The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • That, gentlemen, is our world. :'}

    Markd4547 posted: »

    A nice story

  • It looked quite intresting when I first saw it and I think I might look into it when it comes out.

    Markd4547 posted: » Looks cool

  • Fucking assholes.... Talking about how it is ok to play sims even if some think it is a girl game but won 't let a girl in. I pray to God to vanish people like you, fucking faggots.


    Alt text

  • Hi Tobi!!!! :3

    Um... hi.

  • It all looks the same to me.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Spooky Halloween challenge time 2spooky4me Name the User and what they dressed up as!! I'll do more tomorrow if you want night

  • edited October 2014

    So on my time here on the computer, I've been writing up my own version of TWD Season 2. I would post it in the TWD forum itself but it's not completed. I'll just show you guys the choices I thought of. Some are the same but most are different. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. B)



    1) Did you try to help Christa?

    Help: Victor will mention it and understand.

    Not help: Victor will mention it.

    2) Did you put the dog out of its misery?

    Kill it: Luke will see it on his way to Howe's, if you told the truth, he'll trust you more. If you lied, he'll question you.

    Leave it: Same affect but he'll notice that Clem left it to suffer, further worried about what's going on in Clem's head.

    3) Did you accept Nick's apology?

    Accept: Nick will let Clem sleep on the bed in his room.

    Decline: Luke will let Clem sleep on the couch in the living room.

    4) Give the dying man water?

    Give: Victor will appreciate it, showing some support. No water for Pete.

    Do not: Victor will be much colder and not support you. Water for Pete.

    5) Who did you save?

    Pete: Nick will be thankful, Pete lives till start of Ep1.

    Nick: Pete dies, Nick/Luke/Alvin will be mad at you.


    1) Did you teach Sarah how to use the gun?

    Teach her: Carlos will find out and be mad at you too. In Carver showdown, she'll shoot Carver in the leg.

    Don't Teach her: Carlos will only be mad at Sarah. In Carver showdown, she'll shoot but miss Carver.

    2) Did you defend Sarah from Carlos' lecture?

    Defend Sarah: Sarah will be thankful, Carlos will argue with Clem over ideals of survival.

    Stay out of it: Sarah will remember that. Little angry but understands.

    3) Who did you sit with during dinner?

    Kenny: Kenny will remember this and mention it later on.

    Luke: He'll mention how it reminds him of lunch hours in school.

    4) Did you told the truth and convince Walter Nick's good?

    Truth and Good Guy: Walter will be sad. Saves Nick live.

    Lie and Like Others: Walter will be mad. Lets Nick die.

    Truth Like Others: Nick dies

    Lie Good Guy: Nick lives

    5) Surrender or find Kenny and Luke?

    Surrender: Learns about George, closer contact with Carver's grasp. Kenny will mention and disagree with this action. Carlos will recieve some injury.

    Find Kenny/Luke: Learns Luke left some reason, outer contact with Carver. Kenny will mention and agree with this action. Carlos will recieve more injury.


    1) Who did you ask to about what happened 4 weeks ago?

    Ask Luke, Carlos, and Sarah: You only learn a little bit. Carlos will feel like you're treading too close in personal space.

    Ask Rebecca, Reggie, and Mike(Nick can be with them- you'll learn more): You'll learn everything that happened from mostly Rebecca (and Nick). Carlos will argue with Rebecca about telling Clem and Luke will break them up.

    2) Did you defend Sarah from Becca?

    Defend Sarah: You'll fight Becca. Once you beat her you can let her be or smash her face in the mirror(people's views will be determined). Sarah will be thankful you defended her(if you smashed Becca's face she'll be frightened). Clem's arm will bleed and need treatment. Carlos will trust you.

    Don't interfere: Sarah will be badly bruised in her face. She'll notice Clem peaking behind the door but not helping, Sarah will feel upset about this. Questioning their friendship. Clem's arm won't bleed. Carlos will distrust you.

    3) Who did you choose for Carver to punish? Luke or Kenny?

    Luke: Luke will get shot in the leg and lose a few fingers. Luke will understand as it was a tough situation for Clem.

    Kenny: Kenny will get his eye badly damaged, almost beaten to death. Kenny would feel like Clem betrayed him.

    4) Did you leave Bonnie behind in the Hardware store?

    Take Bonnie with you: She'll prove valuable in combat. Bonnie will try to gain trust but is thankful for what you did. Luke/Sarah/Mike will support this.

    Leave Bonnie behind: Bonnie will be angered. Later revealed by Carver he killed her for betrayal.

    5) Did you put Carlos out of his misery?

    Shoot him: Carlos will be shot in the head, suffering no more. Sarah will be thankful. Strengthening their friendship. Luke(and Nick if alive) will think that was the right thing to do.

    Let him get eaten: Carlos will continue to scream as he's devoured, left alone to suffer. Sarah will be greatly angered by this and completely destroy your friendship. Luke(and Nick if alive) will feel like Clementine is becoming a monster.


    1) Did you convince Sarah to come with you? (Mostly based on your choices up to now)

    Convince Sarah: (Friends/nuetral) Sarah will come with you and live. With her you can actually get a chance to reveal what Clem's thoughts are, everything up to now. Sarah can treat your wound.

    Don't convince Sarah: (not friends) Sarah will die as she is left behind. Luke will have regrets. Determantly, Nick will get mad (and if you left others to die, he'll mention them too).

    2) How did you handle the strangers? (PS: Eddie's group)

    Settled things calmy: The strangers will be more trusting and give some supplies. Eddie will mention it's rare to have good people. But they turn bad. Eddie will be more kind to Clem. The strangers will help against Carver's people.

    Threaten them: The strangers will be less trusting and not give supplies. Eddie will mention so many people are cruel anymore. It's what they are now. Eddie will be slightly hostile to Clem. The strangers won't help against Carver's people.

    3) How did you convince Kenny to come out of the tent?

    Sympathetic: You helped Kenny deal with his past problems. Kenny will be thankful.

    Frustration: You yelled at Kenny to pull himself together. Kenny will critisize you.

    Mischief: You scared Kenny out of the tent making him think there's danger.

    4) Did you save Victor?

    Save him: Victor lives and will surprised you saved him. Eddie's group is thankful. Victor will live until Tavia kills him in the showdown.

    Don't save him: Victor will die. Eddie's group will be frustrated by this.

    5) How did you handle Carver's fate?

    Pick up the gun: You can shoot him in the head or the chest(leave him to turn this way). Luke will mention later how you handled it. Kenny will think he should've suffer, him doing it himself.

    Pick up the axe: Clem will continuosly butcher Carver to death. All will become shocked and question you of this action. Except Kenny would think he got what he deserved but feels he should've done it.

    Don't pick up anything: Clem will tell Carver that she won't kill him, she won't do it. (she can mention Lee sparing his enemies and that killing changes you) He'll be spared by you but Carver attempts to kill you. Luke shoots him, protecting Clem. Everyone will remember your innocence.


    1) What did you do with the reanimated Christa?

    Put her down: Christa will no longer remain part of the undead. Clem will shed a tear.

    Leave her to wander: Christa will continue to wander. Clem won't have regrets.

    2) Did you watch Kenny kill Eddie?

    Watched: You stayed with Kenny in Eddie's death. Luke will be sickened by this.

    Looked away: You left with Luke in his death. Kenny will justify his actions.

    3) What was your answer to Lee in the dream?

    Kill another in order to surive: You chose the ideal of Carver that he taught you.

    Trust no one: You chose the ideal of Jane that she taught you.

    There is still hope: You chose the ideal of Luke(and determinately Lee) that he taught you.

    4) What fate did you give Kenny?

    Shoot Kenny: Kenny dies. Your past is now buried away.

    Abandon Kenny: You left Kenny to live on his own.

    Bring Kenny with you: You decided to give Kenny another chance and take him with you.

    5) Who did you take with you to Wellington? (Two people you can take with you)


    Rebecca (her baby, AJ, is with Clem)



    Sarah(if alive)

    Kenny(if alive)

  • Say it.

    I don't know if I should say who just showed up at my house.

  • Every fucking year..... ;-;

  • Half.

    I'm doing a pixel art of Clem instead. Full body or half-body?

  • Hi.


  • Yas...

    when your bae keeps ignoring you



    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • Howdy!

    blueneon posted: »

    Hi Tobi!!!!

  • Morning!!!!!

    Ugh I hated using that damn iphone. I could barely even reply when using it last night. Sorry to those I didn't reply. -_-''' Anyway, good morning!

  • Q: How?



  • Paint.

    blueneon posted: »

    Q: How? A: MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • .....

    Thanks for ruining my faith in fairies.


  • What are you trying to say Tobi? Alt text


  • I use my iPhone everyday for this frickin' website.

    Kill me now.

    Ugh I hated using that damn iphone. I could barely even reply when using it last night. Sorry to those I didn't reply. -_-''' Anyway, good morning!

  • It's good! It's just funny how she looks like Mario here. lol

    What are you trying to say Tobi?

  • For Halloween.


    It's good! It's just funny how she looks like Mario here. lol

  • You said they're going for funny when they're not. They're going for parody.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Yeah... Didn't really need the explanation. I gathered that. Its still not funny.

  • It's satire, you know?

    blueneon posted: »

    Fucking assholes.... Talking about how it is ok to play sims even if some think it is a girl game but won 't let a girl in. I pray to God to vanish people like you, fucking faggots.

  • Why u gotta be so rooooooood?

    blueneon posted: »

    ..... Thanks for ruining my faith in fairies.

  • edited October 2014


    Well good job! I suck at pixel art! :D

    For Halloween. ^3^

  • ;-;

    I am sorry....

    Why u gotta be so rooooooood?

  • I know, I am sorry. I just get a bit sensitive about things like this.

    Talimancer posted: »

    It's satire, you know?

  • There was once this show I used to watch as a kid. It was the 1st ever CGI show made, called ReBoot. It got cancelled on the biggest cliffhanger I've seen during its 4th season.

    Today I just heard news they're making a new series of ReBoot. Was hoping they finish off the series in a movie first, but can you do? Anyway, pretty excited to watch my childhood being rebooted. It's being made by the same writers who made the original. :D

  • Good for you. :}

    There was once this show I used to watch as a kid. It was the 1st ever CGI show made, called ReBoot. It got cancelled on the biggest cliffha

  • Alt text

    nobody played :'(

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Spooky Halloween challenge time 2spooky4me Name the User and what they dressed up as!! I'll do more tomorrow if you want night

  • Oh, ok, let me try:

    1. Pro: The chainsaw guy, I think
    2. DLB: Chucky
    3. Woody: Michael Mayers
    4. Me: The guy from a christmas nightmare or something, I don 't know, I haven 't seen the movie
    5. Gustav: Freddy Krooger (no idea how to spell his name)
    6. ATR: Scream guy.
    Markd4547 posted: »

    nobody played

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