[Mac][Steam] Game just stops

after really enjoying "The Walking Dead" I found myself purchasing "The Wolf Among Us" back in december last year on steam.
Since then Ive tried several times (didn't start it for months between the tries) to play the game couldn't manage to actually get through the first episode though.

The problem still remains the same even if I managed to get a bit further in the game - the game window just gets closed at certain points in the game and thats about it.
At first it was at the point were you get to talk with Colin (pretty sure it was quite at the end of the conversation) - game just shut down several times.
Now I gave it another shot and was actually excited when this time I actually could move on, sadly the game now "crashed" in the same way twice in a row when trying to touch the lamp (guess this is only optional?) in the office.

I tried to read a bit in the forum but couldn't find a solution - so I decided to download the Support Script but for some reason it seems to be stuck at the point where its looking for the location of the game.

Really getting a bit frustrated on my end here and would dislike to put the game down for months again - on the other hand Im not in the mood to let those problems ruin my game experience of an arguably great game (even if I can just judge the style and the setting so far).

Looking forward to hopefully getting some help/advice on here.


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Can you please clarify which episode you are currently stuck in, and where you are in the episode? Are you possibly stuck in Crane's apartment in Episode 3? If so, I recommend try rewinding to the chapter/checkpoint in Episode 3 where you make the decision of where to go, and try going to another location first, and you should not experience the same issue. If you still experience the crash, please run the support tool file again, and please allow 5-10 minutes for it to complete successfully. You will know when it has completed when it creates a .Zip file and opens a window with the created file on your desktop. You can then follow the instructions in The Support Tool Thread to upload the files to a file hosting website, and copy and paste the download link to that file in a reply to this thread, and we will be able to assist you further.

  • Currently stuck in Episode 1 at the point where you meet Crane, Bufkin & the mirror for the first time.

    Also: Support Tool zip

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    After looking over your Support Tool information, it seems that your computer is running below the minimum system requirements to run the game successfully. Where we require a minimum of 512mb of dedicated memory from a computer's graphics card, your computer is currently running at 256mb of dedicated memory. Your computer uses an integrated graphics card, which we do not recommend using for our game, as they tend to run under minimum specs. I recommend either trying to update your current graphics card's drivers to the latest version, and see if you are able to play, or try playing the game on a computer above minimum system requirements if you have the ability to. You can also try changing the game's resolution and graphics settings to a lower setting, and then continue the episode, and see if your issue is resolved.

    For any inquiries regarding refunds for games purchased through Steam, please contact Steam Support directly for further assistance, as they are the sole distributor of the Steam version of the game.

    Sutoyk posted: »

    Currently stuck in Episode 1 at the point where you meet Crane, Bufkin & the mirror for the first time. Also: Support Tool zip

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