The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Well Ubisoft's treatment of PC gaming just makes me hate them even more. I can't get excited for new AC because its just more of the same. Doesn't even have the cool pirate theme that hooked me with Black Flag. They have good games but they are spitting on PC gamers and expecting us to like it. The whole thing surrounding Watch Dog's release was just a joke. Look at the reveal trailer from like 3 years ago and then see what it is on PC now. They flat out lied. Not only was that false advertising but from what I hear the PC version is practically broken and this is the kind of thing we can expect from them in the future. So I was excited for The Crew and The Division and now they're not even on my radar.

    blueneon posted: »

    You are right. Their games are pretty empty. Not always but most of them. I am afraid that they are one more to go down the drain.

  • The best way to play is stealth kill everyone in an outpost. Best feeling is successfully kill everyone without them even knowing you were there.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD Nice I knew the game was epic when I watched a cheetah from the river, I was about to attack a base single-handle y get loose and kill ev

  • You're own fault for putting faith in humanity on youtube comments.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Faith in humanity lost...

  • I didn't really.. But this hasn't really helped if you know what I mean..

    Rockworm posted: »

    You're own fault for putting faith in humanity on youtube comments.

  • Yeah well Youtube comments is the cancer of the internet. They're all children who think being edgy and insulting makes them cool. I bet the guy you're arguing with doesn't even care about the argument but is laughing because he got a rise out of you. People like that are pathetic and need some sort of validation that they're lives aren't meaningless and the only way they can is by insults and acting retarded.

    It always makes me think of this lol

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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I didn't really.. But this hasn't really helped if you know what I mean..

  • WOW

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Another One...

  • How I think I take pictures:

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    This gif is disgusting... xD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    How I THINK I take pictures Reality

  • NU

    This place is dying! Guess I'll be leaving for a while.

  • LOL, yeah well said..

    Rockworm posted: »

    Yeah well Youtube comments is the cancer of the internet. They're all children who think being edgy and insulting makes them cool. I bet t

  • I have seen many insults through this community. Largely, most of it has been coming from threads regarding AJ, with the ones who want him dead and the ones who will do anything to protect him.

    It's literally like Chaos VS Space Marines here.

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    We don't need to "Cleanse and purge" all the people who don't like AJ.

    Now I'm not defending their opinion, I think those people hold the lowest ground morally, but that doesn't mean we should start making insults. Argue, debate... but don't insult.

    I mean, seriously, what happened to this place while I was gone?

  • :'(

    I won't be here for some time.

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    Don't care I just stick to the lounge I do not got the time anymore to moan about meaningless little details like that I rather just have a laugh here instead it bores me all the drama over stupid things on the main forum tbh :/

    I have seen many insults through this community. Largely, most of it has been coming from threads regarding AJ, with the ones who want him


    This place is dying! Guess I'll be leaving for a while.

  • Whatever I do what I want =P


  • There's a guy who is hero worshiping Troy... and i'm like wat! Everyone in TWD forum wants a fight. I came here to talk and have a good time and fighting isn't fun.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Don't care I just stick to the lounge I do not got the time anymore to moan about meaningless little details like that I rather just have a laugh here instead it bores me all the drama over stupid things on the main forum tbh

  • edited October 2014


    Ellen Page <3

    Alt text ^

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    Check it She is also Canadian and awesome she loves the goonies all your arguments are now invalid

    What Goonie are you Rachelle?

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    I'm Andy so true :'D


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    Kenny: DAM YOU CAT!

    Bloodeon: I didn't even know cats could be that big...

  • The girl I liked moved to homeschooling...

    The other girl I liked rejected me....


  • Stop procrastinating and get your work done already!

    Whatever I do what I want =P

  • Okay :)

    Stop procrastinating and get your work done already!

  • Then find a new one! There is plenty of fish in the sea.

    The girl I liked moved to homeschooling... The other girl I liked rejected me....

  • I guess I'm the fastest runner in my grade, for now...

  • I need the right one. I don't know who God wants in my life. I'm confused.

    Then find a new one! There is plenty of fish in the sea.

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    I served my time there and now it's even worse then ever fighting over things what don't matter and hero worshiping I had a couple of debates with the type YOUR WRONG BECAUSE LUKE HAS PRETTY HAIR. etc

    It bores me now tbh I'd rather do something more fun

    Rockworm posted: »

    There's a guy who is hero worshiping Troy... and i'm like wat! Everyone in TWD forum wants a fight. I came here to talk and have a good time and fighting isn't fun.

  • Don't bro we need the music bro and the awesomeness you bring :'(

    This place is dying! Guess I'll be leaving for a while.

  • edited October 2014

    "Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light

    Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith

    Where there is shame, I shall point atonement

    Where there is rage, I shall show its course"

  • Congrats son that is awesome <3

    ComingSoon posted: »

    I guess I'm the fastest runner in my grade, for now...

  • Yes. I come here for this thread almost exclusively. Whenever I go back to the TWD section I almost always regret it. I do not blame Flog or GOUSTTTTTT for leaving now.

    I leave all my TWD on reddit now. they are not arguing over there. There has been some cool discussions and we been doing a replay saturday where we talk about choices we missed out on the first time. Got me to save Doug instead of Carley for once. That is fun. Not this!

    I thought it would have died down after the Jane vs Kenny shit went away but obviously this is how it will always be with people just wanting to argue for the sake of arguing.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I served my time there and now it's even worse then ever fighting over things what don't matter and hero worshiping I had a couple of debate

  • Okay, Love you buddy :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Don't bro we need the music bro and the awesomeness you bring

  • You'll figure it out eventually :) Just don't go looking for love, Let it find you.

    I need the right one. I don't know who God wants in my life. I'm confused.

  • I love this song :'D

  • edited October 2014

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    She not the one for you if she rejected you I noticed before in my case when a girl rejected me afterwards when I got closer to her I learned I didn't really like her at all and I dodged a bullet tbh it can be a good thing to :/.

    There are plenty of wonderful and beautiful girls everywhere don't worry

    The girl I liked moved to homeschooling... The other girl I liked rejected me....

  • "You're the typical girl next door" That's Mark alright

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @Welcome_to_Woodbury Ellen Page

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