The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It's time like these I want to post the chalk fart gif...

    They see me 'rollin; they hatin'

  • Si, sobretodo acá en la Florida. Hay muchos latinos. Los dueños siempre buscan personas bilingues para trabajar.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Mas oportunidades si sabes mas idiomas, verdad?

  • SOME women are like that, they are the over sensitive type and take offense to almost anything. Besides hugging is overrated... i prefer a high-five, or a handshake, or heck maybe even a bro-fist.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    So...I talked to the attached girl that wants to be my wife today. She came up to me and asked for a hug very first thing. I refused, and

  • Here's video footage of someone stealing a fucking cow.

  • edited September 2014

    Muy bien! Yo quiero visitar Espana! Es muy bonita, no? Uh, que es el puta gallego? :O lol

    Te vives en Florida o Espana ahora? Yo quiero ir a la playas de la Florida. ;A; La playas de Tejas eres no muy bonitas...

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Soy de Madrid, España. Soy un puto gallego, tía. Hablo perfecto Inglés y Español. Naci en la Florida, pero mi familia es española pura.

  • Gracias mi amiga! Tu es muy inteligente! :D


  • I am never doing that.

    I think I remember seeing something like that on South Park. Edit: I remembered correctly lol

  • I bet this guy feels like a real badass.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Here's video footage of someone stealing a fucking cow.

  • "El" is masculine
    "La" is feminine... Just a friendly tip :)

    No es Andrea de Walking Dead! Es el Andrea de mi tarea. XD I suck at spanish, but I'm trying! lol

  • Give.





    We need wings...

  • Crap. ;A; lol

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    "El" is masculine "La" is feminine... Just a friendly tip

  • I used to watch that show, now i just don't have enough time on my hands with school.

    Alt text I saw this on Tosh.0 A few years ago. It's hilarious. XD

  • Well, if you feel okay after this, then I guess she won't be a problem anymore.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Maybe she just badly craves it I guess that's how she stays mentally healthy, by getting attention from people. Who knows. I'm letting her be from now on.

  • Yep.

    Twistee posted: »

    I bet this guy feels like a real badass.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited September 2014

    Yo nací en la Florida, siempre e vivido acá y no creo que eso cambie. España es bella. Y muy rica la comida. A los españoles nos dicen gallegos.


    I was born in Florida. I have always lived here and I don't think that will change in a while. Spain is beautiful. They make delicious food there. They call us Spaniards "Gallegos."

    Oh, and puto basically means fucking. We use it as a form of emphasis.


    I'm a fucking Floridian!

    Muy bien! Yo quiero visitar Espana! Es muy bonita, no? Uh, que es el puta gallego? :O lol Te vives en Florida o Espana ahora? Yo quiero ir a la playas de la Florida. ;A; La playas de Tejas eres no muy bonitas...

  • Alt text

    I don't know who created this but... YOU FUCKING AWESOME!!!

  • LOL what the actual fuck?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Here's video footage of someone stealing a fucking cow.

  • En Tejas necesitamos mucho personas como habla espanol y ingles. Es muy dificil cuando trabajo con otras personas a veces...

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Si, sobretodo acá en la Florida. Hay muchos latinos. Los dueños siempre buscan personas bilingues para trabajar.

  • Yeah, I feel okay. I'm not letting it affect me. Hopefully she'll feel the same.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Well, if you feel okay after this, then I guess she won't be a problem anymore.

  • Alt text

    papai46 posted: »

    Anybody here ever heard of self-asphyxiation? All the dumb teenagers are doing.

  • Damnit now I gotta go get some munchies

    We need wings...

  • Yeah, I offered her a friendly high-five after I told her and she just pouted...

    But meh. It's her problem that she's obsessed over people that are uncomfortable around her. I'm moving past it.

    Bloodeon posted: »

    SOME women are like that, they are the over sensitive type and take offense to almost anything. Besides hugging is overrated... i prefer a high-five, or a handshake, or heck maybe even a bro-fist.

  • Alt text

    Just replace Waluigi's face with Ben, and put Kenny in as Luigi with their death glares.XD

    Bloodeon posted: »

    I don't know who created this but... YOU FUCKING AWESOME!!!

  • Man...I'm going to bed now, lol


  • You're right. You can use that also. They both mean "there was" but hubo is used when something happened in the past and it's over. Habia can be used to describe something in the past, or when it's still occurring.

    Ayer hubo una gran tormenta.

    Yo fui a un campo donde habia muchos conejos.

    Might be confusing, but yeah, haha.


  • Then can get offended by anything, and i mean anything.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yeah, I offered her a friendly high-five after I told her and she just pouted... But meh. It's her problem that she's obsessed over people that are uncomfortable around her. I'm moving past it.

  • Lol, I'm about to get some tomorrow, man. Just started craving them out of nowhere.

    Damnit now I gotta go get some munchies

  • edited September 2014

    I understood more of it than I thought. XD I'm still a super beginner in the language, but I can read it and understand it so much better than I thought. Speaking it is so hard for me though. ;A;

    I heard that the way spanish is spoken in Espana is something called Castellanos? Something like that, like it's almost how in the US we have yankee talk and southern speak, just the different kind of regions. lol

    So I could say, Soy una puto Tejana?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yo nací en la Florida, siempre e vivido acá y no creo que eso cambie. España es bella. Y muy rica la comida. A los españoles nos dicen galle

  • Ah, then sounds like she was making something up that wasn't there. Okay, so if you see her again, just see how she reacts, if she's still angry, then just go on. Don't worry about it, but if she tries talking to you, just understand and continue being her friend, that's all.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    No, I just tried to stay neutral and not give any indications.

  • They make you eat in washing machines?


  • edited November 2015


    Gracias mi amiga! Tu es muy inteligente!

  • edited November 2015


    ComingSoon posted: »

    It's time like these I want to post the chalk fart gif...

  • edited November 2015


    They make you eat in washing machines?

  • Dressing up as Waldo tomorrow at school. Be prepared for pictures....

  • Tu eres muy inteligente!

    You'll get the hang of it, haha. "Es" means "Is" Like, El es de los Estados Unidos.

    "Eres" means "Are" Like, Tu eres un buen amigo.

    Gracias mi amiga! Tu es muy inteligente!


    Dressing up as Waldo tomorrow at school. Be prepared for pictures....

  • This guy is awesome
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  • Night AYY LMAO

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Man...I'm going to bed now, lol GOODNIGHT! AYY LMAO

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