The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Does she smell bad

    Uhh.. I think I'm just quoting a song, I hope I'm not in love again. It's just that the last girl I was with was my sister's best friend. So I have to constantly see her all the time and the smell of her drives me insane.

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    Are you kidding me?

    Do you know how my life is faring right now? No. I have problems just like ComingSoon does, and yes it has been rough. You may not know it but it has. Every second I spend on this forum, I've felt like shit, and I don't think I even belong here. Sometimes I regret coming back, and even joining this forum, because I could have saved myself, and the forum some pain. I'm just a kid, and you may say I'm blowing it out of proportions again but I don't care. Just on the internet? There is something called cyber bullying, and I know someone that killed themselves because of this.

    The internet is a dangerous place, and I know ComingSoon didn't react in the best way, but you have to respect him. He's sensitive, and everyone is unique in their own way. There's no point in being friends or talking with each other, if I stress him out. Our friendship is probably severely damaged by this. I don't care, I AM apologizing because it helps relieve some of my anger, and frustration. I don't want to live knowing that I never said sorry.

    Honestly, I don't like your reaction to this. Everyone reacts in different ways, and you have to be careful around people. You never know. I'm sorry I'm posting this, but I just have to, because your replies to ComingSoon aren't the greatest, and he isn't taking kindly to them. Every mistake is a lesson, and if we ignore the mistake then we will never learn.

    ComingSoon is more hurt then you know, and just because he acted the way he did, doesn't make it blown out of proportion. No I won't forget this and I never will, I never forget. Life is a roller coaster, and I've been going down ever since I was born. Every time I fuck up, it fuels my depression, low self esteem, and rising purpose to suicide. If I wasn't a coward I would have been dead years ago. So if things "haven't been rough," then I don't know what is. You have no idea about what's going on in the lives of the people behind the other screen, respect that, and respect the way I post. If not then screw you.

    You're probably thinking "OMG he's blowing this way out of proportion." Well too bad buddy, this is how I work, and I'm not feeling so good as of now. Now leave me alone, have a good day.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You're taking it out of proportions again, things haven't "been rough", we're just people talking on the internet, and no one resorted to pe

  • edited September 2014

    I think I spot a lizard in there lol

    I shit you not. Yes I have a Spider-Man bowl it's my favorite.

  • Mom pls

    @TDMshadowCP Hey, I found a video of Elian!

  • I didn't eat it so my mom takes my phone away and says "EAT. IT."

    So I walked away to my dog to see if she would eat it..


    Yo that chicken straight up looks like shit xD love the plate though.

  • I would love it my radio station played ac/dc again. I don't have a problem with 5FDP, I like a few of their songs I just can't listen to it anymore, I need some variety.

    That's the problem with the radio all they do is just play the most popular songs on repeat, I can barely listen to the shit anymore. And I'm probly gonna have to give spotify a shot, I've heard you mention it a few times now.

    Rockworm posted: »

    lol like they'd ever play something that angry here. Here in Utah we have 2 alternative stations that are pretty much interchangeable now.

  • yep bro :D

    Deceptio posted: »

    Is anyone here? I could use all of your opinions and advice on something.

  • I'm here.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Is anyone here? I could use all of your opinions and advice on something.

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    OW Childhood feels I remember this direct hit :'D

    Have you ever seen this? It was a bonus feature on one of the DVDs: Go to 4:02 - 4:40 for Shrek's incredibly seductive duet. Simon Cowell even made an ogre pun!

  • I can't even perfect :'D

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    oh my god not lee!!

  • Yeah...I forgive you. I should be apologizing, because truly, I'm the asshole in this situation for "blowing things out of proportion". I can be a real dick sometimes, and I really showed it last night. It was a joke, and I'm sorry it seemed like trolling or just being an ass. I would have appreciated if you said your forum name, and apologized right in the chat, but you just disappeared like that, so my shit brain assumed troll. I'm a cockface for overreacting, and that's that. I am sort of close to Raging and Gary, but I got just as mad at them as I did at you. They however, revealed themselves and apologized, and I just sort of ignored them, took their apology, and that's that. I'm sorry all involved, I'm sorry I took my problems and made them worse, as you've all said.

    Okay, this is getting kind of annoying now. I was Chet. Let me explain what I did. I came into the chat and roleplayed as Chet, no big de

  • She's like "this girl trying to kill me fuck this shit" xD

    I didn't eat it so my mom takes my phone away and says "EAT. IT." So I walked away to my dog to see if she would eat it.. SHES SCARED IF IT. SHE SNIFFED IT AND BACKED THE FUCK UP.

  • ...Thanks. It means a lot.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    My son haters going to hate debating this is what the trolls want but it's good you got this out of your system if this sort of abuse hurt y

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    Do you know in the poorest parts of Africa they don't even get toys with their happy meals :'(

    My mother makes THEE MOST disgusting dinner in the history of discussing dinner. She mad chicken legs and it looks like shit. I'm not even kidding right now it looks like strait up shit on a play in the shape of a chicken leg.

  • ew take back what I said awesome bowl but that chicken ew :'O

    I shit you not. Yes I have a Spider-Man bowl it's my favorite.


    I didn't eat it so my mom takes my phone away and says "EAT. IT." So I walked away to my dog to see if she would eat it.. SHES SCARED IF IT. SHE SNIFFED IT AND BACKED THE FUCK UP.

  • They say reality is how you see it. I'm making harmless jokes and you think I'm being a dick.

    Someone said something about letting it go? Might have been someone in this thread? I can't be sure who.

    Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You don't have to act like a dick, y'know ._.


    Markd4547 posted: »

    OW Childhood feels I remember this direct hit :'D

  • lol when is Cornpopper ever not quoting a song.

    So uhhh... You quoting a song or this is you telling us you fell in love again or both? XD

    edited September 2014

    You know I'm not a fucking rock, right? I'm just like you as well, and each of us may take offense from different things, but this is just ridiculous.

    So if things "haven't been rough," then I don't know what is.

    I may not know what's been going on in your life, but rest assured I know people who are abused physically and mentally on a daily basis and not react the same way you are reacting just now. Be thankful that you have a damn computer.

    If this is how you work, you don't have to make everyone worry about you like that, if you are aware that you are blowing out of proportion, then please, try to calm yourself down instead of stressing other people out.

    Are you kidding me? Do you know how my life is faring right now? No. I have problems just like ComingSoon does, and yes it has been rough

  • If something offended you or hurt you imo it's never blown out of proportion if you state it now you have closure on the situation and everyone is happy :D

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yeah...I forgive you. I should be apologizing, because truly, I'm the asshole in this situation for "blowing things out of proportion". I ca

  • They don't even have gifs there!

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    Do you know in the poorest parts of Africa they don't even get toys with their happy meals

  • I still appreciate what you said :)

    I was asleep when the post I was tagged in was made, and when I saw it today I thought it would be better to leave it be and not make more drama.

  • come at me nyugyugyuga

    Watch your mouth bruh

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    well time to give him another beating

    @TDMshadowCP Hey, I found a video of Elian!

  • If something offended you or hurt you imo it's never blown out of proportion

    THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Nobody realizes this.

    Unfortunately, not everyone's completely happy. :/ I think, after today, I'm going to leave the forums. For how long, who knows, but I need a break. It'll at least be 2 weeks or more.

    I'm sorry again.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    If something offended you or hurt you imo it's never blown out of proportion if you state it now you have closure on the situation and everyone is happy

    edited September 2014

    You don't make harmless jokes, you make inappropriate comments:

    Congratulations on being a big anime spammer!

    This is not a joke, this is you being an asshole, so drop it and stop trying to excuse yourself for your oh so funny jokes.

    Rockworm posted: »

    They say reality is how you see it. I'm making harmless jokes and you think I'm being a dick. Someone said something about letting it go? Might have been someone in this thread? I can't be sure who.

  • last year's spike video game awards or whatever Last of Us won like game of the year or something. Its a joke created based around this thing Antonio Banderas did. I forgot the context behind it. Alt text


  • I don't really know how to explain it

    Lmfao why?

  • Awww... sorry, man. :(

    Ellias posted: »

    tfw you love somebody so much but you're too afraid to tell them since it can ruin a good friendship and online

  • October 28:

    Bill Gates, Julia Roberts, Joaquin Phoenix (River Phoenix's brother), and Frank Ocean.

    I have like, no interesting celebrates born on my birthday. Ew Austin Mahone stop pls gross

  • Thanks :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Congrats bro each thumb was deserved and I'm so jelly I was ahead of you a while ago :P BUT WELL DONE AWESOMBRO

  • Lol no, she doesn't

    Does she smell bad

  • Alt text

    XD lmao

    Rockworm posted: »

    They don't even have gifs there!

  • PM me if you want my advice

    Deceptio posted: »

    Is anyone here? I could use all of your opinions and advice on something.




    Rockworm posted: »

    last year's spike video game awards or whatever Last of Us won like game of the year or something. Its a joke created based around this thing Antonio Banderas did. I forgot the context behind it.

  • Yeah, you can also send me a PM c:

    Deceptio posted: »

    Is anyone here? I could use all of your opinions and advice on something.

  • edited September 2014

    So what your saying is you weren't spamming anime just before this?

    I didn't know making an observation was being a dick.

    This boils down to me not joining in the circlejerk over your number of comments therefore I'm a dick.

    And no I wont drop it because I wasn't being a dick, but it seems you sure are.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You don't make harmless jokes, you make inappropriate comments: Congratulations on being a big anime spammer! This is not a joke, this is you being an asshole, so drop it and stop trying to excuse yourself for your oh so funny jokes.

  • Ridiculous? This was a big thing for him, and your opinion on him is irrelevant, I don't care if it's ridiculous, it was a big deal, and if you can't understand that then leave him alone. Everyone is different, and people react in different ways, what does it matter if there are people like me that don't react like this? What does that have to do with anything? Are you calling me irregular or something? I am not blowing this out of proportion, I legitimately posted my thought son the situation and you contested it, so I replied as I always do.

    try to calm yourself down instead of stressing other people out.

    And you're currently stressing ComingSoon out, so I find that highly hypocritical. I am calm, if I stress people out then sorry, but things have been rough, in my life all over, and if that's too much for you then blame me, it's all my fault, it always is. I should have just stayed banned, it's not like you guys needed me anyway...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You know I'm not a fucking rock, right? I'm just like you as well, and each of us may take offense from different things, but this is just r

  • No prob I'm not being arrogant I study psychology a lot and that's a fact too never let hurts feels boil up inside without stating it, it's dangerous no matter people's perception

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    We will miss you bro I hope you don't everyone is happy your my son don't go :'/

    ComingSoon posted: »

    If something offended you or hurt you imo it's never blown out of proportion THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Nobody realizes this.

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