Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • LOL I'm not saying but sure you have an idea. ;P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    WTF he has a kid?! By who!? 0.o Whoa....dafuq is going on here?! And you say I THROW people around!!! XD Getting good! KINDA have an idea but not saying.....:)

  • I'm just going to say this: Everytime you mention Georgie and Lyla having sex, I can picture Lyla saying this:

    Alt text

    LMAO! Okay, got out of hand there. This is a good start; I remember that urban legend about the caller and then stalking the family. I see he OR she will be the one to unleash this 'curse'? Good idea using the phone as the gateway to Fabletown. :)

    Looking forward to reading the rest.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Halloween Challenge Part 1: The Call The city of Fabletown was tucked into a blanket of stars and the moon as their luminous n

  • I like when you add little sections about Fabletown willing to forgive Georgie. :) The feels. Everyone deserves a second chance. <3

    The section with the xbox one; can picture all four of them, trying to come up with an idea. I'm surprised Emily was not part of the group, although it wouldn't shock me to see her try and win it on her own. XD I can only imagine what their costumes will be, unless, those images you drew ARE their

    The activities you come up with!! Do YOU do these things at home, work, etc or are these all made up? And Gren with the Shrip Cocktail! XD I can ONLY imagine!! lol

    And that last sentence; 'brit is ready to make london bridge fall down.' Well said, Georgie. Well said. They are too freakin' cute! <3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Dear Diary: Georgie Porgie here. Lyla is in the shower right now; sure she wouldn't mind me adding a few little enteries to th

  • Haha, a too-smooth Georgie sounds hilarious for some reason. Well, I figure that Lyla thinks of him as a rough individual. If ya know what I mean... XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Do a VIP guest list during the opening event! XD All that inking takes time but so far, its been worth it. Lyla is always stunning. ;D M

  • XD This, JJ, THIS made my day! And yes...she DOES say that! lol

    Nothing sounded right or even CLOSE to be scary. This works. :)

    JJwolf posted: »

    I'm just going to say this: Everytime you mention Georgie and Lyla having sex, I can picture Lyla saying this: LMAO! Okay, got out of

  • Etan and his wife will be Justin Bieber and Saleena Gomez lol..

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Wife gossoping with her friends. XD I like the idea that Etan is open to dressing up as some 'mundy' and he goes for Justin Biebe

  • <.< Telltale took the damn bar that lets you do fancy schmancy text things. I wonder who did what to make that happen?


    It had been ten years since Mary last opened the jewelry box.

    Her son Carter ran up and down the hall, chasing his baby sisters around the house. As soon as the girls got too tired to run anymore, they sprawled onto the carpet and Carter went to use the bathroom. He'd always wondered what was inside the mahogany box, his hand occasionally touching the surface after washing up at the sink.

    "Hey, Mom?" He called, after drying his hands off with a towel.

    "Yes Buddy?" Mary called from the kitchen. She was cooking dinner for the kids.

    Carter grabbed the wooden box, bringing it out into the kitchen with him. She was bent over the stove, taste testing the sauce for the pasta.

    "Mom, why aren't any of us ever allowed to open this thing?" He asked. He set the box on the counter, his eager eyes staring at Mary's back. She turned the heat down to a simmer, then faced her son.

    Mary knew that averting the question would only make him more curious. She took the box in her hands and opened it wide. The pendant sat dormant inside of the box, it's gold shining in the overhead kitchen lights. She pulled it out, dangling it in front of Carter's face.

    "A necklace? That's it?" He said. "Why can't we touch it?"

    Mary placed it back in the box, closing it tightly. "It was your grandfather's. He gave it to me."

    "Well, that was nice of him," Carter said. The boy never remembered the encounter with his grandfather many years ago, nor did her ever hear anything about him. This was actually the first time Mary had decided to mention him at all in front of Carter.

    "Yes, I suppose it was," Mary said, with a blank expression. She told him to put it in her room as she continued to stir the pasta.

    Carter placed the jewelry box down on his mother's dresser. His curiosity peaking, his hand reached back in and took the pendant out. The weight of it surprised him. Pulling it over his head, he felt the power enter his body and the darkness filled his mind. Immediately, out of fear, he yanked the necklace off, breaking the chain. That single movement caused the whole necklace to fizzle into nothing but ashes.

    "Weird..." He said. He closed the box up and pretended like it had never happened. A minute later, he heard the front door open and Hans's booming voice filling the apartment.

    "My girls!" He said, as the two babies reached up for him to pick them up.

    "Hey Dad," Carter said, giving Hans a side-hug. He grabbed one of his little sisters and headed to the kitchen where Mary had begun dishing out dinner.

    Rachel, the older girl, sat in a booster seat with her hand reaching down and grabbing the spaghetti noodles.

    "Hey, eat with a fork young lady," Hans said. The girl giggled and grabbed her fork with her clean hand, struggling to pick the noodles up and into her mouth.

    "Carter was chasing Rachel and Eleanor all day today," Mary said, placing a plate in front of her husband.

    He gave her a kiss, laughing,"Well, they'll sleep good tonight then."

    Mary spoon fed some cut up noodles to Eleanor who was squirming in her high chair. Carter smiled as he watched his family eat their dinner. His parents small talked as his sister Rachel fed the cat some of her food.

    After the girls were put to bed in their cribs and Carter said his last goodnight, Mary and Hans rested in the living room together. Entangled in each other's arms with cups of coffee clasped in their hands, they stared at each other lovingly with the sound of the 11 o clock news drowning out the silence. Hans kissed Mary again, their faces inches away from each other.

    "I love you, Hans," Mary said.

    Hans smiled. "I love you more."

    "No, you don't. I love you more."

    The two played like this for a long while before retiring to their bedrooms for the night.

    Mary's attention turned to the box on her dresser. Never again would she open it.


    The end, for now <3 I hope this was a satisfying end, I'm now working on the challenge which will probably be up shortly, if I can get substantial brain storming done ;)

  • Parking in front of the I Am The Eggman Diner, Noah combed his hair through in the mirror. He flashed a toothy smile at him self, swaggering out of the driver's side door and coming up to the entrance of the restaurant.

    "Hmm, she should be here. Maybe she's inside..." He said to himself. Before heading in. he took one more look around to check for his date. No sign of the girl.

    "Have you seen this, erm...girl? She's uh...She's blond. Calls herself Sara Jane?"

    The waiter shook his head quickly,"No son. No Sara Jane's in here. Take a seat, maybe wait for her? I dunno, she might have just stood you up boy."

    Discouraged, Noah decided to take a seat in one of the booths. Peering out the window, he caught the eye of his sisters who'd been shopping here in Fabletown. They smiled, heading for the diner and entering to talk with their brother.

    "Sup, dork," Ash said, sitting across from him. She chewed a pink piece of bubble gum, blowing enormous bubbled that popped over her pale face. Scarlett sat next to her, her red eyes gleaming in the luminescent lights.

    "Whatcha doing out here alone?" Scar asks, her hands playing with a menu.

    "Meeting a girl I met last night." He replied. His eyes darted around the restaurant, making sure no one could over hear them. "Don't tell Mom, but...I went to Uncle Hans's club, instead of Wendy's party."

    "You did what?" Ash said, accidently spitting her gum onto the table. She quickly picked the gooey mess up and shoved it back in her mouth.

    "Ugh, you're disgusting," Scarlett remarked. "And you are crazy. There's no way you went to the strip club instead."

    "Well, I did Scar." Noah said. His eyes flashed to the window, thinking he saw his date, but was discouraged to see Rapunzel walking by mindlessly. His attention went back to his baffled sisters.

    "Why did you go? I mean, I thought you were pretty crazy in general, being a mega super sports fanatic, but c'mon brother. The club? You gotta be 21 to get in. We're barely seventeen."

    Noah shrugged,"I've always wondered what it was like. I'd love to work with Uncle Hans, and he says I'd do good as a bar tender like Aunt Mary used to do. I don't know, I just wanted to see inside."

    "More like you wanted to stare at boobs," Ashlyn said. "You know, there are magazines and the internet for that."

    "Shut up," Noah said. He looked out the window once more, but no sign of the girl. He was becoming increasingly disappointed.

    Scarlett stood, grabbing the shopping bags she'd placed next to her when she came in. "Good luck, man. See ya when you get home?"

    "Yeah, yeah. Just- Don't tell Mom, alright? Dad might not really care, but don't tell him either? Okay?"

    "No problem," Scar said.

    "I need some sort of bribe," Ashlyn told him. Angry, Noah fished twenty bucks from his pocket. "Take it and go. Don't tell Mom anything, you got it?"

    "Tell Mom what?" Ash said.

    "Perfect. Bye."

    The girls left his presence, and he was alone again. Waiting another twenty minutes, he left himself. The girl wouldn't show. Not like his mother would approve of any relationship with her in the first place. Whatever. He drove home.

    I hope you like it! This is an attempt, hopefully I can get the ball rolling with this new story. I took a legend off of the recommended site, and I might even add a few other legends in, because why not? Bare with me, I'm still getting a hold of the ropes, so to speak :)

  • edited October 2014

    Aw man. The beginning <3 I just can't believe how perfect Lyla and Georgie are together! Having tons of kids DOES make it hard to...well....yeah XD I wonder how it is for Katie and Jersey >.> They have 13, not just 6 XD

    Lmao, the way Emily sleeps is perfect XD Scary though, the question on the phone. Like, if anyone ever messed with my kids, you know I'd be going to jail, right? Because those mothafuckers would be dead as doornails, then resurrected and killed again, in more gruesome and horrifying manners.

    Ooooh pancakes. I'm with Emily and Peter XD

    Shit though! Like, stay away from my damn Porgies and Grendels and and Curious Hans children! Go away, Monsters! Shoo!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Halloween Challenge Part 1: The Call The city of Fabletown was tucked into a blanket of stars and the moon as their luminous n

  • Damn, Mary's technically all alone now! Dem feels... ;(

    Before and when Mary went back home, I thought the pedant she got from her 'father' would stay fastened around her neck forever, luckily I was wrong.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Mary's eyes snapped open. She was in a hospital bed. Deja-vu swept over her for a brief moment. Her hand shot to her neck as soon as she had

  • Etan going as J.B.? What? He's going to be the laughingstock of the entire party!

    MasterStone posted: »

    Etan and his wife will be Justin Bieber and Saleena Gomez lol..

  • edited October 2014

    DragonButter approves of everything so far. Keep it up!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Halloween Challenge Part 1: The Call The city of Fabletown was tucked into a blanket of stars and the moon as their luminous n

  • Ooo, I can't wait to see the supposed reunion! Although, it probably won't be that simple I bet.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Chapter 13 Rose pulled up and parked the car; she refused to look at me, as I stepped out of the car. "You don't need to do this." She

  • Oh, bad call on letting Carter handle the box, Mary, bad call. Unless I'm somehow wrong on that, anyways, a pretty good end to an awesome story. I liked it! :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    <.< Telltale took the damn bar that lets you do fancy schmancy text things. I wonder who did what to make that happen? Epilogue

  • I like how you made Harm's cubs be in their teenage years for this particular story. I'm getting a little Scooby Doo vibe here if you're still planning on doing that. :P

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Parking in front of the I Am The Eggman Diner, Noah combed his hair through in the mirror. He flashed a toothy smile at him self, swaggering

  • I'll try my best, although its been years since I saw an episode of Scooby Doo. You can rate me out of ten on how well I did at the end of it XD

    I like how you made Harm's cubs be in their teenage years for this particular story. I'm getting a little Scooby Doo vibe here if you're still planning on doing that. :P

  • I shall await to rate. Yeah, that sounded corny as hell, I'm sorry. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I'll try my best, although its been years since I saw an episode of Scooby Doo. You can rate me out of ten on how well I did at the end of it XD

  • My GF asked me that too the other day. XD I <3 Lyla and Georgie; yeah, she is my OC but there goes the ship. Sailing away...:)

    That's me! LOL I'd BE the next legend, if you EVER mess with my babies! XD The legend is never answer the phone because if you do, shit happens. Perfect for Halloween. XD EVERYONE in Fabletown had the mysterious call; that's how the curse will happen.

    Also, that last sentence; makes me very happy that you have taken a liking to The Porgie Clan and their various family memebers. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Aw man. The beginning I just can't believe how perfect Lyla and Georgie are together! Having tons of kids DOES make it hard

  • I loved the ending to the story of mary; Carter all grown up and he has sisters! I pictured these two blonde puff balls of cuteness! XD I'm a dork, I know. lol Nice to see Mary has somewhat of a normal life.

    Congrats on ending this epic story. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    <.< Telltale took the damn bar that lets you do fancy schmancy text things. I wonder who did what to make that happen? Epilogue

  • I loved the vibe the kids, er uh, TEENS are giving; it does remind me of the old school Scooby episodes. Also, that they are older and able to have their own little adventures. Great so far! Can't wait to see the legends you use.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Parking in front of the I Am The Eggman Diner, Noah combed his hair through in the mirror. He flashed a toothy smile at him self, swaggering


    No but seriously my GF is on a Georgie & Lyla kinda weekend; earlier it was Gren and Carla. She wanted cute, passionate and everything in between. Although I CAN'T show you one of them (not appropriate for the thread) I will show you the power couple. <3 :3

    Oh and Dragon mentioned I didn't show you guys the last image; it was on my DA page. I don't want to think I'm bothering anyone with my drawings BUT....they ARE Fable related. :3


    Power Couple: Lyla and Georgie

    Alt text


    Alt text

    Saturday mornings <3

    Alt text






    pudding_pie posted: »

    DRAWINGS! UH! My EYES! XD No but seriously my GF is on a Georgie & Lyla kinda weekend; earlier it was Gren and Carla. She wanted cute

  • XD Oh SURE you wanna see it? XD

    I can send you a link through PM if you want.

    Feeling the love and I'm, well, loving it! :D

    EMMYPESS posted: »


  • Great! That's good, I hope you like it as it pans out :) I figured they'd have to be a LITTLE older to deal with scary shit. Robbie will still piss his pants eventually, though XD I'm still thinking on adding more or not. Oh well.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I loved the vibe the kids, er uh, TEENS are giving; it does remind me of the old school Scooby episodes. Also, that they are older and able to have their own little adventures. Great so far! Can't wait to see the legends you use.

  • Nah, it's all good XD

    I shall await to rate. Yeah, that sounded corny as hell, I'm sorry.

  • Yeah! Carter should be about 12 at this point, and I figured his sisters would be 1 and 2 years old. You'll see more of them in other stories, I'm sure.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I loved the ending to the story of mary; Carter all grown up and he has sisters! I pictured these two blonde puff balls of cuteness! XD I'm a dork, I know. lol Nice to see Mary has somewhat of a normal life. Congrats on ending this epic story.

  • I don't care I want to see it XDD These are too perfect, I swear.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    XD Oh SURE you wanna see it? XD I can send you a link through PM if you want. Feeling the love and I'm, well, loving it!

  • LOL Okay. Dont look at me any different after this. lol Mind you, THIS was my GF's idea! lol

    I'll send it in a PM :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I don't care I want to see it XDD These are too perfect, I swear.

  • So freakin cute!!!

    Send me a link for the uh...'adult' image.

    Great job, dude! Serious talent! <3 Lyla and Georgie

    pudding_pie posted: »

    DRAWINGS! UH! My EYES! XD No but seriously my GF is on a Georgie & Lyla kinda weekend; earlier it was Gren and Carla. She wanted cute

  • Nah, it's all good! It's not like you're practicing satanic rituals or something stupid. It's just sex XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LOL Okay. Dont look at me any different after this. lol Mind you, THIS was my GF's idea! lol I'll send it in a PM

  • Night fell. Noah lay in his bed, his head facing the ceiling. Normally, he'd be asleep. But for some reason, his mind refused to go to bed. Turning his head, he saw a flashlight on under one of the covers over his sister. He stood, his feet shuffling through the crap on the floor. God, he wished they could have their own rooms. His hand snatched the cover off of whose ever head was under it.

    "Hey! What the hell!" He heard Ash's voice. Noah squinted as he looked down the flashlight's rays. She was writing in a journal.

    "You still do that?" Noah asked. He pulled the book off of Ash's lap.

    "What the fuck, give it back!" She angrily whispered. He dangled it out of her reaching teasingly until she nearly smacked him in a not so nice spot.

    "Fine, fine. Here!" He tossed it onto her.

    Ash folded it closed and slipped it under the sheets. "What are you doing up?"

    "I can't sleep. I don't know why." He replied.

    "Hmm. The whore you seemed to have picked up the night before on your mind?"

    "Well, she wasn't a whore." He said, crossing his arms.

    "Didn't you meet her in the club?"

    Noah shook his head. "No, actually. I met her on the way home from the club."

    "What the fuck? I was really banking it on being Hazel or someone, because lets face it: You've had a crush on her before you knew what sex was."

    "Shut up," Noah said, smacking her arm. "It wasn't Hazel, it was a girl named Sara Jane."

    "Sara Jane? Sounds way too generic. Probably a fake name."

    "No! You don't know anything."

    "You're right. But from what you've given me, it sounds like a fictional character from a children's book. What's the deal with this girl?"

    Noah sat on his sisters bed, sighing. "She was sitting out side of the Pie. She wasn't dressed like a stripper, just sitting on the bench. I sat down, waiting for a cab to go home since I walked that day. She said hello. We hit it off. I found out she was a Fable, since she knew about the castle and the diner and she told me to meet her there. I can't believe she didn't show up."

    "Huh. That's weird."


    "Heh, that's really weird. Using vocabulary higher than a 6th grader. Rob would applause you."

    "Whatever. I'm gonna try to sleep."

    "Good luck."

    The two of them curled into their respective covers, each sibling listening to the steady breathing of the others. Soon enough, Ash was well into dreamland and Noah was still awake. Listening.

    "Where's my baby?"

    He heard a whisper, thin as air. Noah sat up quick, nearly bumping his head on the top bunk. Nothing. He stood, making his way to the bathroom door to use the toilet. The light blinded him for a good thirty seconds as he tried to lift the seat up to pee. He nearly screamed, but a hand covered his open mouth quicker.

    "Shhh," She said.Noah pulled his pants up slowly and flushed the toilet. The girl uncovered his mouth and Noah slowly turned to see her.

    "Sara Jane? How the- What the-?"

    "Shhh," She said. "You don't want to wake your family, do you?"

    He shook his head. "No, but- How did you get in?"

    She shrugs,"It's not hard to pick a lock, right?"

    "Right. So, what are you doing?"

    "I told you to meet me at the Eggman at 12, right?"

    "Yeah, but you weren't there at 12."

    "You misinterpreted my words, dear boy. I meant 12 midnight. That's in 5 minutes. Lets get there quick!"

    The bubbly girl grabbed his arm fast, dragging him through his house and out into his hallway. They raced down the stairs, the dim lights creating long dark shadows in the corridors. His bare feet swished through dewy grass as Sara Jane took him across the cobblestone road to the closed diner.

    "How are we going to-"

    "Shhh." Sara said again.

    Nervously, Noah took a look around his surroundings, making sure no one were to see them breaking in to such a popular establishment.

    Another tug on his sleeve, Sara pulled Noah into the diner and began leading him to a neat booth at the end of the restaurant.

    "What would you like to eat?" She asked, smiling.

    "Well, um. I haven't thought about what I wanted, considering I'm afraid at any moment the cops will come arrest us."

    Sara Jane laughed,"You're funny. I disabled the alarm and the cameras. No one will know."

    Raising his eyebrow, Noah picked the menu up in front of him and observed it. "Can you cook any of this stuff?"

    She nodded, looking at her own menu. "Ready to order?"

    "Uh, sure. Can you make me some steak?" Noah said jokingly.

    "Steak? Medium, Rare, or Well done?"

    "Um, I was joking, Sara."

    "Well you want it then?"

    "Well, the wolf in me says 'Hell Yes', but the human says, 'This is a horrible idea.'"

    "None sense. It's only a bad idea when someone gets hurt. So how would you like it cooked?"

    "Rare? I mean, If I could I would like it alive, but you know how it is."

    Sara laughed, exiting the room and going to the back. The whole time, Noah had an eerie feeling on his shoulders. He felt like some one was watching him.

    Fifteen minutes pass, and Sara emerges with two nicely cooked platters of food. Noah hounds his, digging his fangs into the meat and nearly wolfs out in front of his date.

    "Oh, I almost forgot!" Sara says, popping from her chair. "I forgot to set the mood! One second!" She runs across the way to the jukebox. Immediately, sounds emerges in a low tone, so as to not wake the tenants upstairs. She also gathers a few red candles, lighting them and placing them on the table before them.

    "Romantic?" She asks.

    "Yeah, very." Noah says, cutting his meat up. He feels Sara's hand graze over his, the first time they had skin to skin contact. She felt extremely light and....cold. He flinched and she slowly retracted her arm.

    "Sorry," She said. She adjusted the hair out of her face. This was also the first time Noah noticed how pale she was. Curiously, he reached out and grabbed her hand back. Felt it in his, observing the difference between them.

    "Why are you so cold?" He asked, his fork lifting the food to his mouth.

    Stuttering, she says,"It's um...a uh, condition, is all. Okay? How's your dinner?"

    "Heh, more like midnight snack. It's perfect."


    The sounds of the music drowned most everything out as the two of them spent this time together. Sleep finally caught up with the boy, and after a long while of talking he found himself unable to stay fully awake. The last thing he remembered before passing out was the touch of Sara Jane's lips to his as she tucked the covers over him.

    Boom, another chapter! I'm actually starting to gain some inspiration! I think I'll be modifying my particular legend to how I want it to go. You'll see as it unravels how things turn out. I might not go so spooky on this. Maybe more mysterious than anything. Have no clue how I'll make it Scooby Doo-esque, but we'll see XD

  • Wow, even more visuals to see! Super glad you considered on sharing your 'Deviantart exclusives' with us!

    Send me the link too, this dragon host demands it. >:)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    DRAWINGS! UH! My EYES! XD No but seriously my GF is on a Georgie & Lyla kinda weekend; earlier it was Gren and Carla. She wanted cute

  • LOL EVERYONE wants to see Georgie and Lyla! >:D I'll send it in a PM.

    Wow, even more visuals to see! Super glad you considered on sharing your 'Deviantart exclusives' with us! Send me the link too, this dragon host demands it.

  • Does RJ stand for Robert Junior? Either way, I'm oddly pleased he has a son; though I'm confused as to who the mother might be.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Chapter 13 Rose pulled up and parked the car; she refused to look at me, as I stepped out of the car. "You don't need to do this." She

  • I love the Thor and Loki reference, and Etan and Daren scaring Crane with the Headless Horseman :P And of course they'd go dressed as mundies! Why didn't I think of that before.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Etans Diary October 19th Today is a windy day in my kingdom. Same ole same ole. Kids running around castle. Wife gossoping with her fr

  • Hmm, why would Lyall be smelling vanilla? Is it a reference to romance, I wonder. Anyway, what a tense ending! I don't know how they're going to defeat Medusa, what with her stone capabilities and all.

    As for Scarlett and Bradwr - let's not even go there. xD

    Bloody-Mary posted: »

    Okay next chapter, enjoy. Russian Roulette Chapter four Snake charmer "Well, you were right Scarlett." Medusa mused, twirling a

  • No, no, you're right. I should have been watching it already! ;D And I am going to do the challenge! Though the weasel won't be beating it by himself.

    You should've been watching Scooby doo already. Haha, only joking. It'd be interesting to see how a weasel will beat a curse - should you decide to do this challenge. :P No prob with the link, I'm resourceful that way.

  • That first introduction bit I couldn't help but mentally narrate with the voice of the man who did The Twilight Zone! Actually, this whole thing sort of reminds me of The Twilight Zone; I'm excited to read more! Though slightly apprehensive, too.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Halloween Challenge Part 1: The Call The city of Fabletown was tucked into a blanket of stars and the moon as their luminous n

  • These are some fantastic drawings, Pie! You've got little bit of the parents in the kids, and they just remind me of actual comic book covers!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I had a PM sent about the families that I mention; some asked about Hans, Lyla's sisters and the other kids involved around the ever going c

  • This has been one heck of a story, and I think this was a great ending giving closure. :) It's pleasing to see that Mary and Hans stayed together and are so happy; that their children are doing fine; and that they've still got that cat! Mary not going back to the dark side makes me oddly happy :3 Though finding out I'm as skilled at eating noodles with a fork as a child in a booster seat isn't so great xD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    <.< Telltale took the damn bar that lets you do fancy schmancy text things. I wonder who did what to make that happen? Epilogue

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