The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • That looks like an owl, and is that Shadow and Password in the second pic? Lmao!

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • What you smoking bruh?

    That looks like an owl, and is that Shadow and Password in the second pic? Lmao!

  • I wonder what they're doing.

    That looks like an owl, and is that Shadow and Password in the second pic? Lmao!

  • What? Idk what you're talking about bro, lol

    That looks like an owl, and is that Shadow and Password in the second pic? Lmao!

  • Tyrell. >:D

    Martell, called it.

  • Yo, the real question here is... who the fuck is Brent?

    JonGon posted: »

    What you smoking bruh?

  • You don't want to know...

    Talimancer posted: »

    I wonder what they're doing.

  • lol, orb tuoba gniklat er'ouy tahw kdI ?tahW

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    What? Idk what you're talking about bro, lol

  • Brent? he's my dealer... the next question is, who dafuq are you?

    Yo, the real question here is... who the fuck is Brent?

  • Alt text

    JonGon posted: »

    Brent? he's my dealer... the next question is, who dafuq are you?

  • edited October 2014

    I'm guessing Gabriel is going to play a bigger part than I thought

    I really don't know what to make of him. Its going to be interesting to see what happens with him going forward, considering he probably won't just remain as some timid, scared, defenseless guy.

    I don't think it was Beth. If Daryl found Beth, I don't think he'd have such a grave expression on his face, he would be a lot happier about it imo. It could be Carol, but I don't think it would be left as a cliffhanger if it were her, because it's obvious that if he left with Carol, he'd show up with her. Maybe it is Beth, but Carol got left behind/taken?

    I just don't understand why Beth or Carol would be need to be told to "come on out", unless Daryl was being really cautious for some reason. I feel like if either of them were with him, they would just stroll up with him. Maybe not though..

    I think it's more likely that Daryl brought back somebody as a hostage from where Beth is, and Carol was taken by the same people.

    I think that's a good possibility as well, though I don't know why Daryl would be so discreet/cautious with bringing a hostage back. His choice of words are kind of interesting, considering if he had a hostage you would think he would be more fired up/open in telling Michonne the story. For some reason I just have the feeling that Daryl is getting used... with Beth and Carol being used as leverage against him.

    I do read the comics, but the show has deviated every now and then from comic canon. Bob being bitten, and then having his leg eaten by Terminus happened, except it was Dale in the comics. That was the "tainted meat" story line in comic canon. From what I've read, season 5 is supposed to be the closest to the comics, but I'm still not sure where the show is going with it

    Sounds good. Was just wondering because my brother was attempting to spoil things for me lol.

    Tinni posted: »

    I can see Tyreese snapping if Sasha goes missing, or gets hurt/dies. He just seems a little too calm given everything that's happened to him

  • -wink- "Yaas!"


  • Hahaaha Toronto lel

    Well John Tory is the new mayor of Toronto. We no longer have a crackhead as a mayor . I liked Rob Ford.

  • Lmao! Too funny! "Yaas!" :p

    -wink- "Yaas!"

  • Totally, I'm really into his stuff. I like the style and humor he brings to the table. Every day I watch game grumps I get a misty-eyed, nostalgic longing...his hat, his bird, his beautiful voice...come back to me

    Rockworm posted: »


  • He's just like, "Yep!" Gets off the chair, crumples up the notes he's been taking and chucks them at a wastebasket. "Cracked that case! See you on never!"

  • edited October 2014

    Alt text

  • Happy birthday Rachelle ^-^

  • edited November 2014

    It does seem odd that either of them would hang back on the way to their group. Maybe he did take a hostage, but the hostage has leverage over Daryl considering Beth and Carol's safety/whereabouts. Or maybe the hostage isn't a hostage, but is someone who was trying to escape the place where Beth was being held, and decided to leave with Daryl so he can help the group get Carol and Beth back. That might explain why he was cautious with calling the person out and why he wasn't all fired up, he may just be upset with himself for now losing two people he cared about right in front of him. I might be reading too far into it though..The worst part is we might not even find out next week, because it looks like a Beth-centric episode. Not that I'm complaining, I love Beth.

    Spoilers are not cool, it's annoying it when people do that on purpose, all it does is ruin the surprise! Hence why I'm being so careful in my replies to you, I know I'd hate to be spoiled if our positions were reversed.

    Belan posted: »

    I'm guessing Gabriel is going to play a bigger part than I thought I really don't know what to make of him. Its going to be interest

  • I'm totally happy with GG the way they are now. Danny and Arin work great together and Jon's videos have only gotten better since he left.

    Hbh128 posted: »

    Totally, I'm really into his stuff. I like the style and humor he brings to the table. Every day I watch game grumps I get a misty-eyed, nostalgic longing...his hat, his bird, his beautiful voice...come back to me

  • Deceptio be like...

    Alt text

    Deceptio posted: »

    Calls cops

  • Happy Birthday Rachellec! =^.^=

  • Death does not come for those who ask for it. Death comes for those who least expects it.


    Death does not come for those who ask for it. Death comes for those who least expects it.

  • Gives you a hand

    That was a close call.

    Rockworm posted: »


  • Personally throu I really liked kovu ^_^


  • What the fuck?!

    Fuckin' fine, I'll just be Levi then!

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Gutstav_Kenny @WhatToWriteHere is now Armin. WTWH is intelligent and shy, wont get into heated arguments, but still has some bravery in him.... Just like Armin.

  • Calling Stark.

    You know what would be awesome? If the mods sort of hovered over the forums, not doing almost anything, and watched the forums quickly desce

  • I just saw a comment saying that Kenny was probably a child molester...

  • Gustav_KennyGustav_Kenny Banned
    edited October 2014

    That explains why he likes Clem and AJ so much.

    I just saw a comment saying that Kenny was probably a child molester...

  • i have always found you weird but in a funny way, but that comment was just plain fucking creepy

    That explains why he likes Clem and AJ so much.

  • I thought it was an owl too.

    That looks like an owl, and is that Shadow and Password in the second pic? Lmao!

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