That's what makes me the angriest, that our first black president is going to be known as the worst. It's going to create the stigma that African Americans won't make good presidents, and that's not the case at all.
Sure, it's great that we see a African American man elected as a President considering the history of our country, and not just our country,… more the entire world. Yes, it's a great thing to see our society/world grow and progress. But at the same time, I personally think Obama is going to go down as the worst President in US History to date. It's sad, but if this happens, it's unfortunate that this label will also go with the first African American president.
And yeah, when he got elected TONS of people thought he was gonna change everything. He did, but not for the better. He's run our country into the ground.
Politics would be so much more bearable for me if there was no such thing as political parties. I guess every country has them, but yeah... can't stand them.
I hear you. I frankly don't identify with either political party, but I am a liberal though. But I know we wouldn't be any worse or better off if Romney was President. It's not about getting a person from a particular party in the White House, and one person isn't enough to get things done in a short amount of time. If we really want to fix this country, then both parties have to buckle down, reach some form of compromise (meaning work together), and actively reach out and hear the people, rather than alienate certain groups. Sadly that's not how politics works and I know the structures are still a hell of a lot more complex than what I just said.
^^^ This so MUCH this! I'm worried this thread is turning into Obama hate club.
I'm actually scared to even say my opinion anymore for s… moreomeone to just say I'm ignorant or some bullshit....... But my friend who is being outright screwed with the health care issue and his health problems doesn't think its as simple as "Obama is destroying merica" Way too much overreacting if you ask me.
Left wing is associated with Liberals, Democrats, and Progressives. Where Right wing is Republicans, Tea Party, Conservatives, and sometimes Libertarians. I guess it would be confusing to those who haven't grown up with it though haha.
Haha yeah, it was tame compared to how vicious it had been once. In high school I had a lot more trouble from people when he first got elected. Just because I said I didn't like him.
I always see that with politics, when the opposing side has no more real logic to argue with, they throw names and anger/hate at one another. This goes for both Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals.
(Then again, sometimes we really do have those cray cray people who can be racist bigots. But I'm NOT saying you are, I know you're reasonable. )
In America Right-wing is considered to be more Conservative or Republican, while Left-Wing are considered to be more Liberal or Democrat. Those are the main two parties in America. So:
Left wing is associated with Liberals, Democrats, and Progressives. Where Right wing is Republicans, Tea Party, Conservatives, and sometimes Libertarians. I guess it would be confusing to those who haven't grown up with it though haha.
In America Right-wing is considered to be more Conservative or Republican, while Left-Wing are considered to be more Liberal or Democrat. Th… moreose are the main two parties in America. So:
Right Wing = Conservative or Republican (Usually)
Left Wing = Liberal or Democrat (Usually)
Politics would be so much more bearable for me if there was no such thing as political parties. I guess every country has them, but yeah... can't stand them.
Politics is one of those things that leads to an instant heated battle, where people often forget their morals/values, and calling their opponent every name in the book is justified. They just forget themselves.
I always see that with politics, when the opposing side has no more real logic to argue with, they throw names and anger/hate at one another… more. This goes for both Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals.
(Then again, sometimes we really do have those cray cray people who can be racist bigots. But I'm NOT saying you are, I know you're reasonable. )
You'd more than likely be considered moderate. Moderate is considered good, because you don't have the ridiculous label of being a redneck conservative or a hippie liberal.
Me? I'm a classy redneck conservative. Like Kenny, but rational. XD
You'd more than likely be considered moderate. Moderate is considered good, because you don't have the ridiculous label of being a redneck conservative or a hippie liberal.
Me? I'm a classy redneck conservative. Like Kenny, but rational. XD
You'd more than likely be considered moderate. Moderate is considered good, because you don't have the ridiculous label of being a redneck conservative or a hippie liberal.
Me? I'm a classy redneck conservative. Like Kenny, but rational. XD
I kinda define Redneck as I am in fact a old - fashioned kinda country girl who wears her cowboy boots more than any other kind of shoes and wears camo even when I'm not hunting. I've done my fair share of hunting (things like coyotes and hogs because they kill baby deer and ruin our lands. I have no desire to shoot a deer unless I have too) Plus you should probably know how to handle a gun.
Me? I'm a classy redneck conservative. Like Kenny, but rational. XD
Omg me too! Are we brain twins or something???
edit:minus the redneck status, I wish I could call myself a redneck though haha.
I knew there was a reason why we became friends so fast.XD
I don't own any cowboy boots(I want to get some though next time I go shoe shopping), but I do own a few guns! I own a Remington Versa Max, an AR 15, and a Beretta pistol. I've gone hunting a couple times, and I go to the gun range every now and then. And if it counts for anything, I love going to the rodeo haha. But I don't live in a rural area, so maybe I can be an honorary Redneck?lol
Haha! Twinsies! ;D
I kinda define Redneck as I am in fact a old - fashioned kinda country girl who wears her cowboy boots more than any o… morether kind of shoes and wears camo even when I'm not hunting. I've done my fair share of hunting (things like coyotes and hogs because they kill baby deer and ruin our lands. I have no desire to shoot a deer unless I have too) Plus you should probably know how to handle a gun.
It don't matter where ya live hon, being a redneck comes from the heart and the people around you, not the region you live in. Though that helps. My family, we're more hunters, we have a fairly strong respect for nature, and killing any creature including the bad ones/predators are always hard to pull the trigger on. I never trophy hunt, because I don't believe in killing something unless for survival.
More people need to know how to use guns and have a healthy respect/relationship with them. Otherwise, we get brainwashed to fear it and shy away from them. I understand if some people don't feel comfortable around them, I used to be one of those people. Hell I still get nervous around them, but it should be that way. My grandad taught me how to fire a 22. Rifle, and a 30/30. Them sons of bitches leave quite the bruise if you haven't placed it right on your shoulder.
Cavenders is one of the best places to get boots from, it's a western wear store/franchise in TX. But I don't know if they're in California. I love the rodeo too! I owned horses my whole life and rode them when I was younger. They're my favorite animal, they're amazing creatures!
I knew there was a reason why we became friends so fast.XD
I don't own any cowboy boots(I want to get some though next time I go shoe sho… morepping), but I do own a few guns! I own a Remington Versa Max, an AR 15, and a Beretta pistol. I've gone hunting a couple times, and I go to the gun range every now and then. And if it counts for anything, I love going to the rodeo haha. But I don't live in a rural area, so maybe I can be an honorary Redneck?lol
I'd more or less be considered a liberal, not because I'm overly PC or anything. I just believe in treating people equally and fairly, and living the way you want as long as you don't violently or physically hurt anybody. Regardless, I don't really take that label to heart, it's more or less what others have called me.
In America Right-wing is considered to be more Conservative or Republican, while Left-Wing are considered to be more Liberal or Democrat. Th… moreose are the main two parties in America. So:
Right Wing = Conservative or Republican (Usually)
Left Wing = Liberal or Democrat (Usually)
Does this mean I get to be a redneck?lol. Yeah, the times that I've went hunting with my family, it's usually for a big holiday or celebration meal, not for trophies or anything. It is always a little difficult for me to pull the trigger though, I don't think I'd ever be able to shoot a deer.
This is so true, most people are afraid of guns because they know nothing about them save for what they've seen in movies, or heard in the news. They aren't solely for killing, they're also used for hunting, competition, relieving stress at the range, and imo most importantly home/self protection. If more people learned about guns, and didn't have such a negative connotation associated with them, they wouldn't be so scared. My Uncle has a 30/30, I got the biggest bruise the first time I used it haha.
I'll have to check that place out then! Oh I love horses, they're such beautiful animals. I've never ridden one, but I've always wanted to.:)
It don't matter where ya live hon, being a redneck comes from the heart and the people around you, not the region you live in. Though that h… moreelps. My family, we're more hunters, we have a fairly strong respect for nature, and killing any creature including the bad ones/predators are always hard to pull the trigger on. I never trophy hunt, because I don't believe in killing something unless for survival.
More people need to know how to use guns and have a healthy respect/relationship with them. Otherwise, we get brainwashed to fear it and shy away from them. I understand if some people don't feel comfortable around them, I used to be one of those people. Hell I still get nervous around them, but it should be that way. My grandad taught me how to fire a 22. Rifle, and a 30/30. Them sons of bitches leave quite the bruise if you haven't placed it right on your shoulder.
Cavenders is one of the best places to get boots from, it's a western … [view original content]
I'd say you meet a lot of the qualifications, so go for it sista! Yeah, shooting a deer is pretty hard, hogs and coyotes not so much. If it came down to it, if you have to to survive, it won't be so hard, we'd just be getting back to the circle of life, y'know? Except with hand cannons and not rocks and sticks. XD
Yeah, we mostly worry about home safety where we life. Not that I live in a bad neighborhood, but I'm not ever gonna take the chance of becoming a victim, y'know?
And it has an online site. They're pricey TBH, but I've had a pair of boots from them for 3 years, and they're still as wonderful as the day I bought them.
Does this mean I get to be a redneck?lol. Yeah, the times that I've went hunting with my family, it's usually for a big holiday or celebrati… moreon meal, not for trophies or anything. It is always a little difficult for me to pull the trigger though, I don't think I'd ever be able to shoot a deer.
This is so true, most people are afraid of guns because they know nothing about them save for what they've seen in movies, or heard in the news. They aren't solely for killing, they're also used for hunting, competition, relieving stress at the range, and imo most importantly home/self protection. If more people learned about guns, and didn't have such a negative connotation associated with them, they wouldn't be so scared. My Uncle has a 30/30, I got the biggest bruise the first time I used it haha.
I'll have to check that place out then! Oh I love horses, they're such beautiful animals. I've never ridden one, but I've always wanted to.:)
Political parties are definitely annoying. For one, like Rockworm said, they're two sides of the same coin. No matter what nothing really changes if another party gets in. The thing that annoys me most about them though, is that they don't really stand for one set of ideals, and the people within them will change their stances with some frequency. Despite this people will say, "I vote democrat because I don't want to vote republican," and they will continue to perpetuate that even if both parties have the exact same stances on the issues they care about most.
Politics would be so much more bearable for me if there was no such thing as political parties. I guess every country has them, but yeah... can't stand them.
Lol you two girls are too cute Its always good to have a twin, huh?
Country girls are cool. They are funny, down to earth and just downright sexy (If ya dont mind me saying so) As for rednecks? Well, I wouldn't really know what one would look like lol
I'd say you meet a lot of the qualifications, so go for it sista! Yeah, shooting a deer is pretty hard, hogs and coyotes not so much. If it… more came down to it, if you have to to survive, it won't be so hard, we'd just be getting back to the circle of life, y'know? Except with hand cannons and not rocks and sticks. XD
Yeah, we mostly worry about home safety where we life. Not that I live in a bad neighborhood, but I'm not ever gonna take the chance of becoming a victim, y'know?
And it has an online site. They're pricey TBH, but I've had a pair of boots from them for 3 years, and they're still as wonderful as the day I bought them.
Curious, what do most NZ's think about Sonny Bill Williams? Australia is hilarious, at first we're all "Yay, Sonny Bill", then he leaves and we hate him, then he comes back and we love him, then he leaves and we hate him ect, ect.
That's another thing i'm not to fond about Australia for, a little too overzealous about our sport.
I dislike lots of things.
* The disrespect that other veterans get from the VA
* Cheap Alcohol, i only drink top shelf unless … moreI 'm already wasted.
* Liberals who want to take away my guns
* Illegal Immigrants who are coming across the boarder looking for a handout, and expecting people to pay for them.
* Thieves
* Annoying people who get too Clingy,
* People who ask me questions about my personal life.
* Living in the semi city, i'm about done with this fucking place.
* Obama for letting Isis take cities back in Iraq.
* How people in today's society never take blame, they always try to place it on someone else
* Capital Gains Tax
* Flying
* Anti Smoking commercials.
* Fundraiser Groups
* Glock
I'm sorry to hear that. As an Australian, I can't say 9/11 hit me as hard as it did for America, but our soldiers still fight alongside America's to fight the terrorist threat. So I'm still grateful that people such as your farther put their lives on the line for the freedom of others, and to see people like him be tossed aside by their own government is just depressing. Over here, we'd never tolerate that.
I just hate the racist and homophobic attitude of the U.S.
I'm 13 and openly bisexual (and Demisexual), so I have people who're like, "You're greedy. Hur dur." Or "It's not a REAL sexuality! Choose a side!" Or "So you're gonna fuck everyone! LOLZ."
And then, there's the racist parts. Sure, I'm not African American (I'm white), but I still get very upset when I hear the N word dropped by anyone. It's offensive, and dirty, and I don't put up with it. And then there's kids at my school who treat me like shit because they like to say that my ancestors owned slaves (and they probably did, as most of my ancestors are European) and that it's somehow my fault (?), so I deserve to get beat up and sexually harassed and be reduced to tears everyday.
I wish every race was equal. Every race, every gender, every sexuality, every nationality, and every religion (including Atheism) should be equal, but Americans just can't seem to understand that.
now that's just stupid. I myself was called a racist bigot for not liking Obama, but I've grown used to being called these things.
That's what makes me the angriest, that our first black president is going to be known as the worst. It's going to create the stigma that African Americans won't make good presidents, and that's not the case at all.
Weird, you would think it would be the other way around... considering liberals tend to not be nearly as attached to that sort of thing.
Shepard Approves of this Garrus Gif.
Politics would be so much more bearable for me if there was no such thing as political parties. I guess every country has them, but yeah... can't stand them.
I hear you. I frankly don't identify with either political party, but I am a liberal though. But I know we wouldn't be any worse or better off if Romney was President. It's not about getting a person from a particular party in the White House, and one person isn't enough to get things done in a short amount of time. If we really want to fix this country, then both parties have to buckle down, reach some form of compromise (meaning work together), and actively reach out and hear the people, rather than alienate certain groups. Sadly that's not how politics works and I know the structures are still a hell of a lot more complex than what I just said.
Ya know what i don't get? This whole "left-wing", "right wing" stuff. Politics has always been rather confusing for me.
Left wing is associated with Liberals, Democrats, and Progressives. Where Right wing is Republicans, Tea Party, Conservatives, and sometimes Libertarians. I guess it would be confusing to those who haven't grown up with it though haha.
Haha yeah, it was tame compared to how vicious it had been once. In high school I had a lot more trouble from people when he first got elected. Just because I said I didn't like him.
I always see that with politics, when the opposing side has no more real logic to argue with, they throw names and anger/hate at one another. This goes for both Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives and Liberals.
(Then again, sometimes we really do have those cray cray people who can be racist bigots. But I'm NOT saying you are, I know you're reasonable.
Wait, what? Lol I'm afraid I don't understand. >.<
In America Right-wing is considered to be more Conservative or Republican, while Left-Wing are considered to be more Liberal or Democrat. Those are the main two parties in America. So:
Right Wing = Conservative or Republican (Usually)
Left Wing = Liberal or Democrat (Usually)
As they say "Its all Greek to me" lol
Its nothing to be confused about really.
Its just what side of the fence you want to fling your feces from.
I'm Garrus Vakarian and this is my rectum
I'd say I am in the middle somewhere. Best place to be right?
My biggest issue with it. Its just different side of the same coin.
Me neither. Which is why I much prefer stay out of it.
Well I'm mature in the sense that I don't throw feces lol
But I know what you are saying.
Politics is one of those things that leads to an instant heated battle, where people often forget their morals/values, and calling their opponent every name in the book is justified. They just forget themselves.
Aw thanks Hollay
I'd imagine I'd be just as confused by New Zealand's
You'd more than likely be considered moderate. Moderate is considered good, because you don't have the ridiculous label of being a redneck conservative or a hippie liberal.
Me? I'm a classy redneck conservative.
Like Kenny, but rational. XD
That's probably why, because I've grown up with our system and find it fairly easy to understand.:/
Not really. Our system is a bit easier, I think (then again, I've grown up with it)
And I love you for it
Omg me too! Are we brain twins or something???
edit:minus the redneck status, I wish I could call myself a redneck though haha.
Haha! Twinsies! ;D
I kinda define Redneck as I am in fact a old - fashioned kinda country girl who wears her cowboy boots more than any other kind of shoes and wears camo even when I'm not hunting. I've done my fair share of hunting (things like coyotes and hogs because they kill baby deer and ruin our lands. I have no desire to shoot a deer unless I have too) Plus you should probably know how to handle a gun.
I knew there was a reason why we became friends so fast.XD
I don't own any cowboy boots(I want to get some though next time I go shoe shopping), but I do own a few guns! I own a Remington Versa Max, an AR 15, and a Beretta pistol. I've gone hunting a couple times, and I go to the gun range every now and then. And if it counts for anything, I love going to the rodeo haha. But I don't live in a rural area, so maybe I can be an honorary Redneck?lol
It don't matter where ya live hon, being a redneck comes from the heart and the people around you, not the region you live in. Though that helps.
My family, we're more hunters, we have a fairly strong respect for nature, and killing any creature including the bad ones/predators are always hard to pull the trigger on. I never trophy hunt, because I don't believe in killing something unless for survival.
More people need to know how to use guns and have a healthy respect/relationship with them. Otherwise, we get brainwashed to fear it and shy away from them. I understand if some people don't feel comfortable around them, I used to be one of those people. Hell I still get nervous around them, but it should be that way. My grandad taught me how to fire a 22. Rifle, and a 30/30. Them sons of bitches leave quite the bruise if you haven't placed it right on your shoulder.
Cavenders is one of the best places to get boots from, it's a western wear store/franchise in TX. But I don't know if they're in California. I love the rodeo too!
I owned horses my whole life and rode them when I was younger. They're my favorite animal, they're amazing creatures! 
I'd more or less be considered a liberal, not because I'm overly PC or anything. I just believe in treating people equally and fairly, and living the way you want as long as you don't violently or physically hurt anybody. Regardless, I don't really take that label to heart, it's more or less what others have called me.
Does this mean I get to be a redneck?lol. Yeah, the times that I've went hunting with my family, it's usually for a big holiday or celebration meal, not for trophies or anything. It is always a little difficult for me to pull the trigger though, I don't think I'd ever be able to shoot a deer.
This is so true, most people are afraid of guns because they know nothing about them save for what they've seen in movies, or heard in the news. They aren't solely for killing, they're also used for hunting, competition, relieving stress at the range, and imo most importantly home/self protection. If more people learned about guns, and didn't have such a negative connotation associated with them, they wouldn't be so scared. My Uncle has a 30/30, I got the biggest bruise the first time I used it haha.
I'll have to check that place out then! Oh I love horses, they're such beautiful animals. I've never ridden one, but I've always wanted to.:)
I'd say you meet a lot of the qualifications, so go for it sista!
Yeah, shooting a deer is pretty hard, hogs and coyotes not so much. If it came down to it, if you have to to survive, it won't be so hard, we'd just be getting back to the circle of life, y'know? Except with hand cannons and not rocks and sticks. XD
Yeah, we mostly worry about home safety where we life. Not that I live in a bad neighborhood, but I'm not ever gonna take the chance of becoming a victim, y'know?
And it has an online site. They're pricey TBH, but I've had a pair of boots from them for 3 years, and they're still as wonderful as the day I bought them.
Political parties are definitely annoying. For one, like Rockworm said, they're two sides of the same coin. No matter what nothing really changes if another party gets in. The thing that annoys me most about them though, is that they don't really stand for one set of ideals, and the people within them will change their stances with some frequency. Despite this people will say, "I vote democrat because I don't want to vote republican," and they will continue to perpetuate that even if both parties have the exact same stances on the issues they care about most.
Lol you two girls are too cute
Its always good to have a twin, huh?
Country girls are cool. They are funny, down to earth and just downright sexy
(If ya dont mind me saying so) As for rednecks? Well, I wouldn't really know what one would look like lol
Curious, what do most NZ's think about Sonny Bill Williams? Australia is hilarious, at first we're all "Yay, Sonny Bill", then he leaves and we hate him, then he comes back and we love him, then he leaves and we hate him ect, ect.
That's another thing i'm not to fond about Australia for, a little too overzealous about our sport.
The VA keeps rejecting my disabled, veteran father. He served for over 20 freaking years!
I'm sorry to hear that. As an Australian, I can't say 9/11 hit me as hard as it did for America, but our soldiers still fight alongside America's to fight the terrorist threat. So I'm still grateful that people such as your farther put their lives on the line for the freedom of others, and to see people like him be tossed aside by their own government is just depressing. Over here, we'd never tolerate that.
I just hate the racist and homophobic attitude of the U.S.
I'm 13 and openly bisexual (and Demisexual), so I have people who're like, "You're greedy. Hur dur." Or "It's not a REAL sexuality! Choose a side!" Or "So you're gonna fuck everyone! LOLZ."
And then, there's the racist parts. Sure, I'm not African American (I'm white), but I still get very upset when I hear the N word dropped by anyone. It's offensive, and dirty, and I don't put up with it. And then there's kids at my school who treat me like shit because they like to say that my ancestors owned slaves (and they probably did, as most of my ancestors are European) and that it's somehow my fault (?), so I deserve to get beat up and sexually harassed and be reduced to tears everyday.
I wish every race was equal. Every race, every gender, every sexuality, every nationality, and every religion (including Atheism) should be equal, but Americans just can't seem to understand that.