The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2014

    I don't have time for that! Just give me a summary.

    Alt text

    ComingSoon posted: » the whole chain of comments on page 1031 about the chat.

  • Because you weren't sure if I was talking about Raging or you, I just wanted to clear it up.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Well then I don't see why you replied to this comment.

  • TLOU>Skyrim

    smh filthy casuals

    I don't have time for people who don't like Skyrim.

  • Damn... :(

    I don't have time for people who don't like Skyrim.

  • Okay, then. Understandable.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Because you weren't sure if I was talking about Raging or you, I just wanted to clear it up.

  • What drama in skype?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Drama here. Drama in Skype. When will it end?

  • I can't. It's impossible to summarize all that's going down right now. You need to read it.

    Bloodeon posted: »

    I don't have time for that! Just give me a summary.

  • :)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    LOL you got me there for a second

  • Unfortunately people will always be asshole sometimes, and I was one. So there, I guess :\

    When people stop acting like assholes. So... never.


    ComingSoon posted: »

    So...following up on the crazy Chatzy situation with Chet, revealed to be ATR, and Raging and Gary-Oak, I've decided to take an extended bre

  • edited September 2014

    m8 shut ur face b4 i noscope ur nan

    Markd4547 posted: »

    TLOU>Skyrim smh filthy casuals

  • Agreed.

    I don't have time for people who don't like Skyrim.

  • That last one, it will happen.

  • I had this one "friend" who used to be my "best friend" and he insulted The Walking Dead... plus he has his own Telltale Forums account and walk talking about my account "Bloodeon" and how stupid it was and how annoying he/she was, funny thing is he didn't know i was Bloodeon.

    Still to this day, every time i see him i give him the one finger salute.

    Alt text

    When you see someone who used to be your best friend in the hallway at school and they act like they don't even remember you...

  • edited September 2014

    Best friends are in real life are overrated. I'm friends with video games/people on the internet.

    When you see someone who used to be your best friend in the hallway at school and they act like they don't even remember you...

  • Sorry. It'll go by fast without me there, probably. I just need to do this.

    Markd4547 posted: »


    edited September 2014

    Go ahead and bash me, Daniel, but LET IT DROP.

    I thought this died down, you didn't have to make this comment, I did let it drop.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    So...following up on the crazy Chatzy situation with Chet, revealed to be ATR, and Raging and Gary-Oak, I've decided to take an extended bre

  • Oof, I wish lol

    Rockworm posted: »

    Is there a way to block a user? I just don't need this person's drama here. I won't tell their name but I can really use without seeing them anymore.

  • Alt text

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I can't. It's impossible to summarize all that's going down right now. You need to read it.

  • Ok good luck :'/

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Sorry. It'll go by fast without me there, probably. I just need to do this.

  • The Joker one was great he was an awesome actor.

    LMFAO "u gon act like a bitch, u gon die like a bitch."

  • XD fgt I'll b8 ya m8

    m8 shut ur face b4 i noscope ur nan

  • lel nice meme m8

    juin my grup on club pegiun plz

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD fgt I'll b8 ya m8

  • I know that feel.

    When you see someone who used to be your best friend in the hallway at school and they act like they don't even remember you...

  • Android FTW!!!

    xDDDDDDD Fucking Apple is trash I swear.

  • All. The fucking. Time.

    What's worse it when you go to say hello, they look at you with nasty look, and then they walk away.

    When you see someone who used to be your best friend in the hallway at school and they act like they don't even remember you...

  • It must. It's destined.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That last one, it will happen.

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014

    My mind is racing. I'm trying to process this all. That was an unnecessary comment by me, uncalled for, I apologize. I will remove it.

    As for the rest of the comment, I feel it was necessary because it's me letting everyone know why and what I'm leaving for. I felt it was necessary to say that I feel sorry for what I've said and all that's happened.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Go ahead and bash me, Daniel, but LET IT DROP. I thought this died down, you didn't have to make this comment, I did let it drop.

  • This picture is going to kill me one day. I'm going to laugh so hard and something will go wrong and I will die. I know it.

    "got that bitch so good"

  • edited September 2014

    I think that was the person that was Shel on a chat we did, where she was raping Nick and Lee (who i was RPing). It was a role playing chat.

    I actually REALLY want to find that person from the chat A.K.A Raging_Boner. Was it a troll or?... I just can't figure it out.

  • Who AllThatRemains? No.

    Bloodeon posted: »

    I think that was the person that was Shel on a chat we did, where she was raping Nick and Lee (who i was RPing). It was a role playing chat.

  • Sad that you leave, I don't want you to, but it's your choice :c

    ComingSoon posted: »

    My mind is racing. I'm trying to process this all. That was an unnecessary comment by me, uncalled for, I apologize. I will remove it. As

  • I really need to watch the TV show now... i really only played the games. Get Anthony! He's in the bath! Carlpapa

  • Well, I can't explain it for you. It's literally two pages, one click. Sorry pal, but I can't.

  • I don't say hello to them, they don't deserve a friendship :p

    All. The fucking. Time. What's worse it when you go to say hello, they look at you with nasty look, and then they walk away.

  • I have 1 subscriber due to my awesome comments i make :D

    Rockworm posted: »

    Going on Youtube and seeing I have subscribers. Why do I have subscribers? I don't make videos? I did that Arkham City lets play once t

  • I feel ya... the worst felling ever. It's even worse than getting rejected in my opinion.

    Ellias posted: »

    tfw you love somebody so much but you're too afraid to tell them since it can ruin a good friendship and online

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    But you said I was your best friend 4eva batman :'(

    Bloodeon posted: »

    Best friends are in real life are overrated. I'm friends with video games/people on the internet.

  • Kenny, the busted eye and the blood eye patch makes him look more badass.

    bloop posted: »

    Who has the better angry face?

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