You should come to Australia if you ever get the chance. We're not exactly perfect, but I'd say things here are better.
And seriously, do other teenagers over there think about anything else but sex?
I just hate the racist and homophobic attitude of the U.S.
I'm 13 and openly bisexual (and Demisexual), so I have people who're like, "Yo… moreu're greedy. Hur dur." Or "It's not a REAL sexuality! Choose a side!" Or "So you're gonna fuck everyone! LOLZ."
And then, there's the racist parts. Sure, I'm not African American (I'm white), but I still get very upset when I hear the N word dropped by anyone. It's offensive, and dirty, and I don't put up with it. And then there's kids at my school who treat me like shit because they like to say that my ancestors owned slaves (and they probably did, as most of my ancestors are European) and that it's somehow my fault (?), so I deserve to get beat up and sexually harassed and be reduced to tears everyday.
I wish every race was equal. Every race, every gender, every sexuality, every nationality, and every religion (including Atheism) should be equal, but Americans just can't seem to understand that.
Agree about ISIS, a more depraved band of psychos, I've never seen. And who's bankrolling them? Why, it's our erstwhile friends and allies, the Saudis.
-I'm a liberal...but also an NRA member. Go figure
-Veteran medical care seems like a joke. I have a friend who was partially blinded by an IED blast in Iraq. They just discharged him, without providing the necessary rehab (cane training, orientation, etc.)
I dislike lots of things.
* The disrespect that other veterans get from the VA
* Cheap Alcohol, i only drink top shelf unless … moreI 'm already wasted.
* Liberals who want to take away my guns
* Illegal Immigrants who are coming across the boarder looking for a handout, and expecting people to pay for them.
* Thieves
* Annoying people who get too Clingy,
* People who ask me questions about my personal life.
* Living in the semi city, i'm about done with this fucking place.
* Obama for letting Isis take cities back in Iraq.
* How people in today's society never take blame, they always try to place it on someone else
* Capital Gains Tax
* Flying
* Anti Smoking commercials.
* Fundraiser Groups
* Glock
Agree about ISIS, a more depraved band of psychos, I've never seen. And who's bankrolling them? Why, it's our erstwhile friends and allies… more, the Saudis.
-I'm a liberal...but also an NRA member. Go figure
-Veteran medical care seems like a joke. I have a friend who was partially blinded by an IED blast in Iraq. They just discharged him, without providing the necessary rehab (cane training, orientation, etc.)
I hate those labels. I'm a lefty, but nothing like the organic-eating flower warrior people would expect. I like beer, assault weapons and BBQ as much as the next American!
You'd more than likely be considered moderate. Moderate is considered good, because you don't have the ridiculous label of being a redneck conservative or a hippie liberal.
Me? I'm a classy redneck conservative. Like Kenny, but rational. XD
You should come to Australia if you ever get the chance. We're not exactly perfect, but I'd say things here are better.
And seriously, do other teenagers over there think about anything else but sex?
You should come to Australia if you ever get the chance. We're not exactly perfect, but I'd say things here are better.
And seriously, do other teenagers over there think about anything else but sex?
I'm an American. There's a lot of things I don't like about my country, but I really don't feel i have room to complain, I mean. I've got it better here than many other people out there. I live in Ohio, so we get some cold ass winters but I kinda like the winter. But as I like to say. Peace to the world!
I an american and well, I've always tryed to respect everyone's decisions and I've never beat anyone down over something they did. I'm christian but I respect all religions and I'm sure as hell not racist! I'm half native American and some of my best friends are African Americans or other nationality's. I do agree whit what your saying thought I wish Americans could just get along and treat each others as equals.
I just hate the racist and homophobic attitude of the U.S.
I'm 13 and openly bisexual (and Demisexual), so I have people who're like, "Yo… moreu're greedy. Hur dur." Or "It's not a REAL sexuality! Choose a side!" Or "So you're gonna fuck everyone! LOLZ."
And then, there's the racist parts. Sure, I'm not African American (I'm white), but I still get very upset when I hear the N word dropped by anyone. It's offensive, and dirty, and I don't put up with it. And then there's kids at my school who treat me like shit because they like to say that my ancestors owned slaves (and they probably did, as most of my ancestors are European) and that it's somehow my fault (?), so I deserve to get beat up and sexually harassed and be reduced to tears everyday.
I wish every race was equal. Every race, every gender, every sexuality, every nationality, and every religion (including Atheism) should be equal, but Americans just can't seem to understand that.
I first got told about sex by a teacher when I was 12, but I was held back so most people in my year level were 11. And I swear this is true, our teacher used the term "p**** into v*****". No BS.
I an american and well, I've always tryed to respect everyone's decisions and I've never beat anyone down over something they did. I'm chris… moretian but I respect all religions and I'm sure as hell not racist! I'm half native American and some of my best friends are African Americans or other nationality's. I do agree whit what your saying thought I wish Americans could just get along and treat each others as equals.
I'm an American. There's a lot of things I don't like about my country, but I really don't feel i have room to complain, I mean. I've got it… more better here than many other people out there. I live in Ohio, so we get some cold ass winters but I kinda like the winter. But as I like to say. Peace to the world!
I voted for Romney. Lost 'friends' because I did. Yes, he wouldn't have been the best, but at least we could be heading in a better direction instead of this endless debt we're drowning in.
Eh, I'm pretty sure we'd still be in a crap hole regardless on who was president. The problem with our political system is that both Democra… morets and Republicans are so polarized none of them want to reach some form of middle ground, and are so quick to jump down each others' throats. It's not solving anything.
Thank you! I hate it when the N word is dropped in every sentence, then I ask them to stop as they apparently know nothing of the word, they just yell at me that it is a way to call someone a brother.(im white) I also love history but it bugs me when people of a certain race or nationality as abused because of something their ancestors did. Its also wrong how people treat gay or bi people, some of my best friends are gay and bi, people feel threatened by differences, so dont let them get to you.
I just hate the racist and homophobic attitude of the U.S.
I'm 13 and openly bisexual (and Demisexual), so I have people who're like, "Yo… moreu're greedy. Hur dur." Or "It's not a REAL sexuality! Choose a side!" Or "So you're gonna fuck everyone! LOLZ."
And then, there's the racist parts. Sure, I'm not African American (I'm white), but I still get very upset when I hear the N word dropped by anyone. It's offensive, and dirty, and I don't put up with it. And then there's kids at my school who treat me like shit because they like to say that my ancestors owned slaves (and they probably did, as most of my ancestors are European) and that it's somehow my fault (?), so I deserve to get beat up and sexually harassed and be reduced to tears everyday.
I wish every race was equal. Every race, every gender, every sexuality, every nationality, and every religion (including Atheism) should be equal, but Americans just can't seem to understand that.
The VA keeps rejecting my disabled, veteran father. He served for over 20 freaking years!
Yeah it happens a lot. Support our troops is just a slogan people say to feel good about themselves. They don't do shit. A Vet kills themselves every 90 minutes.
-Veteran medical care seems like a joke. I have a friend who was partially blinded by an IED blast in Iraq. They just discharged him, without providing the necessary rehab (cane training, orientation, etc.)
I know a guy like that too... Odd coincidence. but yeah
Got to Love Obama. Giving our money away to foreigners at the expense of his American Vets.
Agree about ISIS, a more depraved band of psychos, I've never seen. And who's bankrolling them? Why, it's our erstwhile friends and allies… more, the Saudis.
-I'm a liberal...but also an NRA member. Go figure
-Veteran medical care seems like a joke. I have a friend who was partially blinded by an IED blast in Iraq. They just discharged him, without providing the necessary rehab (cane training, orientation, etc.)
Yay!X) Same here, if it was a matter of live or die, I would definitely be able to kill animals more easily. But seeing as it's not the case(yet that is), I struggle every time I go hunting to pull the trigger.:/
My neighborhood isn't particularly dangerous either, but you can never be too careful. You can't predict what will happen, so it doesn't hurt to be prepared for the worst possible situation. I refuse to be a victim, I plan to get my concealed carry permit soon.
I always buy my clothes/shoes with the priority being the longer they last the better. I've spent more money on things before with this in mind, but it's worth it because they've lasted me 3-4 years.:)
I'd say you meet a lot of the qualifications, so go for it sista! Yeah, shooting a deer is pretty hard, hogs and coyotes not so much. If it… more came down to it, if you have to to survive, it won't be so hard, we'd just be getting back to the circle of life, y'know? Except with hand cannons and not rocks and sticks. XD
Yeah, we mostly worry about home safety where we life. Not that I live in a bad neighborhood, but I'm not ever gonna take the chance of becoming a victim, y'know?
And it has an online site. They're pricey TBH, but I've had a pair of boots from them for 3 years, and they're still as wonderful as the day I bought them.
The VA keeps rejecting my disabled, veteran father. He served for over 20 freaking years!
Yeah it happens a lot. Support our troops… more is just a slogan people say to feel good about themselves. They don't do shit. A Vet kills themselves every 90 minutes.
Curious, what do most NZ's think about Sonny Bill Williams? Australia is hilarious, at first we're all "Yay, Sonny Bill", then he leaves and… more we hate him, then he comes back and we love him, then he leaves and we hate him ect, ect.
That's another thing i'm not to fond about Australia for, a little too overzealous about our sport.
The silly thing is though is the color of his skin has nothing to do with how useless a president he is but that said stuff having that as a job loved by half hated by the other lol you never win.
That's what makes me the angriest, that our first black president is going to be known as the worst. It's going to create the stigma that African Americans won't make good presidents, and that's not the case at all.
It is a beautiful place, I agree on that. Of course, its like any other country, not perfect. But I am proud to say that I am glad I live in this country. Less people, less pollution, a great lifestyle. All I can say is, come on over!
Curious, what do most NZ's think about Sonny Bill Williams? Australia is hilarious, at first we're all "Yay, Sonny Bill", then he leaves and… more we hate him, then he comes back and we love him, then he leaves and we hate him ect, ect.
That's another thing i'm not to fond about Australia for, a little too overzealous about our sport.
I cant STAND when people automatically think im nice whenever i go to America (or any country) because i am Canadian... i almost want to be mean too prove a point... but i cant.
Everyone thinks i say "Eh?" 24/7, i dont think ive ever said it.
Apparently because im from Canada i must love ham (I didnt even know Canadian Bacon was pretty much Ham)
Ive been asked by too many different people if i live in an igloo.. too many...
People assume i can ski i cant
Many people seem surprised if i say i live in a city... i guess they dont think theres any cities in Canada?
Ive been asked what its like to live in such a vulnerable country i dont know if thats a common thing to ask a Canadian though.
Not that bad i guess... Canada doesn't have the worst STEREOTYPES they are just kinda funny (most of them)
The struggle of being Canadian in other countries
* I cant STAND when people automatically think im nice whenever i go to America (or a… moreny country) because i am Canadian... i almost want to be mean too prove a point... but i cant.
* Everyone thinks i say "Eh?" 24/7, i dont think ive ever said it.
* Apparently because im from Canada i must love ham (I didnt even know Canadian Bacon was pretty much Ham)
* Ive been asked by too many different people if i live in an igloo.. too many...
* People assume i can ski i cant
* Many people seem surprised if i say i live in a city... i guess they dont think theres any cities in Canada?
* Ive been asked what its like to live in such a vulnerable country i dont know if thats a common thing to ask a Canadian though.
Not that bad i guess... Canada doesn't have the worst STEREOTYPES they are just kinda funny (most of them)
I understand what you mean if you're talking about a pistol or a rifle, however (I'm not saying you do own these things but I'm just saying this about gun laws and stuff) if someone has like a fully automatic rifle with a silencer and shit, then that shouldn't be legal, like what other fucking purpose do those items serve other than being good for going on a mass killing spree? absolutely none.
I dislike lots of things.
* The disrespect that other veterans get from the VA
* Cheap Alcohol, i only drink top shelf unless … moreI 'm already wasted.
* Liberals who want to take away my guns
* Illegal Immigrants who are coming across the boarder looking for a handout, and expecting people to pay for them.
* Thieves
* Annoying people who get too Clingy,
* People who ask me questions about my personal life.
* Living in the semi city, i'm about done with this fucking place.
* Obama for letting Isis take cities back in Iraq.
* How people in today's society never take blame, they always try to place it on someone else
* Capital Gains Tax
* Flying
* Anti Smoking commercials.
* Fundraiser Groups
* Glock
I understand why you would think that people with automatic rifles with silencers should be considered shady, but I don't think that it shouldn't be legal. I know where I live, it takes 6 months to obtain a silencer due to the in depth and lengthy background checks to make sure the person wanting the silencer is not a bad/questionable person and has bad/questionable actions.
And the purpose where I come from, is to take down a shit ton of feral hogs and coyotes without being heard because they kill our baby deer and tear up our land.
Liberals who want to take away my guns
I understand what you mean if you're talking about a pistol or a rifle, however (I'm not sayi… moreng you do own these things but I'm just saying this about gun laws and stuff) if someone has like a fully automatic rifle with a silencer and shit, then that shouldn't be legal, like what other fucking purpose do those items serve other than being good for going on a mass killing spree? absolutely none.
The struggle of being Canadian in other countries
* I cant STAND when people automatically think im nice whenever i go to America (or a… moreny country) because i am Canadian... i almost want to be mean too prove a point... but i cant.
* Everyone thinks i say "Eh?" 24/7, i dont think ive ever said it.
* Apparently because im from Canada i must love ham (I didnt even know Canadian Bacon was pretty much Ham)
* Ive been asked by too many different people if i live in an igloo.. too many...
* People assume i can ski i cant
* Many people seem surprised if i say i live in a city... i guess they dont think theres any cities in Canada?
* Ive been asked what its like to live in such a vulnerable country i dont know if thats a common thing to ask a Canadian though.
Not that bad i guess... Canada doesn't have the worst STEREOTYPES they are just kinda funny (most of them)
You should come to Australia if you ever get the chance. We're not exactly perfect, but I'd say things here are better.
And seriously, do other teenagers over there think about anything else but sex?
We have Abbott for a Prime Minister, so we may as well say the same thing here.
Well, it was directed toward nobody in particular. I'm glad you're amused and not offended.
Nah, I get insulted so often, I don't care anymore :P
Also, it was just for fun and not meant as a actual insult (I hope)
Agree about ISIS, a more depraved band of psychos, I've never seen. And who's bankrolling them? Why, it's our erstwhile friends and allies, the Saudis.
-I'm a liberal...but also an NRA member. Go figure
-Veteran medical care seems like a joke. I have a friend who was partially blinded by an IED blast in Iraq. They just discharged him, without providing the necessary rehab (cane training, orientation, etc.)
You Americans and your guns
I hate those labels. I'm a lefty, but nothing like the organic-eating flower warrior people would expect. I like beer, assault weapons and BBQ as much as the next American!
Nope...not really.
When I was 12, my health teacher told us to use condoms. 12.
I'm an American. There's a lot of things I don't like about my country, but I really don't feel i have room to complain, I mean. I've got it better here than many other people out there. I live in Ohio, so we get some cold ass winters but I kinda like the winter. But as I like to say. Peace to the world!
I an american and well, I've always tryed to respect everyone's decisions and I've never beat anyone down over something they did. I'm christian but I respect all religions and I'm sure as hell not racist! I'm half native American and some of my best friends are African Americans or other nationality's. I do agree whit what your saying thought I wish Americans could just get along and treat each others as equals.
I first got told about sex by a teacher when I was 12, but I was held back so most people in my year level were 11. And I swear this is true, our teacher used the term "p**** into v*****". No BS.
And also, birth control helps as well.
So it seems we got work to do in the Divided States of America.
I live in Ohio too.
If I could vote, it wouldve been for Romney.
George Washingtons last message as first president was "Dont create political parties as it would divide the nation"
Next term there were political parties everywhere and he was right on division.
Thank you! I hate it when the N word is dropped in every sentence, then I ask them to stop as they apparently know nothing of the word, they just yell at me that it is a way to call someone a brother.(im white) I also love history but it bugs me when people of a certain race or nationality as abused because of something their ancestors did. Its also wrong how people treat gay or bi people, some of my best friends are gay and bi, people feel threatened by differences, so dont let them get to you.
Cool, whereabouts in Ohio?
Yeah, you could say that. I thinks somethings gotta change before another civil war begins. There a lot of tension in our society.
I said that Clementine should have the freedom to choose for herself. Let her make up her own damn mind.
Propaganda, let people make up their own minds.
Yeah it happens a lot. Support our troops is just a slogan people say to feel good about themselves. They don't do shit. A Vet kills themselves every 90 minutes.
I know a guy like that too... Odd coincidence. but yeah
Got to Love Obama. Giving our money away to foreigners at the expense of his American Vets.
Yay!X) Same here, if it was a matter of live or die, I would definitely be able to kill animals more easily. But seeing as it's not the case(yet that is), I struggle every time I go hunting to pull the trigger.:/
My neighborhood isn't particularly dangerous either, but you can never be too careful. You can't predict what will happen, so it doesn't hurt to be prepared for the worst possible situation. I refuse to be a victim, I plan to get my concealed carry permit soon.
I always buy my clothes/shoes with the priority being the longer they last the better. I've spent more money on things before with this in mind, but it's worth it because they've lasted me 3-4 years.:)
What point is that?
In Gallipolis, Ohio The municipality is located in Southeast Ohio on the Ohio River.
"MERICA!"- thats all I have to say to invoke awesomeness
Oh, I live north of Cincinnati in Xenia.
sonny bill is just a show pony im from NZ and i hate the guy sure hes got some flawless off loads but hes all show
The silly thing is though is the color of his skin has nothing to do with how useless a president he is but that said stuff having that as a job loved by half hated by the other lol you never win.
amen to that need more TWD fans haha New zealand is a great country ive explored both islands and theres nothing like it
To be honest, I don't care much for him. I don't like him or hate him. He is a great athlete though.
The struggle of being Canadian in other countries
I cant STAND when people automatically think im nice whenever i go to America (or any country) because i am Canadian... i almost want to be mean too prove a point... but i cant.
Everyone thinks i say "Eh?" 24/7, i dont think ive ever said it.
Apparently because im from Canada i must love ham (I didnt even know Canadian Bacon was pretty much Ham)
Ive been asked by too many different people if i live in an igloo.. too many...
People assume i can ski
i cant
Many people seem surprised if i say i live in a city... i guess they dont think theres any cities in Canada?
Ive been asked what its like to live in such a vulnerable country i dont know if thats a common thing to ask a Canadian though.
Not that bad i guess... Canada doesn't have the worst STEREOTYPES they are just kinda funny (most of them)
You are a big hockey fan, though, aren't you?
I understand what you mean if you're talking about a pistol or a rifle, however (I'm not saying you do own these things but I'm just saying this about gun laws and stuff) if someone has like a fully automatic rifle with a silencer and shit, then that shouldn't be legal, like what other fucking purpose do those items serve other than being good for going on a mass killing spree? absolutely none.
I understand why you would think that people with automatic rifles with silencers should be considered shady, but I don't think that it shouldn't be legal. I know where I live, it takes 6 months to obtain a silencer due to the in depth and lengthy background checks to make sure the person wanting the silencer is not a bad/questionable person and has bad/questionable actions.
And the purpose where I come from, is to take down a shit ton of feral hogs and coyotes without being heard because they kill our baby deer and tear up our land.
athlete yeah hes in his prime but for rugby! league can have him haha. Joseph parker vs SBW haha joseph would clean up in the ring
I've known quite a few Canadians. Nice people.