Lone Wolf Chapter 2
(Choice- Go with them)
Jason- Yeah...Sure ill go with you...
Ryan- Awesome...just come with me...
Jason lowe… morers his gun and walks to them
Ryan- Kids stay in front of me.
Everyone walks back to their camp, quiet as can be, a few looks from the kids.
Jason- We there yet?
Ryan- Almost...
They walk for a while more till Jason sees a field where there are a few vehicles and a grave in the middle.
Jason- So where are the su-
Something hits Jason knocking him out and he later wakes up tied to a tent pole. Jason struggles and then Gustac walks in
Gustac-...Oh shit...
Gustac runs out and then Ryan soon walks in
Ryan- Hello...
Ryan-Sorry about that...We don't like bandits and after seeing that field of dead walkers, we couldn't take any risks....
Jason- Ugh...
Ryan- So how are we going to play this?
I would love some conversation in this thread....it's so quiet
So I want you all to debate on what you think might happen.
Also a question to answer on here.
What is your favorite Arc right now?
I would love some conversation in this thread....it's so quiet
So I want you all to debate on what you think might happen.
Also a question to answer on here.
What is your favorite Arc right now?
People that can die and i dont care about them
MTH: Colton , Thomas , Silvia , Sinead.
FireWalker: Basically all of them excepting Alex.
Lone Wolf: Gustac.
Lost: None.
So far everything has been great! I still need to catch up on the "Lost" arc. Wow, 23 survivors in March Through Hell. That is insane! I wonder if this herd is going to cut that down. I hope not though, there are lots of characters we haven't heard from yet. Good work man. If you need any ideas or help in moving the plot forward I can help. Keep it up!
So far everything has been great! I still need to catch up on the "Lost" arc. Wow, 23 survivors in March Through Hell. That is insane! I won… moreder if this herd is going to cut that down. I hope not though, there are lots of characters we haven't heard from yet. Good work man. If you need any ideas or help in moving the plot forward I can help. Keep it up!
It seems to fit the pieces. My character is a pyromaniac and this arc is about fire. Also my character has been in a mental hospital all his life and the characters are going to an asylum.. time to wreck havoc!
It seems to fit the pieces. My character is a pyromaniac and this arc is about fire. Also my character has been in a mental hospital all his life and the characters are going to an asylum.. time to wreck havoc!
I would love some conversation in this thread....it's so quiet
So I want you all to debate on what you think might happen.
Also a question to answer on here.
What is your favorite Arc right now?
I don't think you'll last that long.....
I would love some conversation in this thread....it's so quiet
So I want you all to debate on what you think might happen.
Also a question to answer on here.
What is your favorite Arc right now?
God Damn I knew not to go...
NO BODY FUCKS WITH SALT123!!! Blades Better Remember that
Honestly, My fav so far is Jason
but good job with all of them.
2nd, 3rd, 4th?
Lone one
Olivia should be lesbian (?)
Thanks for the idea...A love triangle into a love square....
For what?
You gotta rank em buddy. XD
You all give me plot ideas. XD
Favorite Character?
People that can die and i dont care about them
MTH: Colton , Thomas , Silvia , Sinead.
FireWalker: Basically all of them excepting Alex.
Lone Wolf: Gustac.
Lost: None.
Damon hasn't come in yet....
Im in America so that is invalid.
Plot Twist... In Soviet Russia, Plot gives You Ideas...
Sammy and Amari love Anthony , Olivia loves Amari and Skylar , Skylar loves Xavier , Xavier loves himself ,
Firewalker will have it's moments.
So far everything has been great! I still need to catch up on the "Lost" arc. Wow, 23 survivors in March Through Hell. That is insane! I wonder if this herd is going to cut that down. I hope not though, there are lots of characters we haven't heard from yet. Good work man. If you need any ideas or help in moving the plot forward I can help. Keep it up!
PD: You changed Nicolas age or he still is years old 12? Also Frederic knows what is happenig and hate Nicolas try to shelter him
So Damon and Daniel are two completely different characters and you didn't forget about him and change his name to Daniel?
Yup he will be coming in later.
Thanks. The Herd and...others....will cut it down. Each Character will have a part to play before their death.
If I am struggling I will ask you.
Nicolas is still 12.
I don't know if this is a question or suggestion.
no , i meant what i wrote
Is my character(Todd Myers) part of the FireWalker arc?
But I am the writer...Thus I can change this.
Maybe... :P
It seems to fit the pieces. My character is a pyromaniac and this arc is about fire. Also my character has been in a mental hospital all his life and the characters are going to an asylum..
time to wreck havoc!
....Shhhh....He'll make a introduction soon....
Better make some more characters...
(?) He won't remember that.
K Bro
Your comment disappeared but once my peeps die, I'll make new ones
I'm loving March Through Hell atm
The March hasn't even started.