The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Godamnit, I love this photo. X}

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • TWDG game never made me cry, "how to train your dragon 2" made me cry. That movie is AMAZING!

    edited September 2014

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  • Keep going. I think you are getting "into" something. Not really, just wanted to make a pun.

    It'll get deeper than this.

  • It'll get deeper than this.

    blueneon posted: »

    Try again.

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited September 2014


    We grip the steel blades of Gloria,

    sing the song of victory,

    and have the wings of freedom on our back.

    With our determination tightly held to our heart,

    we sever this ring of folly,

    and dance into the blue sky.

    We grip the gear of our fighting spirit,

    sing the song of the light of hope,

    and have the horizon of freedom on our back.

    With the chains connecting this world in our chest,

    we play a song of what might lurk behind all possibilities.

    Dance into the blue sky, wings of freedom.

    blueneon posted: »

    O, IT 'S ON! Poem I am blind, aren 't I? I kinda always knew that I would die. But if I can 't see the light one last time then

  • My sister did sex education today and she fainted and got sent home.

  • edited September 2014


    Close your eyes

    Maybe you will then forget

    All those creatures haunting us, staring while we are in the dark

    But we are the ones afraid of the light

    We are the ones that get our flesh burned off whenever we confront it

    Us hunching in the dark trying to stay alive, not you

    I wish I was as ignorat

    I hope that one day you will understand, I know you won 't

    So let 's just play chess

    We will see who loses that game of life and death

    I saw a tear falling

    Are you scared?

    PEOM FIGHT?!? I'M IN! We grip the steel blades of Gloria, sing the song of victory, and have the wings of freedom on our back. W

  • On behalf of the inhabitants of Earth, I bid you welcome, extraterrestrial foreigner.

    TWDG game never made me cry, "how to train your dragon 2" made me cry. That movie is AMAZING!

  • I never had a sex ed class but it can 't be that bad!

    CodPatrol posted: »

    My sister did sex education today and she fainted and got sent home.

  • Shutup, Telltale! It's NOT 6am, it's 8am! Time zone settings, where are they!?

  • It is timed by the centre, not the place you are login in from. It is still 4 here.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Shutup, Telltale! It's NOT 6am, it's 8am! Time zone settings, where are they!?

  • In mine and her's school, we have this class, I don't have the class anymore because it's for Year 7/7th Grade only. So you basically learn about different stuff in that class. It's not all for sex education.

    blueneon posted: »

    I never had a sex ed class but it can 't be that bad!

  • Like what? Now I am curious.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    In mine and her's school, we have this class, I don't have the class anymore because it's for Year 7/7th Grade only. So you basically learn about different stuff in that class. It's not all for sex education.

  • Mostly team activities and shit. There was a lot of geography and history.

    blueneon posted: »

    Like what? Now I am curious.

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    Dem peoms are awesome :'D YES

    blueneon posted: »

    Poem Close your eyes Maybe you will then forget All those creatures haunting us, staring while we are in the dark But we are the

  • Sheet what part of the lesson :'O

    CodPatrol posted: »

    My sister did sex education today and she fainted and got sent home.

  • That sounds not that realevent to what the class should be.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Mostly team activities and shit. There was a lot of geography and history.

  • Thank you. Your was not bad at all either. :}

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Dem peoms are awesome :'D YES

  • Try again.

    It'll get deeper than this.

  • I don't go the same school as her. But she said she fainted when she seen a penis LOL.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sheet what part of the lesson :'O

  • I ain't gon' go that deep.

    blueneon posted: »

    Try again.

  • You have barely touched the serfish. If you can 't go deep then that means you are shalow. But someone who can write a poem, even if it is bad (it wasn 't bad, surely better than mine, and so was Mark 's. :P) then they do not deserve to be called shalow. So you are afraid. But you are afraid of what?

    I ain't gon' go that deep.

  • I'm afraid of going too deep :P

    blueneon posted: »

    You have barely touched the serfish. If you can 't go deep then that means you are shalow. But someone who can write a poem, even if it is b

  • Too deep into where?

    I'm afraid of going too deep :P

  • I found those Jennifer Lawrence leeks Alt text

  • edited September 2014

    PENUS faints

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    XDDD dayum

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I don't go the same school as her. But she said she fainted when she seen a penis LOL.

  • edited November 2015


    I'm afraid of going too deep :P

  • edited September 2014

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    XD Those are Damn fine leeks DAMN FINE :'D

    Rockworm posted: »

    I found those Jennifer Lawrence leeks

  • o hai der Rachellec!


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    blueneon posted: »

    Too deep into where?

  • Of course mine are awesome Husband, you married me for a reason. :PP

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Dem peoms are awesome :'D YES

  • Heh. xD

    blueneon posted: »


  • edited November 2015


    o hai der Rachellec!

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