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  • It'll all tie together eventually :) Right now, I'm just building the suspense I suppose.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Things just got a whole lot more chilling, not least with the knowledge of the clockwork duplicates being controlled by them! I love the ide

  • Crowd control and all those Homer Simpson facial expressions makes it even more entertaining lol

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 27 'Where it all begins' Happy EARLY Halloween! I know, I know...not even Pie! XD But I'll be gone on Friday, so this giv

  • Back in Fabletown...

    Scarlett stared out of the window above her bed. Noah was in the living room with his new girlfriend, a pretty blond who seemed a little too hyper for her to bear sometimes. It was alright though, at least he was happy. She had her eyes on the clock, which was currently showing 1 AM.

    "She should be home," Scar whispered to herself. She ran her hands through her mess of black hair, catching it in clumps and thinking outloud to herself.

    "Maybe I can drive by a few of the apartments she parties at. See if she's at any of them. Yeah. Maybe I can get Noah to drive, I'm dead tired. Yeah."

    "Scar?" This voice was her sister Elora.


    "Shut the fuck up, please."

    Refraining from laughing, Scarlett said,"Sure sis."

    She stood, her limp a little more noticeable due to her exhaustion. She stepped out of the room and her face twisted into a distorted horror when she saw her brother making out on the couch with Sara.

    "Can you not?" She asked.

    Noah laughed, his lips still attached to Sara Jane. "Can you not?"

    Exasperated, Scar let out a huff. She tossed her boots on, then tossed Noah's boots at his feet.

    "What?" Noah asked, after they thudded onto the ground.

    "We're going for a ride, okay? We're gonna find our sister."

    Noah let out a sigh,"She'll be home, I'm sure."



    "Stop being such a dumbass right now. Okay? There's NO way she's coming home. I have reason to believe those damn clock work dolls, or whatever they are, have got her. She was probably snatched up by them. Let's just go, and get back before sunrise. Don't want Mom waking up and having a heart attack because more of her children are missing."

    He sighed, standing up. Sara followed him, and the three of them left the apartment.

    "You got the keys?" Scarlett asked as they pressed the elevator's button.


    Scarlett turned back, annoyed, and got the keys. Just as she pulled it off the hook, the briefest movement was caught from the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw her mother.


    She was silent.

    ".....Mom?" Scar asked again. She just stared at her, the blankest expression upon her face. It was then, that Scarlett realized, that this was not her mother. It smelled like her, and looked like her, but the way she stood, the way she stared at her mindlessly.

    It was a clockwork doll.

    The second Scarlett put two and two together, the creature lunged, it's strong hands twisting hers around and grasping them tight. She immediatly turned to a zephyr, unable to be contained by a machine. It looked almost confused when it noticed she was gone, but then made it's trek to the bedroom door. Noah and Sara walked in to check on what was going on, when the creature changed it's direction and headed straight for them.

    "Mom?" Noah asked, although he probably knew it really wasn't her either. Noah tackled the doll, his muscles bulging from his t-shirt. The automaton stumbled backward, trying to regain balance, but fell square on it's back and broke the coffee table. The lights flipped on, and a surprised Tim and Harmony stood in the kitchen doorway, their mouths ajar.

    "It, got, in, my, HOUSE?" Harmony said, in increasing volume.

    Noah bashed his hand into the clockwork doll's face, despite the fact it looked like his mother. A tiny trail of smoke hissed through exposed metal cracks, and the sound of quiet whirring dissipated to silence. Everyone stood staring at each other.

    "Mom?" Harmony asked, still invisible. "Mom, I don't think she's coming home. We need to find Ash before morning."

    Harmony only nodded her head softly, approaching her doppelganger. It's face was now exposed metal.

    "Shit," Harmony whispered. "Shit, shit, shit. We-" She began to choke up some. "We need to find Ash right now."

    The remaining cubs had woken to the noise, and a family meeting was in order. Back in her human form, Scarlett joined the circle that had been made around the machine.

    "What do we do?" Robbie asked, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

    "We find the son of a bitch who caused this shit," Elora said, her arms crossed and a disgusted look on her face.

    "Now, now," Tim patronized," We don't need to-"

    "I need to find my fucking baby back," Harmony cut Tim off. She paced around the room, everyone staring at her dumbfoundedly. You knew things were truly bad when Harmony Wolf used profanity in front of her children.

    "We will, Mom," Scarlett said. The family started throwing a game plan up in the air.

    "What should we even do? How should we do it?" Was a common set of questions. The whole room was an eruption of talking, each person with their own opinions or questions.

    Harmony spoke up,"I should use a spell on the doll. I can check to see if any are bound it and if there are any links to the creator some how."

    "Sounds good," Tim said, still staring at the center of the circle.

    "We can split into teams. See if we can spot any more of these things still walking around. Maybe if they don't see us, we can follow them to their headquarters or something." Robbie suggested.

    "I can conjure a cloaking spell," Harmony added, still inspecting the remains of her duplicate.

    "This is good, really good," Scar remarked. She watched her family brainstorm, all sorts of ideas that were good.

    She took a deep breath. She would find her sister, no matter what it took.

    I'm probably going to go back and forth like this, from the family to Ash. It'll all tie together as I write :) I have some really good ideas!

  • I love how Georgie and Jersey just chill and talk like old friends :)

    The part where Georgia took Georgie's tea confused me because I didn't realize the slight difference in the names, lol. It's cute though!

    Oh man, childhood fights XD Those are the worst to deal with, because they all think they are right and the other is wrong XD

    Georgie and the birds comment XDDDDD I died laughing so hard XD

    Oh man, The ending though....I can't even imagine what he wants to do with her. Not that he will be a pedophile of course, but why would he take Katie's child? Is it still to get back at Penny? Or is he up to something else? I don't even know.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 26 Snake skinned boots Enjoy. Georgie and Jersey sat in the Den; a roaring fire crackled and continued to warm the r

  • Literally made me smile when Johann said everything he said XD I love that bumbling idiot XD He's way too much of a gentleman.

    Jersey's freak-out scared me a second. I honestly don't know what to expect with Oliver, considering he may seem bad, but who knows? You're particularly good at refining the bad guys XD

    Does Georgie just regularly carry a gun with him? I mean, there are a lot of people who do it, but I don't know. It seemed odd? lol XD

    I'm not sure if Penny is really blind on Oliver, or is she's trying to cover him up. Like, she knows something the rest of them don't know. It's hard to tell. And crap? Who's gonna watch the children when Penny is unconscious?

    And OH! I think I just now put two and two together. I won't say it, but hopefully I'm right. Guess we'll see next chapter!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 27 'Where it all begins' Happy EARLY Halloween! I know, I know...not even Pie! XD But I'll be gone on Friday, so this giv

  • edited October 2014

    He seems like a bumbling idiot from the short time I spent with him in episode 4. XD

    And yes. Georgie always brings a gun with him. He has his reasons sadly....:(

    I'm not going to say anything in regards to Oliver; I have my idea with what I plan on doing with him. And you are right about Penny; she does know something no one else does and we will find out in future chapters. And I take it as a compliment because I guess i'm too much like Lyla and hope; I don't want to see the 'BAD' in people; everyone has a story and reason and sometimes, they didn't have a choice in their actions. :)

    Oh I'm curious to hear what you have figured out, if you don't mind sharing. :D I enjoy hearing what my readers think; JJ has his idea and now I'm curious to hear your take.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Literally made me smile when Johann said everything he said XD I love that bumbling idiot XD He's way too much of a gentleman. Jersey's f

  • LOL That name thing. Had to go back and make sure I PUT Georgia and not Georgie a 2nd time. I've done it before! XD

    I try to make Jersey and Georgie act civil towards one another, considering their past relationships. Plus, Jersey is dating his daughter, so I guess he had no choice in that department. XD

    I had to add the fights; reminds me of my childhood with my siblings because I was the asshole of the bunch. XD

    Oh no, I never thought Pedophile when it comes to Oliver and when I wrote that section. He loves his neices and would never hurt them; I have an idea on his strange behavior and it has to do with him being a Viper and his past. Plus, this is kind of a warning to both Katie and Penny.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    I love how Georgie and Jersey just chill and talk like old friends The part where Georgia took Georgie's tea confused me because I didn'

  • Just wanted to say that I finally finished your story earlier today. Lucy seems like a nice lady, even though she's little bit too overprotective of Bigby. :P

    so okay here is my story thing so one day I found myself walking in the forest by my house (not in the town) I saw something or someone r

  • Alt text

    JJwolf posted: »

    You are so random, Pie! XD Glad to and so many others stuck around. Sure Dragon is as well.

  • Ugh, I believe that's the third time it failed to show the picture after a certain amount of time. Ah well, I might repost it later.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Something seems awry here, but it is an alternative response. ;P

  • LOL, since you mentioned Victorian, I recently looked at some Victorian slang. I reckon you've made me interested in it, so that's why I searched it. :D Anyways, I'm going to say Cindy and Dixa are best Chuckaboo's - according to one Victorian slang term.

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Yep, they are very good friends. Though Cindy would have been pleased to see most anyone, things are that quiet. :P It honestly thrills

  • edited October 2014

    If Dixa dies by that damn monster, I swear...

    Alt text

    BTW, the transformation scene was spectacular. I also agree with JJ's comment about it too. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I've been trying to find a really good skyline photo of New York in the late 1800s, but cannot. I'm sure you've got a pretty good idea of wh

  • Alright! Looks like Oliver will finally get his snakeskin handed to him for good this time! This is so exciting.

    Alt text

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 27 'Where it all begins' Happy EARLY Halloween! I know, I know...not even Pie! XD But I'll be gone on Friday, so this giv

  • Dang, you got the whole vampire vibe down. It really had felt like I was watching a cult classic vampire flick. Awesome, awesome!

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    In the attic of this strange man's home, there was a long table running down the whole length. People, Ashlyn assumed they were human, lined

  • ugh nobody listens good lord , you know when she slipped and that "dream" she was telling the truth she and Bigby got seperated , because of "someone" who is a woman and anyways she grew up on her own so she can't control herself that much , AND IF YOU LISTEN I said that this is part ONE so next part is going to be about Lucy herself and their past . Thats all i'm saying.

    Just wanted to say that I finally finished your story earlier today. Lucy seems like a nice lady, even though she's little bit too overprotective of Bigby. :P

  • so i guess good news because I think i'm starting part two today so we'll see :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    Ooh, keeping us guessing with Lucy and Snow's history! I like it. Lucy is something a bit different from what we've had on here so far, what with her relation to Bigby, so I'm looking forward to finding out more about her.

  • okay guys this is part 2 so enjoy :) This is kinda about Lucy.( theres gonna be a part 3 soo)


    'lucy hurry up would'ya!'
    'okay okay just wait a second!'
    'okay i'm ready'
    'God Bigby it's only a- okay you win'
    'get in the car'
    sticks tongue out and Bigby smiles.
    'okay Snow be there in a sec' Bigby said in the phone
    'so Bigby any ideas?' i asked
    'no nothing yet '
    'Miss.Snow , can I see the body?'
    'yes follow me' we walked down an alley and there lay a pretty young girl in a bonnett and there was a kind of walking stick or shepheard stick.
    'No no no it can't be no Bigby come quick!' he got here as fast as lightning.
    'yes found anythi-'
    'No Lucy is this little bo peep?'
    nods yes it is or?'
    'or what?'
    'is she or he maybe glamoured?'
    'that could be it , Snow may you know?'
    'yes yes go ahead' so me and Bigby went ahead he picked her\him up and put her on a table.
    'Bigby go on you already did this'
    'okay okay god, have patience Lucy'
    'Miss.Snow come and join us.' and she came over.
    'see anything bro?'
    'anything Bigby?'
    'Bigby can I umm please let me there' and he let me there.
    'okay let me see,' i took out my purse and took out a picture of me and her on it.
    'hmm okay this'll help'
    'when did you take this picture?'
    'I told you , you went away and I lived my life.'
    'okay so you see the buttons are in the wrong place here and there this bonnett has a bow but her original one hasn't got one , Miss.Snow can I take off her jacket please?'
    'yes go ahead' so I did
    'aha' I sniffed her jacket and I couldn't smell the sheep on it.
    'what is it lucy?'
    'this isn't her I can't smell the sheep'
    'well then who IS it?'
    'how am I supposed to know Snow huh?'
    'Bigby can you smell anything?'
    'no this is stronger than the last one'
    'okay Bigby, Snow we should bring her somewhere and take a look around town.'
    'sounds like a plan'

    'Guys should we go to the trip trap or the puddin"n"pie?'
    'okay bro'
    'then well you know the owner of this place already knows you two so maybe you know stay out here and i'll go in myself okay?'
    'lucy don't you know what place that is?!'
    'I do , but this is not all about you.'
    'hmph okay...'
    'okay guys' so I went in without looking back at least I learned that.
    'May I come in ?' i asked from the other side of the door.
    'come in come in' I went in and well what a place is all I can say.
    'coughs umm hello?'
    'I'm here turn right and on the couch.'
    'well hello , I'm Lucy and you ?' i asked
    'hmph hello i'm Georgie.'
    'why are you here, I never saw you before. he looked me up and down and showed me a seat.
    'well i'm quite new here I live near the forest but my friend needed help so I came here.' and i sat down
    'hmph , I see but why are you here in the puddin"n"pie?
    'haha' and he smiled
    I went over to the cigarette machine and took out a Huff and Puff, light it and smoked it.
    'You like huff and puff ? i taught it was only the sheriff and me , well whatever.'
    'may I ask , have any girls well disappeared ?'
    'who are you , do you work with Snow or what ?'
    'the thing is no we are not friends far from that , and i'm not working with HER anyways.'
    'no on-' and there in comes 5 girls.sigh
    'Well hello there ladies' they start giggling. but there was one who wasn't I recognised her but I don't know from where. and i think I caught a glimpse of a man i just hoped it wasn't Bigby.
    'Umm Hi' i said.
    'haha boss look who we found outside' and they pushed out guess who bigby
    'Well hello Bigby nice to see you here again,' Bigby looks at me and this is what his eyes said : " did you find anything?"
    'Lucy do you know him?'
    'no , who is he anyway?' i lied to him
    'oh well then you Are new here, he is Sheriff. Bigby Wolf.
    'oh hes the sheriff?'
    'yes yes he is'
    'well hello sheriff.' i said
    'hmph , girls would you let me go by any chance?' and they let go of him.
    'thank you'
    'So Lucy I ask you again do you do you work with snow ?'
    'I don't okay we are not friends !'
    out stepped the girl that seemed familiar
    'Nerissa what do you want I told you to go away' said Bigby and Georgie.
    'Nerissa?!' i asked
    'You know each other?' Bigby asked
    'yes from the other world' we answered
    'okay Lucy what the hell happened when I came here to Fabletown? explain it to me.' Bigby said
    'oh so you DO know each other huh?' he asked
    'okay I'll tell you my story when we go home okay?' i said so I went back to the Woodlands and into my room Bigby came a bit late but i don't care . And this is part of my story:

    One morning I woke up to find my brother knocking on my door 'come in' i called to him and he came in.'lucy are you coming to the forest with me?' he asked me.'sure i'll be ready in a minute' 'okay' so he went out to the front garden , while I dressed up. We were like 10 around that time and I will never forget those years sigh . So we went down to the forest 'Bigby what are we doing today?' i asked 'I don't know sister may-'
    He was cut short , by a little girls cry of horror , Bigby turned into a wolf fast as possible and went to see what was wrong i followed him as me not as a wolf , I remember wearing a red cape that Bigby got me I loved it so much I wish i still had it, anyways so i followed him I was right behind him and I saw a little girl with skin pure white like snow ,blood red lips and hair dark as night , Bigby went up really close to her and she screamed , but then she saw me and calmed down, 'hello' i said 'h-h-hello , I'm Snow White and you?' she asked still shaking a bit. I looked at Big boy to see if i should introduce my self and he nodded. 'hi , I'm lucy and this is Big boy.' 'strange I never saw a dog like this before' she said 'oh yes because this breed is really rare so i guess i'm pretty lucky huh?' 'yeah' 'and Snow why did you scream Bigby and I heard you so we came down to see if your all right.' and with that Bigby runs off half way back home and after 5 minutes he came back normally but with a basket , 'hi lucy' 'hi Bigby' 'umm hi Bigby' Snow said 'well hello miss , did you find yourself a new friend lucy?' he asked 'haha well if lucy wants to be friends..' she said 'sure I said' 'lucy we need to go mom said that granny is sick and we need to bring her this ' 'okay, sorry Snow we have to go , but see you around right?' 'sure bye' and so we went and Bigby handed me the basket. 'really lucy Big Boy really?' ' what it's not my fault what would've she taught if i said " this is my pet dog his name is Bigby and then you come in and I say hey this is my brother Bigby" 'okay okay true anyway' he turned into a wolf and ran ahead, 'see you there "Red" ' he joked thats what he called me whenever I wore the hood , but I liked it so when I got there I saw Bigby in Granny's clothes and Granny herself beside him telling a story . 'Hi Granny Mom sends this to you , and I gave her the basket 'thank you darling' 'haha no problem' i answered back 'Granny Granny can we play hide and seek?' we both asked 'yes yes i'll go hide '10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1, ready or not here!' i come i shouted out . I looked under the covers and there lay Bigby still as Granny 'got you Bigby!' 'lucy can i still stay here please?' he asked 'yeah sure' so i went around the house , then I looked in the closet and granny was there asleep , so since i didn't want to wake her up nor did Bigby we got a blanket and pillow and put the pillow under her head and covered her in the blanket . Bigby fell asleep in the bed and I went outside.
    I saw Snow and called her over , 'hi snow' 'hi red' 'know it's you and my brother great' I joked so we had a chat and she told me what happened 'so yeah my stepmother tried to kill me' 'well wow' 'Snow follow me' and so she did , i showed her a lovely meadow where I used to go pick flowers
    'wow this is amazing' 'i know right ?' so we went to pick flowers . But then I didn't notice that she was really curious to see what was in my Granny's cottage so , I don't know what or how she done it but she got into the cottage and saw my brother lying in bed as our Granny and found her in the closet , she called the wood cutter but by the time I got over there Bigby was already in the river , and he nearly drowned but i got there and pulled him out, I saw Snow thanking the Wood cutter and she saw me and she beckoned me over so i went. well i changed into my wolf form (2nd stage)
    and ran forward I hit her as hard as I could and shouted at both of them ' WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER!?!' but when I was trying to continue someone caught my hand I turned around and it was Bigby. I hugged him so hard and he whispered in my ear something i'm not telling you. But when I turned around they weren't there I slowly turned back and hugged him even more. we went back into the cottage Granny was asleep in her bed we left her a note , and went home. Bigby promised that he would never tell if i'd never tell that he dressed in granny's clothes and I agreed .I started wearing that cape more and more because Bigby was often going off on his adventures alone , and people started calling me little red riding hood. then 8 years later , our world got destroyed and we had to flee to another world , Bigby got a job and he accepted so we didn't see each other for 3 more years.Then 2 months ago he called at my house asking for help on a case.

    This is what happened back in the old world , this is what happened between me and snow this is my past.

    Part 3 coming shortly

    so okay here is my story thing so one day I found myself walking in the forest by my house (not in the town) I saw something or someone r

  • edited October 2014

    Etan's Diary

    October 29th

    We are leaving tonight, I don't want them to find out where I live and thanks to my father, it will stay that way until I resolve this problem.

    I don't know why the Gargoyles are hunting me and Daren and but I plan on getting to the bottom of this. We haven't done anything wrong or as *nearly bad enough to have the Gargoyle Elite hunt us.

    Someone must have set us up, and I plan on getting to the bottom of this.

    I somehow has a feeling, this weird feeling that I might know who is actually behind this...but I don't want to believe it. Can SHE still be mad at me after all these years? Dear god, woman and their grudges..

    But not all of them of course... I love my beautiful wifey of course.

    Now if I'm going to clear our names I'm going to need a little help. I'm going to visit my mother's spirit in the Realm of Asgard, haven't been there in a while and I could use some guidance. Once there I can get a better understanding of the situation. then I can figure out what to deal with the Gargoyle Elite.

    How did I get caught up in all of this did we?

    For now, I will bid my farewells to everyone, tuck my children into bed and take some of my wife's cupcakes on the road with us. The road ahead is going to be dangerous, but we will make it, hopefully...

    Alt text

  • You know, you could've just corrected me like a normal person instead of being rude about it. There's no need to get defensive.

    Besides, I already knew what you posted earlier was the first part. Or, I had a feeling more like.

    ugh nobody listens good lord , you know when she slipped and that "dream" she was telling the truth she and Bigby got seperated , because of

  • Love that GIF BTW. Georgie approves. :)

    Glad this is getting exciting; Oliver's time will come in the end and all of it will come together as one.

    Alright! Looks like Oliver will finally get his snakeskin handed to him for good this time! This is so exciting.

  • "I need to find my fucking baby back," Harmony cut Tim off. She paced around the room, everyone staring at her dumbfoundedly. You knew things were truly bad when Harmony Wolf used profanity in front of her children.

    All of THIS; I love Harmony for various reasons but when she has her 'Snow' moments, they make me crack up and giggle like an inappropriate child. XD I love how protective she is and willing to take any risk for her babies. Poor Tim. XD

    I love seeing family members coming together as one to help another; the conjuring cloak sounds like a wonderful idea in finding Ash and Scar being her casual self is fun all in itself.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Back in Fabletown... Scarlett stared out of the window above her bed. Noah was in the living room with his new girlfriend, a pretty blond

  • sorry I forgot that i had caps lock on my computer is really laggy and the light flashes on and off, sorry

    You know, you could've just corrected me like a normal person instead of being rude about it. There's no need to get defensive. Besides, I already knew what you posted earlier was the first part. Or, I had a feeling more like.

  • Dear god, woman and their grudges..

    Dear God indeed! XD I agree! The idea of taking Cupcakes on a dangerous journey is a SWEET idea for avoiding Gargoyles and such hunting you down. Love that idea. Also, great image as well. :) I'm a sucker for artwork in stories.

    MasterStone posted: »

    Etan's Diary October 29th We are leaving tonight, I don't want them to find out where I live and thanks to my father, it will stay tha

  • Well, looks like Dragon and JJ beat me to it; the transformation scene was well done and I riot if Dixa is hunted down like a wild animal by this monster....>:D lol

    Well done like always; I say this a lot but I enjoy reading your stories because of the vast variety of description and vocabulary. Can't wait for another section. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I've been trying to find a really good skyline photo of New York in the late 1800s, but cannot. I'm sure you've got a pretty good idea of wh

  • Thanks for answering! That seems a very good way of doing things, especially writing it out on paper and then typing it up online. Bigby and Lyla's story gives us all something to go back to when the current challenges are finished. :)

    I like the planning ahead you've got going on! I was aware of another challenge next month and I too have been planning, trying to work in some of the characters I'm currently writing about. Looking forward to see what you do for the challenge, and Ethan, Peter, and Emily's future story! :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Oh I don't mind answering your questions. I write my stories out in a notebook; this gives me a chance to see it on paper, that way when I

  • October

    Dear Diary

    Hey, Georgie Porgie here. Well, bloody 'ell. Looks like I'm gonna finish this off today and possibly the rest of this blasted diary thing that she feels the need ta' do. Lyla has lost her voice. Yup. My poor love can't talk; she has to ring a bell if she needs anything. I made her some Chicken Noodle soup and a cup of hot Tea. Her fever has gone down but Swineheart recommended she sleep all day.

    So, I'm in charge of it all. The kids thought it was strange seeing me bloody attempt to make breakfast. That didn't fuckin' go over well. Sorry, love. Know ya' hate when I bloody curse but it has to be done! You'll understand. :) I TRIED making Oatmeal but burned the bottom of the pot. The kids ended up heating Waffles in the toaster. Fuckin' thing cooks 'etter than I can. I sent the twins out with Halloween cupcakes. Their class is havin' a party and I'm heading over there at noon to help out. Peter was estatic knowin' I'd be there.

    Emily is recovering nicely from the operation; the doctor said she can go back to school next Monday. She is too thrilled about the scars and the fact she had to cut open. I bloody don't get her sometimes; she acts more like me and me everyday and to be honest, bloody scares me sometimes. She made her siblings poke the area where Swineheart 'sliced' her open like a Pumpkin. Her words. Not mine...Gren came over earlier to help me with the kids. He and Emily spent the morning watching 'Thundercats' and again, eating 'Lucky Charms.' Whatever keeps her quiet and letting Lyla sleep. :)

    The kids are anxious for the Halloween party this Friday. They have their costumes ready and the night planned. The kids will be busy with the various activities and candy huntin', while us adults will wine, dine and hold random conversations 'bout things that make no bloody sense at the moment. Lyla hopes she'll be better by Friday; if not, I'm stayin' home with her and Carla will take the kids to the party. Hans and Gina, along with Mary and her new girlfriend will be there as well. Blue is stopping by later with his homemade Vegetable soup and bottle of Lavender soup. Said it will help with aches and relax her body.

    Well, better get goin'. I have laundry goin' and my knickers tend to 'disappear' in that bloody thing. Fuckin' blasted machine is eatin' my trousers and other items of clothin'. Get well soon, love. xoxo

    Until next time. Georgie Porgie

    Halloween is 'round the corner! Think I'M more excited than most kids out there. XD Got a party to go to on Friday; JJWolf, myself, my fiancee and other friends of mine are going as TWAU characters. We all know who I'm going as....XD. Will have to post the pictures over the weekend of our festive night. :) I enjoyed this challenge very much and having Georgie add his touch made it better. :)

    Alt text

  • I enjoy reading your stories because of the vast variety of description and vocabulary.

    You sounded like me there for a second. :D

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Well, looks like Dragon and JJ beat me to it; the transformation scene was well done and I riot if Dixa is hunted down like a wild animal by

  • They'll be back in time for dinner. But first they have to navigate through the Asgards lands and elude the Gargoyles..

    I'm also working on a cover for my next story.

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Dear god, woman and their grudges.. Dear God indeed! XD I agree! The idea of taking Cupcakes on a dangerous journey is a SWEET idea

  • Clockwork dolls, huh? Reminded me of the season premiere for the new Doctor Who that aired a few months ago.

    Anyway, I trust that Harm and her kids will kick ass to find Ash. :)

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Back in Fabletown... Scarlett stared out of the window above her bed. Noah was in the living room with his new girlfriend, a pretty blond

  • I think it's true for most of us when we were younger. xD I'm really glad I got her spot on, for a fan to describe her as perfect, though now I'm nervous about getting it wrong in the future. :3

    I have heard the song! It was in the back of my mind when I went for the title, as well as Nancy Sinatra's version. I guess that makes us both normal and everyone else weird, right? Maybe. :P

    pudding_pie posted: »

    lol I hate to say it, its true, at least for me. XD Not so much now but when I was younger; boobs, cars and beer. :P The way you described C

  • edited October 2014

    Wow, this thread is at eighty-thousand hits right now! I think we all need to celebrate the occasion somehow when it eventually reaches one hundred-thousand.

  • I'm super-glad I've got you into Victorian slang! :D Chuckaboo's is exactly what they are; it gives me a gigglemug knowing that's how they seem. :P

    It's entirely coincidental that I was watching a program a few days ago that had some Victorian slang phrases on! 'Last one in the bag' is quite good - you'd use it to refer to the last born child of a family. So, I'll let you guess just what the bag is that's being referred to. ;) And apparently they sometimes put 'spanker' before names, so I'd be Spanker Noir; maybe that name should just stay in this reply box though. xD

    LOL, since you mentioned Victorian, I recently looked at some Victorian slang. I reckon you've made me interested in it, so that's why I sea

  • I think I know exactly what you're sayin'. ;)

    Don't worry, I won't let you be alone on that, I'll call myself Spanker Butter as well. :)

    LupineNoir posted: »

    I'm super-glad I've got you into Victorian slang! Chuckaboo's is exactly what they are; it gives me a gigglemug knowing that's how they see

  • Thanks for saying so, JJ! :) I've really lost the thread with the original story I was doing, but I'm really enjoying writing for these challenges.

    Also, how's Robert getting on? I think we were about to meet his child at the Farm, if I remember rightly.

    JJwolf posted: »

    Loved Dixa's transformation scene! and I have to agree with everyone's past comments; I enjoy your choice of words and description. Glad to see you are still writing.

  • Sweet. (is all I have to say :P)

    Alt text

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Love that GIF BTW. Georgie approves. Glad this is getting exciting; Oliver's time will come in the end and all of it will come together as one.

  • Whoa, I don't want to be responsible for that happening to the DragonButter! This puts me in a real dilemma.

    xD And I'm glad the transformation scene is popular because I had things like Tezoth's fight with Bigby, and Pie and Emmy's transformations as something to aim towards in terms of awesome-ness!

    If Dixa dies by that damn monster, I swear... BTW, the transformation scene was spectacular. I also agree with JJ's comment about it too.

  • I think this thread just got 2 percent more awesome with that name. XP

    I think I know exactly what you're sayin'. Don't worry, I won't let you be alone on that, I'll call myself Spanker Butter as well.

  • Judging by the comments, I really had best keep her alive! :P Which is good, because I have plans for her in something else!

    Honestly, it's a real boost knowing that you and the others like the variety of description and vocabulary. This is the first time I've ever shared my writing with people I don't know, and before then it was only ever one person! So although this has been going for almost nine months, it helps with confidence. :)

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Well, looks like Dragon and JJ beat me to it; the transformation scene was well done and I riot if Dixa is hunted down like a wild animal by

  • Vengeance has been a long time coming, but at what price? Or maybe there isn't a price! :D Still, having Jersey, Lyla and Katie hunting him down he shouldn't last long before he's found; but why did he take Hope? I'm genuinely hooked to find out just what Oliver is up to!

    pudding_pie posted: »

    Chapter 27 'Where it all begins' Happy EARLY Halloween! I know, I know...not even Pie! XD But I'll be gone on Friday, so this giv

  • edited October 2014

    "Scar?" This voice was her sister Elora.


    "Shut the fuck up, please."

    I honestly laughed out loud after reading that :P The whole dialogue in this chapter was brilliant, actually: the way the twins all talk to each other, Harmony getting her feisty side out, and Tim being wise and listening to Harmony; much of what Pie said, basically. xD And the description of the clockwork doll shutting down really painted a picture.

    EMMYPESS posted: »

    Back in Fabletown... Scarlett stared out of the window above her bed. Noah was in the living room with his new girlfriend, a pretty blond

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