The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • k

    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Share pls.

  • edited November 2014

    What am i supposed to with these lemons?

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    just yes

  • You can't tell me shit i was here by page 5 and before the great merge!

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    bro i'm an OG lounger i tell you that you aren't worthy

  • Hehehehe.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Anybody there?

  • chapter 1 forum of the dead nuff said

    papai46 posted: »

    You can't tell me shit i was here by page 5 and before the great merge!

  • no

    papai46 posted: »

    Anybody there?

  • Hey there nobody!

    Jewfreeus posted: »


  • We are talking about the lounge not the fanfic thread.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    chapter 1 forum of the dead nuff said

  • Don't be concerned with what others think. They don't know you, who you are or what you've done. Only you can know who you are. You have to be you, don't conform to the rules because its easier or because its popular, stick out and be you because its true. Someday when you look back, you'll be proud that you left your mark on the world in your own way. Those who go to extremes to pick on you, those are the people who are afraid. Afraid that you are better than them afraid of progress. You are you, you are progress. Stay true to who you are and never change. Life may be hard. Its never going to get easier but, because you are you you will survive you will be the sunrise the dawn, the dawning of a new era, one where truth is justice and lies aren't tolerated. Even as I say this I face the hardship of lies and deceit, those will never end. All we can do is to learn, communicate and find compassion for one another. White, black, yellow, purple, or blue, hear me now. We are one. You will never stand alone! Were all here with you. I like many other follow in the footsteps of innovation, man can get nowhere without each other to lean upon.

    Thank you, just felt like I needed to say something. I will shut up now.

  • edited November 2014

    Cool. :D

    mr.quality posted: »

    Don't be concerned with what others think. They don't know you, who you are or what you've done. Only you can know who you are. You have to

  • What do you mean quote? I just put this on here cause some of my friends are having a bad time and I was trying to give advice to others.


  • Send help my download speeds are fucking disgustingly amazing.

    Alt text

  • Nice! Ignore my first comment.

    mr.quality posted: »

    What do you mean quote? I just put this on here cause some of my friends are having a bad time and I was trying to give advice to others.

  • OK... Still don't know what you mean by quote. But cool.

    Nice! Ignore my first comment.

  • I forgot to uninstall it, and what did I lie to you about? :P

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Why do you have Internet Explorer?!?

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited November 2014

    Why do you have Internet Explorer?!?

    Green613 posted: »

    Send help my download speeds are fucking disgustingly amazing.

  • Takes too long to remove.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Why do you have Internet Explorer?!?

  • I love this picture, I have seen it everywhere, its pretty good artwork.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Free Wallpaper for you!

  • DAYUM, That is as Cold as luke.


  • Alt text

    Mark never heard of him >:P

    blueneon posted: »

    I have to fill in for Mark, don 't I? Ok, there you have it, SPAM!! Alt text AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST!

  • Why don't you tell a teacher or a counselor? Don't let them get away with it :P

    I'm in high school. I'm usually very respected but they were a bunch of asshole seniors.

  • edited November 2014

    That is as cold as Luke.


    Lol, that's a meme me and my best friend @Welcome_to_Woodbury use. xD She promised that when I'm 80 she's going to call me to tell me my husband died. Totes looking forward to that day.

    DAYUM, That is as Cold as luke.

  • Fuck that, I didn't see their faces.

    It's best to ignore it sometimes.

    Green613 posted: »

    Why don't you tell a teacher or a counselor? Don't let them get away with it :P

  • Well if I were you I'd go further with it. Well since that is part of my job :P I hate when assholes get away with stuff.

    Fuck that, I didn't see their faces. It's best to ignore it sometimes.

  • They are assholes, whatever, they ruined my opinion of them. I'm not going to go and try to get them in trouble, that's how you make yourself a target.

    Green613 posted: »

    Well if I were you I'd go further with it. Well since that is part of my job :P I hate when assholes get away with stuff.

  • Alt text

    DAYUM, That is as Cold as luke.

  • Nah, going through with it will get rid of them, make them think twice about what they pulled. let them get away with it another poor soul is going to get hurt by them and the cycle continues. Trust me I know about this stuff first hand :P

    They are assholes, whatever, they ruined my opinion of them. I'm not going to go and try to get them in trouble, that's how you make yourself a target.

  • I'm good...You think Seniors give a shit about detention or a referral. I'm just going to keep going along with my own business.

    Green613 posted: »

    Nah, going through with it will get rid of them, make them think twice about what they pulled. let them get away with it another poor soul is going to get hurt by them and the cycle continues. Trust me I know about this stuff first hand :P

  • As a school counselor myself I know they give a shit and hate detentions, they just don't like to show it. Also bullying's a serious offense, so I'm sure they'd get more than just a detention :P

    I'm good...You think Seniors give a shit about detention or a referral. I'm just going to keep going along with my own business.

  • Nice and I hope your friend is alright :)

    mr.quality posted: »

    Don't be concerned with what others think. They don't know you, who you are or what you've done. Only you can know who you are. You have to

  • I'm again good...This is nothing, one little dick move from a guy isn't enough for me to tell someone.

    You can't go running to the cops if a dick trips you in the real world.

    Green613 posted: »

    As a school counselor myself I know they give a shit and hate detentions, they just don't like to show it. Also bullying's a serious offense, so I'm sure they'd get more than just a detention :P

  • Yeah but in school it's different, that's public humiliation which counts as bullying, which is a no-no :P

    I'm again good...This is nothing, one little dick move from a guy isn't enough for me to tell someone. You can't go running to the cops if a dick trips you in the real world.

  • I'm still not doing it Green. :P

    Green613 posted: »

    Yeah but in school it's different, that's public humiliation which counts as bullying, which is a no-no :P

  • Fine, your loss I guess, :P. Sorry for bothering you though, it's just within my nature to try and help people out. Especially skrubs.

    I'm still not doing it Green. :P

  • Thanks, I hope there alright too. Im trying to do what I can to help, but I can't tell if its doing anything.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Nice and I hope your friend is alright

  • asshole seniors

    Yeah fuck seniors....

    Is secretly a senior.

    I'm in high school. I'm usually very respected but they were a bunch of asshole seniors.

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