
  • edited October 2014

    What´s the kid name? (=

    igormp posted: »

    Name: Katherine Mason Superhero/Supervillan name: whip master Age: 33 Character: seductive, manipulative,have many combat skills

  • edited October 2014

    I would not specify it, but you change my mind =) i think its cool tell the kid name

    supersagig posted: »

    What´s the kid name? (=

  • Why apologizing? a) all women and men have to be badass (which they are) and b) there are not many female characters here. Or at least there weren 't until today.

    igormp posted: »

    Name: Katherine Mason Superhero/Supervillan name: whip master Age: 33 Character: seductive, manipulative,have many combat skills

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned
    edited October 2014

    Name : Unknown

    Clan : Black

    Superhero/Supervillian Name : Angel of Dark and Light

    Age : Immortal

    Super Power : He is able to feast on souls by looking the victim in the eyes, showing them their life and all the things the victim has done wrong before the victim eventually turns into dust.

    Appearance : Body is completely skeletal, with the skull of a horse with the body of a man. Wears a black trench coat to often hide his appearance from his victims.

    Personality : None, only goal is to feast on all the bad souls in the world. Does not talk, only to his victims to instill fear in them

    Backstory : Unknown

  • That is... dark. It sounds awesome, thanks for another good character. :}

    MrX1H2 posted: »

    Name : Unknown Clan : Black Superhero/Supervillian Name : Angel of Dark and Light Age : Immortal Super Power : He is able to fea

  • Alex

    supersagig posted: »

    White Knight

  • Q

    blueneon posted: »

    Dear awesome people who ready my fanfiction, Ok, so the "I give you characters and you say which ones you want" thing doesn 't work as we

  • Samantha

    blueneon posted: »

    Dear awesome people who ready my fanfiction, Ok, so the "I give you characters and you say which ones you want" thing doesn 't work as we

  • Samuel

    You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only if you had taken that damn umbrella. It would stop after a point or another. You didn 't worry yet. You started looking around. A couple, a father with his two kids and a girl studing on her laptop. Then on the corner three teens playing with some white and black cards and giggling at the begging and ending of each round like maniacks. Where are those days now? You felt like you were playing chess with death everytime that phyco was in the room with you. But now you didn 't have anything to worry about. For a few more moments you could just relax. You looked at you coffe. Barely a last sip left in it. You turned aroung to find your coat 's pocket which was resting on the back of your chair. You put your hand deep in the pocket to locate the last few change you had on you. Just a five dollar bill was in there. You didn 't feel like looking any further. That would do. You took it out and walked over to the counter as you were putting your coat on.

    Samuel: There you go.

    Cashier: Thanks sir, come back anytime.

    You didn 't talk, just grabbed your change and walked out. That was going to be terrible after a while. All that rain falling on your head and clothes. Godamnit, you could have just waited it out. You could still just walk back in the coffe shop. You thought about it for a moment.

    Samuel: Nah, lets just leave it there. You walked back to the base. There were cabs everywhere but you couldn 't really spend money you didn 't have. You just kept walking. A neon sing here, a bar there, and there you have New York. You saw the white building from a distance. Did you really have that much? You sighed and just kept walking. You kept walking for quite some time until you finaly saw the park. No one in there. No suprize at all if you think about it. You saw the building standing in front of you. You noticed a round whole in one of the windows, surounded by some short of paint or something. You were tired, didn 't matter. Thanks God your room was in the first floor. You walked up to it, and took your keys out of you pocket. You turned the key and the door opened, revealing a white room, perfectly clean and tidy. You took of your coat and carefully put it on the chair. You glanced at the clock that was hanged right above the door. It was late. You took of your shoes and lied on your bed, facing the celling. You didn 't look at it for long. You fell asleep.


    You were still looking at the broken window. Good luck finding someone to repear it. You heard footsteps behind you. You turned around and saw a little girl basicly dragging an woman around her early 20.

    Gustac: Good job Samantha. I knew I could count on you.

    You looked at the woman. She was looking at you as well, she looked angry. She was holding the girl close to her almost hugging her. You noticed that the kid was wearing acoat much bigger than her. You turned around again in order to face the glass once more.

    Gustac: Couldn 't you just go out the door?

    Konni: I could. Still it wouldn 't look as cool.

    Only if she would stop with those stupid jokes... You sighed and sat down.

    Gustac: Samantha, go out. I need to talk to the emo girl.

    Konni glanced at you. You knew she hated it when people called her emo.

    Samantha: But I want to stay here with the two of you!

    Gustac: Go now. It is too cold in here.

    She looked at you with puppy eyes. You were not that easy to crack. You did not respond in any way so she just sighed and walked out. You looked over at Konni. She was walking out as well.

    Gustac: Where do you think you are going?

    She remained sillent for a moment.

    Konni: I already told you that I am going to help you with your plan. I don 't know what else we need to talk about. I stay on the roof, take care of anything that might cause us trouble and you walk around looking for what or whoever you are looking for. Anything I missed Watson?

    You stayed sillent for a moment. She was right. That was basicly the plan.

    Gustac: Yes. That is it.

    Konni: Then why are you still being a bitch about it?

    You looked at her. That damn sass.... You got up and walked up to her. She hadn 't noticed you. Another one of those blackouts. Finaly to your benefit. You grabbed her her and turned her around then pulled her down. She didn 't even scream. But you knew well she had been through way worse than just that. Her hands were tied around your wrist. You got the feeling that if you let her she was going to hurt you. Or at least try to. You could see in her eyes that she was angry. So, so angry.

    Gustac: Listen to me.... You are going to do what I tell you. You are going to respect me. You are now working for me, now officially. So, stop with those fucking jokes, with all this attitude and everything cause you should be afraid of me.

    She was not. Not an inch of fear in her. And that angered you as well. Why was she not scared? You looked in her eyes. Those eyes... They somehow managed to scare you.

    Konni: I am not afraid of you. And I will never, NEVER be. Cause I can kill you just like you can kill me. I am not scared. But I think that YOU should be a bit more... cautious.

    You could feel your hands burning up, your blood boiling. You couldn 't kill her. She was an important part of your plan. But she gave you the feeling that she wanted you to. She wanted you to just put your gun on the side of her head and pull the trigger. No, it was not the right way to end it anyway. You let go off your hair and she fell down on the floor and started peting the back of her head.

    Gustac: Be more carfull with what you say next time. It might not end as well for you if this happens again.

    She just stayed on the ground.

    Konni: You know, you have a big picture of yourself...

    You had reached the point where you could feel your skin getting pulled on your fists. You grabbed her jaw and looked into her eyes. It looked like you were not the only one. She just stared at you.

    Konni: Tell the kid to keep the jacket.

    She grabbed your wrist. You felt it burning inside and once you glanced you relized it was actually getting burned. You let go of her as a reflective. She fell on the floor. You tried to catch her with the other one but she rolled to the side and you missed. She got up quicly and run towards the window. You went after her but it was too late. She had already jumped and blue light could already be seen only centemeters away from your finger tips. She didn 't need long to reach the ground. She looked at you for a second and then run off. You had a small part of the future settled. But what about after the mission?

    [kill her]

    [let her go]

    [keep working with her]

  • [kill her]

    blueneon posted: »

    Samuel You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only

  • [keep working with her]

    She might want to kill me, but I'm sure we can work something out.

    blueneon posted: »

    Samuel You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only

  • edited October 2014

    Then on the corner three teens playing with some white and black cards and giggling at the begging and ending of each round like maniacks.

    Nice Cards against humanity joke right there. XD

    [Let her go]

    blueneon posted: »

    Samuel You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only

  • [keep working with her]

    blueneon posted: »

    Samuel You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only

  • [keep working with her]

    blueneon posted: »

    Samuel You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only

  • [kill her]

  • [Keep working with her]

    blueneon posted: »

    Samuel You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only

  • maybe andrea interfires and save Konni life, shooting on Gustac. i doubt she is gona die now, lets see what happens

    igormp posted: »

    [kill her]

  • [keep working with her]

    blueneon posted: »

    Samuel You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only

  • Voting closed!

    The White Night will be part of the next one.

    blueneon posted: »

    Voting closed! The next ones are: Gustac, Samuel and we have a tie so you have to chose between * The White Knight * Bill * Marker * Alex withing the next few hours or I will have to post only two characters today.

  • Ok, so this really failed to work the way I wanted it to. It 's ok. Today we I will write about characters of my choice because of the lack of time to vote and tommorow we will return to the way we did it before.

    blueneon posted: »

    Dear awesome people who ready my fanfiction, Ok, so the "I give you characters and you say which ones you want" thing doesn 't work as we

  • Voting closed!

    (!)Gustac will keep working with Konni after the mission

    blueneon posted: »

    Samuel You were out of the base. Far away. In a coffe shop. You looked at your cup. Looking outside you relized that it was raining. Only

  • Character submision open for 4 more hours.

  • With all due respect, (I'm not trying to continue the fight) I don't really see how he was trying to make his character the leader. It seemed that you may have exaggerated just a bit.

    blueneon posted: »


  • He edited it. I don 't think you read the past post.

    SivD1 posted: »

    With all due respect, (I'm not trying to continue the fight) I don't really see how he was trying to make his character the leader. It seemed that you may have exaggerated just a bit.

  • Ah. Sorry if that's the case.

    blueneon posted: »

    He edited it. I don 't think you read the past post.

  • It 's ok. We talked it out anyway, so no fight going on anyway.

    SivD1 posted: »

    Ah. Sorry if that's the case.

  • One more hour before character submision closes.

  • Character submition closed.

  • I cannot reveal that information yet.

    supersagig posted: »

    about who wil be the spin off

  • I can 't reveal that information yet.

    supersagig posted: »

    about who wil be the spin off

  • about who wil be the spin off

    blueneon posted: »

    Character submition closed.

  • :D Thanks!

    blueneon posted: »

    Great stories can be told from many. Check this out!

  • No problem. :}


  • Samantha.

    supersagig posted: »

    about who wil be the spin off

  • Yeah, I really like making references. Remember in Mark 's second chapter when I mentioned a clown with green hair?

    Then on the corner three teens playing with some white and black cards and giggling at the begging and ending of each round like maniacks. Nice Cards against humanity joke right there. XD [Let her go]

  • Dear awesome people that read my fanfic,

    Really busy schedual. I am sorry for not uplaoding the spin off yesterday, it will be uploaded today instead. Still don 't wait for a new part from the present ark, that will be up tomorow. I am sorry for not being able to complete those parts but I am having exams at the moment plus everything else I have to do. So, I am really sorry if I have not been that active but I am doing my best. Thanks for understanding. :}

    Sincerely, Konni

  • Samantha

    You were still waiting at the library. It was quite in there. But sillence is boring. You were drawing. The only thing you could do in a place like that. Cause I mean, books are boring. You looked at the clock. It was 12 pm. Your mom was about to finish work now. You desided to leave. You were going to suprize her at her work.

    Samantha: Goodnight mrs.White!

    An older woman looked at you and knoded with a smile.

    You walked down the street that led to her workplace. She never told you what her job was. You started seeing neon signs. You loved all those colors. They were all so bright. You saw your mom coming out of one of those buildings around there. She put her hand in her bag and took out a pack of cigaretts then took one put it between her lips and lighted it up. You looked a bit closer for a moment to make sure that it was her. Yep. That was mom. You started running towards her.

    Samantha: Mom, mom, it 's me!

    She looked at you with suprize for a moment and then worry.

    Mom: What are you doing here? I told you you are not alowed to come here. It might be dangerous!

    Samantha: Well, sorry, I just thought that you would have missed me.

    You put those sad eyes on your face. They always worked. She looked at you and sat on her knee, then huging you. Yep, there you go. Easy to get away from situations like this.

    Mom: Of course I missed you. But you can 't be here, ok? I am just worried about you.

    She gave you a smile and as you knoded she huged you again.

    Figure: That is kinda touching to be honest.

    She turned around and looked at him. Her expression was one that would stick in your mind forever. She got up and put her hand in front of you.

    Mom: Sam, sweety, do me a favour.

    Samantha: Who is this guy mom?

    Mom: Sami, please listen to me.

    The man was coming closer to the two of you. Why? You were scared yourself now.

    Samantha: Mom?

    She looked at you with eyes filled with fear and whispered...

    Mom: Run....

    You started running as fast as you could. But what about her? What was going to happen? You jumped in a dumpster. It was so discusting in there.... You thoughts were inturupted by a scream, one more, a woman begging someone to stop, take his hands of her. You started hearing screams that were louder and louder. Was no one esle around? The woman was screaming to him. Telling him to stop, that she would call the co-ps if he didn 't get off her. What was he doing to her? After a few minutes that stopeed. You were so teriffied. The screams stoped for a while, just a few seconds, and then another one, and now it was fading, like a broken video game. What was going on? You let your curiosity deffet you. You jumped out of the bean and started running towards the sourse of the screams. You saw a man, the one you saw before, his hands full of blood, holding the woman panties in his hand. And then her.... You saw her and were left speachless. Her throat had been slit, her eyes looking to your direction with terror. The man hadn 't noticed you. Or at least you didn 't think he did.

    Samantha: Mo.. mom?

    It took you a second to relize what had happened. You looled at him. Tears started running down your face like they had never before. He was looking at you as well, mumbling something. You couldn 't really make out what it was, your ears were plugged. There were so many tears that you couldn 't see. You fell on your knees. You thought you saw a figure coming closer to you, but you didn 't care. You started yelling, no idea at what. You didn 't know how loud, you couldn 't hear a thing.


    You looked at her. Just a lifeless vessel. You looked at the guy. He was coming towards you. What was he going to do? You just started yelling again. You felt like you were in a horror movie. Your lungs started hurting, but you just kept screaming.


    You bend your head down. You were out of breath. You lift your head to see that the man had fallen on a wall causing it to form a curb, almost a hole to be more accurate. You wiped your eyes and took a closer look. He was surounded by blood, escpecially around the head erea. You looked at him in a feeling of horror mixed with carelessness. You didn 't care that this person died. He ruined your life for sure. Sudenly you felt a hand grabbing you from your arm and then one more around your mouth.

    Figure: I would suggest you not to move because I don 't intend to hurt you and I would prefer it if it stayed that way.

    You knoded. He let go of you, your slowly turned around and looked at him. He was wearing an eye patch, what had happen to him? His other eye was red and a line was going through it. That was a scar, wasn 't it? But it didn 't matter.

    Figure: I want to help you. I saw what you did to that guy and I want to make sure that this power doesn 't fall onto the wrong hands.

    He looked trustworthy. You knoded.

    Figure: Lest go then. He made a signal with his hand that you guessed that meant he wanted you to follow him. And so you did. You walked, still tears in your eyes, on the sidewalk with him, until you saw a building with bright red letters on it. "Legion". You noticed a figure standing on its roof.

    Samantha: There is someone on there.

    He glanced.

    Figure: I know.

    Samantha: Well then who is it?

    He stayed sillent. Didn 't he know himself?

    Samantha: I asked you who it is.

    He still wouldn 't answer. You looked at the figures location again. It was still there. You kept looking at it and then after a while in made a signal with its hand. It was a weird thing. The man in front of you did a similar one. The figure then got up and walked away.

    Samantha: Who is it?

    He stoped walking. He turned his head to look at you. Just for a second, and then he kept walking. You were not going to ask again. A few minutes later you reached the door of the building. Couldn 't see inside the glass. You walked in. How was this all going to work out? He walked upstairs and you followed. You reached a hallway with a glass celling. The stars were so pretty. You looked at them for a while. You both went through another door. And then dark.

  • edited October 2014

    So... I just noticed this story today and I really like the concept and your writing.

    If I'm allowed, I'd like to submit a character. Will the character submission be open again next Saturday?

  • Yeah, it is open every Saturday. I am glad you like it so far. :}

    So... I just noticed this story today and I really like the concept and your writing. If I'm allowed, I'd like to submit a character. Will the character submission be open again next Saturday?

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