The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • No, it was not sad. It was selfish of him. It was brilliant writing, but not sad. Because he decided that sucrifising the intire human race to say Ellie is bad it doen 't mean that it was sad. H ehad only one person left to care for, and he did what he could to save it. It is sad from a cairten agle but if don 't look at it at the very first moment that it happens you missed it. It wasn 't really even that sad! People are overeactin. And because he was cruel it doesn 't mean it was sad. Because he murdered a couple folks that doesn 't make it sad. Because he was an asshole against humanity it wan 't sad. As I said before it was a fitting ending. A good ending in my opinion. But it was not sad.

  • Like, the whole site stays freezed FOR YOU only. And when your ban expires it just goes back to normal.

    Twistee posted: »

    That was stupid.

  • Were they updating the site or something? -.-

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Like, the whole site stays freezed FOR YOU only. And when your ban expires it just goes back to normal.

  • So, I just came back from the dentist and they used anesthasia on me so my mouth is so numb.... WTF brain?

  • Probably, they should of did a warning first.

    Twistee posted: »

    Were they updating the site or something? -.-

  • edited September 2014

    I usually don't like publicly announcing personal stuff, but this was a fun time, so why not?

    There's this douchebag in my school named Eddie, and lately he's been finding enjoyment in annoying me. Now see, Eddie's a real nasty piece of work. Nasty voice, nasty face, looks like an ape, is stupid, gets into fights, is loud and is overall a piece of unlikeable human garbage. Our lockers are close, sadly. I usually ignore him, but this time was different.

    "Hey insert my real name here. Hey insert my real name here. Hey insert my real name here." And this went on for a while. I responded:

    "Fuck off, Eddie." My tone was rather calm with a subtle twinge of contempt, and he kept on going.

    "I asked you real nicely to fuck off, Eddie."

    "insert my real name here, why don't you ever talk?"

    "Because I don't like you."


    I turned to him and said: "Because you're not likeable." Then I walked away.

    Before this I usually just kept to myself and ignored them, so this situation was empowering, to say the least. Being an asshole has its advantages

  • Being an asshole, when you have to be one, is great. Everyone has had their piece of bulling, one way or onother. And finaly giving a hit after taking so meany can be really rewareding. Just, don 't become what you hate.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I usually don't like publicly announcing personal stuff, but this was a fun time, so why not? There's this douchebag in my school named E

  • Deep shit of the day.

    Hell is not others. Hell is their absence.

    Someone really important whose name I can 't remember.

  • Pffft someone just wants to talk about Derek Jeter ;)

    I honestly haven't ever been able to really get into the sport. There are just sooo many games.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Does anyone here watch baseball?

  • Lol go home forums, you're drunk.

  • Being in this school for about three years, surrounded by these kinds of people, has made me very, very jaded and cynical. I tend to assume everyone is an asshole, and treat them accordingly (because that's what experience has made of me, unfortunately), unless my arbitrary, inexplicable "instinct" tells me "this person is alright". At least I'm rational enough to acknowledge that such a mindset is unhealthy. Eh. Could be worse.

    blueneon posted: »

    Being an asshole, when you have to be one, is great. Everyone has had their piece of bulling, one way or onother. And finaly giving a hit after taking so meany can be really rewareding. Just, don 't become what you hate.

  • Ignore this

    I'd say "No running in the lobby."

  • At least yours were posting somehow. I stayed up like 20 minutes longer than I wanted to writing a long-ish post, then when I tried to post, the forums were all like: "Nah man... you don't have permission to do that, sorry."

    Tinni posted: »

    Does anyone know why some posts aren't showing up? I tried to post in a thread 3 times, and it's not showing up. I'm getting so irritated.

  • Hi I've been looking all over for a music download but can't find it if anyone could find me Sarah's character the music you would be awesome!

  • You know, talking from experience, you can 't rule people out because of how the look at first. It took me 5 years in school to start making friends. And it is still hard. And that is because I am too scared of what people will think of me, so I just assume they are going to be asshole about it. And I am almost always wrong. I don 't know what the conditions are over at your school but I really don 't think that this are times to be stupid. Not talking about the age of course. But we are unfortunatly living in a hell-like world. So it is not the time to push anyone away. So, don 't. Don 't just live behind a wall. You should open it 's doors now and then.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Being in this school for about three years, surrounded by these kinds of people, has made me very, very jaded and cynical. I tend to assume

  • Remember when I told you I thought it would last 30 minutes? I was wrong .-.

    Lol go home forums, you're drunk.

  • edited September 2014

    Oh I do have good, trustworthy friends. And I'm glad I have them. But experience has conditioned me to think in this manner. Logically speaking, I know it's a wrong mentality, and I know there are good people out there, but it's hard to accept at times since most of my experiences with people have been quite negative.

    blueneon posted: »

    You know, talking from experience, you can 't rule people out because of how the look at first. It took me 5 years in school to start making

  • Lol, yup. I'm a Yankee fan.

    And that's what I like about baseball, there are tons of games. 162, in fact :P

    Belan posted: »

    Pffft someone just wants to talk about Derek Jeter I honestly haven't ever been able to really get into the sport. There are just sooo many games.

  • Pugsters = pug hipsters

    Giraffehat posted: »


  • You're just jelly cuz you don't have his swag.

    Pugsters = pug hipsters

  • I know that feeling. When someone comes in and almost kills you, you are going to have trouble trunsting anyothes in there. I just guess that I am tired of making mistakes. And I need someone to help not make them. Sorry. :}

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Oh I do have good, trustworthy friends. And I'm glad I have them. But experience has conditioned me to think in this manner. Logically speak

  • I know this gif xD

  • Alt text

    Giraffehat posted: »

    You're just jelly cuz you don't have his swag.

  • Don't mind us guys, just testing a new mod tool that disables forum posting. Muhahahah...

    ...Nah, just kidding. As I'm sure most of you noticed, the site had an issue that has since been fixed. If you have any duplicate posts you made that you want removed, just report a post with the flag button (it even works with your own posts). Don't worry, you don't get in trouble for flagging your own posts.

  • edited September 2014


    I was being sarcastic ;-;

  • I just wanted an excuse to use that picture ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    LMFAO I was being sarcastic ;-;

  • Alt text

    Giraffehat posted: »

    I just wanted an excuse to use that picture ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Hm... Intriguing. But highly disturbing.

  • Oh it wasn't just me then. I was sitting here wondering why all my new posts kept disappearing and why no one else was posting at all.

    CodPatrol posted: »

    Yes, it's back!

  • I was thinking Telltale was going to do a whole redesign for the website. Would of been kind of cool, to be honest.

    Don't mind us guys, just testing a new mod tool that disables forum posting. Muhahahah... ...Nah, just kidding. As I'm sure most of you n

  • No, it was not sad

    It was brilliant writing, but not sad.

    It wasn 't really even that sad!

    doesn 't mean it was sad

    doesn 't make it sad.

    it wan 't sad.

    But it was not sad.

    Drinking game! Everytime blueneon says its not sad! lol

    blueneon posted: »

    No, it was not sad. It was selfish of him. It was brilliant writing, but not sad. Because he decided that sucrifising the intire human race

  • I thought it was just me. I kept coming back hoping it would be fixed for me but it didn't. Went to bed woke up glad its fixed and that it wasn't just me.

    Don't mind us guys, just testing a new mod tool that disables forum posting. Muhahahah... ...Nah, just kidding. As I'm sure most of you n

  • Hehe thanks for the information i thought i had an error or something, there is sometimes also a problem where messages dont appear but you can see them if you go on your profile is that fixed too?

    Don't mind us guys, just testing a new mod tool that disables forum posting. Muhahahah... ...Nah, just kidding. As I'm sure most of you n

  • That would have been cool :/

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I was thinking Telltale was going to do a whole redesign for the website. Would of been kind of cool, to be honest.

  • edited September 2014

    Yeah that's nice in a way, but I feel like I would be somewhat indifferent about a team winning/losing a game because there are so many games left to be played. I don't really watch baseball so I can't really say though.

    I just know football's 16 game season is an emotional roller coaster at times. The implications that come from winning/losing any single game can be pretty meaningful.. which is what I love about it.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, yup. I'm a Yankee fan. And that's what I like about baseball, there are tons of games. 162, in fact :P

  • Very wrong. xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Remember when I told you I thought it would last 30 minutes? I was wrong .-.

  • They normally would give a advanced warning for something like that and they only changed to the current design last September. If you want to see what the old website looked like you can use the wayback machine to see a archive of the old site.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I was thinking Telltale was going to do a whole redesign for the website. Would of been kind of cool, to be honest.

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