Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)



  • Wow, that is such a unique way to release the curse! Good job, man.

    As for the 7 Deadly Sins, I wonder who will be Gluttony, Sloth, and/or Envy? Just to name a few.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Halloween Challenge Part 2: Curse The line outside the Business Office grew to outstanding proportions; groups of Fables anxiously wai

  • I'm GanjamaryjanepotHead and my main focus is giving Mundies the munchies an demotivate them

  • This thread would lose something if you kept the artsy fartsy stuff out of it! :P Though people can be fickle about these things.

    I'm impressed by the anatomical positioning and the detail of the window and the city in the background, where you could have just put a blank wall, actually. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Well, I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying them. IF it ever starts to bother anyone, let me know and I'll keep the arsty fartsy things on DA. XD I will send you the link through a PM.

  • Knowing that's what you were aiming for, I'll keep it in mind while reading you're other chapters!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    The Twilight Zone is awesome and I'm glad you brought it up; was TRYING to set the mood, as if someone in the begining was telling the story that would occur.

  • Excellent! And coloured me intrigued on the mother front, then!

    JJwolf posted: »

    Yes it does; the idea for the original mother did not happen, so i had to switch it up.

  • You, sir, are far too kind! But I'm grateful for it. XD Thanks for reading. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I always enjoy reading your chapters because the style is wonderful, the language choice is superb and the setting is exuisite. Plus, the Victorian-Era was indeed a beautiful time slot in this wonderful world we live in. Can't wait for the rest!

  • The very same Lilly! I remembered in the Book of Fables entry in TWAU about the bar being really old, so it would have been there 200 years ago, and seeing as we never got to know Lilly much I thought it might be nice to include her.

    I figured the site was optional, but it was basically my way of saying thanks to you once more for putting it up - and it did get me to the thing I've decided to use. :)

    And I'm pleased!

    Question: Lilly? As in Holly's sister is in this? Don't worry about not using the site I linked either. I included it there to give peopl

  • This is really inventive! Though a nightmare for Fabletown; I wonder who the Caller is, and why they'd do it? Hmm.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Halloween Challenge Part 2: Curse The line outside the Business Office grew to outstanding proportions; groups of Fables anxiously wai

  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tale is one of my favorites story from that time :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    You know, for a writing thread, I don't actually do that much writing. Which is weird, because I enjoy it, but I guess I struggle without in

  • I was sure someone else on here must have heard of it! It's one of mine, too. :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tale is one of my favorites story from that time

  • The Costume Party 1

    The big day is finally among us, all the residents of Fable town are preparing for the big costume that is being held their town with nearly every fable attending. After dealing will the terror of Mr. Dark and Fighting evil forces in the homelands, the fables can finally relax and enjoy the wonderful snacks and drinks that is being provided.

    As the night draws near, the sun sets while the moon creeps up behind it on this wonderful and spooky knight. Although there is always time for relaxation, there is always trouble lurking..

    Robby arrives at the building that costume party is being held. People are already inside, but before he goes inside he waits for Walter and Redd who are also dressed up for this event.

    "Redd what you you suppose to be again?"

    "I'm Scooby Doo, Robby. I wanted to go glamored and dye my fur with black patches, but I was afraid I would scare the children.."

    "It would of looked bad ass if you have. Maybe we can try it before the night is over. Now all we need is Walter, wherever he is."

    "There he is, now we can join everyone. Let's go."

    The three went inside the building, and once inside. They have to walk down this long and creepy hallway with red carpet in order to enter the main room. As they enter, they could see the room packed with nearly every fable in town. Including some from the Homelands and The Farm.

    They are then greeted by Etan and his wife who are dressed as two mundy celebrities, Justin Bieber and Saleena Gomez.

    "Great! Glad you three could make it" Etan greeting them while coming his hair."

    "Etan is a jersey sure character?" Walter asking

    "He looks familiar... someone the mundies hate and adore..." Redd scratching his head.

    "He's Justin Bieber...." Robby shaking his head.

    "What? I thought JB was pretty popular amongst the mundies?"

    "Nothing Etan, you look cool, exact like him as if you were...glamored.."


    "Where's everyone else?"

    "Draco and his Wife are chatting with Bigby and Snow, Daren is at the bar...drunk with Grendel, Lydia is right over there.."

    "Lydia is here?" Robby going to where Etan pointed.

    "Well then, who are you two suppose to be?"

    "I'm Speedy from the Green Arrow."

    "And I'm Scooby Doo!"

    "You know Redd, you could of dye your fur instead of wearing that ridiculous mask."

    "I didn't want to scare the kids.."

    "Well, the Porgie Clan kids are dressed up as serail killers and monsters from movies, I don't their they would be scared of a giant dog with dyed fur..."

    I guest you have a point... but where do we find dye at this time?"

    "Allow me" Etan as he uses is trickery magic to alter the size of Redd in his dog form and able to change the color of his fur."

    "Excellent, from Black Ghost Dog to Scooby Doo!"

    "Wow thanks Etan!"

    "No problem now excuse me and my wifey are about to go on stage and sing a Bieber song."

    As everyone settle in and enjoy the party, treachery is about to unfold on this night of terror...


  • I love the idea of Redd as a huge Scooby Doo! :D Glamouring is just cheating though :P Treachery does not sound good at all.

    MasterStone posted: »

    The Costume Party 1 The big day is finally among us, all the residents of Fable town are preparing for the big costume that is being held

  • Thank you. :) I was REALLY having a hard time picking a legend but I found one. :3 I won't say just yet....DUN DUN DUN! XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    This is really inventive! Though a nightmare for Fabletown; I wonder who the Caller is, and why they'd do it? Hmm.

  • I'm still going to make a list; so far, I have three of the kids with a 'curse'. Hate to say it...Emily could fill all 7. XD

    Glad this pleases you, all mighty challenger creator. XD

    Wow, that is such a unique way to release the curse! Good job, man. As for the 7 Deadly Sins, I wonder who will be Gluttony, Sloth, and/or Envy? Just to name a few.

  • Redd as Scooby Doo was a great choice; I can picture Etan and his wifey singing Bieber songs and I'm liking it. XD I see we are attending the same party; I'll make sure to keep the satan spawns on good behavior. XD

    And man-Etan sure likes to bring trouble EVERYWHERE he goes and I love it! Can't wait to see what is about to unfold! :)

    MasterStone posted: »

    The Costume Party 1 The big day is finally among us, all the residents of Fable town are preparing for the big costume that is being held

  • Porgie Clan Page 1 part 1

    It's done! -falls down- My wrist hurts now...I hope everyone likes the 1st page. :3

    Alt text

    Also, Halloween is almost here! My GF and I are going as Georgie and Bloody Mary. Wonder if the party we are going to is ready...XD Also, the kids in my class are awesome; we can dress up that day and little miss Nikki and several others want me as 'Georgie Porgie.' I DON'T think children SHOULD see that game but its awesome at the same time that these little buggers know about Fables. XD Ahem. Got off track...

    Also, more Halloween costume pics; Bloody Mary as a Playboy bunny and Junior as Hefner. XD

    Alt text

    Oh and their newest additions; Ms. Haylee and Damien.

    Alt text

    Questions? Please do not hesitate to ask. :)

  • Porgie Clan!! I have been waiting for this! It's really good; love the outline and simplicity of it. Mary watching Junior. XD I love how his parents try to ignore it. That has to be hard....:(

    And the Halloween images!! So cute! Damien looks like trouble. XD

    Btw that party will be quite the entertainment. I call Gren! XD I just need the jacket. :)
    And those kids love teacher Georgie! XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan Page 1 part 1 It's done! -falls down- My wrist hurts now...I hope everyone likes the 1st page. Also, Halloween is alm

  • Glad you found it satisfying :) It takes some mad years to master the art of eating spaghetti with a fork, that's for sure XD

    LupineNoir posted: »

    This has been one heck of a story, and I think this was a great ending giving closure. It's pleasing to see that Mary and Hans stayed toget

  • Yeah, I have quite a story brewing in my head. I'm not sure if I'll go scary with it. I think it'll be more of a mystery than anything.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I love the way Ashlyn is so much like Mary xD It's fun to seem them grown up, and I imagine they'll get themselves into quite the mystery. Quite the meddling kids

  • :DDD Holy crap, you have no idea how much this made my day! Looks like Haylee's a daddy's girl for sure XD And little Damien.....just like his mother! At least George has ONE sibling he can relate to XD Mary and Junior's costumes are brilliant! I laughed when I saw it. And the comic looks awesome! I can't wait to read more of them! I agree, little kids SHOULDN'T really know TWAU, but it is what it is XD Nerdie dads tend to have their children on their laps as they play their games. My dad was exactly the same XD Wanna know something funny? I've only recently been playing mega videogames the past 3 or so years, getting things like Bioshock and Portal and what not. I've always been interested in buying the Half Life games but never got around to doing so. One day, I got the demo for the second one on my Xbox, and BAM: I literally recognized every scene! Turns out, when I was a wee fellow, my dad played the whole series and I just watched him play it, but I never actually knew I was watching him play Half Life XDDD Basically, I know the whole game already XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan Page 1 part 1 It's done! -falls down- My wrist hurts now...I hope everyone likes the 1st page. Also, Halloween is alm

  • edited October 2014

    "You're gonna be late for school dipshit! Wake up!" Ashlyn tore the sheets off of her snoring brother. He winked awake, rubbing his eyes with his fists. The sound of his alarm clock echoed in the empty bedroom.

    "W-what?" He began to utter, sitting up on his bed.

    "The rest of them are on their ways downstairs. Get some pants on and lets go! You're lucky I love you enough to get you up!" Ash was yelling at him. She exited the room and left him alone as he changed into a pair of jeans and a Simpson's T-Shirt. His breakfast was a Cliff Bar from the snack cabinet, and he quickly grabbed his backpack, darting down the hall and flying down the stairs to catch up with his siblings.

    Robbie was driving today, which made everyone a little more nervous than usual. He wasn't the best at a lot of things. Dodging cars, nearly hitting signs and almost blowing stop lights, the group of teens were lucky to have made it in one piece in their little Toyota Sienna Minivan.

    "I'm so fuckin' glad that's over," Ash said, jumping out of the side door. She did a little somersault roll, like a secret agent jumping out of the side of a helicopter onto the roof of a building. She jogged up the sidewalk to the front door which was pooling with mundy teenagers. Among them, was also their cousin Carter who was a grade above them.

    "What up, guys!" He said, approaching the two remaining cubs at their car. Noah and Robbie gathered their school supplies and followed Carter up the brick steps.

    "I drove to school today," Robbie remarked, adjusting his textbooks in alphabetical order.

    "Right, no wonder Ash was trying to get the hell away from you." He said. The three boys walked down the hall, heading toward P.E. since luckily, they had that period together.

    "Hey, um," Noah started. "I have a few questions for you, actually."

    "Yeah? What kind?" Carter asked. The boys entered the locker room, pulling clothes out of their cubby shaped lockers and getting undressed.

    "Well, first thing's first. You can't tell my mom anything, alright? You either, nerd. Bad enough I had to bribe Ash."

    "Whatever is said in the locker room, stays in the locker room, cuz." Carter says, tossing his pants on the ground.

    "Okay. Well, when I went to your stepdad's club-"

    "My Dad's club," Carter corrected him.

    "Right, well. When I went, I met this girl outside of it. Are you still able to do that cool...erm, thing?" Noah looked around to make sure no mundies could hear.

    Carter did the same, then nodded when the coast was clear. "Yeah dude. Why?"

    "Well, I want to know where she came from? I mean, she's really mysterious, and she also won't answer many of my questions. I don't know."

    "Yeah, totally. We can do it during lunch, okay? I kinda like to focus during gym, since it's one of my favorite classes, you know?"

    "Oh believe me, I know. It's my favorite class too," Noah said. He pulled his socks over his feet and followed Carter to the gym entrance.

    "Well, I don't like gym," Robbie added after a while. The other boys ignored his remark as they separated to their gym teachers and went on with the class.

    Soon enough, half the day was over. Ashlyn, Elora, Noah, and Carter all had lunch at the same time, so the four of them sat outside on the brick fence chomping on McDonald's from down the street. Being upperclassmen, they had those types of privileges. Not that McDonald's was much better than school lunch, mind you.

    "So..." Elora said after a while of talking. "What's up with this mysterious girl of yours, Noah?"

    "What? Oh, yeah," Noah finished chomping on his burger. "She came to me in the middle of the night, right? I was the bathroom and-"

    "Please tell me your dingaling was out, because if it was I hope it's size didn't scare her away," Ash joked.

    Noah's face went red,"It wasn't out! I was finished peeing, that's when she entered or whatever. I swear!"

    "I call bullshit on that one," Elora said, dipping her fries into ketchup.

    "Is it even important?" Carter asks.

    "No, I guess not. Funny though," Ashlyn answers.

    "So what do we do about it? I can't just keep sneaking out at 12 to go on dates. I have school and stuff. I almost fell asleep during McCauthy's lecture." Noah looked down at his lunch with anguish. He really liked this girl, and if the only way to see her was that late, then he didn't want to disrupt that.

    "Well," Carter says, tossing a wrapper into the trash nearby. "I guess I'll do it then?"

    "Would you? That would be awesome," Noah says.

    Carter takes a look around for a minute, making sure no one is around. Noah hands him a handkerchief, the one he found in his pocket that morning. He figured it was Sara Jane's.


    "More than I'll ever be."

    "Fair warning: You might not get the information you're seeking. These things generally have a mind of their own, and do what they want."

    "It's okay. Anything new is better than nothing."

    "Alright." Carter holds the keepsake in his hand, and immediately his body transforms, much like a glamour on a non-human fable. His body is no longer his, but rather this mysterious 'Sara Jane' Noah seems to have fallen head over heals for.

    "Sara Jane?" Carter asks. His body, or rather, hers, nods.

    "Tell me what you can, Sara Jane," Noah says. Instead of Carter's voice, they hear Sara's.

    "Where is my baby? Have you seen my baby?"

    "What baby?" Noah asks, unsure of what she means.

    "I have to find my baby. Please- I need-"

    His body transforms to normal. "Christ. She's a fighter. Barely was able to hold on for long. Get anything useful?"

    "Not really," Noah says. The four students recline on their spots, waiting for the bell to go back to class.

    I hope you liked this chapter. I'm still sort of winging this, yet I have a bit of a story in mind. I want to make it Scooby Doo, but it's a little hard. We'll see how things turn out.

    EDIT: Here's an idea- I think, instead of focusing on one BIG story themed as a 'Scooby Doo' Episode or whatever, maybe I'll focus on each child and make a mini story for each. Again, I'll try my best to set the tone to an episode, but generally speaking I'm so far really crap at doing that XD So this one will be Noah, then one by one I'll pick another one of Harm's cubs. Maybe I'll do one for Carter too, since he's so close to their age group. His sisters would only be about 5 and 6 or so, and their other cousins are too young too. <3

  • Oh man, I really pictured this one well. The sounds of the murmurs in the hall as Georgie walked in and stuff; It's so good!

    So, each curse is different for each family? Very interesting that Georgie got the seven deadly sins over his family. I wonder how that'll work out! I could totally see Emily being the one to get greedy XD Very interesting.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Halloween Challenge Part 2: Curse The line outside the Business Office grew to outstanding proportions; groups of Fables anxiously wai

  • At least Ethan was a decent kid and actually tried it. I hate when kids refuse things and never try any of it. Like, what if you end up liking it?

    Oh Emily. She makes me smile every time she does something.

    Oh man, gotta win them Xboxs though! It's nice that Mary stopped by, and I guess I can see why Emily likes Mary especially, probably feeling like she isn't the only one who likes girls.

    Aw, Boy Blue! He's way too nice, even in the comics!

    Too sweet <3

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Dear Diary: Well, its nice to know Georgie is, well, willing to be 'festive' and TRY to be nice in my journal. And, last nigh

  • Thank you; some Fables STILL have a hard time excepting Georgie and his new family. These things take time...

    And yes; everyone in Fabletown will get a different curse; he just happened to get the 7 deadly sins one; as I like to put it, the sins Georgie used to do in the past way before Lyla and the kids. I FINALLY linked each kid with a sin; Emily could fit with ANY of them but greed seemed more, um, Emily's taste. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Oh man, I really pictured this one well. The sounds of the murmurs in the hall as Georgie walked in and stuff; It's so good! So, each cur

  • Well, I'm glad it made your day.

    Decided on posting the comic here as well; Fables related and I know not everyone has a DA. :)

    Indeed Haylee is too much like George and Junior; mild temper, loving, affecionate and easy going. Damien is, well, like you said-too much like his mother. XD

    That's how I was as a kid; my uncles and older cousins ALWAYS played video games in front of us younger kids; if it was TOO bad, they sent us out of the room. XD I love Bioshock; I'm probably gonna be one of those 'nerd' dads with a baby in my arms while attempting to play games. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    :DDD Holy crap, you have no idea how much this made my day! Looks like Haylee's a daddy's girl for sure XD And little Damien.....just like h

  • I had to look up the legend Sara Jane; very interesting choice and curious how this will entertwine with the teens and the mystery surrounding them. I love that the kids are older; kinda weird still reading about Carter being so much older when he was this cute, little thing with legos running around. XD Oh and the ability to walk off campus and eat whatev crappy fast food was around. Good times. :D lol

    Great so far. Also, love that he mentions Hans as his dad. :) Made me all warm and mushy inside. XD

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "You're gonna be late for school dipshit! Wake up!" Ashlyn tore the sheets off of her snoring brother. He winked awake, rubbing his eyes wit

  • I agree; I don't understand how you say you HATE it, when you've never had it before. Kids though, am I right? XD

    Emily is something, ain't she? Like Lyla said, too much like her father; does what she wants, says what she wants and dances to the beat of her own drum. She adores her aunt Mary; perhaps seeing her aunt date another woman gives Emily hope that it won't be too bad when she tells her parents. :)

    I love me some Blue. :) Gonna add him a bit more.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    At least Ethan was a decent kid and actually tried it. I hate when kids refuse things and never try any of it. Like, what if you end up liki

  • Yeah. I'm kinda rolling with it, you know? We'll see how it turns out! I know, I'm all over the map with their ages, it's too hard to keep track sometimes!

    I'm glad it made you mushy XD That's what I was going for!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I had to look up the legend Sara Jane; very interesting choice and curious how this will entertwine with the teens and the mystery surroundi

  • edited October 2014

    Uh-oh, pudding, I think she heard you. Emily and the others are going to come out of one of your drawings and punch you square in the jaw for saying that. Talk about turning on their own creator. XD

    It does please me quite nicely, just you wait 'till November, if you remember me telling you I had an idea for a November challenge. :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    I'm still going to make a list; so far, I have three of the kids with a 'curse'. Hate to say it...Emily could fill all 7. XD Glad this pleases you, all mighty challenger creator. XD

  • I say, the Porgie kids have an excellent taste in candy. Those 2 brands were like my main, go-to brand as a child! Nice to see Emily being stubborn as usual too, hehe.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    October Dear Diary: Well, its nice to know Georgie is, well, willing to be 'festive' and TRY to be nice in my journal. And, last nigh

  • As the others have said: Redd being Scooby Doo was hilarious. The mask is a nice touch as well. XD

    MasterStone posted: »

    The Costume Party 1 The big day is finally among us, all the residents of Fable town are preparing for the big costume that is being held

  • First off, dat expression of Lyla in the bottom left corner! The first page got my attention mainly because of that. XD

    Second, I think it was inevitable for you and your gf to go as a Bloody Porgie duo to be honest. Haha!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan Page 1 part 1 It's done! -falls down- My wrist hurts now...I hope everyone likes the 1st page. Also, Halloween is alm

  • edited October 2014

    Yeah, just do what you can for the Scooby Doo thing. I won't expect it to be perfect. :) I'll be making a little announcement regarding that as well.

    Oh, and nice choice for Carter's power! It's both interesting and sort of creepy at the same time. :O

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    "You're gonna be late for school dipshit! Wake up!" Ashlyn tore the sheets off of her snoring brother. He winked awake, rubbing his eyes wit

  • Alright, little announcement again. Those who are doing the Halloween challenge so far: @EMMYPESS, @LupineNoir, @MasterStone, @pudding_pie. I've added a note regarding the urban legend objective up above. Basically you can use legends of your own choosing outside of the site I provided, if you aren't satisfied with the listings on there.

    Also, for those who are attempting the Scooby Doo optional task, don't worry about making it perfect. Just do what you can and have fun, I won't be looking at the stories for 'Scooby Doo accuracy' or anything. :)

  • It was inspired from a book I'm currently reading (Clockwork Angel, The Infernal Devices Series), where the girl can basically do the same thing. It's a little different, since I modified it for my own use. But yeah :)

    Yeah, just do what you can for the Scooby Doo thing. I won't expect it to be perfect. I'll be making a little announcement regarding that a

  • LMAO Oh man, I wouldn't stand a chance; perhaps my pencil would have some magical eraser and I COULD try to...-clicking of gun- Oooohhh...HEY Emily....Who, me?! No, never...

    I do remember and looking forward to it. :3

    Uh-oh, pudding, I think she heard you. Emily and the others are going to come out of one of your drawings and punch you square in the jaw fo

  • LOL I'd have that same expression if I caught my son talking to a mirror. XD

    Also, what ELSE would we go as? She WAS going to go as Lyla but only a few know 'bout her; I'd hate for her to dress up and people not know and we'd have to explain the story like, nine billion times. XD

    First off, dat expression of Lyla in the bottom left corner! The first page got my attention mainly because of that. XD Second, I think it was inevitable for you and your gf to go as a Bloody Porgie duo to be honest. Haha!

  • edited October 2014

    Better to school more about Lyla than a few, so they'd know about her next Halloween? Still an awesome choice for costume picks nevertheless. :)

    P.S. - Make the explanation about Lyla as concise as possible if both of you are tired of explaining. For example: Lyla, Georgie, fell in love, love spell, had sex, popped out a ton of kids. Boom. Done. XD

    pudding_pie posted: »

    LOL I'd have that same expression if I caught my son talking to a mirror. XD Also, what ELSE would we go as? She WAS going to go as Lyla

  • edited October 2014

    Hint hint hint.... guess what was inspired by this.

    Alt text

    Alright, little announcement again. Those who are doing the Halloween challenge so far: @EMMYPESS, @LupineNoir, @MasterStone, @pudding_pie.

  • Only one page! But a great one - that is some seriously impressive work. That mark on the back of his neck really stands out, and what with him talking to mirrors it's not surprising Lyla looks a little unnerved.

    I love Junior's expression with that pipe! XD More or less, everyone looks better with a pipe!

    I'm not sure if Haylee or Damien could come across as more opposite than in that picture!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Porgie Clan Page 1 part 1 It's done! -falls down- My wrist hurts now...I hope everyone likes the 1st page. Also, Halloween is alm

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