The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • 3, 2, 1.

    let the hate flow

    Oh wait downvotes are gone ^^

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Gone quiet maybe a question TWD S1 V TWD S2 V TWAU Which do you think is the best and why? For me * TWD * TWAU * TWD S2

  • Daniel, log on to Steam, or PM me, don't make it harder than it's supposed to be...

    I don't know how long it will be but.... until I know when I return this is goodbye.

  • Ana is... Uh... Hm... Eh... Øh... Æh... Meow?

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    It's my Evil Partner birthday today so we need to celebrate pls :'D Erm so Say something nice about sweetpea and post a ballet gif maybe that would be cool!! My Evil Partner is the most evil and badass ballet killa in the world

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    XD downvotes I miss them :'( Wait the curse has been lifted but I always said anything anyway we need more

    1. TLOU is better than TWD

    2. TWD S1 apart from the story is a complete rip off of Heavy Rain

    3. S2 was terrible apart from episode 4 and 5

    Add more later

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    3, 2, 1. let the hate flow Oh wait downvotes are gone ^^

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    Ana is... Uh... Hm... Eh... Øh... Æh... Meow?

  • XD How were you at training or at the gym?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I kicked the punching bag so fast I almost puked... x___x

    edited October 2014

    How is TWD a rip-off of Heavy Rain aside from the story? Aren't both games all about the story? xD

    I feel like TLOU is better than S1, but worse than S2, I don't believe episode 2 was horrible, but I agree that episodes 1 and 3 were weak.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD downvotes I miss them Wait the curse has been lifted but I always said anything anyway we need more * TLOU is better than TWD *

  • it k

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD How were you at training or at the gym?

  • She has a great taste in food (punny)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    It's my Evil Partner birthday today so we need to celebrate pls :'D Erm so Say something nice about sweetpea and post a ballet gif maybe that would be cool!! My Evil Partner is the most evil and badass ballet killa in the world


    Gets his ass kicked 24/7.

  • edited October 2014

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    qte's, dialogue choices, point and click, decisions defined story, Timed dialogue etc all heavy Rain

    Episode 2 was decent :D

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    How is TWD a rip-off of Heavy Rain aside from the story? Aren't both games all about the story? xD I feel like TLOU is better than S1, but worse than S2, I don't believe episode 2 was horrible, but I agree that episodes 1 and 3 were weak.

  • 1111! Make a wish people!

  • I wish for... Yeah, I'd rather not say it in public.

    1111! Make a wish people!

  • If you need to talk to someone bro just PM me

    I don't know how long it will be but.... until I know when I return this is goodbye.

  • Well lots of games are like that, but I don't really care tbh.

    Yeah it was k :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    qte's, dialogue choices, point and click, decisions defined story, Timed dialogue etc all heavy Rain Episode 2 was decent

  • edited October 2014

    Fuck it, Fuck it all

    I wish for... Yeah, I'd rather not say it in public.

  • I said I was done but what the fuck ever I'm bored

  • Really? Well, that is the icing on the cake. I am taking a couple days of.

    I don't know how long it will be but.... until I know when I return this is goodbye.

  • So, just finished season 1 of attack on titan.



    I just finished the last book of a trilogy and it was SO FUCKING SAD and I'm crying like I just finished playing No Time Left for the first time. It's like a bad break up- Maybe it would have been better if I never read this series at all and then But you wouldn't have these happy memories you had while reading it and then my effing brain goes BUT MY TINY TEENAGE GIRL HEART CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS PAIN so basically Maddi.exe has stopped working, ceased to function, UGHH hbdwiqwdbi

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  • What book?

    UGH JFNWEFNOIQI I FEEL LIKE I'M GONNA PASS OUT EXPLODE AND DIE AT THE SAME TIME I just finished the last book of a trilogy and it was SO

  • Good song.

    Here we have @SweetPeaClem's birthday music.

  • edited October 2014

    I am sorry but I usually say that "You know, I might not like that game, but that doesn 't mean it is not a good game! It is just not for me!" This doesn 't go for this one. I will give it a point for the villans because they are really badass and the new one is probably going to be awesome, but I think that this is one game that I couldn 't hate more. I apsolutly want it to


    Markd4547 posted: » I can't wait :'D

  • Never heard of it, but I have to say that the cover looks awesome!


  • sobs

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    blueneon posted: »

    What book?

  • edited October 2014

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    XD WAT why Y do dis :'(

    blueneon posted: »

    I am sorry but I usually say that "You know, I might not like that game, but that doesn 't mean it is not a good game! It is just not for me

  • edited October 2014

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    3 books not bad not as good as Horowitz trilogy :P

    UGH JFNWEFNOIQI I FEEL LIKE I'M GONNA PASS OUT EXPLODE AND DIE AT THE SAME TIME I just finished the last book of a trilogy and it was SO

  • Cause I am mostly tolarant around games I am not a really fond of. But this one, I couldn 't hate more. I mean exept for Vaas I hated the last one with all my might. I hardly get why people actually like it. It is a blank game, with blank characters and a cliche story for the most part. The gameplay, sure creative for a cairten part but AVREDGE gameplay is just not good enough for me. This game is oficialy


    in the Konni counter.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD WAT why Y do dis

  • it is so beautiful i have never heard such a godly musical sound in my life like this one

  • Childhood feels grim tales of billy and mandy was an awesome show :'D

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    Tell me a few good games then :P

    blueneon posted: »

    Cause I am mostly tolarant around games I am not a really fond of. But this one, I couldn 't hate more. I mean exept for Vaas I hated the la

  • Lol.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Childhood feels grim tales of billy and mandy was an awesome show :'D

  • Good games by MY standards or generaly.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Tell me a few good games then :P

  • Your standards >:D

    blueneon posted: »

    Good games by MY standards or generaly.

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    lmao awesome indeed godlike :'D

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    it is so beautiful i have never heard such a godly musical sound in my life like this one

  • I love that game!

    I remember swimming in a river for the first time and exploring underwater and the screen goes bloody and I'm in a friggin DEATH ROLL from a surprise crocodile! I love crocodiles though so I let him eat me #noragrets

    Markd4547 posted: » I can't wait :'D

  • I relate to Mandy on a personal level.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Childhood feels grim tales of billy and mandy was an awesome show :'D

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