Remember when people were complaining about new posts and alerts not showing up? As if the forums were simply empty of users? This is during a period where it happened on and off for me, so I flipped off the forums i frustration. :P
They are playing the stereotypical role in the comic it's about mocking the gaming culture of the way females are represented in games to show people how stupid there expectations of the females in the games are and if they became a reality how unrealistic and stupid it is.
hopefully opening the eyes of many people but doing it in a humorous way to keep the attention of readers while conveying a message of the true female gamer.
They are playing the stereotypical role in the comic it's about mocking the gaming culture of the way females are represented in games to sh… moreow people how stupid there expectations of the females in the games are and if they became a reality how unrealistic and stupid it is.
hopefully opening the eyes of many people but doing it in a humorous way to keep the attention of readers while conveying a message of the true female gamer.
They are vital because it's sadly true
That one was just sitting around in the garage before we found a use for it. After Foxtel got set up at my Mum's, there wasn't room for the old Xbox, so I set it up at my Dad's.
Hm... Hm... Hm... My next great big story seems to be here... Hm... Exciting... Hm... Submit a character and stuffs...
Swiggit swoogit! He's coming for the booty!
Is this based off something?
Not sure bro I just got it from a picture website
thank you very much ^_^
its been great talking to you
You stole that off reddit.
Fuck that shit I'm out nigga.
Remember when people were complaining about new posts and alerts not showing up? As if the forums were simply empty of users? This is during a period where it happened on and off for me, so I flipped off the forums i frustration. :P
During dark times you need puns...
Should be enough for now. Just for you @papai46
Okay, finally made an imgur account to do this. So this is my crappy gaming setup that I have at my Dad's.

No, I am just a bitch.
I'm gangster that's why I stole it
thug life
That looks like the TV I had before it broke.
Better then mine very nice and congrats
This is from a comic series called "Living with Hipstergirl & Gamergirl" and I think it is simply genius and hillarious so here you go.
It bothers me that all of the girls are pretty much naked.
XD That's hawt and awesome :'D
They are playing the stereotypical role in the comic it's about mocking the gaming culture of the way females are represented in games to show people how stupid there expectations of the females in the games are and if they became a reality how unrealistic and stupid it is.
hopefully opening the eyes of many people but doing it in a humorous way to keep the attention of readers while conveying a message of the true female gamer.
They are vital because it's sadly true
I see. I guess I missed the point.
XD beautiful Education and children and sheet so true :'D
It's the beginning of the end in Raining, vote on who you want in the next part!!!
(Anyone can vote!)
Again hears the Link
omg so tru inspirational am crying
The one at my Mum's is much grander. I'll post a pic on Tuesday.
That one was just sitting around in the garage before we found a use for it. After Foxtel got set up at my Mum's, there wasn't room for the old Xbox, so I set it up at my Dad's.
Can't wait
Too much awesome! And he's brazilian:D
What the fuck did I just watch?
I never read this, too busy doing things...
I love Parry Gripp's songs!
babeh monkey