I forgot that yesterday was the 5th anniversary of TOMI Chapter 4
I remember when the game launched just a day before Halloween, and three days before All Souls Day back in 2009. And it was pretty meaningful when Guybrush died by LeChuck's hand at the end of the chapter, in fulfillment of its title. This brings back memories.
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Still impressive you managed to remember the date a part of a game came out!
And yes, it was an unthinkable end to the chapter, really clever considering in EMI Guybrush kept saying he couldn't die because he had an unbreakable 5-game contract, so that would mean it was possible to die in the fifth game! It's the little things. 
I forgot all about that unbreakable five-game contract thing! You both have excellent memories! Or at least about the stuff that counts.
Man, it's been five years? Wow... I still remember crying out at the screen when it happened. I should re-play that chapter. Even if I'm a few days late now.
Haha me too! And the last part of chapter 5 had me cringing - Dom's voice acting was sensational!
The PAIN man!
Back when ToMI came out, I had mostly stuck to the Sam and Max series so I did not play ToMI for a while. I didn't get around to playing Tales of Monkey Island until later on when they released the first episode on iOS. I had liked the game and eventually bought the whole Season on Steam. Because of that, I had not read the live reactions as they happened, but I can only imagine what a frenzy the boards were thrown into after that cliffhanger.
Yo, I still remember when I first went through with it! I was playing in my dorm room when my roommates came in, they thought Guybrush's body was because of the pummeling that happened!! I had to re-play the chapter for them and to hear that sound of pain... my heart couldn't go through with it again just hearing Guybrush in that much misery.
But God DAMN do I have mad props for Dom!!
I had no company playing this through the first time, but there was a point where I could see my own pain/horror mirrored on the screen of the laptop!
I later stalked Dom on Facebook and sent him a message to convey how wowed I was by his voice acting, buuut I don't think he ever read it XD
I ended up playing it years after it came out, partly because I was busy with real life stuff and partly because I wasn't looking forward to it after how Escape turned out... Heard they were all speculating if Elaine would be controllable in the last episode.
My reaction was like "Morgan... whaaaaat? That didn't really happen did it?" And then later at the end, "GASP!! OMG the next one's gonna be in the afterlife ISN'T IT?! And he's gonna see Morgan there too!!" XD
My friend's reaction was PRICELESS, she was whatsapping me the whole time, it went from "I HATE THIS GAME THEY KILLED MORGAN OMG WHAT!!" and then 20 minutes later, "GUYBRUSH TOO?! WHERE ARE THEY GOING WITH THIS?!!"
Had me laughing for days. XD
LOL! That's a good one!