The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2014

    Pretty sure she does. I'm also Canadian and we're I go we get Saturdays and Sundays off. ;)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Do you have Saturday off like most schools in Murica?


    Pretty sure she does. I'm also Canadian and we're I go we get Saturdays and Sundays off.

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    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • edited September 2014

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    Over 800 pages, best positive thread I ever have seen on this Community and thank you guys to give me a reason to come back here sometimes because those discussions now are only about Jane and Kenny.

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    Take my cake

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    I just bought this shirt

  • Still better than Amid The Ruins... But I see the slide of ATR on it

    Ellias posted: »

    I just bought this shirt

  • your point?

    joshua007 posted: »

    Still better than Amid The Ruins... But I see the slide of ATR on it

  • What if it is a lie?

    joshua007 posted: »

    Over 800 pages, best positive thread I ever have seen on this Community and thank you guys to give me a reason to come back here sometimes because those discussions now are only about Jane and Kenny. Take my cake

  • I like the shirt I realy do I would have bought it and the text is funny

    Ellias posted: »

    your point?

  • I'm kinda depressed today :/

  • Why?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm kinda depressed today

  • I don’t wanna be a hero

    I just wanna do something right

    Just stretch it out and bring the fight

    Life was a game, my score was zero

    Cause there’s power in me, it’s breaking free

    And now I believe it’s destiny

  • Some personal reasons combined with the "back to school" setting.


  • Okay, you could PM me if you want to, but I won't force you.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Some personal reasons combined with the "back to school" setting.

    edited September 2014

    I would, but I think it would be better if no one knows as of now, it's not a huge deal anyway just a small issue.

    Okay, you could PM me if you want to, but I won't force you.

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I'm kinda depressed today

  • I dig it.

    I made this in photoshop, what do you guys think?

  • edited September 2014

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    Things only I find funny story just happened about an hour ago

    I walk up to this bus stop and see a small bit of smoke coming out a bin made of Iron. Suddenly I see the fire brigade bombing down the road the sirens on full blast stopping beside this bin.

    The fire truck door swings open and a person jumps out he nearly trips his boot goes flying off and his massive safety hat falls off and drops under the truck so they need to move the truck again to get his hat back.

    They take out the biggest crowbar I have ever seen and open this bin, once it opened they jumped back in shock of the smallest fire I have ever seen it was nearly out.

    They look at eachother and nod the look of intensity in there eyes was like this was the most dangerous mission ever undertaken by my irish fire brigade

    They use a massive hose capable of putting out massive building fires in this bin and put out the fire then looks at us nods and leaves.

    It costs my government 500 euro everytime the fire brigade is used, this fire would of went out if they just left it for just 15 minutes and it's made of steel with small holes there is absolutely no danger. I would of just went into McDonalds with a cup fill it up with water in the toilet and put it out for only 10 euro and it will take only one trip we are billions in debt then I see this shit going on XD.

    I just started LMAO it was like watching a Charlie Chaplin sketch but I was the only one laughing I look around and see the fear in everyones eyes XD

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    This was basically me watching this scene with everyone ^

  • LOL wow xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Things only I find funny story just happened about an hour ago I walk up to this bus stop and see a small bit of smoke coming out a bin m

  • Alrighty.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I would, but I think it would be better if no one knows as of now, it's not a huge deal anyway just a small issue.

  • LOL nah, I'm 15 c:

    Gustav is like... 10

    You're with good people, age doesn't matter anyway.

    Near_ posted: »

    I feel like everyone's an adult in this thread.. :c

  • I feel like everyone's an adult in this thread.. :c

  • Plus, you're motherfucking Nate River!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    LOL nah, I'm 15 c: Gustav is like... 10 You're with good people, age doesn't matter anyway.

  • But I see the slide of ATR on it


    joshua007 posted: »

    Still better than Amid The Ruins... But I see the slide of ATR on it

  • I have 2 canceled classes tomorrow, and the rest is a preparation for the field trip I'm not going on...

    I'll probably just ditch, fuck it, I just hope my psychopathic teacher wouldn't go off on me or something, but she can go hug a tree I don't give a shit about her, just about my grade.

  • edited September 2014

    Most people here are under 18.

    Like Awesomeo said, we're good people here so it doesn't matter if you're speaking with a 12 year-old or a 40 year-old.

    I'm ATR (Maddi) I haven't said hi to you yet. So....hi :) How old are you anyways?

    Near_ posted: »

    I feel like everyone's an adult in this thread.. :c

  • Even if @AWESOMEO tells you that I'm 10, don't believe him, I'll be 14 in two months.

    Near_ posted: »

    I feel like everyone's an adult in this thread.. :c

  • I am actually 15 as well. And thanks nice to meet you :)

    Most people here are under 18. Like Awesomeo said, we're good people here so it doesn't matter if you're speaking with a 12 year-old or a 40 year-old. I'm ATR (Maddi) I haven't said hi to you yet. So....hi How old are you anyways?

  • I'm not the only one saying it though, I'm just quoting the people on Skype.

    Even if @AWESOMEO tells you that I'm 10, don't believe him, I'll be 14 in two months.


    Um... So yeah... This vote might affect something in November...

  • Today is my last day before I start school.

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    jk they take that too

    edited September 2014


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  • Thought I'd share some childhood delight. Here ya go!

    Unlike most game-based movies, these two look very promising. Can't wait. :3

  • If they screw up Sly I swear to god.........


    Thought I'd share some childhood delight. Here ya go! https://

  • They don't only take your life, they also take your will to live and slowly crush it in the most agonizing methods possible.

    Today is my last day before I start school. jk they take that too

  • :'D I can't wait

    Thought I'd share some childhood delight. Here ya go! https://

  • Your tax money hard at work...

    "There's rabid squirrel in my backyard!! Someone call in the National Guard!"

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Things only I find funny story just happened about an hour ago I walk up to this bus stop and see a small bit of smoke coming out a bin m

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited September 2014

    Really?! I thought I might be the only adult in this thread. (In terms of age, not maturity)

    The community as a whole is mostly 18 and under and it tends to show whenever a serious argument crops up. XD Still, most people are fairly mature.

    Near_ posted: »

    I feel like everyone's an adult in this thread.. :c

  • @Near_ I just come across dozens of Near memes so I gotta post 'em here k

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