The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • @Markd4547, your wish came true....


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    YES THESE ones I love them >:D

    blueneon posted: »

    @Markd4547, your wish came true.... MEANWHILE IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE.

  • If that is how you want to play it...

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    YES THESE ones I love them >:D

  • edited November 2014

    Well since I already showed this to some folks, I might as well show the whole lounge. This is one of my current projects I'm doing. Here's a preview of my rewrite for TWD Season 2. This one is for All That Remains(PS: this is only a fraction of the entire episode script.) Take you time and enjoy. Oh and if you have any suggestions, feel free to tell me. I'm currently working A House Divided so any ideas would be great. Without any further delays, here it is!

    CHAPTER 11: LIGHTS OUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Clementine finishes eating her bowl. Clem gets up and walks over to put the bowl in the sink. She turns around and the hub begins.

    --------------------------------------[HUB]---------------------------------------------- CABIN

    --------------CABIN (KITCHEN)

    Sink (behind Clem at start)

    -Look (Clem looks at the piled up dishes in the sink, notes these people are either trying to preserve water, lazy, or plan on moving soon)

    Window (By table)

    -Look (Clem notes how bad the weather has been lately. Worried if Christa's alright out there.)

    Lantern (On edge of table)

    -Look (Clem makes a concerning look, she notes she doesn't want to know what Nick was doing with that)

    Sarah's book (On table) [Only availalbe if friends with Sarah]

    -Look (Clem looks at it, wishing she had time to read books right now)

    -Pick up (Clem says she'd better give it back. Clem holds the book in her arms as she walks, you have several ways to give this back to Sarah)

    Door------TO LIVING ROOM

    -Open (Clem walks out of the kitchen and into the living room.)

    ------------------------------CABIN (LIVING ROOM)

    Clem walks into the living room, looking around. Luke is sitting with Rebecca on the couch near the bookshelf, who glances at Clem for a second. Alvin and Carlos will be talking to each other by the bookshelf. Pete will be at the front door of the cabin, looking out the window.

    Pete (At front door)

    -Talk to (Clem approaches Pete and casually says his name, Pete looks turns to look at Clem, saying hi politely.)

    A)How is it out there? (Clem asks curiously, Pete turns to look out the window. He says with uncertainty that the walkers are out there, gonna be hard to not draw attention when the go out the next morning. Clem suggests sneaking around with a smug face, Pete turns to her, chuckles 'With your experience, that'll be a piece of cake.' Clem shakes her head with a smile.)

    B)About the idea of chopping my arm off... (Clem mentions it with dislike, she asks if really was gonna do it. Pete has some guilt in his eyes 'If it was a lurker bite--' Clem interrupts it wasn't. Pete says if it were, he'd be doing it to give her a chance. He turns around and says everyone deserves a second shot. Clem thinks for a second, with a look of understanding his intention.)

    (After you finish talking to him/clear options. He'll say he needs to keep a look out, tells her to run along.)

    Alvin (Next to Carlos by Bookshelf)

    -Talk to (Clem asks his attention. He turns to Cle but glances at Rebecca who glares at him so he unintentionally ignores her. Clem glances at Rebecca, cynical)

    Carlos (Next to Alvin by Bookshelf)

    -Talk to (If forgiven by him he turns to her and politely asks `Yes?'. If distrusted by him he aggressively asks 'What is it?)

    A) You didn't need to lock me in the shed. (Clem tells him she could've died in there. Carlos says if she was to turn, she could've attacked them. Clem says 'But I didn't.' Carlos makes a serious look at her.)

    B) [only if you apologized to him] So what kind of doctor were you? (Carlos is curious asks why she asked. Clem says she's curious. He raises an eyebrow and explains he used to work in the clinic before everything that happened.)

    C) [If you have Sarah's book] Give book (Clem explains Sarah gave this to read, politely hands it over. She asks him to tell her she said thanks. Carlos is has an awkward but appreciates it.) ~Carlos will remember that.

    Luke ---------- TO UPSTAIRS

    -Talk to (Clem approaches him and Rebecca, overhearing them. Luke tells her to give Clem a chance at least, Rebecca says if he's serious, he says just try, Rebecca sighs. Clem asks Luke, confused, where should she sleep. Luke stutters for a second, saying he might have a spot. Rebecca glances at Clem as Luke gets up. Clem catches Bec looking at her but looks back at Luke who tells her to follow him. Clem follows Luke upstairs as Rebecca turns to the fire, looking at it.

    ------------ CABIN (UPSTAIRS)

    Luke will stand by the door to Nick's room waiting for Clem.

    Door -------TO NICK'S ROOM

    -Enter (Luke will knock on Nick's door. HOWEVER if you have Sarah's book still, Luke will tell Clem she'd better give that book to her. He'll wait here till you return.)

    Sarah's Room [if you have book/are friends, only]

    -Enter (Clem knocks on the door, Sarah asks who is it in a sad way, Clem says it's me. Sarah sounds relieved and tells her to come in. Clem walks in and shuts the door. Clem looks curious as Sarah looks down, handing her book back. Sarah looks up and takes it back, asking if she liked it. Clem says she didn't get to read it sadly, too late right now. Sarah looks down. Clem asks what's wrong, Sarah says depressingly that got mad at her for giving Clem the peroxide. Clem says if she hadn't, Clem would've died, Sarah looks up realizing that. Clem heads out to the door to walk out. Clem holds the knob and glances at Sarah.

    A) Thank you. (Clem smiles and thanks her. Sarah smiling and saying she`s welcome as Clem leaves her room.)~Sarah will remember that.

    B) Goodnight, Sarah. (Clem smiles and says goodnight. Sarah smiling and saying goodnight as Clem leaves her room.)~Sarah will remember that.

    C) ... (Clem silently looks at her calmly, then leaves the room.)~Sarah will remember that.

    D) Sorry for the trouble I've caused. (Clem apologizes for getting her in trouble, and if you threatend her, apologizes for threatening Sarah. Sarah looks at her a surprised look as Clem leaves the room.)~Sarah will remember that.

    Once you get to Nick's room and have Luke knock on his door, Nick will open the door and asks what is it to him. Luke asks Nick if he can let Clem sleep in his room for the night. Nick's answer is based on if you forgave him or not.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~ FORGAVE NICK

    Nick will say yes, Clem smiles and Nick steps aside, letting her walk in. Luke leaves and Nick shuts the door. Clem looks around, Nick points out she can sleep in his bed. She looks at it, it's only one bed.

    A) Okay, thanks. (Clem smiles with a tired look at Nick who stands.)

    B) What about you? (Clem looks at with a raised eyebrow, saying there's only one. Nick shrugs saying he'll sleep on the floor. He can't stand sleeping on chairs. Clem smirks.)

    Clem sits on the bed as Nick gets down on the floor. Clem remives her hat and lays it on the end table. Clem then lays down on her side, facing Nick. Nick sits, complimenting her hat, saying it's cool. Clem smiles and says yours too. Nick looks at her hat, noticing it went through hell. She replies it has its history. She wipes her smile away, telling him her dad let her borrowed when she went on vacation, it's all she has left of her family. Nick laying down, saying how he remembered how he got his. He tells her him and Luke were in an arcade many years ago back in high school. He bought himself it since it was from his favourite game. He smiles. Nick yawns, saying those were good times, then goes to sleep on the floor. Clem looks at her hat, remembering Lee and her parents, she closes her eyes to sleep as a tear rolls down from her eye.

    ~~~~~~~~ DIDN'T FORGIVE NICK

    Nick will angrily say no he's not gonna sleep in the same room as her. Luke tries to tell him to give her a break, Nick asks he's serious, tells him to leave him alone. Shuts the door. Both Clem and Luke looks down, sighing. Clem turns to see Carlos walking up the stairs and entering Sarah's room. Luke turns to Clem telling her he guess she'll sleep downstairs with him tonight instead. Luke and Clem walks down the stairs, as they walk to the couches Clem glances to see Pete entering the kitchen to sleep. Luke sits on the green couch and Clem sits on the brown one, opposite of Luke. Luke will blow out the candles on the coffee table as Clem take off the her hat and lays it on the table. Luke looks up and chuckles, joking how messy her hair is. Clem feels a little insulted but then smiles, realizing he's teasing. Luke apologizes about Nick to Clem, he explains he just has that temper that gets in the way.

    A)It's all right. (Clem shrugs it off, Luke is glad she understands.)

    B)Nick is kind of a dick. (Luke laughs a bit and partially agrees but says Nick is a real good guy, he's just troubled, give him time.)

    C)I should've been nicer. (Luke says there's nothing she can do about it now, maybe she can make up for it later, he guesses.)

    C1) I guess so. (Clem says so with an unsure look. Luke says the same goes for him too.)

    C2) Same goes for you too. (Clem says with a mad look, Luke says he knows. He'll make up for it.)

    Afterwards, both lays down on their couches. Luke will go to sleep and Clem looks at her hat on the coffee table. Looking at it with sad eyes before she goes to sleep.



    Markd4547 posted: »

    @awesomeo @blueneon @papai46 StopStreetAbuse Please donate lots of moneys to help stop this crime


    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD I seen this comment earlier rekt

  • My birthday today ;)

  • edited November 2014
  • Happy birds day bro

    My birthday today

  • edited November 2014

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    Here. :3

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    My birthday today

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    Oh, it could be so much worse.

    I just realized that Walking Dead Season 3 is not coming out for a long time:

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    @Leetheprofessionial TheRealThugLife

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  • Yeeeeeeeeeahhhhhhhhh!!!

    blueneon posted: »


  • Merry Christmas

    My birthday today

  • Hope you like the cake. :3


  • Hohoho!

    Merry Christmas

  • So what did you ask Santa for?


  • Five Nights at Freddy's 2.

    So what did you ask Santa for?

  • Last one is me when I try 20/20/20/20 mode.

  • Santa doesn't produce video games.

    You're pretty screwed.


    Five Nights at Freddy's 2.


    Santa doesn't produce video games. You're pretty screwed. :P

  • Well, that's not yet, that's when I go to study.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @gustav I'm jelly

  • edited November 2014


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    I'm jelly


    My birthday today

  • Thank you ^_^

    Markd4547 posted: »

    :'D nice

  • Raging_Blades left existence.

    Green613 posted: »

    @Raging_Blades K

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    My birthday today


  • fgt

    Well, that's not yet, that's when I go to study.

  • 2spooky4me

    Green613 posted: »

    @Raging_Blades K

  • Here in my country people are paid when they leave school, seriously.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    @gustav I'm jelly

  • I want to resurrect this old thread I made...Should I do it?

  • What thread is it :P

    I want to resurrect this old thread I made...Should I do it?

  • One on Augmentations.

    Green613 posted: »

    What thread is it :P

  • I remember that one, I'd say go for it if you want to.

    One on Augmentations.

  • Augmentations like: men turning into machine like in Deus Ex?

    One on Augmentations.

  • Sort of... It is a very complicated process but in the end...yes you could say that.

    papai46 posted: »

    Augmentations like: men turning into machine like in Deus Ex?

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