Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited September 2014

    _ Juice_Box_

    (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun.

    All of the bandits were still distracted and focused on one spot. I put my gun away and then took out my hunting knife."Okay, Juicy. You can do this, just like Scarlet taught you." I said to myself. I looked over at Star who was still hiding behind a car, I peeked out and saw that the hunting rifle bandit was still waiting for my group member to come out of hiding."This is it..." I said.

    I started moving closer to him, I was being extra careful not to make any loud noises as I approached him."Once you pop your head out, I'll be sure to shoot you..." The bandit said while looking through the scope. I got closer to him and then got ready to strike."Ehehe, these assholes messed with the wrong people." He says. I slowly got up a bit and then aimed for the back of his neck.

    "Go around the back! I'll follow ya." I heard a bandit on the other side. Now was my chance, I quickly stabbed the back of the hunting rifle bandit's neck as hard as I could.

    I saw the blood coming out of the back of his neck, he dropped his rifle and started gagging on his own blood. He managed to turn around and saw me staring at him before falling onto the side of a vehicle. His body leaned against it. I went for his rifle and then took my knife back and cleaned it. I looked around and I only saw the shotgun bandit waiting for someone, the other three were nowhere in sight. I turned and started making my way back. As I almost reached the back of the white van, I bumped into someone and then fell back. I looked up and noticed Star standing in front of me."What are you doing?!" He asked. He looked behind me and saw the dead bandit on the car."Holy shit."

    "Take the rifle, we'll need it." I told him while handing it over. He took it and then helped me up.

    "We'll need to find the others. Do you know how many bandits there are?" He asked.

    "I saw six of them going down the hill, I think one of our group members killed one, and I just killed this one, so there should be four left. I saw three of them going around, while one of them with a shotgun is still out there hiding behind cover and waiting for someone to come out." I told Star.

    "Okay, I'll shoot the shotgun guy in the back of the head, just watch my back. After I shoot him, we'll need to run to a different spot, or else those bandits will come after us. You got it?" He said.

    "Yeah, I'm ready." I reply.

    "Right there! I see 'em!" BRATATAT! BANG! BRATATAT! Out of nowhere, we hear a bandit shouting and then gunshots.

    "Fuck!" Star says and then goes over to check."Shit they're firing at someone. I'll kill the shotgun guy." He tells me and then aims the rifle. BLAM! "I got him! Let's go!" He says.

    We start running and heading further away, we go behind some more vehicles and then wait."Damn, we need to help whoever they shot at. Hopefully those bandits didn't get them." I tell Star while he looked down the scope of the rifle.

    "Okay, I'll keep this aimed towards the back. You can go check and I'll cover you, just be quick about it." Star told me.

    I nodded my head and then started to go over to the back of the junkyard. I got in cover and then moved over to see who was hiding in the back. I peeked out and then gasped when I saw who was laying on the floor dead."Oh, no..." It was Latte, his body riddled with bullet holes and a small pool of blood around him."No, no... please, no..." I started getting teary eyed. I didn't see the other three bandits near him.

    "Juicy, hurry on back!" I heard Star whisper to me. I quickly ran back to him."Why are you crying? What did you see?" He asked, but I just put my head down."Oh, no... Fuck. Who did they kill?!" He asked.

    "They got Latte... I don't know where Scarlet is, and I don't know where the other three bandits went." I said while looking down.

    "God fuckin' damn it! We need to finish this, now." Star got up."Follow me." He tells me. We ran to the back and then hid behind a pile of cars.

    BANG! "What the fuck?!"

    "Put the gun down, bitch!"

    We heard the bandits talking. Star peeked out to see what was going on."What do you see?" I ask.

    "It's Scarlet! She's hiding behind a car. She killed one of them, I see one injured on the ground, and I think the last one is hiding behind a car." Star tells me.

    "You might as well give up! You heard the shots from before, you won't escape this!" Scarlet shouts at them.

    "Fuck that! You might have killed my rifleman, but I know that we'll still kill you all!" The bandit replied.

    "I'm bleeding out, man! Just shoot this bitch already!" The injured bandit on the ground tells his partner.

    "What do we do?! We have to help her! They killed Latte, we can't let them kill her, too!" I told Star.

    "Okay, look. I'll go around, I'll try to snipe the guy behind cover. You just need to make sure they don't shoot at Scarlet, make a distraction if you have to, but stay out of there way." He told me.

    "Okay, I got it. Go, hurry!" I tell him. Star gets up and starts heading around. I kept looking over at Scarlet and the remaining bandits.

    "C'mon! Stop hiding and let me shoot ya!" The bandit tells her.

    "You're the one that needs to stop hiding! I'm ready to shoot you!" She replies. The injured bandit on the ground was holding his gut, while aiming the machine gun rifle towards Scarlet's location. I couldn't see the bandit behind cover."You assholes killed my friends! I'm not letting you get away with that!" She shouts.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I spotted where the bandit was hiding as he fired at Scarlet's location."Shut the fuck up! You better come out of there!" He shouts at her.

    I look over at the injured bandit who starts crawling over to Scarlet."Shit!" BRATATAT! The other bandit was keeping her in cover. She still only had her handgun and machete on her. The injured man was getting closer to her. I aimed my gun at him. BANG! BANG!

    Scarlet turned around and was shocked to see me."You fuckin' bitch!" The other bandit stands up and starts shooting at the car that Scarlet was hiding behind. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BLAM! I hear another gunshot and noticed the last bandit going down.

    I run over to Scarlet who's peeking out, and then hug her."Juicy! I'm glad you're okay." She tells me.

    "I was worried, that injured man was trying to reach you, I had to shoot him. Star went around and killed the last bandit... they killed Latte, though." I told her.

    "I know... Those three went around to the back and found him hiding behind a vehicle, they shot at him as he tried running away. I got there too late. We then heard a gunshot and those three were going around, I hid myself under a car and waited for them. I got out and knifed one while they weren't looking, they heard me so I had to shoot one before going into cover. Thankfully you and Star are still alive." Scarlet told me.

    I started to cry."Latte..."

    Star came back to us."Girls, you okay?!" He asks.

    "We're fine... we finally took care of them. Romy was able to kill at least four of them for us... it could have been much worse." Scarlet says.

    "Yeah... The sun is coming up. We better leave this junkyard and start heading out." Star tells us.

    "Let's take all the guns and ammo that we can, we'll need it." Scarlet tells us.

    We get up and start walking over to Latte's corpse."They missed his head, he'll come back if we don't... well, you know." Star says.

    "I'll do it..." Scarlet says as she takes out her machete.

    "He helped me, a complete and total stranger... he knew that I wasn't a bad person, and he was willing to bring me back to his group. I can't believe this happened... why couldn't we have been there to cover him?" I said out loud.

    Scarlet walked over to his corpse."We're not going to be able to save everyone, Juicy... this world will take away everything you know and love. We just have to keep moving on... it's the only thing we can do now." She tells me as she ducks down.

    "All of my friends are gone, Juicy... My family... everything. All we can do is try to survive. We have to make it through this." Star tells me.

    Scarlet stabs Latte's corpse in the head, and then gets back up."It's done... we should go, now."

    We gathered all the guns and ammo that we could carry. We still had some food and supplies on us, but we wouldn't be able to carry too much. We left the junkyard and started walking down an empty road."I think I should go..." Scarlet says as we're walking.

    Me and Star turn around to look at her."What? Again, Scarlet?!" I ask her.

    She looks down."Look at what just happened... I feel like it's my fault. Too many people have died." She looks up at me."I don't want to see that happen to you."

    "It won't as long as we stick together and watch each other's backs." I tell her.

    "Scarlet, I know how it feels. But going out there on your own isn't the best idea. Juicy is right, we need to stick together. Look at how we helped each other back at that Junkyard. I know we weren't there for Latte... but it's like you said, we won't be able to save everyone. We just have to try our hardest to make sure nothing happens." Star tells her.

    "I don't know, you two. Would you guys really be safer with me around?" She asked.

    "Of course we would be. You taught me so many things already, and I still have a lot to learn." I tell her.

    She looked back at the other side of the road and then back at us."I don't know what I should do..." She says. Scarlet was undecided, she wasn't sure if she should leave and go on by herself, or stay with us. She felt like it was her fault that people died, but I'd beg to differ, she's been a big help to me and the group when the others were still alive. Scarlet kept staring at me and star with an uncertain look on her face...

    1) Do what you think is best.

    2) Stay with us. We keep each other safe.

    3) Go with her, leave Star behind.

    4) Say nothing.


    Almost all of us that stayed behind were in the living room, just chatting the day away. It started raining a bit outside, so the people keeping watch were out by the porch. Goust was showing us his blades and how he used to fight with them."Impressive, Goust. Maybe you'll be able to use them again someday." Wanderer tells him.

    "Heh, yeah. Maybe... Want to see my dragon?" Goust replies while looking at the blade.

    "Uh... no?" Wanderer says.

    "Looks like that storm is going to be bad, hope the others will be okay." DLB tells us.

    "They will be, don't worry about them, they're a strong bunch." I tell her.

    "Yeah, they got this." Password says.

    "I hope they all come back safely." SweetPea tells us.

    "They will, they have to." Valky tells her.

    "I miss all my friends... everyone I've lost." SweetPea says while looking down.

    "Would've been nice to meet them, SweetPea. WTD sounds like a real character, Raging sounds like a very nice man. Would've loved to try some of Mokonage's cooking, Awesomeo sounds like he really cared about you, and PowerfulStache would have protected you no matter what. Can't believe you're the only one that survived..." I tell her.

    "I miss everyone as well... just wish we could all go back to the way things used to be." Azlyn says.

    "We will, Azlyn. We just have to struggle a bit before getting there" Valky tells her.

    "I hope we can make this place perfect for everyone." AC says.

    "Yeah, it's going to take a lot of work, but we'll manage." Wanderer says.

    "We'll do our best, don't worry." Password says.

    We hear the front door open and Gary runs in with Sheep beside him."Guys! Get your weapons out! We have trouble!" Gary shouts.

    "What?! What is it?!" Shiina asks.

    "It's a horde of walkers! There's like a hundred of them!" Sheep tells us.

    "Damn it! I'll go get ATR, she's upstairs in her room!" DLB says while running towards the stairs.

    "Come on, hurry!" Gary shouts.

    We grab the remaining weapons that the others left behind and then head to the front."No fucking way! They must have heard the gunshots from when Tobi came here!" Shiina tells us.

    "There's a lot of them, we'll have to stop them all. If they come through and tear this place apart, it'll be over for all of us." Sheep says.

    "This is bad..." Guetta says.

    DLB and ATR come running to the front."Holy shit!" ATR says while looking at the horde of walkers getting closer to us. It starts to rain more, loud, explosive thunder hits the ground as everyone stares at all the walkers...


  • Never. You're Ben.

    Alt text

    XDDD I just noticed this now yes so evil I approve

    Never. You're Ben.

  • edited September 2014

    1) Do what you think is best.

    This will show what Scarlet really is. Is she willing to ditch them just like that, or will she follow them without being forced to?

    Also, RIP in Peace me. ;(

    At least my death was, well, quick.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • 3) Go with her, leave Star behind.

    A while back when people chose Juicy to not go with Scarlet, you said you were hoping people picked to go with her, so I will give you what you want now..hopefully this is a good choice, since you wanted this. Lets hope Star will do fine.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • edited September 2014

    1) Do what you think is best.

    Yes follow your instincts it's always the best option :)

    Alt text

    NOOO my evil partner is in there I'm not there yet :'(

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • Lmao, they thought they were safe back at the mansion. B^]

    This is the same horde from Ch.2. The same horde back at the mall, the same horde that attacked the cabin, the same horde near "The Spot," the same horde that followed CSB. They're back...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    1) Do what you think is best. Yes follow your instincts it's always the best option NOOO my evil partner is in there I'm not there yet

  • Damnit, R.I.P. Latte ;____;

    1) Do what you think is best.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • 3) Go with her, leave Star behind.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • That was before the bandit fight, but since that's done, you guys can choose what you want. B^]

    3) Go with her, leave Star behind. A while back when people chose Juicy to not go with Scarlet, you said you were hoping people picked to

  • I am so screwed :3

    Markd4547 posted: »

    1) Do what you think is best. Yes follow your instincts it's always the best option NOOO my evil partner is in there I'm not there yet

  • edited September 2014

    They're back...

    XD I love that it's so badass the exact same horde :'D

    Lmao, they thought they were safe back at the mansion. B^] This is the same horde from Ch.2. The same horde back at the mall, the same horde that attacked the cabin, the same horde near "The Spot," the same horde that followed CSB. They're back...

  • Yeah, but I'm guessing you most likely still want to head in that direction.

    That was before the bandit fight, but since that's done, you guys can choose what you want. B^]

  • Alt text

    XD your not dead yet I'll be there soon don't worry I got this ;)

    Twistee posted: »

    I am so screwed

  • Also, there's one leader walker, and he has a scar on his face forever. He got this scar from LeeTheProfessional. He now follows them around, looking to exact vengeance on his group.

    What do you mean how did he get the scar from Pro? He just did! Don't ask questions about it!

    Lmao, they thought they were safe back at the mansion. B^] This is the same horde from Ch.2. The same horde back at the mall, the same horde that attacked the cabin, the same horde near "The Spot," the same horde that followed CSB. They're back...

  • But leaving Star behind...

    Ahem. Just pick what you want.

    Yeah, but I'm guessing you most likely still want to head in that direction.

  • Whose to say Star is not better off on his own, but we will see. I think after you right the next part for these characters, thats it. Than you will probably put your main focus on the war.

    But leaving Star behind... Ahem. Just pick what you want.

  • edited September 2014

    1) Do what you think is best. It should be her decision after all... And Juicy shouldn't leave Urban.

    Holy shiat, we're ded ;-;

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • Mwuahaha! >B]

    Yep, one more part for these people, but they'll be back in Ch.5. Now it's time for the war and the horde back at the mansion. This chapter turned out to be longer than I thought, but I'm almost at the ending.

    Whose to say Star is not better off on his own, but we will see. I think after you right the next part for these characters, thats it. Than you will probably put your main focus on the war.

  • 1) Do what you think is best. Let Scarlet decide what she wants, although she likes being alone, maybe she cares for them and will decide to stay with them.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • They're back...

    Alt text

    Lmao, they thought they were safe back at the mansion. B^] This is the same horde from Ch.2. The same horde back at the mall, the same horde that attacked the cabin, the same horde near "The Spot," the same horde that followed CSB. They're back...

  • 3) Go with her, leave Star behind.

    DLB and ATR come running to the front."Holy shit!" ATR says while looking at the horde of walkers getting closer to us. It starts to rain more, loud, explosive thunder hits the ground as everyone stares at all the walkers...

    Alt text

    Well, we're screwed. It was nice meting you all.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • wow great job again , I'll say 3

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • 3) Go with her, leave Star behind.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • 1.) Do what you think is best.

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • edited September 2014


    We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro said while driving a bit further ahead. We stopped near a big tree and then got out. Everyone geared up and we saw the other's by Jon's pickup doing the same."Shadow, come here." Pro tells him as he has a bullet proof vest in his hands. Shadow walks over to him."Take my bullet proof vest, you'll need it. And take this handgun as well, we've been training you on how to use it, but don't get cocky, you still have a lot to learn." He tells him while handing them over.

    "I'll keep an eye on him." Rafoli tells Pro.

    "Okay, just stay close to him, Shadow." Pro tells him.

    Gustav spoke up."Shadow, you had my back at the mansion. I'll protect you as well."

    Rafoli spoke up."I'm not sure he should--"

    "No. It's okay. He can watch my back as well. I'll stay close to the both of you." Shadow says.

    "Fine, I can deal with that." Rafoli says.

    "Check it out, guys. All I see is a bunch of lurkers out there. Think everyone is inside? Or maybe they went back to the mansion?" Jon says while looking over at the parking lot.

    "Nah, look over there." Jewf points at the front."Those are the cars that Tobi and his men had with them, right?"

    "Yeah, he's right. They have to be here." King says.

    "All right, let's not waste anymore time, guys." Salt tells us.

    "I'm ready to end this." Broken says.

    "Let's do this, people." CiD says.

    "I have a grenade if anything." Fan says with a smile.

    "Yeah, but let's not just go in there and start shooting up the place, we'll need to be smart about it." Guilty tells us.

    King moves over to another tree and then aims his gun."So many damn walkers, must have heard all that gunfire from a week ago. But why would they still hang around? They have to be in there, no doubt about it."

    "Well, then. What are we waitin' for? Let's go kill Tobi once and for all!" I say to everyone.

    Pro speaks up."Yeah, it's time we do thi--" BRATATAT! BRATATAT! A few bullets come out of nowhere and we see King going down."Get into cover!" Pro tells us.

    We hide behind the trees and then look over to see who shot."What the fuck?! It was a walker?!" I shout.

    "I saw it, too! A fucking walker killed King!" Jewf tells us.

    "What?! Walkers can shoot now?!" Rafoli asks.

    "No fucking way, man. There's no way!" Salt says.

    "Fuck! King!" Broken shouts.

    "Calm down, everyone! Just stay hidden." Pro tells us. He peeks out and then turns to look at us."Some of those "walkers" have guns on them. I think Tobi's men might be disguised as them. The rain will wash out the blood and guts, so maybe we'll be able to spot them quicker."

    "Shit! I remember that Mark guy covered in walker guts to protect himself from a horde, they must have gotten the same idea, but they're hiding in that crowd so we don't spot them. Clever bastards." Guilty says.

    "It won't last long with all this rain. Not only do we have to watch out for Tobi's men disguised as them, but we have to be careful with all those damn walkers around." Jon tells us.

    "So, do we start shooting at the walkers that have guns on them?" WtW asks.

    "Hmm, I'll need you to stay hidden in the woods, WtW. Some of us will go out there after we clear the way. Everyone has their silencers on, correct?" Pro asks.

    "Yep, we're all ready." Fan says.

    "Okay, I only see about three of them with guns walking around. There might be more of them hidden out there in the crowd. The rain should wash out their scent soon, so they'll have no choice but to move away from the walkers. Someone needs to also watch the roof." Pro tells us and then aims his M4. Bruppa! He shoots the "walker" who shot and killed King.

    "AHH! My leg!" We hear him shout. The crowd of walkers notice and then start heading towards him.

    "Holy shit! That did it!" Those fuckers ARE disguised as them." I said as we watched one of Tobi's men getting eaten alive.

    "Look, I see more of them with guns out there." Jewf says.

    "Haha, they look confused as shit!" I say.

    "FUCK! AGH!!!" We hear another one of them scream and getting surrounded by the walkers.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! "Get inside!" Another shouts as they start shooting the walkers in the way while heading for Tobi's warehouse.

    "Bunch of morons. Now we can get in there and finish them off." Guilty tells us.

    We see a few of them running to the back entrance and then closing the door."So, I guess that's all of them. They planned to ambush us, but that didn't work. Now they know that we're here, though." Jon says.

    "They were expecting us, Tobi probably knew we would go after him. They were probably standing out there all day long, or something." Gustav tells us.

    "Well then, guess we better go in there and finish this. We have to avenge King." Broken tells us.

    "Fuckers have some decent aim, they caught him in the head. We'll need to be careful." Rafoli told us.

    "Okay, here's what we'll do. Salt, you take Guilty and Jewf with you. Stay in the parking lot and kill any of the walkers that might block the exits. I'll go in first with Fan and CiD. Jon will take Puncake and CSB with him to the front. Rafoli will take Gustav and Shadow to the side, and WtW will stay here in the woods providing cover fire until she has to go out there and help us out, Broken will watch her back until then. Keep an eye out for anyone that might be disguised as a walker, only shoot the ones that get in the way. Our main concern is Tobi and his men, we'll take care of the walkers if they become a bigger problem to us, right now they just seem to be hanging around and they're busy eating the two guys that went down." Pro tells us.

    "Okay, I'm ready when you are." Salt says.

    "It's time we finish this." Jon says.

    "CiD, you know your way around. With what Gustav told us, you should be able to get us to Tobi's office. It might be heavily guarded, though. We need to be sneaky and careful. The problem is that they're expecting us, so we might have to just shoot everyone we see in there." Pro says.

    "I can see that the cameras aren't moving... hmm, wonder if Tali did something to not make them work anymore. This will be better for us." Gustav says.

    "Okay, then. Go on, guys. We'll be right behind y'all." Jewf tells them.

    Pro, Fan and CiD looked around the parking lot and then started running out. They used the cars for cover and then headed to the back. They shot a few walkers in the way before reaching the door."Go, go!" Salt tells Guilty and Jewf. They start moving out to the parking lot and get behind some cars.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! We start hearing gunshots as Pro, CiD and Fan enter through the back door. The walkers start moving to their location and Salt, Guilty and Jewf start shooting at them."Come on! Let's go!" Jon tells me and CSB.

    "We Have to hurry!" CSB shouts.

    "Broken! Follow me!" I hear WtW say as me, Jon and CSB head to the front.

    We run out to the parking lot and reach Salt, Guilty and Jewf."Go on, guys! We'll have your back!" Jewf shouts as we run past them.

    Bruppa! Bruppa! We shoot the few walkers in the way and continue towards the front. Once we reach it, we notice the three vehicles that Tobi and his men took."Let's do this." Jon says. We climbed over the cars and then headed inside the front entrance...


    "Let's go!" Rafoli shouted and started running out towards the parking lot. I followed him with Gustav as well. There were a lot of walkers in the way, but Gustav and Rafoli were taking care of them. I still had Pro's bullet proof vest on, I was hoping that I would be okay through this. We managed to get to the side door and then hid ourselves behind some pallets that were stacked with canned food. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BLAM! POW! POW! BLAM! BANG! BANG! BANG! We could hear gunshots and chaos all around. We didn't know where the others were."Stay down, we need to regroup with the others." Rafoli tells me.

    "C'mon! We can't fuckin' wait around here, let's head to the back!" Gustav told us.

    "It sounds like that's where the most action is going on. We need to keep Shadow away from that!" Rafoli replied.

    "Fuck that! We need to get to the others and then find Tobi!" Gustav Shouted.

    "Listen, man! We just have to wait a bit, and then we can go over there!" Rafoli tells him.

    "I'm going! I don't care! Stay here if you want." Gustav yelled at Rafoli."C'mon, Shadow, let's leave this guy behind." He tells me.

    "Don't tell him what to do, he can decide for himself." Rafoli tells him with an angered look.

    Gustav gritted his teeth at him. He looks at me."C'mon, Shadow. This guy killed your dad. He won't protect you."

    "Shut the fuck up, man! He accepted the apology and he knows I didn't mean to. I didn't kill CC, either. You're the one who was helping Tobi in the beginning, how should we even fully trust you?" Rafoli says. The two of them were arguing back and forth, there was a war going on and people were shooting at each other. I needed to make up my mind...

    1) Stay here with Rafoli.

    2) Go to the back with Gustav.


    "Move up!" Salt told us.

    "You two go! I'll cover you!" Jewf shouts.

    The rain seemed to be getting worse, lighting and thunder everywhere. My clothes were soaking wet, we were just trying our best to keep the walkers away from the warehouse doors. Bruppa! Bruppa! "I'm reloading!" I shouted before moving forward.

    "Heading out, now!" Salt says as he moves up.

    I finish reloading and then start moving."Go on, I'll keep you covered, head to that side door!" Jewf tells us.

    Bruppa! Bruppa! "I'll start heading to the side door!" I tell Salt.

    "Okay, go!" He replies.

    I move further away and shoot the walkers in front of me, I then see a clear opening and start running towards the side entrance."Ahh! help!" I reach the door but then I hear Jewf shouting. I turn around and I could see a walker under the car grabbing his foot with more of them trying to go over to him.

    "What the hell?! Salt, help him!" I shout as I see Salt killing off some of the walkers around him.

    "I got it!" He says.

    Bruppa! Bruppa! More walkers start moving in front of me and start blocking my path."Salt!" I hear Jewf again. I look over and I'm barely able to see Salt standing in front of the car that Jewf was slowly being dragged under."SALT!" Jewf yells out again. As I'm shooting, I see Salt standing there with his gun down. Not even attempting to help Jewf out."No! Agh!!!" Jewf starts making an agonizing scream as the walkers under the car start dragging him in and eating him up.

    Salt turns around and starts shooting the walkers around me. Bruppa! Bruppa! "What the fuck, man?! Why didn't you help him?!" I shout at him.

    "Jewf would have been no help. He was dead anyway, oh well." Salt replies. I gritted my teeth and glared at him. I couldn't believe what he just said."Get inside, I'll take care of this." He says.

    I look at the walkers getting closer and then turn around to open the door. I look back at Salt before entering."I know what you did, Salt... don't think you'll get away with this." I tell him, and then enter the warehouse...


    As I'm driving down the road and getting closer to Tobi's, I start hearing gunfire in the distance."The hell?" I say to myself. I enter the part of the woods where I escaped before, and then drive over to see the parking lot full of walkers. I could hear gunfire coming from the inside and was wondering if Tobi and his men were being attacked."Hahaha! Tobi must be cowering in fear right now! Oh, boy!" I say. I drive over to the parking lot and then get out of the HUMVEE to get on to the turret. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I was enjoying killing all the walkers around. There were too many of them for me to attempt to go inside, I had to make clear a path first."HAHAHAHA! Tobi boy! I'm coming for you!" I said to myself as I kept shooting...

    1) Stay in the HUMVEE, continue to shoot the walkers.

    2) Get out and try to make my way inside.

    3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers.


  • edited September 2014


    brb dyin


    how did i miss all this wtf

    ComingSoon We had been driving for half a day, it was already late at night and we were almost back at the warehouse. I kept looking at t

  • 1.) Stay here with Rafoli.

    1.) Stay in the HUMVEE, continue to shoot the walkers.

    So EXCITED!!! :p

    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • edited September 2014

    1) Stay here with Rafoli.

    Gustav just spells trouble trying to lure them into Tobi, if he was so hell bent on killing Tobi, he would do it with out them. Also Rafoli proved he was sorry, and he is doing everything to keep TDM safe.

    Staying in the HUMVEE is probably going to have the HUMVEE end up getting surrounded with Walkers.
    Getting out will make Mark even more vulnerable to walkers.

    So why not cause some havoc in a HUMVEE!

    3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers.

    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • edited September 2014

    1) Stay here with Rafoli.

    Alt text

    You can't be the hero they want or need but you can be the hero TWD deserves

    ow HAHA now I like that this is the hardest decision I ever had to make so far world class writing as usually

    1) Stay in the HUMVEE, continue to shoot the walkers.

    I would if I wanted them all to die or If I didn't care but I have to save my evil partner even if it means death

    2) Get out and try to make my way inside.

    Without a clear path I'm dead and I fail all my missions my existence and effort will be meaningless

    3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers.

    This is better it's safer plus you can have a fast exit if you need to leave in the car park the HUMVEE is to far to escape because of Walkers

    Only reason I'm against this if Tobi has some decent fire power it's an easy target

    3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers

    HIT ME!!

    Alt text

    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • 1) Stay with Rafoli.

    3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers.

    So sense I got a taste of my own mortality, I now have a taste of this fanfic's mortality, which I do not like, and I have to ask; will there be another one of these fanfics with character's being their usernames along with multiple plotlines? I love the fanfiction that are all just normal characyers and so, but I've always liked these ones as I for some reason imagine most of the characters as not being real people. (I know, it's weird, but whatever.) Okay, that was worded like shit. Uh, I'll try an example. Like, GoBananas was a giant banana with appendages, but no facial features in the story. All_That_Remains was Purple Shirt Clementine (which is now fucking weird as shit) and Jewfreeus was Nate due to his old profile picture (which is even fucking weirder.) So, I gotta ask, will there be another one of these type of fanfics on the forums?

    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • Oh... you need to catch up. B]

    Lmao, you missed your Teddy moment! :p


  • 1) Do what you think is best.

    Juicy's part

    Juicy attacking the bandit

    When they find Latte's body

    When Juicy find Scarlet fighting the bandits
    xQY&list=UU9JNHDmriSynm96zoqJce-Q&index=34 "Title")

    When Scarlet says that she should leave

    Twistee's part

    When talking about old group members

    When Gary tells the news

    _ Juice_Box_ (!) Use my knife, sneak up behind the hunting rifle bandit and take his gun. All of the bandits were still distracted and

  • I know ;-; freaking school dude. Had no time.

    I'll be on more though now that my internet's back ;D

    Oh... you need to catch up. B] Lmao, you missed your Teddy moment!

  • Lol, actually, no. They're regular humans, what I picture them to look like, is nothing close to their profile pictures. The reason I decided to use their usernames was because I thought it would be easier for people to identify them. The reason why there is so much death in Ch.4 is because I had over 70 characters in the story. It's hard to keep up with all of them and I have to remember who's alive and who's not, sometimes I would forget to add someone in a part as well. And about another story, maybe, I'll think about it. But if I do work on another one, I'll definitely work with more people, doing everything by myself is a lot of work.

    1) Stay with Rafoli. 3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. So sense I got a taste of my own mortality, I now have a taste of

  • God dammit. I don't want to die ;-; I want to see Tobi die!

    Ok, if Gustav and I come inside and Markd comes in too, we might be fine? Fuck!

    Staying with Raf seems to be the safest option, but Lee with his plot twists....

    I'll let you guys decide

    2) Get out and try to make my way inside.

    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • TDMshadowCP posted: »

    God dammit. I don't want to die ;-; I want to see Tobi die! Ok, if Gustav and I come inside and Markd comes in too, we might be fine? Fuc

  • edited September 2014

    1) Stay with Rafoli.

    3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers.


    Alt text

    I had to post that gif. Just had to.

    Puncake32 We were nearing Tobi's warehouse. It started to rain heavily and it was also thundering."We're here. This is it, people." Pro s

  • Haha, awesome! Now we can annoy each other again. B^]

    I know ;-; freaking school dude. Had no time. I'll be on more though now that my internet's back ;D

  • Lmao, where is that gif from?! What movie?

    1) Stay with Rafoli. 3) Drive around, run over some of the walkers. RUUM RUUM MOTHERFUCKER I had to post that gif. Just had to.

  • Alt text

    u wot m8?

    Haha, awesome! Now we can annoy each other again. B^]

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