The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Watch your mouth bruh

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    It ain't funny boy

  • "I think that girl Tina is weird, what do you think?"

    "She got a booty so nice, you pinch that twice. And little toes like candy"

    "Uhh... Yeah." Get Anthony! He's in the bath! Carlpapa

  • I did

    Then make a new one and only give it to people you trust.

  • I'm not saying you're lying, I just want to know what the hell did they do to provoke you so much.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Well, I cant exactly do that unless I buy a premium account for Chatzy now can I? I'm not gonna waste my money, there were witnesses.

  • Going on Youtube and seeing I have subscribers.

    Why do I have subscribers? I don't make videos? I did that Arkham City lets play once that never fully uploaded and I'm not funny or interesting. So I gave up on it. Didn't even bother trying to upload the Tomb Raider lets play. And thats it.

    So again I ask why do I have subscribers?

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  • Thanks :D its what I'm here for!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Congratulations on being a buzzkill!

  • The three of them all changed their name to "ComingSoon" and were dead serious on saying they were me, and the others were fake, and that I'm lying and I'm the fake one. I repeatedly asked them to stop, but that only egged them on more. In fact they all just changed their name to "ComingSoonsPillow" and proceeded to make comments about me sleeping on them, also a few rude comments involving sperm, boners, and other dirty things. Also there was a guy named "Chet" who was VERY SERIOUS in convincing everyone that he was me and I was fake.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    My question stands, what did they say? Did they call you names? What's been so hard to drop :?

  • (Just so ya know, this song isn't about suicide, it's about self denial, so stahp frkin ot)

    "And I'm standing on this tower trying my hardest to make it,

    To you I built this tower out of mortal bricks, they're breaking,

    I truly will surrender my pretender, my disguise,

    and I will truly start to render to your splendor, so it's time to say goodbye!"

  • tfw you love somebody so much but you're too afraid to tell them since it can ruin a good friendship and online

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  • XD

    "I think that girl Tina is weird, what do you think?" "She got a booty so nice, you pinch that twice. And little toes like candy" "Uhh... Yeah."

  • I've heard that song before! This is clearly a remix but whatever! Thanks for reminding me of the original!

    (Just so ya know, this song isn't about suicide, it's about self denial, so stahp frkin ot)

  • You're just that awesome.

    BTW is your username a reference to the Rockworm of the Penumbra Series?

    Rockworm posted: »

    Going on Youtube and seeing I have subscribers. Why do I have subscribers? I don't make videos? I did that Arkham City lets play once t

  • Who has the better angry face?

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  • Sorry, but by what it sounds, it's merely slightly offensive in comparison to the ugly things some people had told users here, and changing usernames to other usernames to imitate someone as a joke isn't uncommon, I remember people doing it to many others (including me) on Gigapainter and Skype, I don't see why you took offense to it, but meh, "I wasn't there".

    Anyway, let it gooooooooooooooooooooooo! Let it goooooooooooooooooooooo!

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    ComingSoon posted: »

    The three of them all changed their name to "ComingSoon" and were dead serious on saying they were me, and the others were fake, and that I'

  • sigh...

    Rockworm posted: »

    Thanks its what I'm here for!

  • edited September 2014

    lol I never played them. Though I want to because I loved Amnesia and want to see more of them scary.

    My name isn't very clever. As people in this thread would know I like wrestling. I used to be big into it back in the attitude era. Stone Cold and The Rock and such. And i used to play a ton of turn based strategy game Worms. So I just stuck the 2 together and its been my handle ever since. Its not entirely original but I've used this name since before Internet was more than dial up.

    You're just that awesome. BTW is your username a reference to the Rockworm of the Penumbra Series?

  • Aww I know them feels.

    Ellias posted: »

    tfw you love somebody so much but you're too afraid to tell them since it can ruin a good friendship and online

  • Carver by far.

    bloop posted: »

    Who has the better angry face?

  • Are we being serious now? I'm sorry with all the silly reactionary gifs and jokes all over the place I didn't know this was the moment to be serious.

    AWESOMEO posted: »



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    I want to spam but at the same time I don't want to.

  • In that situation right now.

    Ellias posted: »

    tfw you love somebody so much but you're too afraid to tell them since it can ruin a good friendship and online

  • Hell yeah! Too bad they don't play music like this anymore now it's just the same shit over and over again.

    Rockworm posted: »

    They used to play this on the radio!

  • Santa y ;~;

    LOL WHAT I want to spam but at the same time I don't want to.

  • What a coincidence. You should definetly get it.

    Rockworm posted: »

    lol I never played them. Though I want to because I loved Amnesia and want to see more of them scary. My name isn't very clever. As peo

  • Carver, no contest.

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    bloop posted: »

    Who has the better angry face?

  • I hated that song lol.

    I wouldn't know I almost never put on the radio anymore. With Spotify and other things i don't ever need to.

    Hell yeah! Too bad they don't play music like this anymore now it's just the same shit over and over again.

  • xD fuck it you should.

    LOL WHAT I want to spam but at the same time I don't want to.

  • Rachel... Rachel, please...

    Walkers be trippin.

    Carlpapa Get Anthony! He's in the bath! Carlpapa

  • What about this?

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    Green613 posted: »

    Carver, no contest.

  • lol not the first time someone thought my name was a reference to something else. Apperantly there are something called rockworms in the Dune book series. I never read it so I didn't know that. Someone was convinced that was where I got the name and that I was lying about how I really came up with the name lol.

    What a coincidence. You should definetly get it.

    edited September 2014

    Well, it was kind of uncalled for, unnecessary.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Are we being serious now? I'm sorry with all the silly reactionary gifs and jokes all over the place I didn't know this was the moment to be serious.

  • I'm talking about this old music in general, on the radio all they play is five finger death punch.

    Rockworm posted: »

    I hated that song lol. I wouldn't know I almost never put on the radio anymore. With Spotify and other things i don't ever need to.

  • As are a lot of things in this thread.

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well, it was kind of uncalled for, unnecessary.

  • Spam away! This shit is too funny xD

    LOL WHAT I want to spam but at the same time I don't want to.

  • This doesn't look that scary though, it makes me wanna laugh :P

    bloop posted: »

    What about this?

  • Oh, I hate to be the one to bear the bad news

    Yes, it is true

    I finally fell in love

    I fell so hard that I'm killing myself

    Yes, I need help

    Out of this grave that I've dug

    And all the friends that I have gone through

    And how much I deserve the pain

    It's a shame

    So hold your head

    Hold it up high

    Here's to the friends that were alibis

    Keep this close by your side

    When I come home we will have our night


    THANK YOU. Get Anthony! He's in the bath! Carlpapa

  • lol like they'd ever play something that angry here. Here in Utah we have 2 alternative stations that are pretty much interchangeable now. One of them used to be rock and before that it was classic rock. Talk about playing the same thing over and over. Couldn't go an hour without hearing the same ACDC song over and over. Then things like Pandora and Spotify started and I realized I can decide what I want to listen to. I'm discovering new bands all the time that are pretty damn good and i don't have to sit through crap to find it. Now I can make a giant playlist with everything I like on shuffle and never have to hear a song I don't like anymore.

    Its actually a pet peeve of mine to see people trash on today's music when you just gotta look just a little under the surface for the good stuff. 5FDP is a decent band but I'd be sick of them too if the radio played them constantly. Over exposure is also a problem. Even good songs get really tiring if you hear it too much. I started getting so sick of Linkin Park because the radio would only play their old stuff when I wanted to hear something newer. I am so done with Crawling in My Skin. They have much better songs now!

    I'm talking about this old music in general, on the radio all they play is five finger death punch.

  • I don't see why you took offense to it, but meh, "I wasn't there".

    Wow. Just wow. Okay.

    I was already on thin ice. I may have seemed fine but I was really internally distraught, and all.

    I've already been going through a lot, dude, I thought you'd read that. There's been lots of personal problems for me lately, and whether or not YOU thought it was offensive, it was offensive to ME. I honestly can't believe you're being like this. Damn -_-

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Sorry, but by what it sounds, it's merely slightly offensive in comparison to the ugly things some people had told users here, and changing

  • So uhhh... You quoting a song or this is you telling us you fell in love again or both? XD

    Oh, I hate to be the one to bear the bad news Yes, it is true I finally fell in love I fell so hard that I'm killing myself Yes,

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