The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



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    XD vanellope she is a badass

    Who do you wanna be?

  • You are pretty young, if you manage to get someone 3 years older than you I will be pretty damn impressed.

    papai46 posted: »


  • Wear dem spongebob pajammies. And pictures. I need a more pictures for your album.

    Trying to figure out what to wear to homecoming dance got me like

  • edited November 2015


    EhhhhhI don't know if I'll do that. We'll see.

  • XDDD fair enough

    Um... I accidently hit it with a sculpture when I was sleep walking. My bad! Sorry. ^^;

  • Okay... okay.. I'll probs post a vine or something.


  • O_O

    Do what your father says!

    edited September 2014

    You know the name? O_o

    I name them like this:

    fgt 1

    fgt 2


    fgt 3

    fgt 4

    Markd4547 posted: »

    IRISH PRIDE INTENSIFIES NIALL HORAN the blonde guy far right

  • Do what your father says!

    EhhhhhI don't know if I'll do that. We'll see.

  • See ya bro I hope everything is alright :'(

    Something really bad just happened, I gotta go, Bye.

  • An album!?!?

    Wear dem spongebob pajammies. And pictures. I need a more pictures for your album.

  • edited November 2015


    Do what your father says!

  • Haha cool!

    Me pls. ;_;

    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am tonight's entertainment. So I am playing Sims 4 and creating members of the lounge based on the

  • Haha cool!

    Me pls. ;_;

    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am tonight's entertainment. So I am playing Sims 4 and creating members of the lounge based on the

  • edited November 2015


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You know the name? O_o I name them like this: fgt 1 fgt 2 Harry fgt 3 fgt 4

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    If you ever need to PM I'm here your not alone there are many people who feel this way don't escape face it and deal with it I hope your alright and well done for being brave enough to share this :'(

    Sometimes I feel so bad that I wish I was never born. I think today is one of those days, where I've been so scared to leave my room because

  • Just did a test for my gameplay on YouTube. Me playing horror games is not good. XD I get scarred so easily

  • you know we could always dispose of elian..... if you get what i am saying

    I just came on and only skimmed through the pages I missed, and no one is aborting my baby! After the disappointment known as Elian, this

  • I just heard his name a lot :P

    Still fgt


  • yea i forgot about that lol i was supposed to be simba

    ComingSoon posted: »

    @AllThatRemains Didn't you start a Disney character photoshop about 1.5 months ago?

  • Your lady?

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I don't want to be too fashionable though.... My wobbles are too much for my lady.....

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    I usually feel awkward when around people, a lot of times I just wanna stay in the house cuz there's like nothing out there for me. I find more comfort and happiness here than anywhere else. A lot of times when sad I get so angry at the everything I just want to kill someone. But I hanged on, pulling myself together cuz others needed me. I never loved myself, only hated myself. And yeah, I'm closer to my friends than family. My friends knows more about me than my own family. They never fully understood me. Sometimes I hear voices in my head, and many horrible thoughts goes through my head most of the time.

    Sometimes I feel so bad that I wish I was never born. I think today is one of those days, where I've been so scared to leave my room because

  • SHIT NO ;-;


    Something really bad just happened, I gotta go, Bye.

  • edited November 2015


    Okay... okay.. I'll probs post a vine or something.

  • XD on the front of every Irish paper fgt :P

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You know the name? O_o I name them like this: fgt 1 fgt 2 Harry fgt 3 fgt 4

  • the original season 4 trailer was top notch

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You can get it if you really want, but you must try! Try and try! Try and tryyyyyyy! You'll succeed at last!

  • :O

    Try saying that 10 times fast XD.


  • edited November 2015


    An album!?!?

  • I know a girl that said she felt like she was drowning, also :(

    Stay here, we will help you, I'll help you, just PM me and I'll help you with anything you want, ok? :)

    Sometimes I feel so bad that I wish I was never born. I think today is one of those days, where I've been so scared to leave my room because

  • I've had social anxiety and OCD for 7 years now, it has gotten so much better now that I'm older though, and been through a lot.

    I used to be so shy in fifth grade that I was scared to breathe in front of people. I would never talk, smile, laugh, or eat in front of any one besides a small circle of family and people I knew. My only friend at the time would tell me how everyone said I was weird, ugly, crazy, a dyke, you get the idea. I remember feeling so trapped and like no one cared.

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    My motto now is literally just eff what people think. I'm gonna be me, and if you don't like it, then so what? It isn't going to be easy. One thing that helped me a lot was to fake it until I made it- I'd forget all about being shy Maddi and become some confident person, and eventually that confidence was real.

    Alt text

    Sometimes I feel so bad that I wish I was never born. I think today is one of those days, where I've been so scared to leave my room because


    Okay... okay.. I'll probs post a vine or something.

  • edited November 2015


    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am tonight's entertainment. So I am playing Sims 4 and creating members of the lounge based on the

    edited September 2014

    Every mother has those at hand.

    She will whip it out as her secret weapon to destroy my love life the second I introduce her to any future girlfriend I will ever have >__>


  • I'd lyk to be in 1 pls

    Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am tonight's entertainment. So I am playing Sims 4 and creating members of the lounge based on the

  • edited November 2015


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Every mother has those at hand. She will whip it out as her secret weapon to destroy my love life the second I introduce her to any future girlfriend I will ever have >__>

  • edited September 2014

    Mom. Dad. I don't wear PJs, when you buy them I burn them.

    Alt text

    Do what your father says!

  • wat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  • I get scarred so easily

    Alt text

    Just did a test for my gameplay on YouTube. Me playing horror games is not good. XD I get scarred so easily

    edited September 2014



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