The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You think so? I wouldn't think many people would notice :P

    Has the problems with trolls and people uploading porn pics gone?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I Know some people here are very unique and cool I missed them when I took a break, and a lot of people missed you to bro :'D

  • Yes. You know, if guys like him keep existing then I am sure that we will never hear a RB song in AC. ;)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Sure is.

  • Tired, but I'm fine. :)

    blueneon posted: »

    Good. How you doin?

  • He'll notice one day..

    I will do it...

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I'm on my one-hour break :P

  • Amen.

    blueneon posted: »

    Yes. You know, if guys like him keep existing then I am sure that we will never hear a RB song in AC.

  • Almost, it hasn't been happening at all for a while now.

    You think so? I wouldn't think many people would notice :P Has the problems with trolls and people uploading porn pics gone?

  • If you a scared motherfucker go to church

    If you a gutter motherfucker do your dirt

    If you a down motherfucker put in work

    IF you a crazy motherfucker go berzerk

  • They did :p

    No Mods got new tools so there is no porn trolls but there was leaked choices trolls so every episode you knew what was going to happen and with the new tools you get banned for a lot less now.

    You think so? I wouldn't think many people would notice :P Has the problems with trolls and people uploading porn pics gone?

  • I dunno! It's good if you want carpal tunnel syndrome rofl. Leave it up to Nicki Minaj to simultaneously butcher a classic at the same time as she is literally devoting an entire song to penis :P

  • Yo. :3

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hello from school

  • Good luck with that! I never get caught :)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He'll notice one day.. I will do it...

    edited September 2014

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    I added some comments in English during the lesson sob you can see how I felt.. sob

  • How much longer do you have to stay to school?

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Tired, but I'm fine.

  • Yes

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Hai Tobi. Those rig races were fun the other day xD


  • This is how I felt in math last semester.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I added some comments in English during the lesson sob you can see how I felt.. sob

  • edited September 2014

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    Alt text

    Casual gamers bruh :O

  • Hi bro you enjoying school :D

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hello from school

  • LMAO D':

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I added some comments in English during the lesson sob you can see how I felt.. sob

  • HA

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Good luck with that! I never get caught

  • About 2 more hours. I'll be home in about 3-4 hours.

    blueneon posted: »

    How much longer do you have to stay to school?


    Markd4547 posted: »

    Casual gamers bruh :O

  • edited September 2014

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    I'll be right back I'll watch it

    HA TOBI I'm using your gif :P

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Well, hand on tight, it is not that long, :)

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    About 2 more hours. I'll be home in about 3-4 hours.

  • Well, no. But it's something I have to do :c

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Hi bro you enjoying school

  • Thanks :).................

    GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! ;-;

    blueneon posted: »

    Well, hand on tight, it is not that long,

  • edited September 2014

    They are really over reacting. 10 hours are not that much. I mean few can spent them due to HAVING A FUCKING LIFE but even fewer do spent that much time. During weekends I can get up to 16 hours, so I don 't understand why they are showing us the one idiot with no life when there are way more out there. And also, I might be wrong, but what is on his screen is not a game. So...


    Markd4547 posted: »

    Casual gamers bruh :O

  • As if 10 is a lot xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Casual gamers bruh :O

  • edited September 2014

    To be honest... I didn't had much fun with them this time. I mean I like to be able to get through a race without damn glitches and other physics, it's impossible for me to make progress if I chose the wrong vehicle or made move that gets me in a glitch/stuck. I liked them before because you were actually able to win no matter the vehicle and the points were carefully placed. I don't think I'm gonna play those races anymore. I'm getting more frustrated rather than having fun. I think whenever I'll join it'll just be in free roam and missions for now on. :(

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hai Tobi. Those rig races were fun the other day xD

  • edited September 2014

    I would teleport you back home but my teleporter isgoing to be charging for... wait going to check.

    five minutes later

    Yep, for the next few hours. Sorry.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Thanks ................. GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! ;-;

  • Alt text


    Markd4547 posted: »

    I'll be right back I'll watch it HA TOBI I'm using your gif :P

  • Ok ;-;

    blueneon posted: »

    I would teleport you back home but my teleporter isgoing to be charging for... wait going to check. five minutes later Yep, for the next few hours. Sorry.

  • I just realized something...

    @ComingSoon Your name... It's...

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  • edited September 2014

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    Ok, recently I heard that there are some who seem to think that Daryl, who next to Rick and Hershel is my favorite character on the series, that he might be homosexual. In fact, I even heard a rumor that states that the creators of the series have toyed with that idea. One thing I will say, if they did decide to do that, it would be a hell of a twist.

    Me personally, I hope that they don't make him a homosexual. While I try to show respect for homosexuals, I do not like what they are. I especially don't like that they continually try to shove their lifestyle down our throats. They want everyone to tolerate them, and yet that kind of behavior in itself is highly intolerant on their part. If you ask me, that's a huge example of a double-standard.

    I grew up with belief: "It's Adam&Eve, not Adam&Steve!" And it's a view I'll maintain for the rest of my life.

    Now I know that many will say I'm "homophobic." But that is not correct. The word phobia, implies fear; or being afraid of something. And I'm not afraid of homosexuals. As I said before, I do not like what they do. Fearing something, and not liking something, are two completely different things.

    Anyway back to Daryl. Not only do I hope they don't make him homosexual, but I also feel it would be terribly unrealistic. Given Daryl's upbringing, I do not see him swinging that way. And also, given his upbringing, I doubt anyone in his family, particularly his brother, would approve of such a thing.

    Plus if you remember, him and Carol were pretty close. It was indicated several times on the show that they had a romantic interest in each other. And when him and Beth were traveling together for a while, they got pretty close as well, almost looked like they were starting to become romantically interested in each other.

    When we first met him in Season 1, he struck me as straight. And based on what I've seen over the last 4-almost 5 seasons now, I'd say good old Daryl is 100% straight.

    NOTICE: While I do not like homosexuals, I still will try to treat them in a respectful manner, which I've demonstrated by not calling them by any derogatory name. And all I ask in return, is that they show me the same courtesy.

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    Why even make a thread like that the human race blows my mind

    brb AOT time :)

  • I am sorry...


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Ok ;-;

    edited September 2014

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury Where teh fukk r u I need to show you sumthin

  • Lol, but that first race was fun, right?

    But yeah, most of us would agree with you. I don't wanna do anymore phases after this xD

    To be honest... I didn't had much fun with them this time. I mean I like to be able to get through a race without damn glitches and other ph

  • LMFAO nice chose of gif XDDD


  • edited September 2014

    Yeah I did enjoy it. That was difficult but beatable. Still can't stop thinking those moments where Elian got in the way and I crash into him. xD

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, but that first race was fun, right? But yeah, most of us would agree with you. I don't wanna do anymore phases after this xD

  • It's k :c

    blueneon posted: »

    I am sorry... ;-;

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