I have to admit I found this out recently about people. If a hot as hell guy has a horrible personality, he is no longer physically handsome… more. Same goes for pretty girls who are bitches.
But I'm kinda going through the phase where I'm starting to realize every guy I've ever liked was gay, or turned out to be gay, and I liked them because they were nice to me. So it kinda makes me think that guys are only nice to me if they're gay because they know they don't want anything else.. lol
That's just life for you, it will push you down, but you have to get up and keep moving, don't beat yourself up over what people say. Anyway, it was nice talking to you... :P
I think it's mostly that the guys I'm around most of the time at my school are still in the, "Get me some hot bitches" phase and don't care … morefor looks, only for a girl who puts out. It's a age problem where I am, not a generalization of guys in general.
Haha, well, I know it's different on the internet where we all have something in common to talk about and it's doesn't matter what we look like, we're not even speaking face to face y'know?
And I mean, I've had a lot of crushes in my life and anytime I told them I got rejected. So, I stopped telling guys how I felt because I just couldn't handle another rejection. After talking to mutual friends, they told me that the guys were gay. Like I said, this happened with pretty much every guy I've ever liked, and another guy I had a crush on but didn't tell turned out to be gay. Soooo, yeah... it's just a bit discouraging that only gay guys are nice to me when it comes to face to face interactions.
I have a fairly obvious vision impairment and went to public school, so yeah I got bullied sometimes. Never suffered much physical abuse, b… moreut people can be ignorant or cruel. Eventually I made enough friends that most bullies left me alone. Headbutting some asshole jock in gym class also helped. I'm usually a really peaceful guy, so I think it caught people completely off-guard. XD
I never bullied anyone, but I've failed to stick up for people who were getting bullied. That's almost as bad...
I've always been antisocial, never told anyone who i liked, anyone i asked out thought i was joking. But whatever, no one ever really liked me... And yeah we're not talking face to face, but i try to be nice to everyone i meet cause i want to be that way, i think of myself as a male jane.
Haha, well, I know it's different on the internet where we all have something in common to talk about and it's doesn't matter what we look l… moreike, we're not even speaking face to face y'know?
And I mean, I've had a lot of crushes in my life and anytime I told them I got rejected. So, I stopped telling guys how I felt because I just couldn't handle another rejection. After talking to mutual friends, they told me that the guys were gay. Like I said, this happened with pretty much every guy I've ever liked, and another guy I had a crush on but didn't tell turned out to be gay. Soooo, yeah... it's just a bit discouraging that only gay guys are nice to me when it comes to face to face interactions.
I have a fairly obvious vision impairment and went to public school, so yeah I got bullied sometimes. Never suffered much physical abuse, b… moreut people can be ignorant or cruel. Eventually I made enough friends that most bullies left me alone. Headbutting some asshole jock in gym class also helped. I'm usually a really peaceful guy, so I think it caught people completely off-guard. XD
I never bullied anyone, but I've failed to stick up for people who were getting bullied. That's almost as bad...
Once again your comment disappeared but, don't say that man, just be nice to her, if she breaks up with you it wasn't meant to be, my one girlfriend broke up with me after 1 day
Congrats on that! I'm glad it worked out for y'all.
Yep, I'm 22 and have been single my whole life and I'm not entirely sure why, other than I've never had anyone show interest in me. I really have come to be fine with being single, what I'm not fine with is why I've always been single, y'know? It's still just that time of their lives when they want to do the nasty and that's it. No strings attached, one night stands, that's the 'dating' habits of my generation. Of course, I have to say that not all guys are like that, but sometimes I really wonder.
You guys are nice though, so, I hope I'm not making y'all angry or upset.
Congrats on that! I'm glad it worked out for y'all.
Yep, I'm 22 and have been single my whole life and I'm not entirely sure why, other … morethan I've never had anyone show interest in me. I really have come to be fine with being single, what I'm not fine with is why I've always been single, y'know? It's still just that time of their lives when they want to do the nasty and that's it. No strings attached, one night stands, that's the 'dating' habits of my generation. Of course, I have to say that not all guys are like that, but sometimes I really wonder.
You guys are nice though, so, I hope I'm not making y'all angry or upset.
I try to be nice to everyone too, especially because I know what it feels like to be the one person in the room no one will talk to. But when it comes to talking to guys I literally can't talk to them in person. The whole time I'm around a guy I don't know or have just met I avoid eye contact and I avoid being close to them in anyway. All I can think is, that the guy probably thinks I'm ugly so if I avoid them at all costs they won't have time to actually think that about me.
I've always been antisocial, never told anyone who i liked, anyone i asked out thought i was joking. But whatever, no one ever really liked … moreme... And yeah we're not talking face to face, but i try to be nice to everyone i meet cause i want to be that way, i think of myself as a male jane.
I have a fairly obvious vision impairment and went to public school, so yeah I got bullied sometimes. Never suffered much physical abuse, b… moreut people can be ignorant or cruel. Eventually I made enough friends that most bullies left me alone. Headbutting some asshole jock in gym class also helped. I'm usually a really peaceful guy, so I think it caught people completely off-guard. XD
I never bullied anyone, but I've failed to stick up for people who were getting bullied. That's almost as bad...
Haha, yep. It was a total cheap shot, to boot. He got up in my face and BAM! Next thing I knew, he was on the ground and we were both bleeding. In hindsight, it was totally stupid and uncalled for. He became the victim in everyone's eyes and I was the quiet kid who came uncorked and headbutted someone in the fucking face. 0_o
It's not like in the movies where you fight back and everything is all better. It actually made things a lot worse. Guy never missed an opportunity to verbally harass me from then on.
Congrats on that! I'm glad it worked out for y'all.
Yep, I'm 22 and have been single my whole life and I'm not entirely sure why, other … morethan I've never had anyone show interest in me. I really have come to be fine with being single, what I'm not fine with is why I've always been single, y'know? It's still just that time of their lives when they want to do the nasty and that's it. No strings attached, one night stands, that's the 'dating' habits of my generation. Of course, I have to say that not all guys are like that, but sometimes I really wonder.
You guys are nice though, so, I hope I'm not making y'all angry or upset.
I try to be nice to everyone too, especially because I know what it feels like to be the one person in the room no one will talk to. But whe… moren it comes to talking to guys I literally can't talk to them in person. The whole time I'm around a guy I don't know or have just met I avoid eye contact and I avoid being close to them in anyway. All I can think is, that the guy probably thinks I'm ugly so if I avoid them at all costs they won't have time to actually think that about me.
Your comment disappeared but, yeah i used to like dragon ball z , but the 50 episode battles in dbz really killed it for me. I never got into naruto, even though my friends said it's amazing...but yeah i only really like fairy tail.
I do not get bullied nor do I bully unless it's somebody who deserves it. Like a bitch.
But my name is spoken about secretly since the people who love to talk shit are too pussy to confront me regardless. Even if they do, I will most likely spit in their face or throw something at them. Whether it's a liquid or solid, I don't care lol.
funny story, i remember this was like a year ago and It was passing periods. I was out and going in the school and I remember this ugly ass squad was talking shit and laughing. I ignored it since I didn't even know they were talking about me but when they touched my backpack i turned around and spit my cinnamon gum at the girl who touched me, which was a black girl. and Kicked one in the knee and walked off. They screamed like dumb bitches but again idc. Nor did anybody else, they just watched and walked lol since everybody knew damn well they deserved it.
Once again your comment disappeared but, don't say that man, just be nice to her, if she breaks up with you it wasn't meant to be, my one girlfriend broke up with me after 1 day
I do not get bullied nor do I bully unless it's somebody who deserves it. Like a bitch.
But my name is spoken about secretly since the pe… moreople who love to talk shit are too pussy to confront me regardless. Even if they do, I will most likely spit in their face or throw something at them. Whether it's a liquid or solid, I don't care lol.
funny story, i remember this was like a year ago and It was passing periods. I was out and going in the school and I remember this ugly ass squad was talking shit and laughing. I ignored it since I didn't even know they were talking about me but when they touched my backpack i turned around and spit my cinnamon gum at the girl who touched me, which was a black girl. and Kicked one in the knee and walked off. They screamed like dumb bitches but again idc. Nor did anybody else, they just watched and walked lol since everybody knew damn well they deserved it.
I am so sorry to hear this. Not only is this sexual assault but to also have people around you not believe your story is horrifying. This pisses me off, because alot of victims do not come forward because they are scared they won't be believed or they will be blamed for the situation.
You did the right thing reporting this to the school, never second guess yourself about this!
As it would, it sounds like this has caused significant trauma and has had a great impact on you and the way you are today. I hope i'm not sounding too nosey here (and please tell me to F-Off if I am) but have you considered counselling? I experienced assault with an ex spouse in my teens and even after it ended (and I was never as brave as you were to actually report it) I didn't speak to a councillor about this until many years later. It did me a world of good and It really helped me to get past alot of my trust and low self-esteem issues I had built up because of that relationship.
Also, maybe reconsider telling your parents, I know you probably haven't told them because you don't want them to worry about you but i'm sure they love you very much and they would want to be there for you and help you work through your feelings from this ordeal.
Just don't give up on the human race yet, there are alot of f*ckers out there but there are also alot amazing and good people too
When I get embarrassed, flustered, or if I have to talk in front of others I get really flushed, like, my whole body turns red because I get… more so nervous, and people have made fun of my face my whole life, so, yeah...
Yeah, it was weird because we we're kinda friends before it happened. I had to deal with him all throughout high school after that and no one believed me when I told them what happened, so I ignored it after that.
Well, I'm not gay, but there is a phase where you realize that?
I know that's life, I've pretty much gotten over it but sometimes I just have those days where it all comes back and makes me feel like crap.
Youre 22 right?
Hell, I just got a girlfriend today and she beautiful in my eyes.
Don't feel like crap, you're cool.
Haha, well, I know it's different on the internet where we all have something in common to talk about and it's doesn't matter what we look like, we're not even speaking face to face y'know?
And I mean, I've had a lot of crushes in my life and anytime I told them I got rejected. So, I stopped telling guys how I felt because I just couldn't handle another rejection. After talking to mutual friends, they told me that the guys were gay. Like I said, this happened with pretty much every guy I've ever liked, and another guy I had a crush on but didn't tell turned out to be gay. Soooo, yeah... it's just a bit discouraging that only gay guys are nice to me when it comes to face to face interactions.
I appreciate it friend. You're pretty cool too.
I put up a i need advice thread on her :P
It was awkward but im weird and shes quiet...Watch her break up with me tomorrow. :P
Lol...Lucky bastard
Is that where you got your username from? :P
I've always been antisocial, never told anyone who i liked, anyone i asked out thought i was joking. But whatever, no one ever really liked me... And yeah we're not talking face to face, but i try to be nice to everyone i meet cause i want to be that way, i think of myself as a male jane.

Ouch, you headbutted him, wow, nice....
Once again your comment disappeared but, don't say that man, just be nice to her, if she breaks up with you it wasn't meant to be, my one girlfriend broke up with me after 1 day
Congrats on that! I'm glad it worked out for y'all.
Yep, I'm 22 and have been single my whole life and I'm not entirely sure why, other than I've never had anyone show interest in me. I really have come to be fine with being single, what I'm not fine with is why I've always been single, y'know? It's still just that time of their lives when they want to do the nasty and that's it. No strings attached, one night stands, that's the 'dating' habits of my generation. Of course, I have to say that not all guys are like that, but sometimes I really wonder.
You guys are nice though, so, I hope I'm not making y'all angry or upset.
Yes thanks for the high five!
Nah, I'm not mad, and I can't find myself to be mad at someone. I've been single all my life too, except for a one day girlfriend... :P
I try to be nice to everyone too, especially because I know what it feels like to be the one person in the room no one will talk to. But when it comes to talking to guys I literally can't talk to them in person. The whole time I'm around a guy I don't know or have just met I avoid eye contact and I avoid being close to them in anyway. All I can think is, that the guy probably thinks I'm ugly so if I avoid them at all costs they won't have time to actually think that about me.
You sir, are a badass. I wish I had the guts to headbutt people who were mean to me.
Haha, yep. It was a total cheap shot, to boot. He got up in my face and BAM! Next thing I knew, he was on the ground and we were both bleeding. In hindsight, it was totally stupid and uncalled for. He became the victim in everyone's eyes and I was the quiet kid who came uncorked and headbutted someone in the fucking face. 0_o
It's not like in the movies where you fight back and everything is all better. It actually made things a lot worse. Guy never missed an opportunity to verbally harass me from then on.
I love it.
It's the only anime I really like anymore, plus the artist's style is awesome.
Fairy Tail is awesome.
That's correct. My name is also Max, so yeah.
GTG, see ya guys tomorrow. :P
For the longest time I wouldn't be able to look anyone in the ey, but i've changed, found pride, and didn't care what anyone said about me.
I threw a bully's backpack out of the bus window in seventh grade, lol.
Your comment disappeared but, yeah i used to like dragon ball z , but the 50 episode battles in dbz really killed it for me. I never got into naruto, even though my friends said it's amazing...but yeah i only really like fairy tail.
Alright i really should go, see ya some other time, friend!
We should talk more when i get on tomorrow!
Gahaha. I'm too gentle to be a badass, really! I never get into fights or anything. That was just a little moment of batshit insanity.
Hurt like hell too, even though Meathead McSports got the worst of it. XD
Gotta wonder what their reaction was!
I was in like I think kinder.then maybe second, they "jump" me. found one later kicked his ass and never bullied again.
I do not get bullied nor do I bully unless it's somebody who deserves it. Like a bitch.
But my name is spoken about secretly since the people who love to talk shit are too pussy to confront me regardless. Even if they do, I will most likely spit in their face or throw something at them. Whether it's a liquid or solid, I don't care lol.
funny story, i remember this was like a year ago and It was passing periods. I was out and going in the school and I remember this ugly ass squad was talking shit and laughing. I ignored it since I didn't even know they were talking about me but when they touched my backpack i turned around and spit my cinnamon gum at the girl who touched me, which was a black girl. and Kicked one in the knee and walked off. They screamed like dumb bitches but again idc. Nor did anybody else, they just watched and walked lol since everybody knew damn well they deserved it.
All I know is sometimes their parents make them break up...Its happened to me way too often.
Nice I got mine from:
Damn dude...What if she was asking for gum? XD
I am so sorry to hear this. Not only is this sexual assault but to also have people around you not believe your story is horrifying. This pisses me off, because alot of victims do not come forward because they are scared they won't be believed or they will be blamed for the situation.
You did the right thing reporting this to the school, never second guess yourself about this!
As it would, it sounds like this has caused significant trauma and has had a great impact on you and the way you are today. I hope i'm not sounding too nosey here (and please tell me to F-Off if I am) but have you considered counselling? I experienced assault with an ex spouse in my teens and even after it ended (and I was never as brave as you were to actually report it) I didn't speak to a councillor about this until many years later. It did me a world of good and It really helped me to get past alot of my trust and low self-esteem issues I had built up because of that relationship.
Also, maybe reconsider telling your parents, I know you probably haven't told them because you don't want them to worry about you but i'm sure they love you very much and they would want to be there for you and help you work through your feelings from this ordeal.
Just don't give up on the human race yet, there are alot of f*ckers out there but there are also alot amazing and good people too
if she wanted it she'd have to pick it up from the floor lol
XD well I can understand your struggle...And hers to get some gum.