Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • I think so, but still, I guess I'll just read from now, because I'm too lazy to read the rest.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Only 3000?

  • No no no, read the google doc. SO WORTH IT.DO YOURSELF A FAVOR BREH.

    I think so, but still, I guess I'll just read from now, because I'm too lazy to read the rest.

  • :(. Ugh alright, where's the link?

    ComingSoon posted: »

    No no no, read the google doc. SO WORTH IT.DO YOURSELF A FAVOR BREH.

  • Up in the OP at the bottom, you just need to copy&paste.

    . Ugh alright, where's the link?

  • edited September 2014

    Oooo I smell blood >.< and damnit Guettaaaaaaa ;_____;

    4) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off.

    We gon' die

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • oh gosh what did we do? we shouldn't had let her jump, that was damn stupid, hell. I'm sorry Guetta.

    this is hard...

    4) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off.

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • edited September 2014

    Arghhhh, this is hard. ;-;


    3) Shoot the walker behind Shiina, go over to help her out.

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • Fuck, people are going to die no matter what choice next part. I just know it.

    1) Take out my handgun, shoot one of the walkers that are crawling near Deceptio. Go help Wanderer out.

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • 1) Take out my handgun and help Wanderer and Deceptio.

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited September 2014


  • I vote 4) or (1 (witchever gets more votes)

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • Lookin like a badass.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • R.I.P Guetta.

    1) Take out my handgun, shoot one of the walkers that are crawling near Deceptio. Go help Wanderer out.

    I'm not trying to be selfish, Deceptio's down, and is extremely vulnerable!

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • 4) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off.

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • 3) Shoot the walker behind Shiina, go over to help her out.


    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • 4) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off.

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • edited September 2014


    (!) Run and find the others.

    "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he couldn't get a clear shot with too much pain and using the MP5 with one hand.

    "No, Rafoli!" I said to him.

    "Jon! Stay back here!" I heard Puncake's voice.

    "Shadow, go!" Rafoli told me once more.

    I started to walk back."Tell CC that I forgive you..." I told him.

    "Heh, hopefully he isn't too pissed off. Here." Rafoli slides his MP5 over with some ammo."Find the others, Shadow..." He tells me. I pick up the gun and put the ammo clips away."Argh! You fucker!" Rafoli says as he tries fighting the walkers off that start to surround him.

    My eyes widened and I had my mouth open the whole time as I slowly moved back into the working area. I kept my eyes on Rafoli as the walkers bit off his skin and tore him apart. Rafoli tried his best to fight them off, but there was just too many. I kept on slowly walking back. I watched as Rafoli died in front of me. I felt something on the back of my head."Look at what we have here, haha." I heard a man's voice.

    I turn to look at him and I notice that it's one of Tobi's men."Oh shit." I said out loud.

    "That's right, kid. You done fucked up!" He keeps a smile on his face while aiming his rifle at me. I gulp and start to get worried, he keeps staring at me. He hits me in the gut with the butt of his rifle and I fall down on my back, he then aims the gun at my head."Time for you to die." He says."Ah..." Before he gets a chance to shoot me, I see a bullet wound on his forehead, and blood come out of it. The man's eyes widened and then he falls to his knees. I see Pro behind him as the man falls down.

    Pro runs over to me and then helps me up. He aims both of his M1911's towards some people and shoots at them while helping me go to an empty aisle."Holy shit, Pro. He was about to kill me!" I tell him.

    "But he didn't. Shadow, where's Rafoli?" He asks as we stay behind cover.

    "Rafoli's dead... he told me to go look for the others. There are some walkers next door, we have to get out of here." I tell him.

    "Shit, more walkers? How did Rafoli die?" Pro asks.

    "There was a man disguised as a walker. We thought he was dead because he was by a wall and wasn't moving. He had his gun hidden behind him and shot him in the legs..." I explained.

    "Shit... poor Rafoli. Gustav sacrificed himself for us a little while back, we can't say he didn't do anything for us. CiD and Fan went around to the back, we spotted some of Tobi's men hiding in some of the higher shelves in a few of these aisles. They're trying to take care of them. But look over there." Pro tells me.

    I peek out and see Jon and Puncake in cover, with CSB on the floor bleeding out."Shit! We have to help them." I tell Pro.

    BOOM! We hear an explosion going off in the back."Explosion? That might distract those walkers next door. Look, Shadow. I'm going to climb this warehouse shelf, I need you to stay here in cover. I'll shoot the people that are shooting at the others." Pro tells me.

    "Okay, I got your back." I tell him. Pro looks around before starting to climb, he goes up and then gets in between two full pallets. BRATATAT! BRATATAT! I look out and see Tobi's men shooting back at Jon and Puncake.

    "You guys are goin' down! Fuck off!" Puncake shouts at them.

    I look over at Tobi's men, and then I see them going down. Pro then climbs back down and tells me to follow him."Pro and Shadow! Over here!" Jon tells us.

    We run over to them."Fuckers shot CSB!" Puncake tells us.

    "I'm good! I just... ugh!" CSB says while holding his gut.

    "How long has it been since he got shot?" Pro asks.

    "I don't know, around twenty minutes, maybe." Jon replies.

    "He's been bleeding a lot, and we have nothing to stop it." Puncake tells him.

    Bratatat! We hear some gunshots outside and then we all get ready. We aim our guns at the door and wait. The door starts to open and then we spot WtW coming in."WtW!" I shout.

    She makes her way over to us."Broken is dead, Noncy she's..." She looks down.

    "Noncy? No, she's...?" Jon says.

    "Fuck... fucking Tobi!" Puncake shouts.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! More gunshots come out of nowhere."Shit! Stay in cover!" Pro tells us.

    A loudspeaker turns on."Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to hell. If you think you'll be able to make it out alive... think again!" It was Tobi's voice.

    "That fucker!" Puncake shouts.

    BRATATAT! Bruppa! The others try shooting the men keeping us pinned down."Tobi! You piece of shit! Come out from hiding!" WtW yells out.

    "You mess with the bull and you get the horns. You guys fucked up, I'll make sure every single one of you die." Tobi says through the loudspeaker.

    "TOBI!!!" WtW yells out. She get's up and starts running and shooting at Tobi's men.

    "WtW! Stay down!" Jon tells her.

    I see Pro rolling out of cover and shooting at Tobi's men."Help them!" I shout and then start shooting as well.

    Puncake and Jon get up to shoot."Die!" Puncake shouts.

    BRATATAT! BRATATAT! Bruppa! Bruppa! BANG! BANG! POW! BLAM! BRATATAT! Gunshots could be heard all over, We see Tobi's men going down and then we spot Fan in the back with CiD and Guilty. They start running over to us."Guys! We have a problem!" Guilty shouts.

    "What is it?" Pro asks him.

    "Salt. Jewf needed help and he just watched as the walkers got a hold of him. Said that he would be useless and then just brushed it off. I told him that he wouldn't get away with that." Guilty told us.

    "Shit, really?!" Puncake asks.

    "That's what he told us." Fan replied.

    "I'm telling the truth, he's still out there in the parking lot. We have to do something about this." Guilty told us.

    "We have to find Tobi first. We heard him on the loud speaker, he's probably still in his office. We can still catch up to him if we leave now." CiD tells us.

    Fan spoke up."Okay, then. We should go right--" BLAM! BLAM! We hear some gunshots in the distance and then Fan and CiD go down."Agh!!! My shoulder!" Fan shouts.

    "CiD!" I shout as I see him dead on the floor. Bruppa! BANG! BRATATAT! We started shooting at the sniper all the way in the back of the aisle and then run back into cover.

    "Shit! fucker killed CiD! Shot him in the back of the head!" Puncake yells out.

    "Who the fuck is that?!" Jon asks.

    "I think it's the guy who killed Broken. He also killed that Mark guy by blowing up his HUMVEE." WtW says.

    "HUMVEE? Shit, we could've used that." Puncake tells us.

    I saw Pro, Fan and Guilty on the other side. Pro was signalling us to stay down."We need to get to Tobi's. Me and Guilty know how." I told the others.

    "Okay, Shadow. Just lead the w-- AGH!!!" Jon let out an agonizing scream.

    We turned and saw CSB Munching on Jon's calf."Fuck! CSB!" Puncake shouts and then holds him down."Shoot him! He turned! Shoot him in the head!" Puncake shouts. I saw CSB growling and trying to reach me. I was too shocked to do anything. BRATAT! I see WtW next to me shoot his reanimated corpse in the head."Fuck!" Puncake yells.

    "Shit, I'm fucking bit!" Jon shouts while holding his leg.

    "Fuck man! You want me to cut if off?!" Puncake asks him.

    "Fuck no! Fuck that, I can still walk, man. Just leave it alone..." Jon says to him.

    "But you'll turn..." I tell him.

    BLAM! We hear another shot. I turn and see Pro and Guilty moving forward."Just focus on the sniper, kill him and get to Tobi. I'll stay here and keep him distracted. Damn it, CSB..." Jon says.

    "Come on, Jon. We can take you with us. We'll take care of you, man." Puncake tells him.

    "Nah, man. Leave me here. I'm done, you guys can go find Tobi. Just kill that fucker and get out of here." Jon tells him.

    "Fuck that, man. I can take you back to the car, and we can wait there." Puncake told him.

    "What about Tobi?" Jon asks.

    "We'll kill him, you can be sure about that." WtW tells him.

    "Salt is still out there, I need to have a word with him, too." Puncake says.

    "There's a lot of walkers out there. You'll need someone to cover you." WtW told him.

    BLAM! "Get back here!" We hear Guilty shouting."He went outside! Let's go look for Tobi!"

    I peek out and see Pro and Guilty making their way back."The sniper went back outside, we need to go find Tobi... What the fuck? Jon?! What happened to CSB?!" Pro asked us.

    "I don't know, man. He must've lost too much blood, he turned and bit me." Jon told him.

    "Cut his leg off!" Pro told us.

    "No! Just... just leave me here." Jon replies.

    I see Guilty making his way back, and helping Fan over."Shit... Jon?"

    "I know, man..." Jon replies.

    "Too much shit going on right now, Tobi's men are down, that sniper is still out there. Fan is wounded and Jon is bit. We've lost some people... What the fuck?!" Puncake shouted.

    "We still need to kill Tobi." WtW tells us.

    "Shit! Hold on, there were some cars in the front when we entered, we can take one of them and use it to go back to the woods. I can take Fan and Jon with me." Puncake says.

    "That sounds good..." Fan manages to say.

    Pro thinks about it."Okay... let's get him up and check those vehicles, then we can go after Tobi. Quickly now." He tells us. We get Jon up and then open the front door...


    We made it outside and then spotted the three vehicles in the way."I'll hotwire one of them, get Jon and Fan ready." I tell the group. I look around and see Noncy's corpse on the ground and walkers making their way over."Shit... Noncy." I said.

    "I had to put her down... it was very difficult for me to do..." WtW told him.

    I sighed and then went for the white van. The door was unlocked and I started to hotwire the vehicle. Everyone else started helping Jon and Fan get inside."Tobi!" I hear Shadow shout.

    I look over and see him running into the woods."Shit!"

    I manage to get the car started and then turn to the walkers getting closer. Bruppa! Bruppa! Bruppa! "Puncake, go!" I tell him.

    BRATATAT! BANG! BANG! BRATATAT! WtW and Shadow start helping me kill the walkers off."Get down!" I hear Guilty say. BLAM! A sniper bullet hits the back of the cargo truck that we were using as cover.

    "Damn it!" WtW shouts as we crouch down into cover.

    "That fucking guy again!" Guilty shouts. He gets up and starts shooting towards him. Bruppa! Bruppa! BLAM! "Fuck!" Guilty shouts while going back into cover."We have to stop him!"

    "Guys! I'm ready to go, but that sniper needs to get taken out!" Puncake yells out.

    "Shit! Tobi's getting away, too!" Guilty shouted.

    "I'll go after Tobi, don't worry about him." I replied.

    "By yourself?!" Shadow asked.

    "Yeah, I work better alone anyway. You guys need to get out of here and wait for me in the woods." I told them.

    "It might be too dangerous." WtW told me.

    "Yeah, but Tobi will die, I guarantee it." I told her.

    "Fucking Tobi, and now that Sniper!" Guilty said.

    "We'll take care of both, we can do this." I told him.

    BLAM! The sniper shot again."That guy is really starting to piss me off." WtW says.

    "Pro! What do we do?!" Shadow asks me. I peek out and see the sniper running towards an old building. Puncake needed to take Fan and Jon back to our vehicles. Tobi was still getting away, I worked better alone and I wouldn't have to worry if I went after him, I wasn't going to let him get away with this. But the sniper needed to be taken down as well...

    1) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi.

    2) Guilty, come with me. We'll go after Tobi. Puncake, take Shadow with you, WtW will go after the sniper.

    3) Puncake, go to our vehicles. WtW, Guilty and Shadow, you guys go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi.

    4) WtW and I will go after Tobi. Guilty, take Shadow and go after the sniper. Puncake, drive back to our vehicles.


  • This is a difficult one. B]

    Arghhhh, this is hard. ;-; AND GUETTA. ;-; NOOOOOOOOOOOOO </3 3) Shoot the walker behind Shiina, go over to help her out.

  • Holy! Raging is back?! Welcome back, man!

    2 months later. 3000 new comments

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014


    1) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi.

    Make things interesting ;)

    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • 1) Take out my handgun, shoot one of the walkers that are crawling near Deceptio. Go help Wanderer out.

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • 2) Guilty, come with me. We'll go after Tobi. Puncake, take Shadow with you, WtW will go after the sniper.

    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • 4) Run over to ATR and SweetPea. Shoot a walker near them, and then help them fight the rest off.

    Awwww shiieeeetttt

    Alive_Clem (!) Jump out the window, I have to get to him, fast! Me and Twistee were by the door waiting for Guetta."Okay, I've done th

  • 4) WtW and I will go after Tobi. Guilty, take Shadow and go after the sniper. Puncake, drive back to our vehicles.

    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • I'm kinda nervous to be honest XD dunno why will happen to "That Sniper" XD

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    2) Guilty, come with me. We'll go after Tobi. Puncake, take Shadow with you, WtW will go after the sniper.

  • 3) Puncake, go to our vehicles. WtW, Guilty and Shadow, you guys go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi.

    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • edited September 2014

    JonJon, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ;-----------------;

    Alrighty, I think I'll go with 1) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. But I might change it later. And argh, why do so many people have to die now? ;-;

    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • Ye... and now I also need to think a bit more about the other one, lel

    This is a difficult one. B]

  • :)

    I mean, we could mourn CiD and CSB too! ;)

    JonJon, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ;-----------------; Alrighty, I think I'll go with 1) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well.

  • edited September 2014

    I'm not really mourning rn, he's not dead yet. ;-;

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I mean, we could mourn CiD and CSB too!

  • Why haven't you left yet !

    Are you really so consumed with killlling these guys you haven't noticed that it's just you and Toby and toby just left

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I'm kinda nervous to be honest XD dunno why will happen to "That Sniper" XD

  • edited September 2014

    Nuuu so many people dying wtf. ;_; RIP everyone who just died. And RIP Jon, 'Cause I'm pretty sure he's gonna die.

    4) WtW and I will go after Tobi. Guilty, take Shadow and go after the sniper. Puncake, drive back to our vehicles.

    I want woodbury to be able to kill tobi/watch him die. :3

    TDMshadowCP (!) Run and find the others. "Go on, Shadow, go!" Rafoli shouted. Bruppa! Bruppa! He tried aiming at the walkers, but he c

  • Well, neither was CSB. But he turned. ;) Fan's injured too. So they both might die.

    I'm not really mourning rn, he's not dead yet. ;-;

  • Yeah, wondered that too. I was headed over to an old building, maybe to pick the rest off?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Why haven't you left yet ! Are you really so consumed with killlling these guys you haven't noticed that it's just you and Toby and toby just left

  • edited September 2014

    You need to stop killing people. Like, now. xD

    ComingSoon posted: »

    SHIT IS GETTING REAL FOR ME RIGHT NOW! O.O CID...another victim. 1) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well. Guilty and WtW, you two go after the sniper. I'll take care of Tobi. Make things interesting

  • Hell no. Leave this one! B^]

    JonJon, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ;-----------------; Alrighty, I think I'll go with 1) Puncake, take Shadow with you as well.

  • @LeeTheProfessional PUMPED 4 NEXT PART WITH ME BRO

    One quick thing. This may seem like a complaint (PLZ is not) but I don't want to die a bastard that kills everyone ;-; I want to eventually die a dude who deceives bitches and back stabs them ;) hint hint wink wink nudge nudge poke poke shuffle shuffle Tobi Tobi


  • Well, he will die unless he quickly changes his mind about cutting off his leg, haha. Don't think Joe will tho.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Well, neither was CSB. But he turned. Fan's injured too. So they both might die.

  • Yeah, so this war didn't turn out like how I wanted it. Mark's death with Rafoli's kinda ruined my plans, but meh. For the last part, all of you are picking the options that I don't want...

    Alt text

    Alt text

  • Yeah, Joe might be fine, lol. It may be too late for Jon though.

    Well, he will die unless he quickly changes his mind about cutting off his leg, haha. Don't think Joe will tho.

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