Mountain dew with icecream inside......I HAVE TO TRY THIS!
So cute, I love Katie Junior peed his pants, lmao! And Georgie, misreading the flyer and taking the kids through the 'Big Kid' Haunted house XD Priceless. I loved it.
Day 4
@LupineNoir Haha both our guys hate birds! Finally Georgie has someone he can relate to! XD
Dear Diary:
Hello?… more What do I do with these things? Hmmm. I've seen mommy write in them before but....
Oh, hi! My name is Katherine Porgie and my mommy is out at the moment. I wanted to tell you all about the fantastic time we had today at the Pumpkin Patch!
Well, daddy woke us all up early and we had a BIG breakfast. Mommy made us eggs, waffles, orange juice and toast; daddy went to the store and brought back a lot of fruits to cut up. I had Strawberries on top of mine. He also got syrup and we covered the Waffles in it. That was so good!
Later, I got to play outside with my brothers and sisters for a bit. We had to be bundled up because its getting cold now. The wind was blowing really hard all day. The leaves daddy raked were scattered all over the yard. He said we could play in them. Penny and I made a house ou… [view original content]
I ADORE Katie! She is my 2nd favorite! I thought the Haunted House was funny! I was reading the description and thought 'Uh whoa, what!' Typical Georgie behavior, man! XD And that ending! So cute!! XD
Day 4
@LupineNoir Haha both our guys hate birds! Finally Georgie has someone he can relate to! XD
Dear Diary:
Hello?… more What do I do with these things? Hmmm. I've seen mommy write in them before but....
Oh, hi! My name is Katherine Porgie and my mommy is out at the moment. I wanted to tell you all about the fantastic time we had today at the Pumpkin Patch!
Well, daddy woke us all up early and we had a BIG breakfast. Mommy made us eggs, waffles, orange juice and toast; daddy went to the store and brought back a lot of fruits to cut up. I had Strawberries on top of mine. He also got syrup and we covered the Waffles in it. That was so good!
Later, I got to play outside with my brothers and sisters for a bit. We had to be bundled up because its getting cold now. The wind was blowing really hard all day. The leaves daddy raked were scattered all over the yard. He said we could play in them. Penny and I made a house ou… [view original content]
There WILL be some trouble between him and Lyla but all will be resolved. As far as Rose goes, they used to sleep with one another befor Robert ended this. He felt there was no need to carry on, if a relationship was not to blossom between them. Rose CARES for Robert; she is very worried and concerned he's looking for trouble.
Yeah, top marks on the description! I have a thing about neon lights in the rain, so that appealed to me
It's good that Robert might be … morefinding friendship elsewhere, but how does he see himself with Lyla? Is he okay with just being friends? And how does Rose feel about things? She's close to Robert - maybe she has feelings for him? So many questions! I shall have to read more.
There WILL be some trouble between him and Lyla but all will be resolved. As far as Rose goes, they used to sleep with one another befor Rob… moreert ended this. He felt there was no need to carry on, if a relationship was not to blossom between them. Rose CARES for Robert; she is very worried and concerned he's looking for trouble.
No, you're pretty much on target
And yeah, I hear ya. It took a ton out of me today, I'm ready to sleep lol! It's not even dinner time just yet and I need a nap XD
Thanks for the support during ch.1 guys. Here's ch.2, and make sure to lemme know what you think
Chapter 2
Slowly. Carefully. I staye… mored patiently, waiting for that flying monkey to fall asleep on his drunk ass. He continued to hum tunelessly until the bottle slipped from his arms and crashed on the floor. A few more seconds, and I heard snoring.
I straightened up and stretched for a second before looking around the Business Office. Obviously, something big had been happening in the city. Papers were thrown aimlessly on the desk, dust had started to collect, and the entire office just seemed to have a sense of tension. Nevertheless, I walked across to my destination - the Magic Mirror.
Halfway there, a sword stopped my path, leaning on my shoulder. Smiling, I turned around. "Snow White," I said. "Its been a while."
Snow glared at me with her piercing eyes. Also to strike fear into me, her dress was covered in blood, and her hair… [view original content]
Interesting to read Robbie's take on things! When you (or Robbie?) mentions going to the Farm with Aunt Mary and Aunt Morgan and theirs kids, does this mean that Morgan and Peter had children?
October 4th
Dear Diary,
I guess I'm doing this for the appeal of writing, seeing as my passion is books and all things figurative. I r… moreead something somewhere that writing down thoughts improves ones memory as well as recalling and math skills. I just couldn't resist at that point! Today is the fourth, and normally it gets cold in early October. We're already starting to wear our coats, and it actually snowed yesterday. Today, my Grandma Winter came over to make some cookies with us. I love the chocolate chip kind. Afterwards, she took us to Central Park so we could play with some mundy children. I recognize a few of them from school and I watched Noah play kickball with a group of them. I don't like sports as much as him. I'd rather play with Scarlett, she's the only one who doesn't call me four eyes because of my glasses.
At least they're red. Red is my favorite color. There's this cute girl on our school bus who always wears red ba… [view original content]
I loved the guard! The 3 headed dog is a beauty in itself and I loved how you incorporated him into TWAU. The interaction between Adam and Snow was very tense. Keep up the great work. This is getting REALLY good!
Thanks for the support during ch.1 guys. Here's ch.2, and make sure to lemme know what you think
Chapter 2
Slowly. Carefully. I staye… mored patiently, waiting for that flying monkey to fall asleep on his drunk ass. He continued to hum tunelessly until the bottle slipped from his arms and crashed on the floor. A few more seconds, and I heard snoring.
I straightened up and stretched for a second before looking around the Business Office. Obviously, something big had been happening in the city. Papers were thrown aimlessly on the desk, dust had started to collect, and the entire office just seemed to have a sense of tension. Nevertheless, I walked across to my destination - the Magic Mirror.
Halfway there, a sword stopped my path, leaning on my shoulder. Smiling, I turned around. "Snow White," I said. "Its been a while."
Snow glared at me with her piercing eyes. Also to strike fear into me, her dress was covered in blood, and her hair… [view original content]
Look at their expressions! XD The hatred for birds just comes right off the page, and I love the spoon in Mr. Weasel's mouth! The toughest duo Fabletown's ever seen, when it comes to birds. I'm still colouring your other picture of Mr. Weasel, but once I've done I wouldn't mind a go at this one, if it's fine by you!
Ethan picking a squash and them having to agree that it's a baby pumpkin is adorable! And Georgie taking them to the big kids Haunted House! :P
Day 4
@LupineNoir Haha both our guys hate birds! Finally Georgie has someone he can relate to! XD
Dear Diary:
Hello?… more What do I do with these things? Hmmm. I've seen mommy write in them before but....
Oh, hi! My name is Katherine Porgie and my mommy is out at the moment. I wanted to tell you all about the fantastic time we had today at the Pumpkin Patch!
Well, daddy woke us all up early and we had a BIG breakfast. Mommy made us eggs, waffles, orange juice and toast; daddy went to the store and brought back a lot of fruits to cut up. I had Strawberries on top of mine. He also got syrup and we covered the Waffles in it. That was so good!
Later, I got to play outside with my brothers and sisters for a bit. We had to be bundled up because its getting cold now. The wind was blowing really hard all day. The leaves daddy raked were scattered all over the yard. He said we could play in them. Penny and I made a house ou… [view original content]
Alice grabs Katie's dress, as her hands are deep in water and suds.
"Excuse me?" Katie continues to wash a dish.
"Can we go swimming?" Alice repeats, twirling her dress around.
"Alice, it's cold outside and you girls ate. Plus, its getting dark."
"Uncle Gren swims in the dark...."
The one time Katie takes them over to their great aunt Carla's house to get something, is the time Gren is out back swimming about. Intrigued, the girls watched him like they've never seen a Grendel swim. Come to find out, its because it was DARK.
"Well, your Uncle Gren has lost his mind over the years."
Jersey walks in. "Mind your mother, Alice."
"Yes sir."
Junior follows close behind with another pile of dishes. Jersey carefully watches as he puts the plates beside Katie, helps clean up the table and make a plate to take home.
"Where is Mary?"
"Have her come in here! We have a card game to play!"
Junior glared at Jersey. "Yeah. Good luck with that..."
Jersey sighed. Yeah, it was not worth it. He decided to help Junior clean. Lyla returned with another plate.
"Man I remember having to do this almost every night."
Katie laughs. "Yeah. THIS is why I don't cook dinner every night."
"Bullshit." Jersey flicks some soap bubbles at Katie. "What'ta you talkin' 'about!? This lady is always cookin' something in here!"
Lyla glares at her daughter. "Yeah. Why do I believe Jersey before you?"
Before she could answer, Emily tosses a few cups into the sink, causing the water to run over the sides.
"Got more for you."
"Really Emily?" Katie tosses a towel on the wet spots. "Do you KNOW how to do anything?"
"I know how to eat, drive a car, make my bed, make sweet love, tr-"
Junior throws a banana at Emily's back. "Stop! Just, stop, Emily!"
Emily picks up the fruit. "Mmmm. Yum! Thanks, Junior!"
Hope, Georgia and Sarah laugh in the corner. They watch as Aunt Emily peels the skin back and inhale the fruit. She tosses the remainder into the trash. Hope jumps into her lap.
"Hope, sweetie, are there any more plates?"
"No mommy."
She wets a rag. "Here. Can you and the others clean off the table for me?"
Snatching the rag, Sarah and the others head out to the dinning area.
"Beauty of having thirteen kids; there is bound to be one or more willing to clean up with me."
Jersey laughs. "Those little monsters are pretty good when it comes to that."
The girls return and hand Katie the rag. They bounce around in their spots.
"Its all clean, mommy! Can we go play?"
"Yes you may. DON'T RUN-"
But before she could finish, the kids take off towards their rooms. Laughing, Katie returns to the dishes.
"Those girls, I swear. Love them to bits."
Junior finishes with the remainder of the food. "Yeah. They are a handful but you can't help but love them."
"No kids for me!" Emily pops open a beer can top. "Fuck those little bastards! Invading MY body, taking up mY time, eating MY food! Who the hell are you, to just walts in me, take a seat and think you're the fuckin' boss, huh?"
Lyla laughs. "WOW, dear. Tell us how you REALLY feel."
"I'm serious, mom! I'm surprised you let dad send THIS many kids into you at once and YOU, Katie. My God! Clown car!"
Junior nearly drops the containers, as Jersey tries to contain his laughter. "Oh my God! My sides! This woman!"
"Emily, seriously stop!"
"Oh lighten up, Junior! It's a bloody joke!"
"Well, that's YOUR opinion and-"
"Why am I askin' YOU? I should be askin Mary how SHE feels bout all this! MARY!"
Seconds later, Mary walks into the kitchen. Jersey is still in the corner, trying to control his laughing.
"Did I miss anything?"
"Tell us how you REALLY felt having Junior's kids. Don't give me 'It was so beautiful' or 'most magical time of my life.' We are not describing your trip to Disneyland, so out with it!"
Mary sits beside Emily. "Well, it WAS magical but I'll tell you this-those Porgie heads are no joke." Mary and Lyla fist bump. "See. She get's me."
"Well, Junior, sweetie. You have your father's big head. George has your big head. Even the TWINS have your big ass head!"
Jersey is now on the floor, coughing and trying to catch his breathe.
"Stop, stop! No more! You guys are killin' me!!"
Junior snorts. "Well, uh...go ask Penny how she feels about kids!"
There is the sound of little feet. "MOMMY!"
"Which one is that?"
Hannah opens the door. "Mommy! It's me! Bella and Willow are not sharing the toys!"
"What are they doing?"
"Sheila and I and Hope are playing dolls and they took like, three of them and they won't give them back and-"
Willow runs into the kitchen. Behind her follows Ava Rose.
"Nuh uh! We didn't do that!"
"Yes you did!"
Ava Rose slaps Hannah. "What's the matta' with you!?"
Katie drops a dish. "AVA ROSE NICOLE LEEDS!"
Everyone is silent, as Katie snatches the girl. "Outside, NOW! March!"
Emily tries to hold it back. "DAMN! Watch out!"
"Mommy is going to give her a spanking, Auntie Emily."
Jersey finally stands up and follows Katie. "Yeah well, she gonna hear it from daddy, too."
Minutes later, Ava Rose walks in; Jersey and Katie follow behind, as the girl walks past everyone and disappears back upstairs.
"Go play, girls. She is not allowed to play for the rest of the night. Share and if I hear one more time how no one is playing nicely, you're all grounded. Understood?"
Agreeing, the other girls walk back to their room.
"Oh, man. Sounds like us almost every night, huh Junior?"
"Huh. Don't remind me...."
Emily sighs. "See. THIS is why my Vagina is a 'baby-free' area."
Later that night, after saying their goodbyes and taking home some leftovers, the family leaves. Last one to walk out of the Leed's household is Penny. Georgie assists her with the baby seat, as Katie stands close by.
"Got all his stuff?"
"Yes, dad. I'll be home in a bit."
Georgie kisses her forehead. "Be safe, you hear?"
Getting into the car, he and Lyla drive away. Josiah stirs in his seat, as Penny covers him with a blanket.
"Sssh, sssh, sweetie. Almost home. Just relax..."
"You gonna be alright?" Katie hands her the diaper bag. "You wanna talk?"
"About what, Katie."
"You know..."
Penny gets into the driver's seat and starts the car. The engine roars, as she turns the radio down.
"Sounds like the car needs an oil change."
"Yeah. Maybe."
"Jersey can do tha-"
"I don't need your help, Katie. I hate charity and-"
"Its not charity, Penny. Its a bloody oil change and-"
Penny sighs. "I'm, uh, gonna need you and Jersey to watch Josiah for me tomorrow. Mom and dad are going to be out of town."
"Sure. You have work?"
"Don't, Katie. Just...stop. We ALL can't have what you do; perfect kids, beautiful home, a loving husband..."
"Penny, please..."
Penny sighs. "I gotta go. See you in the morning."
She drives away into the busy streets, as she heads back home. Katie sighs, as she turns to walk back inside. Waiting for her, are thirteen eager sleepy little girls and a husband that adores her.
Chapter 11 soon
Figure write now. Won't be around this afternoon. Going to be a blast, though! If you have any questions, you know what to do.
'The dynamic duo' No bird will be left to raom the space, so long as Mr. Weasel and Georgie are here! XD
Sure! I do not mind one bit! Plus, if you didn't mind, would LOVE to see the finished projects. That is, if you care to share. :)It always fascinates to see how people color some of my work. IDK why! XD
Sometimes, you just gotta agree with little kids. XD And its so typical Georgie behavior; saw 'Haunted house' and that was it.
Look at their expressions! XD The hatred for birds just comes right off the page, and I love the spoon in Mr. Weasel's mouth! The toughest d… moreuo Fabletown's ever seen, when it comes to birds. I'm still colouring your other picture of Mr. Weasel, but once I've done I wouldn't mind a go at this one, if it's fine by you!
Ethan picking a squash and them having to agree that it's a baby pumpkin is adorable! And Georgie taking them to the big kids Haunted House! :P
I hope you have fun today. Be safe. I heard they are doing construction on the freeway you're heading on. I know this may SOUND weird but text me when you get there. Sure you already got my message.
Anyways, I loved this. You're not afraid to show how famil life works sometimes, even if they ARE Fables. I loved how Jersey couldn't seem to control his laughter but with a comedian like Emily, i can't blame the guy. XD She says what Emily wants and you know what-that works for me.
I adore the girls and they are little spit fires! XD Hillarious dialouge between Mary and Lyla (that fist bump part was THE best!) and poor Junior...still singled out every time. I feel bad for Penelope; seems like right now the poor girl is confused and looking for anything to help. I'm looking forward to her section in your upcoming chapters; there are so many questions I have still unanswered. HOW these two came to be is what I'm looking forward to the most.
Great little image, too. I LOVE his facial expressions. Typical Johann; a bundle of nervousness. Can't wait for your next chapter.
Chaoter 10
Blurred lines
"Can we go swimming?"
Alice grabs Katie's dress, as her hands are deep in water and suds.
"Excuse me?" … moreKatie continues to wash a dish.
"Can we go swimming?" Alice repeats, twirling her dress around.
"Alice, it's cold outside and you girls ate. Plus, its getting dark."
"Uncle Gren swims in the dark...."
The one time Katie takes them over to their great aunt Carla's house to get something, is the time Gren is out back swimming about. Intrigued, the girls watched him like they've never seen a Grendel swim. Come to find out, its because it was DARK.
"Well, your Uncle Gren has lost his mind over the years."
Jersey walks in. "Mind your mother, Alice."
"Yes sir."
Junior follows close behind with another pile of dishes. Jersey carefully watches as he puts the plates beside Katie, helps clean up the table and make a plate to take home.
"Where is Mary?"
"Have her … [view original content]
Lydia enters the throne where Argula is waiting. As she step into the wicked room the door behinds her disappears and then room begins to change into some kind of ritual like arena. From behind Lydia, the Kingdom of Light can be seen and behind Argula the Kingdom of Darkness can be seen behind her as well.
"What is this Argula?" Lydia demanding an explanation.
"It is the ritual that I waited far to long to completed. The ritual summon summon the divine knight who created the two blades we now hold in our hands. The very same blades that destroyed our people, Lydia."
"Our people?"
"I see you still haven't recovered all of your memory yet. You she my dear Lydia, our kind... is different from normal fables. We need to the mundanes to believe in us in order to become powerful. Our power is granted from the blessings of our god, The Divine Knight. Which is why our kingdoms remained hidden in the world beyond, is our gods lair."
"But why did our so called god step in and stop us from destroying ourselves, where was he when his people needed him?"
"That Lydia is still a mystery. But that is not my real goal."
"Then what is your goal, Argula? Become another Adversary and conquer more kingdoms?"
"No... that is so last year. Besides I only need your friends kingdoms for resources. I was planning to release them eventually but..."
"It doesn't matter, I plan on taking you down here and ending your tyranny once and for all Argula."
"Such fire in your, but I wonder how long with it burn once I'm finished with you. Let's get on with the show shall we?"
Argula dropped her cape and unsheathe the Dark Calibur and then Lydia did the same with the Light Calibur. The two began to draw closer to each other before circling each other for a brief moment then crossing blades. Their epic battle has begun.
Outside, the battle rages on as Prince Delphantez forces tries to hold off the Dark Kingdoms armada. There is struggle, but with the help of Redd and Wolvens shadow dogs and spirit wolfs, they will manege to defeat them armada in due time.
However, things are not looking so god for the Robin Hood brothers, they are surround. As the try to hold their ground, more enemies continue to come for them, no matter how many they defeat. They just keep on coming.
"There is to many Walter! Even with Lydia's light arrows we cant hold them off!"
Walter thinks for a moment and makes a serious choice. He decides to sacrifice himself in order to save his younger brother from the knights, allowing Robby to escape. But Robby still tries to fight and save his brother, but is too late... Walter has already been stabbed several times by the knight..
Enrage, Robby continues to fight off the knights but soon, if he don't escape he too will meet the fate that befell on his dear brother. Fortunately, in a flash, Draco swoops down and saves Robby before he get his self killed by the knights too. Robby demanded Draco to take him back, he must avenge his brothers death.
Draco refuses and tell Robby that it is too dangerous and he will be killed to if he tries to fight all of them. As they fly away into safety all Robby can do is stare at the place were Walter died, as it gets farther and farther away from sight..
Back inside, the duel between Lydia and Argula continued. They both demonstrate skilled swordsmanship as the seem to remain on balance one of them delivers powerful blows to each other. Lydia manages to cut Argula's arm while Argula slightly stabs Lydia's hip.
"That's right Lydia, Keep fighting. The ritual is almost complete, soon we will be whole."
"You destroyed so many lives, Argula please stop this now before I hurt you!"
"Hurt me? Are you joking?" Argula as she delivers a powerful blow to Lydia, forcing her back."
"You know a the Princess of Light, you are quite full of yourself. But that won't be a concern anymore, as the ritual is finished. Now our God shall appear before us and merge our kingdoms and our selves into one, where no would dare to challenge us!"
Suddenly the a bright twilight beamed down on the two and from it the Divine Knight emerged.
"Yes my lord, you are here, at last our kind will know perfect. At last we can be whole!"
"This can't be..." Lydia, shocked, and amazed by the gods power.
"Who dares awaken me from my sacred slumber.....?" The Divine Knight as he look down upon the two.
"I your holiness, I Argula! Princess of the Dark Kingdom! I wish to merge my self with Princess Lydia and as well as the Light and Dark Kingdom! This is what I summoned you for! Grant us our wish so that we can fulfill our destiny!"
"NO...???" Lydia and Argula confused.
"Understand this Princess Argula, there is a reason why your kingdom and the light kingdom disappeared from existence. Greed had consumed our people.. We wanted to extend our power, which lead to our demise. I created Light and Dark Calibur as my gift to both kingdoms.. but what do you all do. Destroy your selves, you fought each other like vile animals"
"But your holiness! " Argula pleading.
"If you want me to grant such a wish you both must prove yourselves to me. Kill your opposites and absorb their power.."
"But your holiness, that is not what I want! I don't want this! I don't want death and despair. I want peace and harmony! Your holiness, I did some serious thinking before I enter this chamber. I figured that there was a reason for our kingdoms destruction, like what you said. But... as much as I would want to go back to my old life.. I enjoy this world, the fable homelands and even the strange mundane world.
I met some of the most interesting people in my new life. The guardians of the Light Calibur and the group who saved my life... There is also someone that I unyielding affection for in that group...."
"Where are you getting at dear Light Princess?" The Divine Knight as he looks at Lydia.
"What am I saying is, I want to life among the fables and others, and resign my position as Light Princess. I enjoy my new life my holiness, and I want to continue on enjoying it. This is my wish, your holiness."
"Are you sure that this is your wish..?"
"Then it is settled, I shall grant the victor of this final duel to the winner. Upon that, they will claim their prize. Are you ready?"
"Yes, we are"
"Then let the battle commence..."
Argula and Lydia took their battle stance and before preparing to face off one last time..
"Once I'm finished with you Lydia.. I'm going to put your friends out of their mesery, and there I will begin to craft a new future..."
Interesting to read Robbie's take on things! When you (or Robbie?) mentions going to the Farm with Aunt Mary and Aunt Morgan and theirs kids, does this mean that Morgan and Peter had children?
Junior throws a banana XD Emily is always the troublemaker, no matter what the hell happens. The kids are cute as usual Starting to kinda remember their names....still a few I can't recall without reading it off of a list XD
Emily's thoughts on having kids is priceless XD She's literally the total opposite of me, I swear.
And Mary XD The Porgie heads XDDDDD
The whole thing had me choking up harder than Jersey XD
Little Ava Rose seems to be pretty bold. I love how you included their last name as Leeds, very nice touch. Did you know there's a Leeds road in NJ? I drove down it ONCE and it was the craziest thing, because it was dark and my friends were in the car and we were joking like "Oh look out for the Jersey Devil!" And as we were driving we saw these tiny red lights in the distance and everyone was freaking out and as soon as we got close enough it was just the little red flashers on someone's bicycle. Who the hell rides their bike down that street AT NIGHT?
I digress. This chapter was sooooo cute and funny.
Emily sighs. "See. THIS is why my Vagina is a 'baby-free' area." ~ XDDD
That ending tho Penny's got some shit to deal with. I like the picture...I don't think Johann is such a bad guy, although I still don't know enough to come to conclusions about him, Penny, and Oliver. I hope we get the full story in coming chapters. This one was great
Chaoter 10
Blurred lines
"Can we go swimming?"
Alice grabs Katie's dress, as her hands are deep in water and suds.
"Excuse me?" … moreKatie continues to wash a dish.
"Can we go swimming?" Alice repeats, twirling her dress around.
"Alice, it's cold outside and you girls ate. Plus, its getting dark."
"Uncle Gren swims in the dark...."
The one time Katie takes them over to their great aunt Carla's house to get something, is the time Gren is out back swimming about. Intrigued, the girls watched him like they've never seen a Grendel swim. Come to find out, its because it was DARK.
"Well, your Uncle Gren has lost his mind over the years."
Jersey walks in. "Mind your mother, Alice."
"Yes sir."
Junior follows close behind with another pile of dishes. Jersey carefully watches as he puts the plates beside Katie, helps clean up the table and make a plate to take home.
"Where is Mary?"
"Have her … [view original content]
Since my brothers and sisters are all doing this, I guess I should to. Today we picked pumpkins out at the Farm. Dad and Mom said not to smash any, but I did anyway and I got the guts all over me. I was laughing until Noah told on me and Mom yelled at me really, really loudly. I didn't cry because crying is for wussies, but I almost felt like I wanted to. Anyways, after I smashed one I wasn't aloud to have any Apple flavored icecream. It's okay though, I hate apples.
I was so happy when Aunt Mary got there! She and my other Aunt Morgan walked over with their kids and we all played hide and seek. It's easier to hide here than the little courtyard outside of our home in Fabletown. My spot was the best because I was found last, and when Robbie found me I screamed to scare him and he peed himself. And then I was yelled at again for scaring him.
After we picked pumpkins and played for a while, it kinda got colder so Mom and Dad took us to Gramma Snow and Grampaw Bigby's house. They made us a HUGE dinner with lots of good food, which kind of reminded me of Thanksgiving sort of. Then, after dinner, Gramma Snow went into the closet and pulled out paints so we could paint our pumpkins! We did it on the back porch together, and I made mine a scary vampire. Robbie made his cookie monster from sesame street, which was super stupid but I decided I didn't want to get grounded again, so I didn't say anything to him. Scarlett's was okay. It was a black cat shadow, which makes a 5.2 on the scary meter. In my opinion, at least. When we were done with that, we went inside and Gramma Snow made some cookies with Gramma Winter. Sometimes I get them mixed up because they look really similar. Aunt Mary left earlier than us and so did Aunt Morgan. She has a new little baby so she had to bring him home and take care of him she told me. But I wish my cousin Wendy didn't have to go, too. She's five and really fun to mess with.
Aunt Mary said she was going to be over for dinner tomorrow, which is really awesome. I hope she bakes another cake, she's really good at doing that. Also, I gave my pumpkin to aunt Mary because I wanted her to have it to put in her window or something for halloween. That way my brothers can't "Accidentally" break mine.
After cookies, Mom took us home. I was really, really tired after today because it was a lot of work figuring out which pumpkins we each wanted. I wanted to be a wolf, but Dad said next time we visit. I hate living in Fabletown because we aren't allowed to be in our true forms unless we're home, which is also forbidden by Mom because our apartment is tiny. I wish I had my own room, I would totally cover the walls in the posters I get every Christmas. Right now they just sit in a cardboard box under my bed though.
Right now, everyone's asleep. They finished writing a while ago, but I kinda don't want them to know I'm writing in mine, because I think it's kinda stupid to have these things if everyone knows you keep one. It makes you more vulnerable to all of your secrets getting out.
When Mary got home after work, she took a goddamn long shower.
She looked in the mirror and scoffed at her own appearance. She scoffed at how low she was diving this time round.
Hell, maybe this is worse than working for the goddamn Crooked Man.
She shook that thought away. No shit was worse than that. Sure, at the time of it all, it was sort of fun. But at what cost?
She pulled on more conservative clothes on. A black pair of jeans, white T-Shirt, and her favorite jacket. She rubbed her face with her hands. She was exhausted, more than usual. Her entrance through the mirror and into Harmony's house was swift. The bathroom lights were out. One day she's gonna stumble in there and Tim is going to be taking a shit, she knows it.
Her head poked out into the living room. Dinner was in the air, and she could hear the mindless babbling her son was making.
"Aunt Harm! I have chicken on my plate!" He said enthusiastically as I walked in.
"Oh, hey Mary. How were...things?" She tried to ask as generally as possible.
I just grimaced and ignored her question. "How was my little terror?"
"Nothing of the sort. He played nice with his cousins in the playpen, then we let him loose for a bit to run out some energy. He had fun at the park today, we let him feed ducks and go down the big slide."
"I went down the big slide! It was red, Mommy!" He stood up on his seat and made a wide gesturing with his hands, to show Mary how big the slide was.
"That's awesome buddy! Now sit down and finish your food. I'll sit right here-" Mary patted the empty chair next to his,"- and eat dinner with you."
"Yay!" The more cheered. He sat down in his booster seat and picked the fork up, sloppily scooping the rice onto it.
Mary ate her plate of food and watched as Harmony struggled to keep every child content in their highchairs.
"Patience! I'm feeding you all as fast as I can! I might as well just leave the food on your trays and let you do it yourself..."
Elora whined when it was too long since her last spoonful of whatever concoction Harm was giving them.
"I should help," Mary said, standing.
"No, it's alright," Harm said.
"No, seriously. Give me another spoon, I'll get these brats fed in under ten minutes."
"Haha, okay." Harmony grabbed a spoon from the kitchen drawer. She gave half of the meal to Mary and together they got each child equally filled to their bursting point.
"Good job. Now I just have to bath them."
"Right. I should get Carter home. He needs to get to bed soon."
"Okay. It's nice seeing you, Mary."
"You too Harm. And you as well, Timothy."
Tim laughed,"Yeah. We'll have to get together soon, when your hours aren't so bad."
"Yeah," Mary said. She picked Carter up, grabbed his diaper bag, and went home. The lights were all out, so she turned some on.
Her heart dropped when she saw him in her apartment.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More later probably, depending on how things are later.
Writing this secton brought back memories to when my siblings and I acted like 'children' in the kitchen during gatherings. I wanted to incorporate that into the Porgie clan; they are a rowdy bunch that always seem to have fun no matter what.
Emily is not very big on kids. Glad its the oppostie from you. lol She loves her neices and nephews, yes but not for her.
Ava Rose, like a couple of the other girls, are very bold young ladies. She has daddy's personality and mommy's temper, not to mention papa Georgie and nana Lyla are in there as well. I remember the last name was Leeds and I had to add that. FINALLY got my facts straight! lol And WTF that late at night? You're brave for taking a drive down a road like that! I'd tell my friends 'nope! Ya'll on your own!'
I WILL add Penny's dilemma in regards to Oliver and Johann. Right now she's going through some things and when I explain HER side of the story, it will all make sense. She'll tell katie in the upcoming chapters.
Junior throws a banana XD Emily is always the troublemaker, no matter what the hell happens. The kids are cute as usual Starting to kinda r… moreemember their names....still a few I can't recall without reading it off of a list XD
Emily's thoughts on having kids is priceless XD She's literally the total opposite of me, I swear.
And Mary XD The Porgie heads XDDDDD
The whole thing had me choking up harder than Jersey XD
Little Ava Rose seems to be pretty bold. I love how you included their last name as Leeds, very nice touch. Did you know there's a Leeds road in NJ? I drove down it ONCE and it was the craziest thing, because it was dark and my friends were in the car and we were joking like "Oh look out for the Jersey Devil!" And as we were driving we saw these tiny red lights in the distance and everyone was freaking out and as soon as we got close enough it was just the little red flashers on someone's bicycle. Who the hell rides their… [view original content]
Oh snap Morgan has kids?! Nice! Its nice to see little family gatherings like these. Glad Mary is coming around, considering her situation. At least there is some stability when she is with Harm and her family.
And I agree with you, Ash. Apples do taste kinda gross! XD I'm loving the different kids taking turns with the diary; they all have different personalities and its fun reading them.
October 5th
Dear Diary,
Since my brothers and sisters are all doing this, I guess I should to. Today we picked pumpkins out at the Far… morem. Dad and Mom said not to smash any, but I did anyway and I got the guts all over me. I was laughing until Noah told on me and Mom yelled at me really, really loudly. I didn't cry because crying is for wussies, but I almost felt like I wanted to. Anyways, after I smashed one I wasn't aloud to have any Apple flavored icecream. It's okay though, I hate apples.
I was so happy when Aunt Mary got there! She and my other Aunt Morgan walked over with their kids and we all played hide and seek. It's easier to hide here than the little courtyard outside of our home in Fabletown. My spot was the best because I was found last, and when Robbie found me I screamed to scare him and he peed himself. And then I was yelled at again for scaring him.
After we picked pumpkins and played for a while, it kinda got colde… [view original content]
When Mary got home after work, she took a goddamn long shower.
She looked in the mirror and scoffed at her own appearance. She scoffed at… more how low she was diving this time round.
Hell, maybe this is worse than working for the goddamn Crooked Man.
She shook that thought away. No shit was worse than that. Sure, at the time of it all, it was sort of fun. But at what cost?
She pulled on more conservative clothes on. A black pair of jeans, white T-Shirt, and her favorite jacket. She rubbed her face with her hands. She was exhausted, more than usual. Her entrance through the mirror and into Harmony's house was swift. The bathroom lights were out. One day she's gonna stumble in there and Tim is going to be taking a shit, she knows it.
Her head poked out into the living room. Dinner was in the air, and she could hear the mindless babbling her son was making.
"Aunt Harm! I have chicken on my plate!" He said enthusiastically as I walke… [view original content]
I can't believe Katherine wrote in this thing. I'm loving the little bunnies and hearts in the corners. I THINK this figure in the corner is me. The rather large breasts she drew on the woman KINDA looks like me. I'll have to ask her later.
Wow. Off track there! Sorry about that. Been a busy day so far with the kids. Stayed up almost all night with Ethan, Peter and Penny; they were terrified with the Haunted House that Georgie seemed to think was appropriate for kids their age. I mean, okay, it WAS an honest mistake but its hard to control three screaming kids that fell the need to leave EVERY light in the house on. After about 2am, however, they managed to fall asleep.
Georgie finally found the strength to get up when the other kids made their way into the bedroom. He looked out this morning and found the ground covered in a thick blanket of Snow. Katherine and Junior nearly flew out the window; Emily ran outside butt naked and Georgie had to dig her out of the snow. Needless to say, she was in the tub for awhile trying to warm up.
I made the kids some leaf shaped pancakes before helping them dress warm for the snow. Georgie found his jacket, mittens and boots in the basement and took the six eager children outside. Junior and Emily made snow angels, while the girls and Peter TRIED making a snowman; Ethan felt the need to play Hulk that morning and lnock the damn thing down before they could get a face on him.
Keeping him away from the snowman, Georgie and I took Ethan to the side and helped him build a fort. Peter saw what we were doing and joined us. Soon, gthe rest of the kids followed. We had a snow ball fight; the girls won because Jersey felt the need to show up at that EXACT moment to deliver a Ham. He and Katie high-fived at the end. Typical.
We sliced up the Ham and made snadwiches out of it. The kids scarfed it down, as they returned outside. Penny somehow fell into a hole. Don't ask me how, I have NO idea but minutes later, here come the boys. After about an hour, the kids returned inside for some hot tea and cartoons. The boys bundled up and took a nap on the floor; Emily was the only one awake, as she laid in between her sisters watching SpongeBob.
Tonight, my parents are having dinner at their place. Dad wants to teach the kids how to make s'mores. This should be fun.
Yeah, well this is about ten years from the present. And Mary is in a better position at this point in time than she is in the main story, that occurs in the present. So basically we know she will get better eventually
Oh snap Morgan has kids?! Nice! Its nice to see little family gatherings like these. Glad Mary is coming around, considering her situation.… more At least there is some stability when she is with Harm and her family.
And I agree with you, Ash. Apples do taste kinda gross! XD I'm loving the different kids taking turns with the diary; they all have different personalities and its fun reading them.
Haha, well we were driving down the road I believe after a baseball game, and I think it was late fall because it got darker faster than in the summer. Lets just say some of the people in the car were screaming
Can't wait for more chapters! It's always awesome reading your stories
Writing this secton brought back memories to when my siblings and I acted like 'children' in the kitchen during gatherings. I wanted to inco… morerporate that into the Porgie clan; they are a rowdy bunch that always seem to have fun no matter what.
Emily is not very big on kids. Glad its the oppostie from you. lol She loves her neices and nephews, yes but not for her.
Ava Rose, like a couple of the other girls, are very bold young ladies. She has daddy's personality and mommy's temper, not to mention papa Georgie and nana Lyla are in there as well. I remember the last name was Leeds and I had to add that. FINALLY got my facts straight! lol And WTF that late at night? You're brave for taking a drive down a road like that! I'd tell my friends 'nope! Ya'll on your own!'
I WILL add Penny's dilemma in regards to Oliver and Johann. Right now she's going through some things and when I explain HER side of the story, it will all make sense. She'll tell katie in the upcoming chapters.
Oh well thank you for clearing that up for me. I'm glad things DO get better in time. Still, its nice seeing little family moments like this. You always paint the perfect 'leave it to beaver' moments. I like it.
Yeah, well this is about ten years from the present. And Mary is in a better position at this point in time than she is in the main story, that occurs in the present. So basically we know she will get better eventually
KAWAII! I love the Porgie clan as kids! So much mischief! XD How adorable are they. And Georgie....god, pie! Makin' me care for characters I'm SUPPOSED to hate! :P
BTW, I'm posting that Halloween pic. It's toocute NOT to post! I can't wait!!!
Day 5
Dear Diary:
I can't believe Katherine wrote in this thing. I'm loving the little bunnies and hearts in the corners. I… more THINK this figure in the corner is me. The rather large breasts she drew on the woman KINDA looks like me. I'll have to ask her later.
Wow. Off track there! Sorry about that. Been a busy day so far with the kids. Stayed up almost all night with Ethan, Peter and Penny; they were terrified with the Haunted House that Georgie seemed to think was appropriate for kids their age. I mean, okay, it WAS an honest mistake but its hard to control three screaming kids that fell the need to leave EVERY light in the house on. After about 2am, however, they managed to fall asleep.
Georgie finally found the strength to get up when the other kids made their way into the bedroom. He looked out this morning and found the ground covered in a thick blanket of Snow. Katherine and Junior nearly flew out the window; Emily… [view original content]
God, I remember when my younger siblings were little and kept my parents up all night til two AM. Heck, I remember doing it myself X3
Emily XD Emily, Emily, Emily. What are we going to do with you?
Lol, I like how you show Jersey interacting with the family and especially with Katherine. It shows you how their relationship really does evolve into something sweeter
Penny fell into a hole XD
This was another cute one, Lyla is seriously so adorable, I can't even
Day 5
Dear Diary:
I can't believe Katherine wrote in this thing. I'm loving the little bunnies and hearts in the corners. I… more THINK this figure in the corner is me. The rather large breasts she drew on the woman KINDA looks like me. I'll have to ask her later.
Wow. Off track there! Sorry about that. Been a busy day so far with the kids. Stayed up almost all night with Ethan, Peter and Penny; they were terrified with the Haunted House that Georgie seemed to think was appropriate for kids their age. I mean, okay, it WAS an honest mistake but its hard to control three screaming kids that fell the need to leave EVERY light in the house on. After about 2am, however, they managed to fall asleep.
Georgie finally found the strength to get up when the other kids made their way into the bedroom. He looked out this morning and found the ground covered in a thick blanket of Snow. Katherine and Junior nearly flew out the window; Emily… [view original content]
Dear diary, it's Bonnie. I wish my mom didn't get me a pink diary, agggghhh! Oh well, the faster I fill this one up the faster I can get a new one.
My October is off to a pretty good start, I stopped at Fabletown Office and paid Lyall a little visit. We been friends since childhood, great guy really.
Anyway I got us some coffees and a box of donuts, we were chatting away, talking about our plans for autumn and so on, then Bluebeard storms in and gets all pissy at us and everyone else in the room!
So being the darling little angel I am, I took it upon myself to leave him a little early Halloween present. Nothing to glamorous, just the old fashion burning bag of dog shit gag, oldest trick in the book. Ha! You should had seen it, soon as he stomped out the fire his news shoes were covered it in! Plus he spend a good hour scrubbing crap off the carpet since Flycatcher had other duties to attend too. I'm laughing my ass off here, best prank I pull yet!
Till next time diary
Dear Bonnie, this is your mother, you're grounded.
Well mystery solved XD and also this takes place before The Cold Heart Of Hate. So Lyall still has his leg, Scarlett is alive and still married to Bradwr.
She placed her son down slowly, telling him to go into his bedroom. He obeyed, surprisingly, and she heard him toss his toy box over to play some more.
"Good to see you," He said.
"Fuck you," Mary said back.
"What? What did I do to deserve this?" He asked.
"You know very well what you fuckin' did. Get out of my apartment, Charles."
Charles gave a deep throated laugh, followed by a brief coughing fit. "Callin' your own father by his first name now?"
She spit in his direction, her anger gleaming.
He frowned. "I wasn't expecting such a cold welcoming."
"Oh, BULLSHIT you didn't!" Mary began to yell. "You expect me to crawl back to you like when I was fuckin' my own son's age? You think I love you after everything?"
"Ouch. That hurt. Seriously." The attitude conveyed by Mary's father suggested just the opposite.
"Do you forget what you did to me? You took my childhood from me. My innocence. It's your fault I couldn't-" Mary lets out a labored breath, unable to utter the words. "Give me one reason I shouldn't fetch my ax and murder your ass?"
"Hmm. Well you've got me there. I'm in no way an innocent man. But I don't regret a thing. Besides, you can't kill me. I'm a demon, remember?"
"I'll find a fucking way," Mary mutters. She tosses the diaper bag on the floor.
"So when were you planning on telling me I was a grandpa? I would love to see my little-"
He smiles so, so evilly. "I guess that answers the question I was going to ask."
"Fuck off. Get the fuck out of here, and go back to the fucking mirror land you've been hiding in for all of these centuries. I don't want to see you ever again."
"That's no way to talk to your-"
"You're not my dad. You never will be. Ever."
He stands, finally. He walks past Mary, then says,"Just remember love. I can still see you. Just like you can see people in the mirror. I'll never truly be gone, not as long as you use the mirrors as your own method of transportation.
Mary's facial expression was unmoving, though her insides wrenched. As soon as he left, she ran to her son's bedroom. She took the mirror off the wall and tossed it in the closet. Then she grabbed Carter, got him changed into PJ's and sat in the dark with him in his arms.
He fell asleep pretty fast.
She cried as she held her precious baby against her chest.
I hope you liked this one. Definitely opens a new window- or mirror, if you prefer XD Any questions, leave them below
I've been meaning to share another one of my favorite songs with you guys, especially since @JJwolf and @pudding_pie seem to be fans of the Bee Gees themselves.
P.S. - As always, I've been reading all of your amazing journal/diary entries and chapters you guys have been giving me throughout the weekend. Don't you dare think I wouldn't. ^_^
Wow. That's NOT who I thought was going to be there....its nice that you and i have taken Mary and just ran with her; not saying for us to toot our own horn but reading our take on Mary has me wanting to reach into the computer screen and give her an enormous hug.
With that being said and knowing she DOES have family floating around, wonder how this will play out in the end.
She placed her son down slowly, telling him to go into his bedroom. He obeyed, surprisingly, and she heard him toss his toy box over to play… more some more.
"Good to see you," He said.
"Fuck you," Mary said back.
"What? What did I do to deserve this?" He asked.
"You know very well what you fuckin' did. Get out of my apartment, Charles."
Charles gave a deep throated laugh, followed by a brief coughing fit. "Callin' your own father by his first name now?"
She spit in his direction, her anger gleaming.
He frowned. "I wasn't expecting such a cold welcoming."
"Oh, BULLSHIT you didn't!" Mary began to yell. "You expect me to crawl back to you like when I was fuckin' my own son's age? You think I love you after everything?"
"Ouch. That hurt. Seriously." The attitude conveyed by Mary's father suggested just the opposite.
"Do you forget what you did to me? You took my childhood from me. My innocence. It's your fault I couldn't-… [view original content]
I LOVE this song! If no one has guessed, Pie is a HUGE fan of the 70's. Damn. Born the wrong era. XD JJ will get a kick out of this, too. Plus, I bet your brain is overflowing with all these diary and journal entries!
I've been meaning to share another one of my favorite songs with you guys, especially since @JJwolf and @pudding_pie seem to be fans of the … moreBee Gees themselves.
So here ya go, Night Fever!
P.S. - As always, I've been reading all of your amazing journal/diary entries and chapters you guys have been giving me throughout the weekend. Don't you dare think I wouldn't. ^_^
I LOVE this song! If no one has guessed, Pie is a HUGE fan of the 70's. Damn. Born the wrong era. XD JJ will get a kick out of this, too. Plus, I bet your brain is overflowing with all these diary and journal entries!
Penny called Katie that morning to confirm the time. Josiah would be dropped off later then expected; Penny and another dancer decided to switch the schedules up. Raven, the other dancer, had court in the morning. Feeling sympathy for the girl, Penny decided it would be better to simply switch; asking for a night off when you were not scheduled to often left Oliver in a sour mood.
"So, I'll see you around three than?" Katie sat at the table, as the thirteen girls surrounded her with their breakfast.
"Yes. If I'm a little late, I'll call you."
"Where DID mom and dad go?"
"The coast. Guess there is a Clam bake or something going on down there."
"Oh yeah. Jersey wanted to go to that but try taking thirteen-" CRASH! SPLAT! CRASH! "Shit! Really, Ivy?"
Penny giggles. "Yeah. I can see what you mean. Well, I better let you go."
"See you later on, sis."
"Bye, butthead."
As Katie hung up the phone, Jersey walks around the corner. He snatches a Bagel and steps over the young Wolf cub frantically trying to clean up the mess.
"Whoa, what happened here?"
"Ivy didn't see how close the bowl was to the edge and when she went to get more cereal, it fell over."
Ivy looks up. "Sorry 'bout that, mommy."
Katie sighs. "Its fine, sweetpea."
Jersey pours himself a cup of coffee. "What time your sister comin' by?"
"She said three and-"
"Thought she was comin' by this morning?"
"Guess one of the girls had court, so they switched."
Jersey huffed. "I don't see why the fuck your sister is still workin' for that creep. He's never changed. Guess he's back on the white mule and-"
Katie kicks Jersey's foot. "Stop. Don't talk about that here in front of the girls. And besides, you think you're the ONLY one concerned?"
Willow looks over at Katie. "What's wrong with Aunt Penny?"
Katie brushes her hair back. "Nothing, sweetie. Your Aunt Penny is fine. Daddy is just being silly."
Jersey snorts. "Uh huh, I'm bein' silly." He takes a bite from the Bagel. "Oliver, to me, is WAY worse then what 'you-know-who- used to be."
"Well, my sister is a big girl. My father even said he'd help her. But, sadly, you can't help those that don't want it...."
Changing the subject, Katie stands from the table and grabs the chocolate syrup. Pouring the girls each a cup, she adds in the liquid gold and allows the girls to stir. Jersey finishes off the last piece, looks at his watch and grabs the keys.
"Do you want me to pick up anything for dinner after work?"
Hope's little head pops up like a Gopher in the grass. Her eyes are wide. "Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets!"
All the girls instantly agree. Katie smiles. "Is that what you want for dinner?"
All together. "YES PLEASE!"
Katie glares at Jersey. "You heard the ladies, daddy. Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets."
Jersey grabs a pen and writes it on a sheet of paper. "We need Milk?"
"Get four more, please. These two will not last today."
As Jersey jots this down, the girls take turns hugging their father. Jersey picks the girls up one by one and plants a kiss on their cheek. As he finishes off with Hope, Katie wraps her arms around his neck. Jersey first kisses her nose, then her lips.
"Love you, Rabbit."
"Love you more, my Devil you."
Jersey puts on his jacket, waves goodbye and heads to the Lucky Pawn. Katie heads to the ipod and turns on the music.
"Okay! Older girls need to get ready for school! Bella, Laura, Sarah and Alice; go and brush your hair, get your school clothes on! MAKE sure to bundle up. It's cold outside. Georgia, Ivy, Ava Rose, Willow and Madeline; you five go brush your teeth, get dressed and WEAR warm clothes!"
The nine eager girls scatter in various directions, as they each take a turn either at the sink, with a brush or picking out their attire for the day. Katie points to the four remaining girls in the kitchen.
"Now, you four. I'm gonna need my special helpers today. Aunt Penny is dropping off Josiah later and we need to tidy up the house. you girls ready to help?"
Together, the girls clap and cheer. Katie turns around and sees a floating jacket, jeans and boots.
"Bella, baby, mommy can't see your face."
"Oops! Sorry mommy. Hold on..." Within seconds, an outline of a girl appeared before Katie's eyes. "Better?"
Katie adjusts her scarf. "I hope you're not doing this too much in class..."
"No ma'am."
Soon, a muffin floats past Katie's head. She snatches the treat before it makes its way around the corner. Seconds later, Alice comes around the corner.
"Mommy, I was gonna take that for a snack-"
"These are daddy's muffins. You know that."
"EW! Those are the cranberry ones?"
Katie laughs. "Well, if you had JUST asked me instead of being sneaky, young lady. Am I gonna have to tell daddy again?"
Alice quickly shakes her head. "No! no, no, no!"
The rest of the girls, back pack in hand, run down the stairs. Doing her usual inspection, Katie checks each of the girls. When she finishes with Madeline, her thumb goes up, indicating to the girls that all is well.
"Okay, listen! The bus will be here any minute. You girls behave and do not play around! The bus is NOT a playground-GEORGIA!"
Georgia stops to smile her tradmark 'Georgie' smile. "Sorry, mommy."
HONK HONK HONK "Oh, bus is here. Say good-bye and let's get a move on, girls."
The nine dressed girls said goodbye to the remaining four. In a line, Katie walks the girls to the bus. As the doors swing open, she kisses each one on the head. She pins a note, like she does every morning, to their jacket. Katie stands back and waves to the nine eager faces in the window.
"Bye, babies! Have a wonderful day at school! Mommy loves you all. Be good-GEORGIA!"
Soon, the bus pulls away and heads down the street. Katire returns to the house, just as 'Disco Inferno' plays in the background. In hand, the girls are ready to boogie down and clean the house. Katie grabs a wet rag, dances her way into the kitchen and sprays the counters with Lemon cleaner.
"Alright, ladies! Teamwork! Here we go!"
'Burn, baby burn. Disco Inferno. Burn, baby burn, burn that mother down!'
Chapter 12 soon
If you have any questions, you k ow what to do. BTW, the hell can you keep your sanity with all those girls! XD You too, Jersey; looking at you!
Okay now for the second part! Also I just realized the villains are single parents while Bonnie and Lyall had both their parents.... Kind of sad since Jersey and Bloody Mary aren't really parent martial...
And lastly I made Medusa on chibi maker, since a lot of you seem to be looking forward to her. (She's suppose to be in a pantsuit in this picture... And I have no idea why I gave her a whip)
After a quick sponge bath, changing into his usual attire, his hair back into it's normal ponytail and conniving his parents he was well, Lyall, his father and Bluebeard made their way to the basement of woodlands. He trailed behind the two, he was still getting used to his new leg, of course he fell over twice causing concern, but reassured his father he was fine.
"This better be good Blurbeard." Bigby hissed.
"Oh I do believe it will be sheriff." he replied. "Certainly something you and your son should look into, if he feels up to it."
"I can managed." feeling Bluebeard comment wasn't out of concern.
Eventually they reached the depths of the basement. The smell of mildew wasn't all that pleasant to him, now he really wished he had a pack of smokes on him. His last pack was got lost somewhere during the fight.
"Alright Bluebeard, what is it?" his father questioned crossing his arms.
"Well, of course I would prefer to take matters into my own hands. But Miss Snow ordered this, not me." Bluebeard replied, then open the door.
Restrained in a chair, caked in dirt, bruises on his body as if they were tattoos, and sporting a black eye through cracked glasses, was a young man with orange hair, and three missing fingers on his right hand.
"I'm sure it's hard to remember him when he's in glamour." Bluebeard starting as he entered the room. "But I'm sure you're more then familiar with Bradwr here."
"What the hell did you do to him?" Bigby asked.
"Oh unfortunately I haven't laid a finger on him. He got into glamour, got drunk, and started a bar fight." he informed.
"Fuck you..." Bradwr grumbled, struggling in the restrains.
"He's a bit hungover, but he seems ready for questioning. He has a lot to answer for." Bluebeard stated.
"Aside from beating the shit out of me?" Lyall scoffed.
"Their was a fire at Shepard metalworks, his feet were soaked in gasoline and we found a book of matches in his pocket." he told the two.
"Shepard metalworks?" Bigby repeated, raising his eye brows. "No one's been to that place in years, surprise it still hasn't gotten demolish." he turned and faced Bradwr. "What were you doing around there?"
"Nothing...look it's Scarlett you want, this whole thing was her idea. I ain't worth your damn time." he hissed.
"More like you're not worth a damn." Bigby huffed.
"Where is Scarlett?" Lyall demanded.
"Hell if I know... Crazy bitch."
"Oh, you don't know?" Bluebeard spoke, a sly smile on his face. "Or you won't tell?"
"Where are you getting at baldy? I was just fallowing my wife's orders. She had it in for you two for awhile now." Bradwr spat.
"Baldly, good one." he scoffed. "She's your wife? Correct?"
"Oh nothing really, it's just once the fire was put out I poked around a little. Found something pretty interesting." he reached into the pockets of his pants, his fists clenched something. "So... Your wife's just... Missing?"
Once he open his fist both Lyall and Bradwr cringed. Resting in Bluebeard's palms was an hazel eye.
"What the hell is that?!" Bigby demanded.
"Found it at Metalworks." Bluebeard informed, waving the body part closer to Bradwr's face. "It belongs to Scarlett correct? The report says she has hazel eyes, yet no eye injury happened during the little fight with Bradwr. So there's something you're not telling us."
Bradwr turned his head, a vain attempt to avoid the bloody eye in Bluebeard's hand.
"Get that thing out of my face man." Bradwr pleaded. "It could be anyone's eye! Ha-hazel's a pretty common eye colour you know."
"It's hers! It's smells just like her!" Lyall yelled. "What the fuck did you do to her?!"
"It.. It was an accident, okay! She was flipping out at me and I sort of freaked out, alright?"
"We could easily throw you down the witching well, you know that right?" Bigby reminded.
"Come on Shrieff-"
"Tell us everything you know then!"
A defeated sigh came as Bradwr as Bluebeard finally pulled the eye away from his face.
"Scarlett... Got something against you Bigby," he started. "You remember Bloody Mary?" A slow nod from Bigby. "Well that's her ma, never met her before."
"I knew there was resemblance between them." Bigby grumbled.
"What about the father?" asked Lyall crossing his arms
"Dunno, I doubted her mother knew either. Look, she's dead now... Can I just leave now?" he squirmed in the restrains. "You don 'to have to worry about her, it's all good. Forgive and forget right?"
"It's not that easy." Lyall taunted. "You admitted to killing her, that's more then enough to put you away, not to mentioned that you helped her."
"Hey, I was just doing what Scarlett and father told me to do... Aww shit." he cursed at his little slip of the tongue.
"Your father... Let me guess the Jersey Devil?" Bigby asked raising a brow.
"Yes..." Bradwr muttered. "Look what more do you want from me?! Scarlett's dead, you don't have to worry about her! None of us have to! She was just a moody bitch who was a victim to her own bitterness."
"May I remind you that the death of her is enough to throw you down the well?" Lyall hissed. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't."
"C-cut me some slack man , it was all HER idea! She planned this damn thing out."
"Let's just throw him down the damn well already, we wasted more then enough time here." Bluebeard huffed and glared daggers at Bradwr. "Unless you can prove you're useful to us..."
"I-I am! Trust me, I can... I can uhh...." his brown eyes lit up. "I know something about a little illegal fight club going on right under Fabletown's noses."
This clearly spiked the trio's interest.
"Oh really?" Bigby scoffed. "Where is it then?"
"I can take you there! Look, just promise me you won't throw me down the damn well! I'll do whatever you say? Alright?!"
Lyall exchanged uneasy glances with his father, Bradwr could just be another lying bastard, but if he really did have knowledge about an illegal fight club it was certainly worth checking into.
"It's your call dad." Lyall said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'll be more then willing to take the fucker with me."
"You feel up to it? You just got out of the hospital." Bigby asked.
"I can handle it, besides, I can break in my new leg." he mused as his father faced Bradwr.
"Very well then Bradwr, you got yourself a deal."
A soft hum filled the dimly lit room, every inch of the wall was decorated with paintings that ranged from portraits to abstract art. A pleased smile spread across plump lips as emerald green eyes stared at the paintings before her as she sipped daintily at champagne.
"Lovely pieces aren't they?" Medusa mused to the corn snake coiled around her right hand. "Flown straight from Paris, such a beautiful place isn't it Millie?" Millie the corn snake coiled tighter around her wrist , she let out a light chuckle.
"Hungry aren't you? Figures, you never been one for art." setting the glass of alcohol aside Medusa wandered over to a steel cage, inside was a pack of rats that were clearly over population the space limit of the cage.
"Filthy creatures..." she muttered selecting one, her perfectly manicured wine coloured nails held one of the rats by its pudgy pink tail. Millie uncoiled herself from Medusa's arm and slithered onto the dark oak wood table. As soon as she let go of the squirming rodent Millie strikes, her jaws becomes unhinged as she devoured the rodent quickly.
"Good girl." her lips curled into a larger smile, a knock on the door caused her head to turn, curly brown ringlets bounced freely yet still somehow managed to keep the natural grace and maturity Medusa could have. "Come in darling."
The brass knob slowly turned and a man with slick black hair and brown eyes entered the room.
"Ah Romeo, I been waiting for you." she greeted as he nervously entered the room. "Don't be scared, I have my face on." Medusa laughed. "Care for some champagne?"
"No mistress." he replied.
"Wine? Scotch? Or perhaps you're hungry? I was just about to indulge on some caviar." He shook his head at her offers. "At least sit down."
"You are too kind mistress, but that's why I'm here. I was ordered to let you know everything is going according to plan." he sat in one if the black leather seats. "Everything ready for the fight to-" Romeo froze, noticing a long black snake slithering over his feet.
"Ah I see you met Sasha, beauty isn't she? Black mamba, such a nice find to add to my collection don't you think?"
"V-very much mistress."
"Please just call me Medusa."
"Okay, she's very nice M-Medusa." he replied staring at Sasha.
"Quiet the little exploring, just loves making new friends." Medusa plopped herself down on the couch. "But if shit goes down Sasha can be... Overzealous to fight." her eyes glared daggers at Romeo.
"Don't disappoint me tonight." slowly Sasha slithered over to Medusa and placed her scaly head on her lap, as if a dog wanting affection.
"Of course not, I wouldn't dream of it."
"Good, also sent in my body guard. I want her to see the show."
"Yes Medusa."
And there we go, Medusa finally gets a physical appearance. And I'll explain more about Medusa in the next chapter.
Romeo- After a divorce with Juliet Romeo was left to work for Medusa as an errand boy. He has black hair and brow eyes, close to Bradwr, and became timid since he started working for her.
You would be wise to include me in this discussion, for like Pie, I too am a fan of this genre of music. This made my day, good sir. And Pie...I blame you, for indeed I listened to the Bee Gees but for the past several days, the need to 'boogie down' has increased ten fold. Curse you and your recent need to include this in your stories. XD
BTW, looking forward to all these entries. So far, everyone seems to be enjoying them.
I've been meaning to share another one of my favorite songs with you guys, especially since @JJwolf and @pudding_pie seem to be fans of the … moreBee Gees themselves.
So here ya go, Night Fever!
P.S. - As always, I've been reading all of your amazing journal/diary entries and chapters you guys have been giving me throughout the weekend. Don't you dare think I wouldn't. ^_^
Mountain dew with icecream inside......I HAVE TO TRY THIS!
So cute, I love Katie
Junior peed his pants, lmao! And Georgie, misreading the flyer and taking the kids through the 'Big Kid' Haunted house XD Priceless. I loved it.
I ADORE Katie! She is my 2nd favorite! I thought the Haunted House was funny! I was reading the description and thought 'Uh whoa, what!' Typical Georgie behavior, man! XD And that ending! So cute!! XD
That picture!
There WILL be some trouble between him and Lyla but all will be resolved. As far as Rose goes, they used to sleep with one another befor Robert ended this. He felt there was no need to carry on, if a relationship was not to blossom between them. Rose CARES for Robert; she is very worried and concerned he's looking for trouble.
Ah, okay. Thanks for answering!
And you came on here before having a nap! True dedication :P
Wow the three headed dog be Cerberus? Liking how tight you've got it to The Wolf Among Us with all the references; good work!
Interesting to read Robbie's take on things! When you (or Robbie?) mentions going to the Farm with Aunt Mary and Aunt Morgan and theirs kids, does this mean that Morgan and Peter had children?
Thanks for saying so!
I loved the guard! The 3 headed dog is a beauty in itself and I loved how you incorporated him into TWAU.
The interaction between Adam and Snow was very tense. Keep up the great work.
This is getting REALLY good!
Look at their expressions! XD The hatred for birds just comes right off the page, and I love the spoon in Mr. Weasel's mouth! The toughest duo Fabletown's ever seen, when it comes to birds.
I'm still colouring your other picture of Mr. Weasel, but once I've done I wouldn't mind a go at this one, if it's fine by you!
Ethan picking a squash and them having to agree that it's a baby pumpkin is adorable! And Georgie taking them to the big kids Haunted House! :P
Chaoter 10
Blurred lines
"Can we go swimming?"
Alice grabs Katie's dress, as her hands are deep in water and suds.
"Excuse me?" Katie continues to wash a dish.
"Can we go swimming?" Alice repeats, twirling her dress around.
"Alice, it's cold outside and you girls ate. Plus, its getting dark."
"Uncle Gren swims in the dark...."
The one time Katie takes them over to their great aunt Carla's house to get something, is the time Gren is out back swimming about. Intrigued, the girls watched him like they've never seen a Grendel swim. Come to find out, its because it was DARK.
"Well, your Uncle Gren has lost his mind over the years."
Jersey walks in. "Mind your mother, Alice."
"Yes sir."
Junior follows close behind with another pile of dishes. Jersey carefully watches as he puts the plates beside Katie, helps clean up the table and make a plate to take home.
"Where is Mary?"
"Have her come in here! We have a card game to play!"
Junior glared at Jersey. "Yeah. Good luck with that..."
Jersey sighed. Yeah, it was not worth it. He decided to help Junior clean. Lyla returned with another plate.
"Man I remember having to do this almost every night."
Katie laughs. "Yeah. THIS is why I don't cook dinner every night."
"Bullshit." Jersey flicks some soap bubbles at Katie. "What'ta you talkin' 'about!? This lady is always cookin' something in here!"
Lyla glares at her daughter. "Yeah. Why do I believe Jersey before you?"
Before she could answer, Emily tosses a few cups into the sink, causing the water to run over the sides.
"Got more for you."
"Really Emily?" Katie tosses a towel on the wet spots. "Do you KNOW how to do anything?"
"I know how to eat, drive a car, make my bed, make sweet love, tr-"
Junior throws a banana at Emily's back. "Stop! Just, stop, Emily!"
Emily picks up the fruit. "Mmmm. Yum! Thanks, Junior!"
Hope, Georgia and Sarah laugh in the corner. They watch as Aunt Emily peels the skin back and inhale the fruit. She tosses the remainder into the trash. Hope jumps into her lap.
"Hope, sweetie, are there any more plates?"
"No mommy."
She wets a rag. "Here. Can you and the others clean off the table for me?"
Snatching the rag, Sarah and the others head out to the dinning area.
"Beauty of having thirteen kids; there is bound to be one or more willing to clean up with me."
Jersey laughs. "Those little monsters are pretty good when it comes to that."
The girls return and hand Katie the rag. They bounce around in their spots.
"Its all clean, mommy! Can we go play?"
"Yes you may. DON'T RUN-"
But before she could finish, the kids take off towards their rooms. Laughing, Katie returns to the dishes.
"Those girls, I swear. Love them to bits."
Junior finishes with the remainder of the food. "Yeah. They are a handful but you can't help but love them."
"No kids for me!" Emily pops open a beer can top. "Fuck those little bastards! Invading MY body, taking up mY time, eating MY food! Who the hell are you, to just walts in me, take a seat and think you're the fuckin' boss, huh?"
Lyla laughs. "WOW, dear. Tell us how you REALLY feel."
"I'm serious, mom! I'm surprised you let dad send THIS many kids into you at once and YOU, Katie. My God! Clown car!"
Junior nearly drops the containers, as Jersey tries to contain his laughter. "Oh my God! My sides! This woman!"
"Emily, seriously stop!"
"Oh lighten up, Junior! It's a bloody joke!"
"Well, that's YOUR opinion and-"
"Why am I askin' YOU? I should be askin Mary how SHE feels bout all this! MARY!"
Seconds later, Mary walks into the kitchen. Jersey is still in the corner, trying to control his laughing.
"Did I miss anything?"
"Tell us how you REALLY felt having Junior's kids. Don't give me 'It was so beautiful' or 'most magical time of my life.' We are not describing your trip to Disneyland, so out with it!"
Mary sits beside Emily. "Well, it WAS magical but I'll tell you this-those Porgie heads are no joke." Mary and Lyla fist bump. "See. She get's me."
"Well, Junior, sweetie. You have your father's big head. George has your big head. Even the TWINS have your big ass head!"
Jersey is now on the floor, coughing and trying to catch his breathe.
"Stop, stop! No more! You guys are killin' me!!"
Junior snorts. "Well, uh...go ask Penny how she feels about kids!"
There is the sound of little feet. "MOMMY!"
"Which one is that?"
Hannah opens the door. "Mommy! It's me! Bella and Willow are not sharing the toys!"
"What are they doing?"
"Sheila and I and Hope are playing dolls and they took like, three of them and they won't give them back and-"
Willow runs into the kitchen. Behind her follows Ava Rose.
"Nuh uh! We didn't do that!"
"Yes you did!"
Ava Rose slaps Hannah. "What's the matta' with you!?"
Katie drops a dish. "AVA ROSE NICOLE LEEDS!"
Everyone is silent, as Katie snatches the girl. "Outside, NOW! March!"
Emily tries to hold it back. "DAMN! Watch out!"
"Mommy is going to give her a spanking, Auntie Emily."
Jersey finally stands up and follows Katie. "Yeah well, she gonna hear it from daddy, too."
Minutes later, Ava Rose walks in; Jersey and Katie follow behind, as the girl walks past everyone and disappears back upstairs.
"Go play, girls. She is not allowed to play for the rest of the night. Share and if I hear one more time how no one is playing nicely, you're all grounded. Understood?"
Agreeing, the other girls walk back to their room.
"Oh, man. Sounds like us almost every night, huh Junior?"
"Huh. Don't remind me...."
Emily sighs. "See. THIS is why my Vagina is a 'baby-free' area."
Later that night, after saying their goodbyes and taking home some leftovers, the family leaves. Last one to walk out of the Leed's household is Penny. Georgie assists her with the baby seat, as Katie stands close by.
"Got all his stuff?"
"Yes, dad. I'll be home in a bit."
Georgie kisses her forehead. "Be safe, you hear?"
Getting into the car, he and Lyla drive away. Josiah stirs in his seat, as Penny covers him with a blanket.
"Sssh, sssh, sweetie. Almost home. Just relax..."
"You gonna be alright?" Katie hands her the diaper bag. "You wanna talk?"
"About what, Katie."
"You know..."
Penny gets into the driver's seat and starts the car. The engine roars, as she turns the radio down.
"Sounds like the car needs an oil change."
"Yeah. Maybe."
"Jersey can do tha-"
"I don't need your help, Katie. I hate charity and-"
"Its not charity, Penny. Its a bloody oil change and-"
Penny sighs. "I'm, uh, gonna need you and Jersey to watch Josiah for me tomorrow. Mom and dad are going to be out of town."
"Sure. You have work?"
"Don't, Katie. Just...stop. We ALL can't have what you do; perfect kids, beautiful home, a loving husband..."
"Penny, please..."
Penny sighs. "I gotta go. See you in the morning."
She drives away into the busy streets, as she heads back home. Katie sighs, as she turns to walk back inside. Waiting for her, are thirteen eager sleepy little girls and a husband that adores her.
Chapter 11 soon
Figure write now. Won't be around this afternoon.
Going to be a blast, though! If you have any questions, you know what to do. 
'The dynamic duo' No bird will be left to raom the space, so long as Mr. Weasel and Georgie are here! XD
Sure! I do not mind one bit! Plus, if you didn't mind, would LOVE to see the finished projects. That is, if you care to share. :)It always fascinates to see how people color some of my work. IDK why! XD
Sometimes, you just gotta agree with little kids. XD And its so typical Georgie behavior; saw 'Haunted house' and that was it.
Alright, I will tackle this project. Hopefully by next weekend, I'll have the finished project.
I hope you have fun today. Be safe. I heard they are doing construction on the freeway you're heading on. I know this may SOUND weird but text me when you get there. Sure you already got my message.
Anyways, I loved this. You're not afraid to show how famil life works sometimes, even if they ARE Fables. I loved how Jersey couldn't seem to control his laughter but with a comedian like Emily, i can't blame the guy. XD She says what Emily wants and you know what-that works for me.
I adore the girls and they are little spit fires! XD Hillarious dialouge between Mary and Lyla (that fist bump part was THE best!) and poor Junior...still singled out every time. I feel bad for Penelope; seems like right now the poor girl is confused and looking for anything to help. I'm looking forward to her section in your upcoming chapters; there are so many questions I have still unanswered. HOW these two came to be is what I'm looking forward to the most.
Great little image, too. I LOVE his facial expressions. Typical Johann; a bundle of nervousness. Can't wait for your next chapter.
Thank you! I'm excited to see!
Almost done!
Act 7 Trial of the Princesses
Lydia enters the throne where Argula is waiting. As she step into the wicked room the door behinds her disappears and then room begins to change into some kind of ritual like arena. From behind Lydia, the Kingdom of Light can be seen and behind Argula the Kingdom of Darkness can be seen behind her as well.
"What is this Argula?" Lydia demanding an explanation.
"It is the ritual that I waited far to long to completed. The ritual summon summon the divine knight who created the two blades we now hold in our hands. The very same blades that destroyed our people, Lydia."
"Our people?"
"I see you still haven't recovered all of your memory yet. You she my dear Lydia, our kind... is different from normal fables. We need to the mundanes to believe in us in order to become powerful. Our power is granted from the blessings of our god, The Divine Knight. Which is why our kingdoms remained hidden in the world beyond, is our gods lair."
"But why did our so called god step in and stop us from destroying ourselves, where was he when his people needed him?"
"That Lydia is still a mystery. But that is not my real goal."
"Then what is your goal, Argula? Become another Adversary and conquer more kingdoms?"
"No... that is so last year. Besides I only need your friends kingdoms for resources. I was planning to release them eventually but..."
"It doesn't matter, I plan on taking you down here and ending your tyranny once and for all Argula."
"Such fire in your, but I wonder how long with it burn once I'm finished with you. Let's get on with the show shall we?"
Argula dropped her cape and unsheathe the Dark Calibur and then Lydia did the same with the Light Calibur. The two began to draw closer to each other before circling each other for a brief moment then crossing blades. Their epic battle has begun.
Outside, the battle rages on as Prince Delphantez forces tries to hold off the Dark Kingdoms armada. There is struggle, but with the help of Redd and Wolvens shadow dogs and spirit wolfs, they will manege to defeat them armada in due time.
However, things are not looking so god for the Robin Hood brothers, they are surround. As the try to hold their ground, more enemies continue to come for them, no matter how many they defeat. They just keep on coming.
"There is to many Walter! Even with Lydia's light arrows we cant hold them off!"
Walter thinks for a moment and makes a serious choice. He decides to sacrifice himself in order to save his younger brother from the knights, allowing Robby to escape. But Robby still tries to fight and save his brother, but is too late... Walter has already been stabbed several times by the knight..
Enrage, Robby continues to fight off the knights but soon, if he don't escape he too will meet the fate that befell on his dear brother. Fortunately, in a flash, Draco swoops down and saves Robby before he get his self killed by the knights too. Robby demanded Draco to take him back, he must avenge his brothers death.
Draco refuses and tell Robby that it is too dangerous and he will be killed to if he tries to fight all of them. As they fly away into safety all Robby can do is stare at the place were Walter died, as it gets farther and farther away from sight..
Back inside, the duel between Lydia and Argula continued. They both demonstrate skilled swordsmanship as the seem to remain on balance one of them delivers powerful blows to each other. Lydia manages to cut Argula's arm while Argula slightly stabs Lydia's hip.
"That's right Lydia, Keep fighting. The ritual is almost complete, soon we will be whole."
"You destroyed so many lives, Argula please stop this now before I hurt you!"
"Hurt me? Are you joking?" Argula as she delivers a powerful blow to Lydia, forcing her back."
"You know a the Princess of Light, you are quite full of yourself. But that won't be a concern anymore, as the ritual is finished. Now our God shall appear before us and merge our kingdoms and our selves into one, where no would dare to challenge us!"
Suddenly the a bright twilight beamed down on the two and from it the Divine Knight emerged.
"Yes my lord, you are here, at last our kind will know perfect. At last we can be whole!"
"This can't be..." Lydia, shocked, and amazed by the gods power.
"Who dares awaken me from my sacred slumber.....?" The Divine Knight as he look down upon the two.
"I your holiness, I Argula! Princess of the Dark Kingdom! I wish to merge my self with Princess Lydia and as well as the Light and Dark Kingdom! This is what I summoned you for! Grant us our wish so that we can fulfill our destiny!"
"NO...???" Lydia and Argula confused.
"Understand this Princess Argula, there is a reason why your kingdom and the light kingdom disappeared from existence. Greed had consumed our people.. We wanted to extend our power, which lead to our demise. I created Light and Dark Calibur as my gift to both kingdoms.. but what do you all do. Destroy your selves, you fought each other like vile animals"
"But your holiness! " Argula pleading.
"If you want me to grant such a wish you both must prove yourselves to me. Kill your opposites and absorb their power.."
"But your holiness, that is not what I want! I don't want this! I don't want death and despair. I want peace and harmony! Your holiness, I did some serious thinking before I enter this chamber. I figured that there was a reason for our kingdoms destruction, like what you said. But... as much as I would want to go back to my old life.. I enjoy this world, the fable homelands and even the strange mundane world.
I met some of the most interesting people in my new life. The guardians of the Light Calibur and the group who saved my life... There is also someone that I unyielding affection for in that group...."
"Where are you getting at dear Light Princess?" The Divine Knight as he looks at Lydia.
"What am I saying is, I want to life among the fables and others, and resign my position as Light Princess. I enjoy my new life my holiness, and I want to continue on enjoying it. This is my wish, your holiness."
"Are you sure that this is your wish..?"
"Then it is settled, I shall grant the victor of this final duel to the winner. Upon that, they will claim their prize. Are you ready?"
"Yes, we are"
"Then let the battle commence..."
Argula and Lydia took their battle stance and before preparing to face off one last time..
"Once I'm finished with you Lydia.. I'm going to put your friends out of their mesery, and there I will begin to craft a new future..."
And then they cross blades...
....Maybe.... XD
Junior throws a banana XD Emily is always the troublemaker, no matter what the hell happens. The kids are cute as usual
Starting to kinda remember their names....still a few I can't recall without reading it off of a list XD
Emily's thoughts on having kids is priceless XD She's literally the total opposite of me, I swear.
And Mary XD The Porgie heads XDDDDD
The whole thing had me choking up harder than Jersey XD
Little Ava Rose seems to be pretty bold. I love how you included their last name as Leeds, very nice touch. Did you know there's a Leeds road in NJ? I drove down it ONCE and it was the craziest thing, because it was dark and my friends were in the car and we were joking like "Oh look out for the Jersey Devil!" And as we were driving we saw these tiny red lights in the distance and everyone was freaking out and as soon as we got close enough it was just the little red flashers on someone's bicycle. Who the hell rides their bike down that street AT NIGHT?
I digress. This chapter was sooooo cute and funny.
Emily sighs. "See. THIS is why my Vagina is a 'baby-free' area." ~ XDDD
That ending tho
Penny's got some shit to deal with. I like the picture...I don't think Johann is such a bad guy, although I still don't know enough to come to conclusions about him, Penny, and Oliver. I hope we get the full story in coming chapters. This one was great 
October 5th
Dear Diary,
Since my brothers and sisters are all doing this, I guess I should to. Today we picked pumpkins out at the Farm. Dad and Mom said not to smash any, but I did anyway and I got the guts all over me. I was laughing until Noah told on me and Mom yelled at me really, really loudly. I didn't cry because crying is for wussies, but I almost felt like I wanted to. Anyways, after I smashed one I wasn't aloud to have any Apple flavored icecream. It's okay though, I hate apples.
I was so happy when Aunt Mary got there! She and my other Aunt Morgan walked over with their kids and we all played hide and seek. It's easier to hide here than the little courtyard outside of our home in Fabletown. My spot was the best because I was found last, and when Robbie found me I screamed to scare him and he peed himself. And then I was yelled at again for scaring him.
After we picked pumpkins and played for a while, it kinda got colder so Mom and Dad took us to Gramma Snow and Grampaw Bigby's house. They made us a HUGE dinner with lots of good food, which kind of reminded me of Thanksgiving sort of. Then, after dinner, Gramma Snow went into the closet and pulled out paints so we could paint our pumpkins! We did it on the back porch together, and I made mine a scary vampire. Robbie made his cookie monster from sesame street, which was super stupid but I decided I didn't want to get grounded again, so I didn't say anything to him. Scarlett's was okay. It was a black cat shadow, which makes a 5.2 on the scary meter. In my opinion, at least. When we were done with that, we went inside and Gramma Snow made some cookies with Gramma Winter. Sometimes I get them mixed up because they look really similar. Aunt Mary left earlier than us and so did Aunt Morgan. She has a new little baby so she had to bring him home and take care of him she told me. But I wish my cousin Wendy didn't have to go, too. She's five and really fun to mess with.
Aunt Mary said she was going to be over for dinner tomorrow, which is really awesome. I hope she bakes another cake, she's really good at doing that. Also, I gave my pumpkin to aunt Mary because I wanted her to have it to put in her window or something for halloween. That way my brothers can't "Accidentally" break mine.
After cookies, Mom took us home. I was really, really tired after today because it was a lot of work figuring out which pumpkins we each wanted. I wanted to be a wolf, but Dad said next time we visit. I hate living in Fabletown because we aren't allowed to be in our true forms unless we're home, which is also forbidden by Mom because our apartment is tiny. I wish I had my own room, I would totally cover the walls in the posters I get every Christmas. Right now they just sit in a cardboard box under my bed though.
Right now, everyone's asleep. They finished writing a while ago, but I kinda don't want them to know I'm writing in mine, because I think it's kinda stupid to have these things if everyone knows you keep one. It makes you more vulnerable to all of your secrets getting out.
Not that I've written any secrets.
When Mary got home after work, she took a goddamn long shower.
She looked in the mirror and scoffed at her own appearance. She scoffed at how low she was diving this time round.
Hell, maybe this is worse than working for the goddamn Crooked Man.
She shook that thought away. No shit was worse than that. Sure, at the time of it all, it was sort of fun. But at what cost?
She pulled on more conservative clothes on. A black pair of jeans, white T-Shirt, and her favorite jacket. She rubbed her face with her hands. She was exhausted, more than usual. Her entrance through the mirror and into Harmony's house was swift. The bathroom lights were out. One day she's gonna stumble in there and Tim is going to be taking a shit, she knows it.
Her head poked out into the living room. Dinner was in the air, and she could hear the mindless babbling her son was making.
"Aunt Harm! I have chicken on my plate!" He said enthusiastically as I walked in.
"Oh, hey Mary. How were...things?" She tried to ask as generally as possible.
I just grimaced and ignored her question. "How was my little terror?"
"Nothing of the sort. He played nice with his cousins in the playpen, then we let him loose for a bit to run out some energy. He had fun at the park today, we let him feed ducks and go down the big slide."
"I went down the big slide! It was red, Mommy!" He stood up on his seat and made a wide gesturing with his hands, to show Mary how big the slide was.
"That's awesome buddy! Now sit down and finish your food. I'll sit right here-" Mary patted the empty chair next to his,"- and eat dinner with you."
"Yay!" The more cheered. He sat down in his booster seat and picked the fork up, sloppily scooping the rice onto it.
Mary ate her plate of food and watched as Harmony struggled to keep every child content in their highchairs.
"Patience! I'm feeding you all as fast as I can! I might as well just leave the food on your trays and let you do it yourself..."
Elora whined when it was too long since her last spoonful of whatever concoction Harm was giving them.
"I should help," Mary said, standing.
"No, it's alright," Harm said.
"No, seriously. Give me another spoon, I'll get these brats fed in under ten minutes."
"Haha, okay." Harmony grabbed a spoon from the kitchen drawer. She gave half of the meal to Mary and together they got each child equally filled to their bursting point.
"Good job. Now I just have to bath them."
"Right. I should get Carter home. He needs to get to bed soon."
"Okay. It's nice seeing you, Mary."
"You too Harm. And you as well, Timothy."
Tim laughed,"Yeah. We'll have to get together soon, when your hours aren't so bad."
"Yeah," Mary said. She picked Carter up, grabbed his diaper bag, and went home. The lights were all out, so she turned some on.
Her heart dropped when she saw him in her apartment.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. More later probably, depending on how things are later.
Writing this secton brought back memories to when my siblings and I acted like 'children' in the kitchen during gatherings. I wanted to incorporate that into the Porgie clan; they are a rowdy bunch that always seem to have fun no matter what.
Emily is not very big on kids. Glad its the oppostie from you. lol She loves her neices and nephews, yes but not for her.
Ava Rose, like a couple of the other girls, are very bold young ladies. She has daddy's personality and mommy's temper, not to mention papa Georgie and nana Lyla are in there as well. I remember the last name was Leeds and I had to add that. FINALLY got my facts straight! lol And WTF that late at night? You're brave for taking a drive down a road like that! I'd tell my friends 'nope! Ya'll on your own!'
I WILL add Penny's dilemma in regards to Oliver and Johann. Right now she's going through some things and when I explain HER side of the story, it will all make sense. She'll tell katie in the upcoming chapters.
Oh snap Morgan has kids?! Nice!
Its nice to see little family gatherings like these. Glad Mary is coming around, considering her situation. At least there is some stability when she is with Harm and her family. 
And I agree with you, Ash. Apples do taste kinda gross! XD I'm loving the different kids taking turns with the diary; they all have different personalities and its fun reading them.
Either Jack or hans is in that apartment with her....or, it could be someone WAY out there!
Day 5
Dear Diary:
I can't believe Katherine wrote in this thing. I'm loving the little bunnies and hearts in the corners. I THINK this figure in the corner is me. The rather large breasts she drew on the woman KINDA looks like me. I'll have to ask her later.
Wow. Off track there! Sorry about that. Been a busy day so far with the kids. Stayed up almost all night with Ethan, Peter and Penny; they were terrified with the Haunted House that Georgie seemed to think was appropriate for kids their age. I mean, okay, it WAS an honest mistake but its hard to control three screaming kids that fell the need to leave EVERY light in the house on. After about 2am, however, they managed to fall asleep.
Georgie finally found the strength to get up when the other kids made their way into the bedroom. He looked out this morning and found the ground covered in a thick blanket of Snow. Katherine and Junior nearly flew out the window; Emily ran outside butt naked and Georgie had to dig her out of the snow. Needless to say, she was in the tub for awhile trying to warm up.
I made the kids some leaf shaped pancakes before helping them dress warm for the snow. Georgie found his jacket, mittens and boots in the basement and took the six eager children outside. Junior and Emily made snow angels, while the girls and Peter TRIED making a snowman; Ethan felt the need to play Hulk that morning and lnock the damn thing down before they could get a face on him.
Keeping him away from the snowman, Georgie and I took Ethan to the side and helped him build a fort. Peter saw what we were doing and joined us. Soon, gthe rest of the kids followed. We had a snow ball fight; the girls won because Jersey felt the need to show up at that EXACT moment to deliver a Ham. He and Katie high-fived at the end. Typical.
We sliced up the Ham and made snadwiches out of it. The kids scarfed it down, as they returned outside. Penny somehow fell into a hole. Don't ask me how, I have NO idea but minutes later, here come the boys. After about an hour, the kids returned inside for some hot tea and cartoons. The boys bundled up and took a nap on the floor; Emily was the only one awake, as she laid in between her sisters watching SpongeBob.
Tonight, my parents are having dinner at their place. Dad wants to teach the kids how to make s'mores. This should be fun.
Until next time, diary.
Yeah, well this is about ten years from the present. And Mary is in a better position at this point in time than she is in the main story, that occurs in the present. So basically we know she will get better eventually
Haha, well we were driving down the road I believe after a baseball game, and I think it was late fall because it got darker faster than in the summer. Lets just say some of the people in the car were screaming
Can't wait for more chapters! It's always awesome reading your stories
You'll see as it happens! I'm still debating myself
Oh well thank you for clearing that up for me. I'm glad things DO get better in time. Still, its nice seeing little family moments like this. You always paint the perfect 'leave it to beaver' moments.
I like it.
Would be a flippin' trip if it was Hans; you chaned his personality SO much! And they fall in love! XD I'm
Whatever you choose, though, I'll LOVE it no matter what.
KAWAII! I love the Porgie clan as kids!
So much mischief! XD How adorable are they. And Georgie....god, pie! Makin' me care for characters I'm SUPPOSED to hate! :P
BTW, I'm posting that Halloween pic. It's toocute NOT to post! I can't wait!!!
Katie wrote a stick figure with boobs XD Perfect.
God, I remember when my younger siblings were little and kept my parents up all night til two AM. Heck, I remember doing it myself X3
Emily XD Emily, Emily, Emily. What are we going to do with you?
Lol, I like how you show Jersey interacting with the family and especially with Katherine. It shows you how their relationship really does evolve into something sweeter
Penny fell into a hole XD
This was another cute one, Lyla is seriously so adorable, I can't even

Heres a Bonnie one. XD
October 5
Dear diary, it's Bonnie. I wish my mom didn't get me a pink diary, agggghhh! Oh well, the faster I fill this one up the faster I can get a new one.
My October is off to a pretty good start, I stopped at Fabletown Office and paid Lyall a little visit. We been friends since childhood, great guy really.
Anyway I got us some coffees and a box of donuts, we were chatting away, talking about our plans for autumn and so on, then Bluebeard storms in and gets all pissy at us and everyone else in the room!
So being the darling little angel I am, I took it upon myself to leave him a little early Halloween present. Nothing to glamorous, just the old fashion burning bag of dog shit gag, oldest trick in the book. Ha! You should had seen it, soon as he stomped out the fire his news shoes were covered it in! Plus he spend a good hour scrubbing crap off the carpet since Flycatcher had other duties to attend too. I'm laughing my ass off here, best prank I pull yet!
Till next time diary
Dear Bonnie, this is your mother, you're grounded.
Well mystery solved XD and also this takes place before The Cold Heart Of Hate. So Lyall still has his leg, Scarlett is alive and still married to Bradwr.
She placed her son down slowly, telling him to go into his bedroom. He obeyed, surprisingly, and she heard him toss his toy box over to play some more.
"Good to see you," He said.
"Fuck you," Mary said back.
"What? What did I do to deserve this?" He asked.
"You know very well what you fuckin' did. Get out of my apartment, Charles."
Charles gave a deep throated laugh, followed by a brief coughing fit. "Callin' your own father by his first name now?"
She spit in his direction, her anger gleaming.
He frowned. "I wasn't expecting such a cold welcoming."
"Oh, BULLSHIT you didn't!" Mary began to yell. "You expect me to crawl back to you like when I was fuckin' my own son's age? You think I love you after everything?"
"Ouch. That hurt. Seriously." The attitude conveyed by Mary's father suggested just the opposite.
"Do you forget what you did to me? You took my childhood from me. My innocence. It's your fault I couldn't-" Mary lets out a labored breath, unable to utter the words. "Give me one reason I shouldn't fetch my ax and murder your ass?"
"Hmm. Well you've got me there. I'm in no way an innocent man. But I don't regret a thing. Besides, you can't kill me. I'm a demon, remember?"
"I'll find a fucking way," Mary mutters. She tosses the diaper bag on the floor.
"So when were you planning on telling me I was a grandpa? I would love to see my little-"
He smiles so, so evilly. "I guess that answers the question I was going to ask."
"Fuck off. Get the fuck out of here, and go back to the fucking mirror land you've been hiding in for all of these centuries. I don't want to see you ever again."
"That's no way to talk to your-"
"You're not my dad. You never will be. Ever."
He stands, finally. He walks past Mary, then says,"Just remember love. I can still see you. Just like you can see people in the mirror. I'll never truly be gone, not as long as you use the mirrors as your own method of transportation.
Mary's facial expression was unmoving, though her insides wrenched. As soon as he left, she ran to her son's bedroom. She took the mirror off the wall and tossed it in the closet. Then she grabbed Carter, got him changed into PJ's and sat in the dark with him in his arms.
He fell asleep pretty fast.
She cried as she held her precious baby against her chest.
I hope you liked this one. Definitely opens a new window- or mirror, if you prefer XD Any questions, leave them below
I've been meaning to share another one of my favorite songs with you guys, especially since @JJwolf and @pudding_pie seem to be fans of the Bee Gees themselves.
So here ya go, Night Fever!
P.S. - As always, I've been reading all of your amazing journal/diary entries and chapters you guys have been giving me throughout the weekend. Don't you dare think I wouldn't. ^_^
Wow. That's NOT who I thought was going to be there....its nice that you and i have taken Mary and just ran with her; not saying for us to toot our own horn but reading our take on Mary has me wanting to reach into the computer screen and give her an enormous hug.
With that being said and knowing she DOES have family floating around, wonder how this will play out in the end.
I LOVE this song! If no one has guessed, Pie is a HUGE fan of the 70's. Damn. Born the wrong era. XD JJ will get a kick out of this, too.
Plus, I bet your brain is overflowing with all these diary and journal entries! 
Excellent, I can relate! I used to listen to this song over and over when I was a kid, lol. Seems like those times are coming back, damn you two. ;P
You assumed right.
I'm surprised my brain hadn't exploded into a gooey, yogurty-like substance after reading all of these entries. 
Chapter 11
Penny called Katie that morning to confirm the time. Josiah would be dropped off later then expected; Penny and another dancer decided to switch the schedules up. Raven, the other dancer, had court in the morning. Feeling sympathy for the girl, Penny decided it would be better to simply switch; asking for a night off when you were not scheduled to often left Oliver in a sour mood.
"So, I'll see you around three than?" Katie sat at the table, as the thirteen girls surrounded her with their breakfast.
"Yes. If I'm a little late, I'll call you."
"Where DID mom and dad go?"
"The coast. Guess there is a Clam bake or something going on down there."
"Oh yeah. Jersey wanted to go to that but try taking thirteen-" CRASH! SPLAT! CRASH! "Shit! Really, Ivy?"
Penny giggles. "Yeah. I can see what you mean. Well, I better let you go."
"See you later on, sis."
"Bye, butthead."
As Katie hung up the phone, Jersey walks around the corner. He snatches a Bagel and steps over the young Wolf cub frantically trying to clean up the mess.
"Whoa, what happened here?"
"Ivy didn't see how close the bowl was to the edge and when she went to get more cereal, it fell over."
Ivy looks up. "Sorry 'bout that, mommy."
Katie sighs. "Its fine, sweetpea."
Jersey pours himself a cup of coffee. "What time your sister comin' by?"
"She said three and-"
"Thought she was comin' by this morning?"
"Guess one of the girls had court, so they switched."
Jersey huffed. "I don't see why the fuck your sister is still workin' for that creep. He's never changed. Guess he's back on the white mule and-"
Katie kicks Jersey's foot. "Stop. Don't talk about that here in front of the girls. And besides, you think you're the ONLY one concerned?"
Willow looks over at Katie. "What's wrong with Aunt Penny?"
Katie brushes her hair back. "Nothing, sweetie. Your Aunt Penny is fine. Daddy is just being silly."
Jersey snorts. "Uh huh, I'm bein' silly." He takes a bite from the Bagel. "Oliver, to me, is WAY worse then what 'you-know-who- used to be."
"Well, my sister is a big girl. My father even said he'd help her. But, sadly, you can't help those that don't want it...."
Changing the subject, Katie stands from the table and grabs the chocolate syrup. Pouring the girls each a cup, she adds in the liquid gold and allows the girls to stir. Jersey finishes off the last piece, looks at his watch and grabs the keys.
"Do you want me to pick up anything for dinner after work?"
Hope's little head pops up like a Gopher in the grass. Her eyes are wide. "Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets!"
All the girls instantly agree. Katie smiles. "Is that what you want for dinner?"
All together. "YES PLEASE!"
Katie glares at Jersey. "You heard the ladies, daddy. Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets."
Jersey grabs a pen and writes it on a sheet of paper. "We need Milk?"
"Get four more, please. These two will not last today."
As Jersey jots this down, the girls take turns hugging their father. Jersey picks the girls up one by one and plants a kiss on their cheek. As he finishes off with Hope, Katie wraps her arms around his neck. Jersey first kisses her nose, then her lips.
"Love you, Rabbit."
"Love you more, my Devil you."
Jersey puts on his jacket, waves goodbye and heads to the Lucky Pawn. Katie heads to the ipod and turns on the music.
"Okay! Older girls need to get ready for school! Bella, Laura, Sarah and Alice; go and brush your hair, get your school clothes on! MAKE sure to bundle up. It's cold outside. Georgia, Ivy, Ava Rose, Willow and Madeline; you five go brush your teeth, get dressed and WEAR warm clothes!"
The nine eager girls scatter in various directions, as they each take a turn either at the sink, with a brush or picking out their attire for the day. Katie points to the four remaining girls in the kitchen.
"Now, you four. I'm gonna need my special helpers today. Aunt Penny is dropping off Josiah later and we need to tidy up the house. you girls ready to help?"
Together, the girls clap and cheer. Katie turns around and sees a floating jacket, jeans and boots.
"Bella, baby, mommy can't see your face."
"Oops! Sorry mommy. Hold on..." Within seconds, an outline of a girl appeared before Katie's eyes. "Better?"
Katie adjusts her scarf. "I hope you're not doing this too much in class..."
"No ma'am."
Soon, a muffin floats past Katie's head. She snatches the treat before it makes its way around the corner. Seconds later, Alice comes around the corner.
"Mommy, I was gonna take that for a snack-"
"These are daddy's muffins. You know that."
"EW! Those are the cranberry ones?"
Katie laughs. "Well, if you had JUST asked me instead of being sneaky, young lady. Am I gonna have to tell daddy again?"
Alice quickly shakes her head. "No! no, no, no!"
The rest of the girls, back pack in hand, run down the stairs. Doing her usual inspection, Katie checks each of the girls. When she finishes with Madeline, her thumb goes up, indicating to the girls that all is well.
"Okay, listen! The bus will be here any minute. You girls behave and do not play around! The bus is NOT a playground-GEORGIA!"
Georgia stops to smile her tradmark 'Georgie' smile. "Sorry, mommy."
HONK HONK HONK "Oh, bus is here. Say good-bye and let's get a move on, girls."
The nine dressed girls said goodbye to the remaining four. In a line, Katie walks the girls to the bus. As the doors swing open, she kisses each one on the head. She pins a note, like she does every morning, to their jacket. Katie stands back and waves to the nine eager faces in the window.
"Bye, babies! Have a wonderful day at school! Mommy loves you all. Be good-GEORGIA!"
Soon, the bus pulls away and heads down the street. Katire returns to the house, just as 'Disco Inferno' plays in the background. In hand, the girls are ready to boogie down and clean the house. Katie grabs a wet rag, dances her way into the kitchen and sprays the counters with Lemon cleaner.
"Alright, ladies! Teamwork! Here we go!"
'Burn, baby burn. Disco Inferno. Burn, baby burn, burn that mother down!'
Chapter 12 soon
If you have any questions, you k ow what to do.
BTW, the hell can you keep your sanity with all those girls! XD You too, Jersey; looking at you!
Okay now for the second part! Also I just realized the villains are single parents
while Bonnie and Lyall had both their parents.... Kind of sad since Jersey and Bloody Mary aren't really parent martial...
And lastly I made Medusa on chibi maker, since a lot of you seem to be looking forward to her. (She's suppose to be in a pantsuit in this picture... And I have no idea why I gave her a whip)
Russian Roulette
Chapter two
Road to hell
After a quick sponge bath, changing into his usual attire, his hair back into it's normal ponytail and conniving his parents he was well, Lyall, his father and Bluebeard made their way to the basement of woodlands. He trailed behind the two, he was still getting used to his new leg, of course he fell over twice causing concern, but reassured his father he was fine.
"This better be good Blurbeard." Bigby hissed.
"Oh I do believe it will be sheriff." he replied. "Certainly something you and your son should look into, if he feels up to it."
"I can managed." feeling Bluebeard comment wasn't out of concern.
Eventually they reached the depths of the basement. The smell of mildew wasn't all that pleasant to him, now he really wished he had a pack of smokes on him. His last pack was got lost somewhere during the fight.
"Alright Bluebeard, what is it?" his father questioned crossing his arms.
"Well, of course I would prefer to take matters into my own hands. But Miss Snow ordered this, not me." Bluebeard replied, then open the door.
Restrained in a chair, caked in dirt, bruises on his body as if they were tattoos, and sporting a black eye through cracked glasses, was a young man with orange hair, and three missing fingers on his right hand.
"I'm sure it's hard to remember him when he's in glamour." Bluebeard starting as he entered the room. "But I'm sure you're more then familiar with Bradwr here."
"What the hell did you do to him?" Bigby asked.
"Oh unfortunately I haven't laid a finger on him. He got into glamour, got drunk, and started a bar fight." he informed.
"Fuck you..." Bradwr grumbled, struggling in the restrains.
"He's a bit hungover, but he seems ready for questioning. He has a lot to answer for." Bluebeard stated.
"Aside from beating the shit out of me?" Lyall scoffed.
"Their was a fire at Shepard metalworks, his feet were soaked in gasoline and we found a book of matches in his pocket." he told the two.
"Shepard metalworks?" Bigby repeated, raising his eye brows. "No one's been to that place in years, surprise it still hasn't gotten demolish." he turned and faced Bradwr. "What were you doing around there?"
"Nothing...look it's Scarlett you want, this whole thing was her idea. I ain't worth your damn time." he hissed.
"More like you're not worth a damn." Bigby huffed.
"Where is Scarlett?" Lyall demanded.
"Hell if I know... Crazy bitch."
"Oh, you don't know?" Bluebeard spoke, a sly smile on his face. "Or you won't tell?"
"Where are you getting at baldy? I was just fallowing my wife's orders. She had it in for you two for awhile now." Bradwr spat.
"Baldly, good one." he scoffed. "She's your wife? Correct?"
"Guess so..." Bradwr replied. "What's you're damn point?"
"Oh nothing really, it's just once the fire was put out I poked around a little. Found something pretty interesting." he reached into the pockets of his pants, his fists clenched something. "So... Your wife's just... Missing?"
Once he open his fist both Lyall and Bradwr cringed. Resting in Bluebeard's palms was an hazel eye.
"What the hell is that?!" Bigby demanded.
"Found it at Metalworks." Bluebeard informed, waving the body part closer to Bradwr's face. "It belongs to Scarlett correct? The report says she has hazel eyes, yet no eye injury happened during the little fight with Bradwr. So there's something you're not telling us."
Bradwr turned his head, a vain attempt to avoid the bloody eye in Bluebeard's hand.
"Get that thing out of my face man." Bradwr pleaded. "It could be anyone's eye! Ha-hazel's a pretty common eye colour you know."
"It's hers! It's smells just like her!" Lyall yelled. "What the fuck did you do to her?!"
"It.. It was an accident, okay! She was flipping out at me and I sort of freaked out, alright?"
"We could easily throw you down the witching well, you know that right?" Bigby reminded.
"Come on Shrieff-"
"Tell us everything you know then!"
A defeated sigh came as Bradwr as Bluebeard finally pulled the eye away from his face.
"Scarlett... Got something against you Bigby," he started. "You remember Bloody Mary?" A slow nod from Bigby. "Well that's her ma, never met her before."
"I knew there was resemblance between them." Bigby grumbled.
"What about the father?" asked Lyall crossing his arms
"Dunno, I doubted her mother knew either. Look, she's dead now... Can I just leave now?" he squirmed in the restrains. "You don 'to have to worry about her, it's all good. Forgive and forget right?"
"It's not that easy." Lyall taunted. "You admitted to killing her, that's more then enough to put you away, not to mentioned that you helped her."
"Hey, I was just doing what Scarlett and father told me to do... Aww shit." he cursed at his little slip of the tongue.
"Your father... Let me guess the Jersey Devil?" Bigby asked raising a brow.
"Yes..." Bradwr muttered. "Look what more do you want from me?! Scarlett's dead, you don't have to worry about her! None of us have to! She was just a moody bitch who was a victim to her own bitterness."
"May I remind you that the death of her is enough to throw you down the well?" Lyall hissed. "Give me one good reason why we shouldn't."
"C-cut me some slack man , it was all HER idea! She planned this damn thing out."
"Let's just throw him down the damn well already, we wasted more then enough time here." Bluebeard huffed and glared daggers at Bradwr. "Unless you can prove you're useful to us..."
"I-I am! Trust me, I can... I can uhh...." his brown eyes lit up. "I know something about a little illegal fight club going on right under Fabletown's noses."
This clearly spiked the trio's interest.
"Oh really?" Bigby scoffed. "Where is it then?"
"I can take you there! Look, just promise me you won't throw me down the damn well! I'll do whatever you say? Alright?!"
Lyall exchanged uneasy glances with his father, Bradwr could just be another lying bastard, but if he really did have knowledge about an illegal fight club it was certainly worth checking into.
"It's your call dad." Lyall said with a shrug of his shoulders. "I'll be more then willing to take the fucker with me."
"You feel up to it? You just got out of the hospital." Bigby asked.
"I can handle it, besides, I can break in my new leg." he mused as his father faced Bradwr.
"Very well then Bradwr, you got yourself a deal."
A soft hum filled the dimly lit room, every inch of the wall was decorated with paintings that ranged from portraits to abstract art. A pleased smile spread across plump lips as emerald green eyes stared at the paintings before her as she sipped daintily at champagne.
"Lovely pieces aren't they?" Medusa mused to the corn snake coiled around her right hand. "Flown straight from Paris, such a beautiful place isn't it Millie?" Millie the corn snake coiled tighter around her wrist , she let out a light chuckle.
"Hungry aren't you? Figures, you never been one for art." setting the glass of alcohol aside Medusa wandered over to a steel cage, inside was a pack of rats that were clearly over population the space limit of the cage.
"Filthy creatures..." she muttered selecting one, her perfectly manicured wine coloured nails held one of the rats by its pudgy pink tail. Millie uncoiled herself from Medusa's arm and slithered onto the dark oak wood table. As soon as she let go of the squirming rodent Millie strikes, her jaws becomes unhinged as she devoured the rodent quickly.
"Good girl." her lips curled into a larger smile, a knock on the door caused her head to turn, curly brown ringlets bounced freely yet still somehow managed to keep the natural grace and maturity Medusa could have. "Come in darling."
The brass knob slowly turned and a man with slick black hair and brown eyes entered the room.
"Ah Romeo, I been waiting for you." she greeted as he nervously entered the room. "Don't be scared, I have my face on." Medusa laughed. "Care for some champagne?"
"No mistress." he replied.
"Wine? Scotch? Or perhaps you're hungry? I was just about to indulge on some caviar." He shook his head at her offers. "At least sit down."
"You are too kind mistress, but that's why I'm here. I was ordered to let you know everything is going according to plan." he sat in one if the black leather seats. "Everything ready for the fight to-" Romeo froze, noticing a long black snake slithering over his feet.
"Ah I see you met Sasha, beauty isn't she? Black mamba, such a nice find to add to my collection don't you think?"
"V-very much mistress."
"Please just call me Medusa."
"Okay, she's very nice M-Medusa." he replied staring at Sasha.
"Quiet the little exploring, just loves making new friends." Medusa plopped herself down on the couch. "But if shit goes down Sasha can be... Overzealous to fight." her eyes glared daggers at Romeo.
"Don't disappoint me tonight." slowly Sasha slithered over to Medusa and placed her scaly head on her lap, as if a dog wanting affection.
"Of course not, I wouldn't dream of it."
"Good, also sent in my body guard. I want her to see the show."
"Yes Medusa."
And there we go, Medusa finally gets a physical appearance. And I'll explain more about Medusa in the next chapter.
Romeo- After a divorce with Juliet Romeo was left to work for Medusa as an errand boy. He has black hair and brow eyes, close to Bradwr, and became timid since he started working for her.
You would be wise to include me in this discussion, for like Pie, I too am a fan of this genre of music.
This made my day, good sir. And Pie...I blame you, for indeed I listened to the Bee Gees but for the past several days, the need to 'boogie down' has increased ten fold. Curse you and your recent need to include this in your stories. XD
BTW, looking forward to all these entries. So far, everyone seems to be enjoying them.