was on my hands and knees.
"Seriously, Porgie?" She giggled, as her foot kicked my shoe from under the dresser. "You should have just asked."
… [view original content]
The real mission.
A few weeks ago, in a fictional land called New York City...
He always disliked the busy c… moreity streets, especially the shopping areas. They had visited fifteen shops already and still not a single dress was found that met his daughter’s expectations. Rumble checked his watch in between shops. He had a appointment, one he couldn’t miss.
“Come on daddy! We’re burning daylight over here!” his daughter urged him on. She was nothing like him, at least physically. She was beautiful, with her long blonde hair like gold and eyes as blue as emeralds. But much like her adopted father she was a trickster. She played the part of brainless bimbo well but few knew the dangerous intellect that hide behind those eyes.
“Coming, Anastasia...” the imp got up from his bench and leaned on his cane as he followed his daughter. “I still don’t see why I am dragged along for this and not your friends…”
“Because da… [view original content]
Thanks Noir! I thought it fitting since everyone here coughdragonbuttercough has been introducing likeable dragons in their stories. Also it turns the entire maiden - dragon relationship thing in fairy tales on it's head. Truth be told i had a busy week and this chapter was written against the clock, hence its short. I wanted to give more of a reason that this is more than just a heist AND i wanted to introduce some more of the Fables cast.
I do hate the interface here, copy pasting this from Word is a bad idea....again for those who dont want to tear out their eyeballs here ya go.
Grandpa Bigby, you mean. It's okay xD And yeah, there might be some scary situations for her and Tim, but then again, maybe there will be something happier for them there.
Ah, I see that Harmony got her sense of smell from her uncle Bigby, right? Anyhow, this is interesting and a bit scary to be honest. Usually… more these type of scenarios turn out to be really creepy while they inevitably turn out for the worst. Can't wait for the next few chapters!
Thanks Noir! I thought it fitting since everyone here coughdragonbuttercough has been introducing likeable dragons in their stories. Also it… more turns the entire maiden - dragon relationship thing in fairy tales on it's head. Truth be told i had a busy week and this chapter was written against the clock, hence its short. I wanted to give more of a reason that this is more than just a heist AND i wanted to introduce some more of the Fables cast.
I do hate the interface here, copy pasting this from Word is a bad idea....again for those who dont want to tear out their eyeballs here ya go.
Grandpa Bigby, you mean. It's okay xD And yeah, there might be some scary situations for her and Tim, but then again, maybe there will be something happier for them there.
Morgan le Fay sat at her desk in the big huge castle Rose had decided she needed to build for her quest to create 'New Camelot.' The grandfather clock that sat against the wall she faced struck 12, sending the same amount of rings echoing the inside the room. On the 8th ding, the door burst open with what appeared to be one of Snow White's many cubs.
"My niece is gone, Mrs. Green!" The blond haired girl said as she approached her desk.
"Gone you say? Where to?" Morgan placed the pen in her hand down, waiting for the answer to her question.
"You mean, you don't know either? I heard Harmony enter the war room an hour ago. I figured she just wanted to be alone, she's been having some troubling thoughts on her mind. I went down to check on her, and she wasn't there. Her scent literally disappeared in thin air!"
"Thin air? That sounds like she used a spell to take her somewhere else,"Morgan's face became more grave. She stood up quickly and walked to her shelf, flipping through the pages of an ancient book. She read a few lines on a page as Therese waited impatiently to hear what she was looking to say.
"So? Is there any way you can find her?" Therese asked, trying to get a glimpse of the page that Morgan held back.
"Well, it depends on where she went. If she's still here, in our world, I can have her found in 5 minutes. Tops."
"But what if she's not?" Therese bit her bottom lip, just the way her mother does.
"If she's not, there's no telling how long it will take to recover her. You of all people should know that."
Therese scowled, but knew Morgan was right.
"So, what am I to do? How do I tell the others, they don't even know yet?" Therese walked to the window, which overlooked from a distance, her little home tucked away in her little valley.
"You don't have to say anything just yet. I'll talk with Snow. See what she says. Goodness, this is the last thing I need to worry about..." Morgan reached in one of her desk drawers and pulled out a bottle of aspirin. The whole situation was causing a massive headache. She figured that Harmony was attempting to go back to her home, where everything felt normal and safe. If she wasn't there, the spell she used probably got messed up and took her somewhere else, like any other amateur spell-castor would do.
"So I just go back? Pretend like my family isn't missing?"
"Oh heavens, no. Go home, relax. I'll be over in the morning, investigating. Tell your siblings that it's in trusted hands." Morgan swallowed the pills with a sip of her water.
Therese hesitated to say it, but did anyway. "No offense, but we were instructed not to trust anyone associated with Rose's new project."
Morgan got angry, saying,"Do you want her back? Don't you think this is more important than the damn Camelot Rose is setting up? I want her found as much as you do, and in no way will I take advantage of you, or your family. Now run along home, wolf cub, before I blow more of my steam out on you."
Feeling bad, Therese left the room, her head held down. The same way a wolf's tail would hang between it's legs, when it's sad or ashamed.
I was going to write more in Harmony's POV but I'm actually going somewhere like, right now, so I'll write it later. I hope you liked this chapter, I'm thinking of going back and forth for a while like this.
I decided to post a few comic pictures, just so you know how some of the characters look. If you read the comics, you'll probably see these characters later, but for my story I'm going to try and find a pic of a few online. They shouldn't spoil what I already have to you guys. It's only to give a bit of a visual. I still can't draw for my life, so I won't be drawing Harmony, but I'll show you what Winter looks like as the North Wind AND as a child. Just in case, I'm putting a spoiler on, so as to not upset anyone.
Morgan le Fay and Rose(Around issue 140):
Therese (I think this is issue 130, or somewhere around that.):
Winter as the North Wind (I can't really remember what story arc this was :L):
Winter as a child (Issue 137, to my knowledge):
I think that's it. You already know Mary and Tim's appearances, as well as Swineheart, I'm sure. Again, I wish I could draw, I could make Harmony. You just have to imagine her the way you picture her. She looks a lot like Winter, but instead of mostly blue in her hair, she has the opposite.
Chapter 3
The kids were tired and asleep by the time we finished buckling them into their seats. I pulled out my phone and dialed Swineheart's number.
"Hey doctor, its Georgie Porgie Junior. Hey, listen, all four of the kids are taking a nap and I was wondering if you could come down later when they wake up? Uh huh. Yes. Okay, sounds great. See you later."
As Mary finished strapping George in, she sat in the passenger seat and waited. "So, what did he say?"
"He said it wouldn't be a problem. There is NO way we would be able to take four sleeping children to Swineheart."
I turned the AC dial on low, put the keys in the ignition and carefully drove away from the park. Mary leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes. She let out a long, deep sigh, as she tried adjusting the seat.
"What's wrong, Mary?"
"This car, Porgie. I HAD my seat just right in the Honda. Don't know why you got rid of the damn thing. Still worked JUST fine."
"It helped with the down payment. And besides, YOU even said it yourself it was too small for four kids."
"Hm. Well, give me a few more tries and I'll have this bitch just right. Freakin' foreign cars...."
There was a yearning feeling to begin a laughing riot, as she flipped out and began pounding the cushion. She had the apperance of dancing, as she thrashed and moved around her seat. Fucking kidding me. This continued for another mile, until she threw her arms up and declared defeat.
"Aw, what's wrong, dear? The chair get the best of you?"
She glared in my direction; her eyes a dark red and black. "FUCK YOU....DRIVE...."
I tried not to chuckle, as we pulled up to the apartment complex, parked the car and tried juggling four sleeping kids. As I finally managed to open the door, Aubrey and Sophis became restless and active in my arms. I became hysterical, as I began rocking the girls in my arms. Aubrey seemed to relax and snuggle deep into my arm but Sophia refused; this kid was going down without a fight and what a battle she was prepared to dish out.
"Sssh, Sophia, sweetie. Its okay....ummm...shit!" I carefully found the stereo, and with what free fingers I had, began looking for the song. "Sssh, baby. Daddy almost has it...almost..."
There was silence and then, the music began to play. A Guitar solo and drums beating in the background filled the room, as her misty eyes focused on the stereo.
'Taste me and you'll see, more is all you'll need. You're dedicated to, how I'm killing you! Come crawling faster, obey your master. Your life burns faster. Obey your master! MASTER! Master of puppets I'm pulling your strings, twisting your minds and smashing your dreams. Blinded by me, you can't see a thing. Just call my name cause I'll hear you scream!'
Just as the guitars continued, Mary walks into the apartment with the other two kids. She finds me sitting on the couch, holding the girls. By this time, Sophia is calm and fast asleep; Aubrey could care less, as she continues sucking on her thumb.
"Aww, just like mommy. She has great taste in music."
I snort. "You know, KIDS enjoy songs like, oh I don't know-Wheels on the Bus, Mary had a little lamb...Twinkle Twinkle little star!"
"Well, have you seen WHO you're holding? Even you can't tell me you're not impressed. You can thank me later."
I followed Mary to the other room, as she laid George and Sheila in their bed. She grabbed Sophia.
"I take it, this is what you listened to with them as well?"
Mary kissed my cheek, as we wealked into the girl's room. "You are so clever, Porgie."
"Did you ever listen to this with George? Am I to expect my son to grow a mohawk, dye it red and blast this through the walls, as he's slowly becoming twisted and plotting his master plan to destroy us all?"
Mary punched me in the arm, as we contiuned to laugh all the way back to the bedroom. I turned the stereo off, as she threw herself onto the bed, kicked off her boots and sunk deep into the sheets. I joined her, as I wrapped my arms around Mary's torso. She actually snuggled closer and laid her head onto my chest. Weird.
"You alright, Mary?"
"The fuck now, Porgie? I'm trying to relax?"
"You're cuddling with me..."
"Fuckin' kidding me, kid? You bitch that we DON'T do this and when I do, you complain. Make up your mind, Porgie. Seriously. Its annoying."
Instead of adding gas to a rapid growing fire, I decided to stand back and simply watch. Perhaps she was the reason the girls were so hot-headed and had the ability to throw fire with a single flicker of their finger. I closed my eyes and sighed; it was nice having her with me and after this morning, made me register just how much I cared for Mary.
"What, Mary?" She startled me awake, as I turned to face her.
"We are done...right?"
"Done? I don't...what are you asking me, exactly?"
"With kids. We ARE done, aren't we?"
I was befuddled by her question, as I tried to adjust myself in the bed. Her eyes never left the ceiling, as she seemed to be lost in the walls of white. She refused to look at me, even as I tried to get her attention.
"Well, I thought we were. Remember? The second the twins were born you swore this would be it? I mean, fuck...we didn't exactly PLAN for the kids but-"
"Be honest with me, kid. I REALLY need you to fucking be honest right now."
I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. Mary only did this when something heavy was on her mind. Last time she did this, she was a month pregnant with George. She wasn't too sure how I'd take it, considering WHO I was, who SHE was. Would it honestly work, Porgie and Bloody Mary having a child? Or maybe, she thought the worst. Who knows. She refused to discuss it.
"Mary, what's going on..." Jon B. faintly played in the distant. The hell, thought I turned the stereo off? But I noticed Mary's forefingers extended out and she was sitting up. I grabbed her face and stroked her face. Those eyes. Fuck. "Mary..."
"Did I ruin your life, kid? Tell me the truth."
"No! Mary-what is with you lately? You're not making any sense and-"
Her eyes changed, as did her teeth, hands and posture. She was in her true form, as she pinned me deep into the mattress. There was a moment, however, where her eyes seemed devestated. Mary lifted her elbow off my chest and laid her head back down into the pillow.
"Mary, seriously. What is going on with you? I don't regret anything, you hear me?! So what, we had a tiff earlier in the kitchen! Thought we were over this? It's fine. Mary! We-"
"You were all I thought about, kid. You crossed my mind ALL the time. When you and the others were born, it was a done deal. There were nights, I'd drive myself insane, trying not to think too much about it. But that night I ventured into your room...saw you sleeping in your crib..."
I was taken back. "You were THERE come I-"
"Your father did it out of protection. I can't blame your parents. Bloody Mary stalking their newborn son. Sounds perverted. So, he took out EVERY mirror he could, so I couldn't get to you."
"But ritualistically, you crossed my mind. Then, you summoned me in the bathroom and I couldn't believe it...Georgie Porgie Junior. You were so handsome; a shaking, pathetic corpse hiding in the dark, worried I'd feast on your flesh."
"Yeah. I remember that night. Then, I called you back."
"Why?" Mary adjusted herself, as she sat deep into my lap. "Why did you call me back?"
"For some reason, you never left my thought. I don't regret calling you back, spending my time with you...having the kids. You five ARE my world. I'd rather spend my Saturday night cleaning up smoldering remains of cabinets, baby food in hair and snotty noses, then go out and get drunk."
Mary deeply kissed me; my fingers running through her hair, as her breathing deepend. She fumbled with my jeans, as I didn't hesitate to take my shirt off. As I finished taking my pants off, she slowly undressed herself; my eyes never left her beauty, as she peeled her clothes off, one by one.
"Fuck. Mary..." She deeply kissed me again. "Why...I don't want to ruin this but why did you ask me that about the kids..."
"Junior, I want another baby...please. Give me another baby, Porgie."
There was a reason for her request but sadly, I didn't grasp it in time to comprehend her strange behavior. All my mind could produce was this sweet image of Mary, playing with our children and pregnant with another. Yes, money was tight. Yes, the apartment was becoming too small but I'd make it work in the end.
I tried giving Mary what she wanted that afternoon, as we passionatly made love. But with the question still lingering in my head and Mary's strange actions, it was hard to understand and tell what was really going on.
Just the way she liked it.
Chapter 4 soon
Mary is having a moment and Junior is trying to understand why. But there is always a reason behind someone's actions and Junior will soon learn the sad truth behind it.
"BABIES! So MANY Babies!!!" CUTE overload!!! lol
Not but seriously, I enjoyed this chapter. You dealt with the continuing struggles of their relationship.
I'm curious now to what this means. You won't TELL me what you have planned! Hopefully, its nothing too serious.
Hopefully she was in her 'normal' form while they, know....XD
Haha! This was awesome. I looked up kikimora briefly, she looks kinda scary xD I suppose she was glamoured though. Really interesting! I also laughed when Tez was like "GIMME!" Lol.
Wow, omg. That ending though! I think I kinda know where this is going, though I won't say anything. Like JJ above me, SO MANY BABIES!! Lmao. Hopefully George will get the a little brother this time around. Or maybe there'll be more girls and he's just going to have to deal with it xD Good job!
Thank you
I hope to keep that enthusiasm going with my next chapter. It should be up within the week.
"No, you're doing it wrong. Focus, Harmony. Focus. Watch me," Morgan lifted her arms in the air. She'd told me that when I became more powerful, I wouldn't even have to lift my arms to cast spells and I wouldn't have to say the spells out loud, but in order to learn them, she had to demonstrate.
"Azaretha, Levita!" She yells. We stood in Rose's castle, which looked very similar to the one in Fabletown. As soon as she recited the spell, the book in front of her began to float.
"Alright. Okay, I think I can do this!" I say.
"Okay," Morgan said. She dropped her arms and the book fell back down. She stood behind me, watching me.
"Okay," I say again,"Azaretha, Levita!" I yell, lifting my arms up high. Every object in the room began floating toward the tall ceiling.
Morgan pressed her temples,"Okay, that's enough for today. You need more focus- There's something on your mind. What did I say about clearing your thoughts?"
"I'm sorry," I say, dropping my arms. Everything falls when the gravity comes back. The room is a mess now.
She sighs, placing her hand on my shoulder and says,"It's alright. If there's anything bothering you though, you should see to fix it. Go home, get some dinner in you. Rest for tomorrow morning's lesson."
"Sounds good. Thank you, Morgan."
"It's my job child." She smiles. I exit the room she took me to practice in. The halls are more winding in this castle, but it's easy to find an exit. It's not entirely done being built, but Rose has already started using the building. I pass a few construction workers, exiting through the front doors and walking the newly paved path into the Farm's "downtown" area. From there, Wolf Manor is a small trip in the opposite direction of the castle.
I start my tread down the lesser traveled path to where my family lives. Not many Fables here visit Wolf Manor, mostly because they don't like Bigby. Even with him not home, there's still hesitation. Maybe they're afraid one of my aunts or uncles with bite them in the ass when they knock on the door. Beats me. The barn and buildings start to grow smaller behind me as I reach the edge of the valley. Just before stepping over the property line, I hear my name called out from behind.
"Harmony! Wait up!" Her voice calls. I turn and discover Rose jogging in my direction.
I stop several feet before Wolf territory and wait for her to catch up. She slows down and pants for a second before talking.
"I heard what ya did over at the castle," She says.
"Yeah. I know, I suck at trying to-"
"Suck? The fuck are you talking about? Oops, sorry for, uh.."
"It's no problem. But yeah, I wasn't able to just levitate the book. I-"
"You did something even cooler. You know, any other Fable wishing to become great and powerful wouldn't have been able to do a third of what you did today. Kid, you've got the skill."
"Thanks, I guess. I'm still, sorta working on the focusing part. I think I have issues keeping my mind clear."
"Everyone has something to work out. Just, keep up the good work. And...." She pauses a moment.
"Well, if you ever...I dunno, want to join my Camelot. You know, training and stuff. You're free to do so. That is, if you're schedule with Morgan isn't full."
"Thanks for the offer. I'll uh, think about it."
"Good. Good, well tell the cubs I said 'Hi'. I bet they miss me. Friggin' Snow won't let me on her property, let alone see the kids. At least you are able to do what you wish, see who you want. See ya later."
"See ya, Auntie."
Rose goes back the way she came from.
Ooh, Harmony's having some influences on her decision. Still haven't decided :L I am too indecisive. As for her and Tim, the next chapter will probably focus on them. We'll see.
That picture! And what happened to #BloodyPorgie huh? jk
If you know her legend, it will make sense...all I will say
Lol yes but sadly, this won't be a happy little event for the two of them. That's all I can say.
There is a deep secret and reason as to WHY she wants so many children.
She does indeed look scary, and you're right, she was Glamoured!
If he does see her true form, I'm sure he most likely won't scream his head off.
I'm glad you liked that part, I bet Kiki was a little startled by that herself, luckily she turned invisible in time!
I'm excited! :P
...Whoa, Harmony has a knack for object lifting! I have a feeling that someone will try to exploit her powers for the greater bad, assuming that there's a good and bad side in the war to begin with.
Here 's a link to what Scarlett looks like
Now you can all see what the daughter of Bloody Mary looks like on case the pic can't upload onto here.
Also we get to see two new OCs, Lyall and Bonnie.
The cold heart of hate
Chapter 2 The start of a storm
A hearty huffed came from Lyall as he stared at the glass of champagne in his grip. These types of events were never really his thing, not to say he didn't enjoy a little drinking and dancing... but her liked more causal types of parties... ones that didn't included wearing a tux and trying to comb his unruly locks of brow hair. Just another thing he got from his father's side... then again what didn't he get from his father Bigby Wolf? Well perhaps the fact he needed glamour to keep his tail hidden, just one of the very few things he gotten from his mother Nerissa.
Taking a small sip of the crisp champagne he looked at the crowd. A few Fables he was familiar with, such as Snow White, Flycatcher, Bluebeard, Beauty, Beast, their daughter Bonnie and his parents. The rest were just Fables he was unfamiliar with. Not like he would want to be anyway, everyone else looked too snobby to get to know or befriend.
"You look like your having fun." his father scoffed.
"Bout' as much as you are dad." Lyall grumbled selecting a pastry that was being offered to him by one of the caterers. "Food's good at least, can't complain about that."
"You might want to actually make an effort to try to rub elbows with the crowd."
"You sound like mom."
"Trust me, as one sheriff to a future one, Fabletown office will always nag you about these events." Bigby chuckled. "Best to get it over with and leave early."
"It's not that I hate parties, it's just aside from a few Fables it's not really my kind of crowd." he sighed. "I prefer the more causal sorts of folks."
"You and me both, son." his father agreed as he helped himself to a a meatball that was being offered to him.
"You two still complaining?"
Turning around they saw Nerissa coming up to them.
"It's what I'm good at." mused Bigby through a mouthful of meatball.
His mother could only shake her head. "Typical," she scoffed jokingly, offering them a small smile. "Lyall, Bonnie should be around here somewhere, chances are she's having about as much fun as you are."
Lyall nodded, it made sense. He haven't gotten a chance to greet her let alone speak. They both shared one thing in common, they hated the snooty types of Fables.
"I'll go scope things out." he said before leaving his parents.
Of course if he hated this party no doubt Bonnie hated it a thousand times more. Chances were Beauty and Beast fought tooth and nail up get her into a dress and to even her her here. Sure enough her came across her, clad in a light blue dress and her wavy blond hair done up.
Her blue eyes quickly picked sight of her friend, and a sigh of relief shortly afterwards.
"Lyall, oh thank god!" she exclaimed. "I don't know how much more I can take of this."
"That makes too of us."
"You got a smoke on you?" Bonnie asked scanning the crowd for her parents.
"You oughta know after all these years." Lyall tapped the pocket of his tuxedo's, which of course kept a pack of smokes and a lighter.
It was funny he picked up on his father's little nicotine habit. He was told his father cut back largely after he was born. Only child... or well cub in this case, apparently mermaids had a tough time mating, even if his mother didn't have a tail anymore.
"Right, we should be able to have a few quick puffs before anyone tries to look for us. Come on, the balcony should be an okay place." Bonnie grabbed his arm and more or less dragged him away. "Christ, I'm gonna lose my mind if I have to put up with this party shit for another damn second." she grumbled. "Fucking dresses, fucking snobs, fucking everything. I HATE it."
"Join the club."
Eventually the two reached the balcony, after doing a quick take to make sure no one he knew was on this floor Lyall dug through his pockets and retrieved the pack of smokes and a silver lighter.
"I need this more then air right now." he grumbled as him and Bonnie selected a cigarette.
"Think we can sneak out?" she asked as he lit up the smokes.
"Doubt it, beside's this place is huge. I wouldn't know where to start. How many floors again?"
"Three I think... maybe five?" Bonnie shrug then took a long drag. "Only good thing is the food and alcohol... if I could have any."
"If you like tasteless spring rolls then yeah, and I always preferred something a little stronger."
He brought the cigarette to his lips and inhaled deeply. Now if only he had remembered to bring his flask of whiskey, now that would really help him out right now.
"Course you do, son of Fabletown's sheriff, wanting to fallow his father's footsteps including his habits." she chuckled while blowing a grey cloud of smoke into the cool night air.
"You though about getting involve with law enforcement?"
"Yes, hopefully next week I'll able to get with it. My parents been trying to talk me out of it for ages."
"I can imagine."
"Once the big one eight rolls around I'm a free woman." she took another drag.
"There just worried about you, you know they had a hard time trying to get pregnant-"
"So did your parents!" she snapped. "Once my birthday rolls around first thing I'm gonna do is go straight to Fabletown office and ask Snow for a job working with law, who knows maybe I'll be your partner in crime or something." she laughed putting her cigarette out. "Thanks, I really needed that."
"Always happy to help." Lyall mused stomping out his own smoke. "Now come on, if my parents found out I smoked with a minor I'm screwed."
"Fine, I'm craving a few of those shitty spring rolls anyway." Bonnie agreed as they left the balcony and returned inside.
Lyall's hears picked up upon hearing a bit more upbeat song playing, although still a bit old time sounding it was by far the most lively sound the band played yet, everything else sounded like a funeral march.
"Bout damn time they played something a little bit decent." he stated watching his fellow Fables dance. "I'm gonna hate myself if I don't get to squeeze in one dance..."
"Good luck looking for a dance partner. I'm gonna go see if there handing out desserts, heard the cream puffs are to die for. Later future sheriff." Bonnie bid her farewell before heading off.
Now with his nicotine craving dealt with all he had to do now was find a dance parter.
Bonnie crept throughout the darken hallways of the building, she just had to get out of the damn area where the party was being held. It was driving her mad! And this frilly mess of a dress wasn't helping, it was giving her a constant wedgie, she could not wait to rip this goddamn dress off of her.
The hallways were off limits so they were quiet, just what she was looking for. Hopefully there was a room that wasn't locked so she could wait out this awful event. Her eyes landed on a door, if unlocked it would be fairly suitable to hide while time passed.
Her hands turned the brass knob and opened the door. Her eyebrows raised in shock too see the room (Most likely where they stores cleaning supplies, judging my all the paper towels and bleach) was currently taken.
He was clad in a tux like every other man here, only real difference was his tie was undone and had a joint of weed that he was currently smoking.
His eyes averted from the shelves of paper towels and bleach to her, a nervous look spread on his face.
"Uhh..." his jaw hung open as green-ish smoke escaped from his mouth
"You gonna share?"
Lyall wasn't having much luck seeking out a dance parter, seems like everyone there was already taken, or planning to dance with their lovers. Still, he was dead set on having at least one dance before the event was over.
Furrowing his brows in frustration he scanned the crowd once more. What floor was this again anyway? He had been going up and down flights of stair cases to find someone willing to dance to at least one song with!
It was then he saw a woman, she looked in her twenties like him, long black hair done up, strapless deep purple dress, white gloves, and freckled cheeks. She was just standing there idly drinking champagne while she listened to the band play music, there was a ring on her finger but it was hard to tell of it was a wedding ring or just normal jewelry.
"Well you don't known until you try." Lyall said to himself and straighten his tie and made his way up to the purple dressed woman. "Good evening." he greeted. Her eyes lazily shifted there gaze to him, acknowledging his presence.
"Lyall Wolf," he introduced taking her hand and kissing the top of the fine silk gloves.
"The pleasure's all mine." her voice was as black as ice as she yanked her hand back.
Feisty one eh?
"This party's coming to a close you know, and I was wondering if I could have this dance." he extended his arm to her, in hopes she would take his offer.
She pouted her red painted lips at him and narrowed her eyes. "And if I do?"
"I'll make it worth your while."
"I'll need a better reason then that." she huffed, her lips formed a straight line.
"Nerve mind, I do enjoy a challenge. Just try to keep up Wolf, I refuse me make a fool of myself in front of everyone." the purple clad woman took a hold of his arm. "Amuse me Wolf."
And there we go, chapter 2.
XD and in case you couldn't figure it out the mystery lady is Scarlett. Lol, nothing beats asking the woman who wants nothing more then to kill your family for a dance, am I right.
Bios of Lyall and Bonnie
Lyall- Bigby and Nerissa's (I don't ship BigbyXSnow) son. The splitting image of Bigby. Loyal, gets the job done, sees a bit of good in everyone, is very blunt. Can turn into a wolf when angered/ need to fight. But needs glamour for his legs Planing to become sheriff. Theme song : Howl by Florence and The machine
Bonnie - Beauty and Beast's daughter, has her mother's eyes and wavy blond hair. Her parents are usually very protective of her, due to this Bonnie craves a life of freedom and adventure. She is a daredevil, a risk taker, bold, cocky, moody, selfish, easy to anger, but extremely loyal to those who understand her. Can turn into a beast like her father. Theme song : Heaven knows by The pretty reckless
This is really interesting, especially the dialogue, keep it up! Good job with the picture, btw.
Chapter 4
Hmmm. No wonder Mary loves ya so much. You fix toilets with Hammers. XD
I woke up to the sound of little mouths chewing. How long was I out? I sat up and looked around; sitting beside me, were George and Sheila. Like always, Mary's spot was empty. My heart became heavy, as Sheila offered me a cracker.
"Hungy, daddy?" She held out a Lion shaped cookie, pieces of cookie stuck to her lips.
"No, baby. Thank you. Mommy here?"
George looked up, his mouth full of snack. "Yes, she is in the kitchen. The doctor guy is here."
Wow, she ACTUALLY stayed? I made Sheila turn her head, as I quickly found my clothes and got dressed. George's eyes were on me the whole time, as I tried searching for my right shoe. Before I knew it, Mary stood in the doorway. At this point, I was on my hands and knees.
"Seriously, Porgie?" She giggled, as her foot kicked my shoe from under the dresser. "You should have just asked."
As I stood up, there was a booming sound from within the kitchens. Sheila giggled, as George looked worried; his attention was directed to me, as if to see my next reaction.
"Ah, seems like the girls are progressing just fine."
"THAT was the girls?! Mary-"
"Hush your face, Porgie. We got this. Believe it or not, they are doing so good."
As she made her exit out the room, the three of us followed. I was terrified. To what would remain of my once neat and tidy apartment? I found the girls sitting on the floor, Swineheart sitting between them and taking down notes. His tie seemed charred at the end and part of his jacket missing some fabric.
"Well, good afternoon, Junior. Glad you could make it. Sorry for the interruption. How is the insomnia?"
"Better, Doctor, thank you. So, how are the girls?" I watched, as Aubrey pointed her finger in Sophia's direction and ignite her sleeve. Panicking, I rushed to put out the fire but was demaned to stop by Swineheart. "But, she-"
"Wait, Junior. This is part of learning. YOU keep running to their rescue and the girls will not be able to defend themselves. They have to know and understand one another."
I sat back and watched, as Sophia began shaking her shoulder. When the fire was out, she glared over at Aubrey and attempted to throw another ball of fire. My heart was racing and the fear within me was over flowing but I trusted Swineheart. He did a fantastic number on Sheila when she was a baby.
"Their powers mostly come from irritating the other one; typical Fable twin behavior, especially if one OR both contain powers. I noticed they have periods of clam before the storm, like eating, sleeping and play."
"So, how do we NOT have this happen? I'd hate for them to be outside and BOOM! There goes the neighborhood."
Swineheart laughed, as he pulled out a Teddy Bear and red ball. The girls' attentions focused on the new toys, as their arms reached out and tried snatching the toys.
"For your father, it was the stone. Mother, guitar...Mary has her mirror and you for awhile derived your power from anguish, guilt and hurt. The twins pick it up from irritation. BUT, if we find a healthy outlet to keep that urge within, they will learn to forget and control the need to pick on the other."
I was confused, as he handed the girls a toy. "Uh, so if they have these in their hands, they'll forget they have powers?"
"Well, not so much as to FORGET but focus on something else. This way, they won't continue to use it on each other and cause damage or believe its okay to continue doing so." He glared over at Mary, who turned her attention to George. "And besides, you can't ERASE something like that from them, either."
"I didn't want that, Doctor. Just something to help them from killing each other or burning this place to a crisp."
Aubrey began chewing on the Bear's arm, as Sophia rolled along side the ball. It was true. Within seconds, it was like the other girl was no longer in the room.
"As they get older and begin to understand vocabulary, we will teach them to control their powers and use them only if neccessary. But for now, this will help them both."
Mary offered Swineheart a slice of pie and coffee but he turned the offer down.
"I appreciate the hospitality but I must be going now. So many newborn Fables in this town. Spring and Summer were the seasons this year for the reproduction of Fabletown."
We both thanked him and watched the doctor push the elevator button and soon, was gone.
"Well, that went well."
"They are not out of control, Porgie. They are just doing what Fables do and that whole sister thing."
"Well, I didn't want them to think it was okay. What about the mirror. Do they have that ability as well?"
"Why, yes they do, Porgie! Congrats-you have two more mirror jumpers to add to the Christmas card."
Mary bent her knees and began searching for a sauce pan. When she retreived one, she filled it with water and threw a sack of potatoes into the sink. I leaned against the counter and watched her peel the potatoes. As the water began to bubble, she glared over.
"So, what is with the domestic household duties you are suddenly performing? Do I see Bloody Mary peeling potatoes and cooking dinner?"
A shard of glass nearly missed my head, as I began laughing hysterically.
"Here you go. Bitch, bitch, bitch that we don't DO these together as much and when we DO, THIS happens!" She turned the heat down, as I walked behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "Make up your mind."
We both looked over; Sheila stood in the kitchen with a profound disapproval look upon her little face.
"What's ew, sweetie?"
She pointed simply at Mary and I. "No touchies, daddy! No! Bad daddy!" She stomped her right foot into the tile. "No..."
I tried not to erupt in laughter, for her face said it all. I snatched her in my arms, swung her around and planted a raspberry kiss onto her belly. The spontaneous noise made created amusment on her face, as she chuckled and kicked the air. The hillarious noises continued, as I made my way into the living room. George knew what was coming, as he stood up from the couch and made his way to the other side. He too, was laughing.
"NO! No, get Aubrey and Sophia, daddy!"
"Are you sure? You don't want one, George!?" I grabbed George and soon, raspberry kisses were being delivered to his belly. The boy couldn't stop, as he and Sheila cackled. As Mary began cutting up the potatoes, she too tried to hold back the laughter.
"Mommy! Help! Save us from the monster!"
"Oh, I don't know. He looks pretty tough, that Raspberry kissing monster!"
The twin girls tackled me, as all four of the kids and I wrestled on the ground. Impressed by his strength, George held onto my arm and tried keeping me away from his sisters. But the fun would end shortly, for Sophia's palms were warming up at an alarming rate.
"Oh! No, no, no, no, sweetie!" I rushed her over to the sink and placed her arm under the faucet; Sheila would soon follow with the bear.
"Here you are, daddy."
I was impressed with the meal prepared by Mary. After all this time and she decided to surprise me with her Martha Stuart capabilities. And this was the woman who SWORE she'll never cook. Or bake. Or, um, have children.
There was a large bowl of mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and Porkchops. As I tried cutting up peices for George, Sheila became fussy, as she moved her corn around with the fork.
"Baby, don't play with your food. Eat it."
"Bleh! I don't like this stuff!"
Mary poured herself another cup of soda. "Since WHEN do you not like corn, young lady?"
"Since now! I don't want this anymore, mommy!"
"Stop raising your voice, Sheila. You need to eat your veggies."
Mary seemed ridiculosly calm, as Sheila's tantrum continued. Oh, the terrible two's. Fun. Before long, Sheila had her plate turned upside down and piles of food forming aroud her seat and floor.
"I don't like corn, mommy!" Her eyes changed and began bleeding, as shards of glass poked through her skin. "I don't like corn-"
Mary's form changed instantly, as she hissed at Sheila; her eyes, too had changed. Shards of glass appeared along her face and arms, as her fingers developed into claws and her teeth became fangs. The twins clapped in their high chairs, as George looked down at his corn. He quickly ate every last one. Sheila sunk deeper into her seat, her mother's face inches from her own. Mary grabbed another plate and added a hefty helping of corn.
"EAT, young lady...NOW!" Mary's hissing grew louder. "And stop...raising...your...VOICE!"
Sheila returned to normal, as her spoon dug into the corn. Mary too returned to her normal self, as she sat down and continued cutting into her meat.
"Gotta fight fire with fire sometimes." She glanced over at the twins, who were still clapping. "Figuratively speaking, you two. Too much like me, Sheila. Man. Gonna bump heads when you're older."
Oh God. Help me now. After dinner and the cleanup of the kitchen, the six of us found ourselves planted in our bed, making shadow puppets on the wall. The kids all participated in the fun, as they tried creating animals, people and things within the walls.
"Look, daddy! Its a Wolf like Nana!" Sure enough, George had created a Wolf. "See!"
"It does look like Nana, huh? You're gonna have to show her when you see her."
After several more minutes, all four of the kids were asleep in our arms; George's face covered in the sheets, while the twins snored like bears in a cave.
"Yeesh, they are loud."
"Hm. Get THAT from you."
"Wow! One thing from me! Yes!"
Mary kissed my lips, as I turned the lamp off. It didn't matter that half my body was hanging from the bed. I was enjoying this.
Every second of it.
Chapter 5 soon
Oh, how exciting! Hopefully she get's the hang of this whole witch thing soon! Wonder how everything will influence her in the end...
Also, can't wait to read more about Tim and Harm's relationship! So Kawaii! XD
Oh, this is very interesting. I'm loving that you created a child between Bigby and Nerissa. Its always interesting to see people's takes on characters and you didn't doubt me. Lyall seems like a badass to me.
Also, loving the picture of Scarlet. Great work!
Oh, my bad! BloodyPorgie LMAO
I don't like that answer, pie.
Hopefully nothing TOO serious but I do recall her story, so.....:'(
The hell! That image! XD
I LOVED this, especially the part where she turns and scares Sheila into eating her corn. 'You gotta fight fire with fire.'
HOW CUTE! Ugh! Love them! Ship these two. IDC what people say-I love these two! #BloodyPorgie Great work, pie! That ending, too.
Omg....I don't wanna know! I still can't wait though, this is only getting more intriguing..
Haha, yeah. I wouldn't say that it's 'Good vs Bad', it's more of a rivalry between siblings that hasn't even happened yet, if that makes sense. Fables will most likely join the side they think will win, or join the side that they support the most. It's harder for Harmony, given that it's Family vs. Family, but I think her choice will be surprising in the end. Or maybe it won't be surprising. I guess it depends on who you think she'll choose. There's a lot of influence from both sides, so she's trying her best to see what's right. As for manipulation, I'm still sorting things out as to how things will go, but that's a good idea XD
Yeah, she's more powerful than the average apprentice XD She gets it from Snow and Rose's bloodline. They're actually going through a similar situation sort of, where they are gathering all this power without even knowing it until just recently. Whether they use it all for good or bad is their decision, I'm not Bill Willingham xD
"Harm? Where the hell have you been? You just- You just left!" Tim yelled at me over the phone. I sat in the livingroom, kids playing at my feet on the floor.
"I'm sorry! It was all last minute- I...I miss you, you know. I really do."
"I miss you too," He says still frustrated.
"Hey, look. I'll be learning the portal-spell soon. Maybe if I do good, I can come see you."
"That would be nice. God, I wish we were allowed to drive to the Farm. No offense, but you grandfather is screwing Fabletown up big time."
"No kidding. Every now and again I get this insane feeling, like a tug or something. Morgan says that the amount of magic Bigby is letting out at such a rate is screwing with every body who has the ability to wield it."
"Yeah. Good thing I'm ordinary. Well, I hope we see each other soon."
"Me too. I'll talk to you later. Love you."
"Love you too," And Tim hangs up. I stand up, looking out the window at the setting sun. What I'd kill to sleep next to Tim again. It gets lonely, even with all my family here. The only one who I'm really interested in talking with is Therese, and she rarely opens her mouth to speak.
"Are you ready for dinner?" Therese says, walking in. The kids pile into the dining room, eager to get food in their bellies. I sit at the table, twirling my fork in my spaghetti.
"So when are you gonna get married? Can I be the flower girl?" Blossom asks, stuffing noodles in her mouth.
"Yeah. You never said when you planned on having the wedding," My mother says, cutting her knife into her chicken breast.
"Well, me and Tim never discussed it. We were more focused on the now, not the later. I guess I'll talk with him about it later."
"So can I be the flower girl?" Blossom said, smiling from ear to ear.
"Ha, we'll see," I say, chewing on my food.
After dinner, the kids run upstairs for showers and bedtime. Being older, I don't necessarily have to go to bed right away. I wander the halls aimlessly. The book of spells Morgan gave me lies on a shelf in the war room. The war room was used years ago, when Fabletown defeated the Adversary. Snow said she was in command in there, plotting strategies with some of the highest of Fabletown's authority. I stare at the arrangement of the homelands, each represented like a planet. It shows the connections to each universe, the location of each gate. Most gates were destroyed during the war, which is represented by the red X's all over each planet. I'd always wondered what it was like compared to our world.
I open the spell book, looking over the few that Morgan instructed to me. I keep flipping the page until I reach the one about portals.
"Maybe...." I whisper to myself.
I place the book down. I try to think back to what Morgan did. She didn't say a single word when she opened it. Like she said before, once you get good at it, words become meaningless. I look in the book, reciting the words in my head a few times. Luckily, it doesn't open any portal yet. The book says to focus on where I want it to open. I stand in the middle of the room, clearing my mind of nothing but my bedroom in Fabletown.
"Arendius, Aegus, Windictus!" I shout. The faint glimmerings of the portal began to appear, but in the excitement, I lost my focus. It faded away.
"Damnit. Harmony, get your head in the game," I tell myself.
I try again, more determined. After reciting the words once more, the portal opens, full form. It shimmers, making the room light up bright. The light is almost like sunrays, warmer when you get nearer. I remember to think of my room at home. Stepping through, the world around me turns into a vast field in a world unknown.
"What the....What did I do wrong? Shit, shit where am I?"
Dun, dun, dun! Oh no! What did Harm do? Next chapter, you'll see how she get's out of yet another mess. I actually have a change in plans, and I think you'll like how things turn out. Maybe.
Omfg I died laughing at the sim-pic. I play sims 2 and 3 all the time XD
Also: D'AWWWWW Everything was so cute
I think Sheila's my favorite! Also, that Martha Stuart cooking XD
Fav line: "Gotta fight fire with fire sometimes." She glanced over at the twins, who were still clapping. "Figuratively speaking, you two. Too much like me, Sheila. Man. Gonna bump heads when your older."
This chapter was WAY too cute! I swear, I love this family so much!
Well thank you so kindly. I JUST created them earlier this morning and having a BLAST!
Can't waith for the Sims 4.
Anyway, that pretty much summons up Mary and Sheila's relationship. Their personalities are so much alike. That's why, certain times, Junior WON'T say anything when it comes to those two. XD
Well, glad you ship them. VERY happy everyone is taking a liking to them as a couple.
I had to, especially when my Sim Junior began hammering the toilet seat. LOVE that game.
Well, thank you. Glad you and so many others enjoy the odd but adorable little family. I love Sheila dearl because she is too much like her mother. There is so much Mary won't tell anyone, especially her ability to cook! XD
"So, can I be the flower girl?" I LOVE Blossom to death! She is actually one of my favorites and I'm still trying to understand why. XD
I feel bad for Tim and hopefully, they will see eachother soon but not after Harm finds her way out of THIS jam! Wonder where she went off to....hmmmm....
I'm SURE whatever idea you have will be wonderful. They always are, Em.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Thank you
and if it's badasses you like, there will certainly be some in the next chapter. Specially when Bigby's son Lyall and Bloody Mary's daughter Scarlett are in the same room with each other. XD
I love Blossom too! I think she's very much like Rose, and it's a shame that Willingham hasn't really talked about her as much as some of the other cubs. He also doesn't focus on Conner very much. Oh well, I'll just have to include them more myself.
As for plans, man you are not going to believe what's to come. I decided to write out the basic plot line as to what I want to happen. So far, I have 15 chapters worth XD Of course, I think I'll combine a few of them, and most will probably be short, but I think you and every one else is going to melt when you see some of the things that happens. Let's just say, Harmony might not be home for a long time!
"How the- Where am I- What the...the spell book! I still have it on me.... I need to.... I need someone here." I began flipping the pages of the book. I needed Morgan. I needed someone who could get me out of here. I opened up to the page dedicated to summoning things.
"I need to- I need to summon Morgan or..." I sat down, taking a deep breath. I was taught that magic works best when you're relaxed. Currently, I was the farthest thing from relaxed.
I took another deep breath, saying the words that the spell book gave me. I tried so hard to focus on who I wanted here. I closed my eyes tight, saying the words over and over for about 7 times.
"Vindictus Letaris!" I say, one last time.
I open my eyes. There's nothing there.
I'm stuck here with no one.
"Where the fuck am I?" I hear from behind me. My eyes go wide and I turn around. It's Tim.
"Tim! I'm so happy to see you, I-" I stop myself, running into his arms. He takes the embrace but doesn't wrap his arms around me like he normally does.
"Harmony? What happened? I was sleeping...Are we where I think we are?" Tim looks around. We're in a field of flowers, and it looks to be mid-afternoon here. Tim lets go of me and limps around, taking in the sight.
"I have no clue what happened. I just...I just wanted to be with you, I tried to open a portal but I was alone and I-"
"Shhh, it's okay. Calm down, you're hyperventilating. Listen, if I'm right, it looks like we're in the Homelands. This could be good or bad."
"What do you mean? Isn't the adversary defeated? Aren't we safe?"
"Listen. We need to find some place to stay, maybe a barn or something. Let's go for a walk, find something."
"Okay. Alright......wait!" I tug Tim's arm, preventing him from leaving,"What about food, and- and water?"
"We'll find some. It won't be the first time I had to live off the land. Let's go." He starts to lead the way.
"Alright, Tim," I heave a sigh. This is perfect. I can't even bring the right person to help me, let alone do a single spell correctly. I follow Tim down a beaten path. After 20 minutes of walking, Tim spots something.
"There! There's a house. Let's see who lives there, if anyone."
"What if they aren't good though?" I stop a few feet behind him.
He turns around to answer me,"Then that's where our luck runs out. We have to try though. C'mon."
I follow him up to the door. An overgrown rose bush filled with red and white roses sits near the fence. The doors to the cottage are wide open and look weathered to hell. We walk inside and it's almost too dark to see. Thew whole place casts an eerie feeling.
"Huh, that's weird," I say.
"What's weird?" Tim asks, reaching into his pocket. He pulls a match out and lights it.
"This place feels familiar." I run my hand down the window pane, collecting dust all over myself.
"Weird." Tim lights the nearest candles. The room is more visible, though it's still dark and a little bit scary.
"This place looks abandoned to me." I say, sitting on a bench in the room. I don't know why, but it's almost like I knew someone who lived here. It's almost like a scent. A familiar scent. Tim takes his time looking around. I join him, surveying the rooms. There's a washroom, a bedroom, a common area and a kitchen.
"Whoever lived here had children at one point," Tim says, picking up a few toys lying on the ground.
"Yeah, I guess so." Still feeling somewhat familiar, I pick up the doll and sniff it. Who was I smelling?
"We should rest. I was in the middle of sleeping when you brought me here," Tim says. He sits on the edge of the bed, patting the pillow with his hand.
"Tim, what's going to happen to us?" I say, dropping the doll on the wood floor boards. It makes a light thudding noise.
"Nothing, if we're careful. This place is pretty tucked away from civilization, if there is any civilization out here. We can stay here and live a little, until someone comes to rescue us."
"How do you know anyone will rescue us?"
"Have you seen the witches in action? I believe they'll find us, one day."
"How can you be sure?" I sit next to him and he lies back on the bed. He pulls me into his arms and I rest my head on his chest. His breathing is steadier than mine. He's probably used to getting into screwed up situations like this.
"I can't be sure, but we can still have hope, can't we?" He kisses my forehead softly.
"Right. Lets sleep." I close my eyes and pull the blanket over me.
"Sounds like a plan. Goodnight, sweetheart."
So now Tim's dragged into the mess :L It's late where I am, so I'm going to go to bed. Another few chapters probably tomorrow. I actually planned them out, so they may actually be out more frequently this week in particular. Depends on if I can write them in a way I want to.
I think I get it, being the greenhorn that I am when it comes to the knowledge of the comics. XD
Glad that I gave you a little idea for your story, if you somehow put it into play.
Ah, I see that Harmony got her sense of smell from her uncle Bigby, right? Anyhow, this is interesting and a bit scary to be honest. Usually these type of scenarios turn out to be really creepy while they inevitably turn out for the worst. Can't wait for the next few chapters!
Aw yeah, taking a picture of your computer screen with your phone, nice one. :P
Mary cooking seems like an event that no one would ever dream her of doing. Yet, we've just experienced it, I love the change.
No wonder they want to get the box back! This was an interesting chapter, showing us the true reason behind the expedition; nice Smaug reference, too!
Thanks Noir! I thought it fitting since everyone here coughdragonbuttercough has been introducing likeable dragons in their stories. Also it turns the entire maiden - dragon relationship thing in fairy tales on it's head. Truth be told i had a busy week and this chapter was written against the clock, hence its short. I wanted to give more of a reason that this is more than just a heist AND i wanted to introduce some more of the Fables cast.
I do hate the interface here, copy pasting this from Word is a bad idea....again for those who dont want to tear out their eyeballs here ya go.
Grandpa Bigby, you mean. It's okay xD And yeah, there might be some scary situations for her and Tim, but then again, maybe there will be something happier for them there.
You like my Tezoth character?
How nice of you to mention!
I agree with what said Noir said above as well, the Smaug reference was a nice addition.
Thanks for correcting me, Miss Comic Expert.
I can imagine cake will be involved, probably. 
Morgan le Fay sat at her desk in the big huge castle Rose had decided she needed to build for her quest to create 'New Camelot.' The grandfather clock that sat against the wall she faced struck 12, sending the same amount of rings echoing the inside the room. On the 8th ding, the door burst open with what appeared to be one of Snow White's many cubs.
"My niece is gone, Mrs. Green!" The blond haired girl said as she approached her desk.
"Gone you say? Where to?" Morgan placed the pen in her hand down, waiting for the answer to her question.
"You mean, you don't know either? I heard Harmony enter the war room an hour ago. I figured she just wanted to be alone, she's been having some troubling thoughts on her mind. I went down to check on her, and she wasn't there. Her scent literally disappeared in thin air!"
"Thin air? That sounds like she used a spell to take her somewhere else,"Morgan's face became more grave. She stood up quickly and walked to her shelf, flipping through the pages of an ancient book. She read a few lines on a page as Therese waited impatiently to hear what she was looking to say.
"So? Is there any way you can find her?" Therese asked, trying to get a glimpse of the page that Morgan held back.
"Well, it depends on where she went. If she's still here, in our world, I can have her found in 5 minutes. Tops."
"But what if she's not?" Therese bit her bottom lip, just the way her mother does.
"If she's not, there's no telling how long it will take to recover her. You of all people should know that."
Therese scowled, but knew Morgan was right.
"So, what am I to do? How do I tell the others, they don't even know yet?" Therese walked to the window, which overlooked from a distance, her little home tucked away in her little valley.
"You don't have to say anything just yet. I'll talk with Snow. See what she says. Goodness, this is the last thing I need to worry about..." Morgan reached in one of her desk drawers and pulled out a bottle of aspirin. The whole situation was causing a massive headache. She figured that Harmony was attempting to go back to her home, where everything felt normal and safe. If she wasn't there, the spell she used probably got messed up and took her somewhere else, like any other amateur spell-castor would do.
"So I just go back? Pretend like my family isn't missing?"
"Oh heavens, no. Go home, relax. I'll be over in the morning, investigating. Tell your siblings that it's in trusted hands." Morgan swallowed the pills with a sip of her water.
Therese hesitated to say it, but did anyway. "No offense, but we were instructed not to trust anyone associated with Rose's new project."
Morgan got angry, saying,"Do you want her back? Don't you think this is more important than the damn Camelot Rose is setting up? I want her found as much as you do, and in no way will I take advantage of you, or your family. Now run along home, wolf cub, before I blow more of my steam out on you."
Feeling bad, Therese left the room, her head held down. The same way a wolf's tail would hang between it's legs, when it's sad or ashamed.
I was going to write more in Harmony's POV but I'm actually going somewhere like, right now, so I'll write it later. I hope you liked this chapter, I'm thinking of going back and forth for a while like this.
I decided to post a few comic pictures, just so you know how some of the characters look. If you read the comics, you'll probably see these characters later, but for my story I'm going to try and find a pic of a few online. They shouldn't spoil what I already have to you guys. It's only to give a bit of a visual. I still can't draw for my life, so I won't be drawing Harmony, but I'll show you what Winter looks like as the North Wind AND as a child. Just in case, I'm putting a spoiler on, so as to not upset anyone.
Morgan le Fay and Rose(Around issue 140):
Therese (I think this is issue 130, or somewhere around that.):
Winter as the North Wind (I can't really remember what story arc this was :L):
Winter as a child (Issue 137, to my knowledge):
I think that's it. You already know Mary and Tim's appearances, as well as Swineheart, I'm sure. Again, I wish I could draw, I could make Harmony. You just have to imagine her the way you picture her. She looks a lot like Winter, but instead of mostly blue in her hair, she has the opposite.
This is really cool, thanks for sharing with us!