Your Religion/Ideology



  • Heres a topic for debate... Do you think religion and government should be separated?

    I personally think they should because if they arent it turns into a theocracy.

    In the US our Consitution states it should be separate but many state governments forbid Atheists to hold office, in my opinion thats BS, but whats your opinions?

  • I believe in god and the after life but just that.

  • I'm not aware of any state that forbids atheists to hold any office. It would not be an enforceable law if anyone tried.

    It's just that atheists don't tend to win many elections.

    Heres a topic for debate... Do you think religion and government should be separated? I personally think they should because if they aren

  • I'm willing to bet some of them lie and say they're religious though.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I'm not aware of any state that forbids atheists to hold any office. It would not be an enforceable law if anyone tried. It's just that atheists don't tend to win many elections.

  • Q: How do you know when a politician is lying?

    A: His lips are moving.

    AGenesis posted: »

    I'm willing to bet some of them lie and say they're religious though.

  • Yep. :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Q: How do you know when a politician is lying? A: His lips are moving.

  • Nice and there are tons to state constitutions that forbid it, I would link you to them but im lazy. XD

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Q: How do you know when a politician is lying? A: His lips are moving.

  • I have no religion and i enjoy being that way,

  • I live my life under the assumption that there is neither a god nor an afterlife, and I don't see organized religion as a particularly useful public institution. It certainly does not belong anywhere near government or public education.

    My ideology is to treat other people with empathy, and to do my best to never hurt anyone, intentionally or accidentally.

  • It is very refreshing how retained this discussion board is--as I am a huge fan of discussion. And it has been very intriguing hearing of the varying beliefs.

    I am a Christian and firm believer in Christ and the truths written through the whole of Scripture:P

  • Absolutely. Here in the U.S, fundamentalist Christians are pushing to turn America into a 'Christian nation' and unfortunately, they are winning on many fronts. It's a load of bullshit, honestly. People shouldn't be bound by the moral standards of a certain group. That's a dark road to travel.

    Heres a topic for debate... Do you think religion and government should be separated? I personally think they should because if they aren

  • I know for a fact that Pennsylvania does. There's still a misconception that one cannot be moral without being religious.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I'm not aware of any state that forbids atheists to hold any office. It would not be an enforceable law if anyone tried. It's just that atheists don't tend to win many elections.

  • The literal interpretation of the scripture? Because the part with the whale seems a bit far-fetched.

    It is very refreshing how retained this discussion board is--as I am a huge fan of discussion. And it has been very intriguing hearing of th

  • Thank you! and the fact that they say this started as a Christian nation drives me insane,I know a lot about history escpically the history of my own nation. The morals given by the Bible are also flawed but im not getting into that and we shouldnt be bound by them.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Absolutely. Here in the U.S, fundamentalist Christians are pushing to turn America into a 'Christian nation' and unfortunately, they are wi

  • edited September 2014

    @th3g3ntl3man Amen to all of this friend!

    It is very refreshing how retained this discussion board is--as I am a huge fan of discussion. And it has been very intriguing hearing of th

  • Im Christian, I believe in God. I respect all other religions though.

  • i can say i dont believe in any thing, i thing i trust more science...

  • Christian, believing in God, don't care about denominations though. Also I try not to be the hypocritical Christians you often see :)

  • Hey there, sir! Yes, I do believe in the story of Jonah--and would love to help you if I can. First off, I would like to ask you a question: what aspect of the whale-part are you inquiring? That he could have even been physically swallowed? Or that he would have been residing in stomach acid with no oxygen for three days and three nights?? Oorrrr is it why a whale in the first place? :D I'm just curious:P

    And secondly--I thought this was cool--here's an interesting link on the Rhincodon typus:

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    The literal interpretation of the scripture? Because the part with the whale seems a bit far-fetched.

  • Not trying to sound Christian-maniac here, but props for defending the faith!

    Hey there, sir! Yes, I do believe in the story of Jonah--and would love to help you if I can. First off, I would like to ask you a question:

  • I'm not technically part of any religion because I was never baptized.

  • Agnostic Catholic I guess.

    Man this thread is cool. It's nice to see conversations on this sort of thing. I'm not religious or anything, it was just what I was born with and it's pretty nice and all. But sometimes I question if God, and all are really real. I mean it's just religion, in my opinion I don't think it should be as important as it is, if you know what I'm saying. But I've been thinking, what is the point in even believing in some higher being that created us? Questioning this, and keeping this in our lives is just a thing. Is it because we want to believe there is a place for us after death? Or do we just need some god(s) to explain creation? I believe in God, but when I think about things like this it just confuses me.

    Honestly, just live life to it's fullest, and be the best person you can be. None of anything you did will matter when you're dead, the people who will remember you will die. Just be a good person, be yourself. When I die I want to be content with the way I lived my life. That's just what I think :/

  • edited September 2014

    Yeah surprising that the community that sends death threats over fictional characters is the most religiously acceptable.

    Its alright to question your faith, as is said "If something cant be questioned then its not worth talking about."

    Agnostic Catholic I guess. Man this thread is cool. It's nice to see conversations on this sort of thing. I'm not religious or anything,

  • Yep I agree. It doesn't hurt at all to question things. Its human nature to do so.

    Yeah surprising that the community that sends death threats over fictional characters is the most religiously acceptable. Its alright to question your faith, as is said "If something cant be questioned then its not worth talking about."

  • Yeah and I wanted to say when I die I want to remembered as someone important who actually helped people.

    Yep I agree. It doesn't hurt at all to question things. Its human nature to do so.

  • Yeah surprising that the community that sends death threats over fictional characters is the most religiously acceptable.

    Definitely agree. XD

    Its alright to question your faith, as is said "If something cant be questioned then its not worth talking about."

    Also agreed. I think it's alright to question, but is it really necessary, I mean I think we put too much thought into thinking about whether or not there is a God, afterlife, and that sort of thing.

    Yeah surprising that the community that sends death threats over fictional characters is the most religiously acceptable. Its alright to question your faith, as is said "If something cant be questioned then its not worth talking about."

  • My opinion is live your life as a good person, doesnt matter beliefs,gender,race,or sexuality.

    Try to help people and make it better for later generations, if there is an afterlife and a God, and hes not a dick then youve earned your place.

    Yeah surprising that the community that sends death threats over fictional characters is the most religiously acceptable. Definitely

  • Exactly.

    My opinion is live your life as a good person, doesnt matter beliefs,gender,race,or sexuality. Try to help people and make it better for later generations, if there is an afterlife and a God, and hes not a dick then youve earned your place.

  • edited September 2014

    Hey there, Raging_Blades, I too have my doubting moments and definitely fall short, but one thing I appreciate about faith is this (and I would open this up for discussion too): it transcends me, my worries, my pain, and my time--faith in Something or Someone greater who's standards aren't changing. Granted, it's never fun to stand up for something that seems to only be hurting you (hence, blaming God for everything bad that happens, yes I do it too). But after those boiling moments cool down, I often realize how simple it was. And how, may I ask, without suffering might one truly and ever so fully appreciate the good things?
    And I'm not talking self-inflicted suffering:P haha, more so the "trials of life". But yes, there is something about living simply to be the best you can be that is just flat out satisfying.

    Agnostic Catholic I guess. Man this thread is cool. It's nice to see conversations on this sort of thing. I'm not religious or anything,

  • Based on what I have read so far it would seem I am an Agnostic Atheist, meaning I do not believe in God or in fact any other deity simply because its existence cannot actually be proven.
    Having said that though, I've yet to come to terms with the one thing no one has managed to avoid so far, death. To be perfectly honest I fear that one day my consciousness and all of me will just cease to exist, that there is nothing but this one life, which is why I try my best to live it the way I want, I try to help other people whenever I can, however I have realised that not everyone can always be saved.

    Also for reasons unbeknownst to me I despise the mere mention of the word "God", I can't really explain why but I feel a strong sense of hatred whenever I hear it or read it.
    That is not to say that I have anything against religion as a concept, if it helps people, makes them feel better then I say good for them, just bear in mind that not everyone feels the same way.

  • Evangelical Christian.

    Say what you want about evangelicals, I am one of them, at least until I am old enough to for sure decide for myself.

  • Agnostic atheist, very close to anti religious. I have nothing against people who practice their beliefs but I hate organised religion. I don't mind the people as long as they don't force their beliefs on me but I can't stand the institution.

  • Interesting, I always thought you would be older than that. You always come across as pretty mature :)

    Evangelical Christian. Say what you want about evangelicals, I am one of them, at least until I am old enough to for sure decide for myself.

  • I just thought I might clarify, this is actually AusZombie (if you remember me hehe)

    I had to make a new account when I came back, I forgot my old password.

    Evangelical Christian. Say what you want about evangelicals, I am one of them, at least until I am old enough to for sure decide for myself.

  • I.....don't......know. I've always said I'm agnostic, and most people I know give me hell for it, but I'm not really questioning religion, but I'm not atheist, as I think there is something out there, I just....operate under the assumption all religions are correct, except for, like Scientology and the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, y'know? I always just say it's a possibility to any theories on creation n' stuff. I like to just live by being nice to people, and being happy, making your life, and everyone around your's happy. I define religion as "how you believe things began, and things that happened, and how you live," so by that logic, I believe anything that could have happened ever might have, and I should just make others happy, and enjoy life. So I guess, like I said pre-ramble, Agnostic, but I guess leaning more towards Deist? I dunno, really, it's something I have great difficulty talking about.

  • edited September 2014


    Agnositc because if you study it, there is a historical development to religion, and I don't believe in that when it claims to be divine revelation. Conversely, even more basic than 'is there a God,' is the question 'what is a God?' (Some atheists get on the backs of people calling themselves agnostic; I try to distinguish myself for the reasons above, but if you're using atheism as an umbrella term for non-belief, fine, call me atheist I don't really care).

    Socialist for lack of a better word. I believe certain industries need to be regulated for the public good or even owned publically depending on a) how critical they are to the wellbeing of the citizens and b) how much they currently work. If the private sector is managing a certain industry sucessfully and to the benefit of the people, I feel no need for socialization (for instance, some people advocate a socialization of the telecommunications industry [service providers, not content creators] - while I might not disagree with that from a blank slate situation, I say, if I ain't broke, don't fix it).

  • Pastafarianist.

  • Care to elaborate?

    papai46 posted: »


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