Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited September 2014


    (!) Stab him in the head.

    I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling and his hands were trying to reach me, he was moving rather quickly. Memories came back to me, all the stupid jokes he made, he was always in a good mood. This... thing wasn't WTD anymore... I had to put him out of his misery. I got my knife ready and waited, he just kept walking over. As soon as he got within inches of me, I stepped to the side and then quickly jabbed the knife into the back of his head. I pulled the knife out and he went down. He wasn't moving anymore, I knew that he was finally gone. The rain was finally letting up, I turned around and saw the others killing the last walker. I looked back down at WTD's corpse, I didn't know what to feel. Sadness? Happiness? I was just confused and lost, I was happy that I put him out of his misery, but I felt saddened that I was the one that had to do it."SweetPea! You all right?" I heard Twistee's voice behind me.

    "Shit! What a mess!" Sheep shouted.

    "We're finally done!" Valky said.

    "I made it up to one hundred and twelve!" I heard Gary.

    "We'll need to start burning these, but I think we all deserve a nice break for now." ATR told them.

    "Can't believe we lost some people..." AC told them.

    "There was just too many, we couldn't help them, even if we wanted to." I heard DLB.

    "I'm going to go gather our friend's corpses... just so we can be ready to bury them." Azlyn told them.

    "We'll go with you, we'll help." ATR told her.

    Twistee made his way over and placed his hand on my shoulder."SweetPea...? Are you crying?" He said.

    "I... this walker was my friend WTD..." I replied.

    "Shit, really? Goddamn..." He said while looking down at him."You had to uh...?"

    "Yeah..." I said.

    "Damn... you're strong, SweetPea. I don't know if I would have been able to do that." Twistee told me.

    "I didn't want to do it, Twistee." I told him.

    "I know... it must have been difficult to do, but at least he's free now, right? Think of it as a good thing." Twistee told me.

    "I... I guess so." I told him.

    "If you want, we could bury him next to Awesomeo. We don't have to burn his corpse." Twistee told me.

    "Yeah... I think he'd like that." I replied.

    "Okay, good, then. Come on, SweetPea. Let's go help the others." He told me. I kept staring at WTD's corpse, and then I turned to look at Twistee. We started moving towards the others...


    It was the next morning and everyone was beyond tired. We didn't get any sleep, our clothes were still wet, and we were all hungry. We spent half the day moving the corpses around and piling them up. Some of us buried the others and said our goodbyes, it was the first thing we did. WTD's corpse was placed next to Awesomeo's, they were close friends and helped each other out back at the city. I just wished that they were still alive along with PowerfulStache, Raging and Mokonage. The sun was out and it was a beautiful day, like what everything that went on last night didn't even happen. Amazing how one day it could be so horrible, but the next day could be so peaceful. We were sitting down by the porch, still waiting for the arrival of the others."I hope they're okay... just hope they kill Tobi." AC says.

    "They will, they'll all come back. You'll see." DLB tells her with a smile.

    "Damn, just hate that they'll have to come back to hear some horrible news. Especially Fan, we lost Deceptio... the only family member he had left." Twistee says.

    "Shiina was young, but she was smart. She was a good leader and looked after us. I'm never going to forget her..." Sheep says.

    "Poor girl... just wish I could have been there to do something." Goust says.

    "I should have tried to help the others instead... maybe they would still be here with us." Password said while looking down.

    "Don't blame yourself, Password. You did what you thought was right, don't worry too much about it." ATR told him.

    "Yeah, listen to her, man. Shit happens, but we have to keep moving on. We'll miss them, that's for sure. But we have to stay alive for them." Gary said.

    "Guetta was my best friend, I told her everything... she was caring and nice, always looking after others. She... I just can't believe it..." Azlyn said.

    DLB and AC gave her a hug."We're here for you. We can be your best friends now." AC told her.

    "We'll take care of you, Azlyn." DLB told her.

    "We're a family now, Az. We'll all look after you." Valky told her.

    "That's right, nothing will be able to break us apart. We'll stay strong no matter what." ATR told us...


    After leaving the others behind, it had been about half a day and I was nearing the mansion. I had to go back and grab some supplies before heading out. The rain had finally stopped, and the sun was out. I drove into the woods and then I spotted a bunch of walker corpses piled up on the front yard."The fuck is this?" I asked myself. I saw the others sitting by the porch."Hmm..." I needed to think of something. I stopped the car and then got out. I looked around and saw a big tree in front of me."I need to be convincing, or else this won't work." I said to myself. I walked over to the tree and placed my hand on it."Yeah... this'll work." I said with a smile. I placed my other hand on it and braced myself."Okay..." I cracked my neck and then got ready. I moved my head back and then went for a headbutt. KRAKK! "Aw, fuck!" I fell back and started to feel the blood dripping off of my forehead."Holy shit... heh, this better work." I said. I slowly got up and then moved over to check the driver side mirror. I saw my bloodied forehead in the reflection."Yeah, this has to work..." I looked over at the mansion again, and they were still outside on the porch. I got in the car and then started driving over to them.

    I saw that they spotted me and everyone got up. I drove closer and then stopped the car."They're back!" I heard DLB.

    I got out of the car and started pretending that I was hurt."Salt?! Holy shit! What happened?! Where are the others?!" ATR asked me.

    "I need supplies! Pro and Jon asked me to come back here for supplies! The others need them, hurry!" I told them.

    "What?! Wait, what's going on?!" Password asked.

    "They ambushed us! People got hurt, I came back as quickly as I could. We need supplies, some medicine. I also need some food, some of us can't go on, we need something that'll give us energy." I told them.

    "Are the others okay?! Are they still alive?! Why are you by yourself?!" Sheep asked him.

    "The others are fine, for now..." I said.

    "Is my sister Broken okay?!" AC asked me.

    "I think she went into the warehouse, I'm pretty sure she's okay, though." I told her.

    "Is Jewf okay! Please tell me he's okay!" ATR said.

    I looked straight into her eyes."Jewf is fine... he's still out there." I told her.

    "Oh, good! I don't know what I would do if something happened to him." ATR told me.

    "Why are you the only one who came back?" Twistee asked me.

    "Like I said, we were ambushed. We got separated, some of them went into the warehouse, and some stayed behind. Tobi's men were disguised as walkers. The fuckers caught us by surprise, most of us got injured and shot, but they still made it. Pro and Jon asked me to take one of the vehicles back to the mansion to get some supplies, ammo and food. They told the others to stay with them and fight Tobi's men off. They said that sending one person back was enough. We weren't prepared for what happened, we really need everything we can get." I replied.

    "Shit... hope they'll make it back." Sheep said.

    "Guys, start getting some supplies and food out here for Salt to take back to them. Hurry!" ATR told them, and some of them headed into the mansion.

    "Jewf saved me back there, ATR. I'm mostly doing this for him." I told her.

    "Thank you, Salt... thank you for coming back and telling us. I just hope you can make it back in time." ATR replied.

    "How about some of us come back with you?" Sheep asked me.

    "Yeah, seems like you guys could use the help." Twistee said.

    "No, absolutely not. Pro and Jon told me to keep you guys out of this, we don't need to put you in danger. They said to tell you guys to stay here, I'll bring the stuff back to them. You can count on it, I'm not that injured, so don't worry." I replied. I looked back at the walker corpses and tried to change the subject."What happened here? What's with all the walker corpses? Where are your guns?" I asked.

    "A large horde of walkers came through last night, about a hundred of them. We lost Deceptio, Wanderer, Guetta and Shiina... We ran out of ammo, but after a long struggle, we finally managed to finish them off. We buried the others over there." ATR tells me and then points their graves out.

    "Fuck..." I said and put my head down."I'll tell the others... okay?" I told them.

    "Just... don't tell Fan about what happened to his brother. You guys need to be mentally prepared for that war, giving him some bad news probably won't be a good idea. And tell the others that we didn't have any ammo left, that a horde came, but we took care of it." ATR tells me.

    "Yeah. Don't worry, Fan won't hear any of this." I told ATR.

    "All right, man. Be careful on your way back." Twistee told me.

    "I know my way back, you have nothing to worry about. I'll get the supplies and food back to them in no time. I'll make sure we all come back." I told them.

    "Here! We have some supplies for the others." Valky shouted while coming out of the mansion."Please, get these to Guilty and the others. Make sure you get to them in time." She tells me.

    "I will, Valky. Guilty and the others will receive all of this. You guys just stay here and wait until we return. A lot of us got injured and shot, some of us are tired. We're still fighting against Tobi and his men, but with all of this to help us, we'll be able to win this war." I told them.

    "We'll load up this stuff for you, just get back in the car and get this stuff to them, Salt." Gary told me.

    "Stay safe out there!" Azlyn told me.

    "Tell the others that we're okay." Goust told me.

    "We'll be waiting until you guys return." Password told me.

    "We'll protect this place, you just get the supplies to them." SweetPea said.

    The others loaded up the SUV with the supplies and food. I got back into the car and then ATR walked over to me."Make sure Jewf is okay. Watch over him, Salt." She said.

    "I will, ATR. Jewf will be okay, I'll make sure of it." I told her with a smile and then closed the door.

    I started reversing the car, and I watched as they started waving goodbye."Came back safely!" ATR shouted.

    I drove towards the woods, and then got onto the street. I looked at the rear view mirror and then back at the road."Haha... hahaha! HAHA!" I started to laugh, I couldn't believe that just happened. I was able to get some supplies and food for the road. After Sardines and Joe died, there was really nothing for me left. What was the point of staying with a bunch of people that I didn't really care about? People just drag others down, I was better off alone. I needed to get away from them, I needed to get as far as possible from them, and forget everything that happened."No regrets..." I said to myself with a smile. I didn't know where I was going to go, but I knew that I would be better off...


  • Damn so I guess Salt is done with, doubt we will see him again. Is the finale going to include the CS decision, or will you still put that up later?

    SweetPeaClem (!) Stab him in the head. I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling

  • edited September 2014

    "I made it up to one hundred and twelve!" I heard Gary.

    Fuckin Gary XD

    Especially Fan

    Is my sister Broken okay

    Is Jewf okay! Please tell me he's okay!

    Oh shiiiit

    Yeah. Don't worry, Fan won't hear any of this.

    I will, ATR. Jewf will be okay, I'll make sure of it.

    "No regrets..." I said to myself with a smile.

    Anger Intensifies

    SweetPeaClem (!) Stab him in the head. I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling

  • Salt does remind me of Shane, lol.

    Great part. :D

    SweetPeaClem (!) Stab him in the head. I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling

  • edited September 2014

    Salt's gone, you guys won't see him anymore, his fate will be unknown. Yep, the finale will include that last decision.

    Damn so I guess Salt is done with, doubt we will see him again. Is the finale going to include the CS decision, or will you still put that up later?

  • People just drag others down

    I wonder if you included that quote intentionally as a possible connection to my character. I say it quite often.

    Great part. If this is the end of Salt, I'm satisfied. New beginning. No more dragging down and battles that don't concern me. I'm finally free.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Stab him in the head. I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling

  • Lol, saw it yesterday, so I added it in. Yep, Salt's fate will be left unknown, we won't see him anymore.

    This was the theme of Ch.4. That no one is safe anymore, there's death everywhere, and not everything goes the right way. People will do whatever it takes to survive.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    People just drag others down I wonder if you included that quote intentionally as a possible connection to my character. I say it qu

  • "Is my sister Broken okay?!" AC asked me.

    "I think she went into the warehouse, I'm pretty sure she's okay, though." I told her.

    "Is Jewf okay! Please tell me he's okay!" ATR said.

    I looked straight into her eyes."Jewf is fine... he's still out there." I told her.

    oh man this won't be good.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Stab him in the head. I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling

  • Thats a good ending for his part. Makes the reader decide where he ends up (dead or alive). Cool, I am excited. and since it wont revolve around the mansion(maybe only the end) I think it safe to say that I went where no Sheep has went before..Episode 5!

    Salt's gone, you guys won't see him anymore, his fate will be unknown. Yep, the finale will include that last decision.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited September 2014

    Haha, I knew it. I'm surprised you didn't include the survival quote after I killed Fan. That's another one I use all the time.

    Yeah, but, not everyone has it in them to do what needs to be done. I'm glad I made my character the way I did.

    You know the only thing I regret about leaving? Not seeing their face when they find out.

    "Jewf is still out there." Lmfao.

    Lol, saw it yesterday, so I added it in. Yep, Salt's fate will be left unknown, we won't see him anymore. This was the theme of Ch.4. Tha

  • Exactly what I was going for, it's up to you guys to decide what happens to him. Sheep confirmed for Ch.5! Lol. B^]

    Thats a good ending for his part. Makes the reader decide where he ends up (dead or alive). Cool, I am excited. and since it wont revolve ar

  • "Jewf is still out there."

    Well... technically, Salt didn't lie about that. Also about Fan not hearing any of it. Damn, heh. Salt left, so it's up to the reader to decide what happens to him, but you can still vote if you want to.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Haha, I knew it. I'm surprised you didn't include the survival quote after I killed Fan. That's another one I use all the time. Yeah, but

  • In that case, I don't think they will be delighted to find out "He's still out there." For me, he will always be alive.

    Don't worry, I'll keep voting and stuff.

    "Jewf is still out there." Well... technically, Salt didn't lie about that. Also about Fan not hearing any of it. Damn, heh. Salt left, so it's up to the reader to decide what happens to him, but you can still vote if you want to.

  • ... my family just got robbed >:l

    "Yeah. Don't worry, Fan won't hear any of this."


    SweetPeaClem (!) Stab him in the head. I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling

  • more stuff for my group for one.
    Also revenge.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Are you? Are you really? think about it for a while. What will killing me accomplish?

  • I read the first part, and was like "What?!" Lol.

    ... my family just got robbed >:l "Yeah. Don't worry, Fan won't hear any of this." :c

  • What The Duck.,,, ;_;

    They left him in that store? :(.

    SweetPeaClem (!) Stab him in the head. I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling

  • LMFAO! oh, no not that family.

    ... knocks on wood

    I read the first part, and was like "What?!" Lol.

  • WTD was left back at an amusement park that your group found. He became part of the horde.

    What The Duck.,,, ;_; They left him in that store? .

  • Oh yeah! Man... Choice between AWESOMEO and WTD?...

    You guys should have chose WTD...


    WTD was left back at an amusement park that your group found. He became part of the horde.

  • Well, that decision confirms I'm fucked.

    Salt's gone, you guys won't see him anymore, his fate will be unknown. Yep, the finale will include that last decision.

  • It was either to save SweetPea, or save WTD. There was an option to go to the zoo or the amusement park, the zoo would have saved all three of them.

    Oh yeah! Man... Choice between AWESOMEO and WTD?... You guys should have chose WTD... SweetDuck

  • edited September 2014

    Some people just wanna see the world burn. -.-

    I hate my phone as well.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Well, that decision confirms I'm fucked.

  • I mean their reason is basically "Fuck you" I mean I killed 3 people and they're all like FUCK U UR DEAD

    I mean not to be mean but morals are a PRETTY DAMN GOOD THING TO HAVE imo and it'd be grate if people actually have them.

    Twistee posted: »

    Some people just wanna see the world burn. -.- I hate my phone as well.

  • He became part of the horde.

    Wait...but the Mansion group just finished them off.


    Probably not. Different horde, same dangers :l

    WTD was left back at an amusement park that your group found. He became part of the horde.

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014

    Plenty other hordes out there too.

    BTW do you type in italics because your character's dead?

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    He became part of the horde. Wait...but the Mansion group just finished them off. DOES THAT MEAN THE HORDE IS FINALLY GONE?! FOR GOOD?! Probably not. Different horde, same dangers :l

  • That horde is taken care of. But there are still more out there, could be close or could be far away. They're never safe, though.

    BlueShadiw posted: »

    He became part of the horde. Wait...but the Mansion group just finished them off. DOES THAT MEAN THE HORDE IS FINALLY GONE?! FOR GOOD?! Probably not. Different horde, same dangers :l

  • Oh okay then. I guess I just have bad memory. :P

    Man they should have went to the zoo :/

    It was either to save SweetPea, or save WTD. There was an option to go to the zoo or the amusement park, the zoo would have saved all three of them.

  • That's what I wanted, but the votes didn't go that way. They would have started their own little place to live in, like the mansion group. Can't win them all, Raging.

    Oh okay then. I guess I just have bad memory. :P Man they should have went to the zoo

  • I'm actually a little too forgiving myself.

    Which could be either really bad or really good, it depends.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I mean their reason is basically "Fuck you" I mean I killed 3 people and they're all like FUCK U UR DEAD I mean not to be mean but morals are a PRETTY DAMN GOOD THING TO HAVE imo and it'd be grate if people actually have them.

  • I talk in italics because I'm super freakin fancy.

    Fancy italics.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Plenty other hordes out there too. BTW do you type in italics because your character's dead?

  • Damn.

    A Blue can dream xD

    That horde is taken care of. But there are still more out there, could be close or could be far away. They're never safe, though.

  • It's good to have morals. I mean, sometimes it's good to have limits, but in the CS situation it's just letting a man go with half his supplies.

    Twistee posted: »

    I'm actually a little too forgiving myself. Which could be either really bad or really good, it depends.

  • Salt be like...

    Alt text

  • edited September 2014

    Tomorrow is the finale for chapter 4. I checked the latest votes and it's 9 to spare CS and take half his stuff, and 11 to kill him and take everything. Like I said, I can go with either one, but things would be interesting if CS were to be left alive. I still have plans for his character... maybe you guys might want to check your votes again. B^]

    Sometimes things don't work our way. That's the theme of Ch.4. Hope is getting lost, death is around every corner. There are no good guys or bad guys, it's just about survival. People change and others will do what they believe is necessary in order to stay alive.

  • Lol, the perfect crime.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Salt be like...

  • It's funny how they're carrying bags of supplies, too.

    Perfect. XD

    Twistee posted: »

    Lol, the perfect crime.

  • Alt text

    Every time you do this I get stressed out x__x

    Tomorrow is the finale for chapter 4. I checked the latest votes and it's 9 to spare CS and take half his stuff, and 11 to kill him and take

  • "Well then, what are you going to do...?" He asked me. Flashbacks of everything I've been through ran through my mind. The start of the apocalypse, Valky, tntlee, Tobi and his warehouse. The walkers, PAP, Sardines, Joe, Rafoli, Shadow, Gustav, Emu. The beating I took from Tobi, all the sick torture and deaths he caused. The war and everyone that died. CS was looking up at me with a worried look, was one more death really worth it?...

    Even your story character is double thinking it.

    (2) Fuck you. You're just another piece of shit, like Tobi. Shoot him in the back of the head, take all of his stuff.

  • At least Ducky isn't suffering anymore. </3

    Why are we so fool tho. ;-;

    SweetPeaClem (!) Stab him in the head. I kept staring at WTD's reanimated corpse trying to make it's way over to me. He kept growling

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