The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • lmfaooo, I know! I will get it, I pinky swore. >:D

    I am doing peachy, how are you Gustac?

    YES, I AM, HAI RACHELLEC MA GURL!!! Horse. Mask. How are you?

  • Heh, no.

    papai46 posted: »

    Join the Kool Kenny Krusaders! Fuck the lounge!

  • For some nightmares tonight or to give you some paranoia:


  • The Walking Dead Forum...

    Alt text

  • No mods online so everyone just starts posting random shit...

  • edited September 2014

    This is for all of the urbans here on the lounge;

    ''Look at our enemies: Kenny Krusaders, Ben's Shitbirds, The Ice Breakers, Mike's Knights, The Jane Gang, Alvin's Juiceboxes, Sam's Survivors, The Vanilla Icers, Carver's Villanous Villians and The Ayy LMAO's... Their savage reputation hides the fact that they fight like girls - every one of 'em! My brave urbans! Victory shall be ours! The enemy will be very angry today! For I have stolen all of their saltlicks, boats, nail files, racoons, dog foods, information about where is that fuckin' river, vanilla ice's, juiceboxes, their pretty pregnant ladies and their alien friends! So fight hard, my urbans! The Clementine's have promised me their help in this fight! How can we lose? And remember, they may have boats, shitbirds, racoons, juiceboxes and saltlicks on their side, but we have lovely hats. Those hats will shield us from their fearsome gaze! URBANS, GRAB YOUR MEAT CLEAVERS AND GLASS SHARDS! LET'S SHOW THEM WHO'S REAL BOSS! KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!''

    JOIN US: Lee's Urbans

    URBAN UPDATE: Some knight called Blind Sniper used his sniper and killed all of my urbans. Including other colony warriors... I can't live with that on me. So, if there's any urban left out there... DON'T LOOK BACK AND RUN! We can't beat the ''Telltale's Moderators'' They are too powerful... they came out of nowhere! So... yeah... may the power of the pimp hand be with you my urban brothers... this is general Dark_Star from the ''Lee's Urbans'' colony... we lost the war... drinks too much juiceboxes and dies

  • Dang, all the gangs are gone. Oh well.

    BenGang 4 lyfe

  • WTF?

    Dark_Star posted: »

    This is for all of the urbans here on the lounge; ''Look at our enemies: Kenny Krusaders, Ben's Shitbirds, The Ice Breakers, Mike's Knigh

  • The mods gang rules this land....

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Dang, all the gangs are gone. Oh well. BenGang 4 lyfe

  • Yep...

    CodPatrol posted: »

    No mods online so everyone just starts posting random shit...

  • I know .... Bye

    The Walking Dead Forum...

  • Good for you, talk to me before you go, I'll be joining in less than 2 years.

    Yea I joined a while ago I'm just trying to decide which career to take

  • You can't be too sure.. Those ugly fuckers are devious

  • Suddenly, forum members started to creating random gangs. It was fun to be honest. But it's over now. I became a dramatic urban there. Sorry :D

    Saltlick123 posted: »


  • What do you guys think about suicide?

  • Alt text

    The Walking Dead Forum...

  • Damn, lol

    papai46 posted: »

    BigbyMasterRace? I think i'll leave the KKK and join that one.

  • Well the gang threads are over, it was fun while it lasted I guess


  • When I was on last it was only KKK and Jane Gang, Then when I come back, tons of other ones and then Mods close all of them.... (Kool Kenny Krusaders For life!)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Dang, all the gangs are gone. Oh well. BenGang 4 lyfe

  • edited September 2014

    If there's any Kool Kenny Krusaders left, Go On the Chat! Retreat! If you need a link PM Me! (Lol) EDIT: ALL KENNY KRUSDAERS GO ON THE CHAT PM ME IF YOU NEED A LINK (LOL)

    Dark_Star posted: »

    This is for all of the urbans here on the lounge; ''Look at our enemies: Kenny Krusaders, Ben's Shitbirds, The Ice Breakers, Mike's Knigh

  • Someone say Salt?

    Mhmmhm.. chocolate salty balls

  • Yeah.. it was fun.

    bloop posted: »

    Well the gang threads are over, it was fun while it lasted I guess Lee'sUrbans4Lyfe

  • I know, I'm a member of the Kool Kenny Krusaders we've been together for a few days, have a chat, and just made a thread recently, I meant to say WTF? To Lee's URBANS declaring war on the crusaders (MODDSSS, I understand Clem Tears)

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Suddenly, forum members started to creating random gangs. It was fun to be honest. But it's over now. I became a dramatic urban there. Sorry

  • I guess the Moderators Clan won the land in the end....

    Dark_Star posted: »

    Yeah.. it was fun.

  • edited September 2014

    I tried to fight back... but he was to powerful. My pimp hand didn't even hurt him. I've never seen anything like this. What kind of power and madness was that?

    bloop posted: »

    I guess the Moderators Clan won the land in the end....

  • If you look the merged thread, where he mentions all the gang's, he never mentioned the Vanilla Icers, they're still alive!

    Dark_Star posted: »

    I tried to fight back... but he was to powerful. My pimp hand didn't even hurt him. I've never seen anything like this. What kind of power and madness was that?


    bloop posted: »

    If you look the merged thread, where he mentions all the gang's, he never mentioned the Vanilla Icers, they're still alive!

  • go on it, they live, but few in numbers....

    Dark_Star posted: »


  • Don't support it, like Kenny said "you stick it out" Suicide to me is kind of selfsih because you're just wasting your life and taking happiness away from other especially your loved ones...

    papai46 posted: »

    What do you guys think about suicide?

  • I handled it... a little late, but better late than never. :/

    CodPatrol posted: »

    No mods online so everyone just starts posting random shit...

  • Evil forces, at least the Vanilla Icers live

    The Maniacal Mods. Hmm, could that be a gang?

  • runs off and creates thread titled "the maniacal mods" immediately

    The Maniacal Mods. Hmm, could that be a gang?

  • The Maniacal Mods. Hmm, could that be a gang? ;)

    bloop posted: »

    The mods gang rules this land....

  • There was only 2 gangs when I left.... When I came back tons of them but they were all closed, Damn Just Damn....

    I handled it... a little late, but better late than never.

  • they came out of nowhere! So... yeah... may the power of the pimp hand be with you my urban brothers...

    Crowd Control beats the Urban power of the Pimp Hand any day of the week.

    Dark_Star posted: »

    This is for all of the urbans here on the lounge; ''Look at our enemies: Kenny Krusaders, Ben's Shitbirds, The Ice Breakers, Mike's Knigh

  • Alt text

    they came out of nowhere! So... yeah... may the power of the pimp hand be with you my urban brothers... Crowd Control beats the Urban power of the Pimp Hand any day of the week.

  • Gasp You, You killed the Kennys YOU BASTARDS!!!!!

    The Maniacal Mods. Hmm, could that be a gang?

  • I'm tempted to make a "RIP GANG THREADS" thread. Should I do it?

    Dark_Star posted: »


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