The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I actually like to talk with non-christians sometimes because they have different views than me, I like to see others views.

    Yeah and then nitpicking their religion....

  • I was worried for everyone when around him when he snapped, nobody there was on his level of strength and size, they wouldn't stand a chance at physically restraining him. I hope he is able to calm down, I would hate to see him go because he couldn't pull himself out of his emotional turmoil, though I can completely understand why he wouldn't be able to move on.

    I was hurting for the man in that last scene, it seems that his wife was scared of Abraham for protecting her and the children because of how violent he was with the men who were threatening to them. You could see that he wanted to die, when he came across their bodies, and saw that he had failed to protect them. I hope the group tries to help him out of it, even if they don't know the circumstances in which he met Eugene with. I doubt Eugene knew that Abraham had just lost his family.

    I kinda thought Eugene was dead for a second, I mean those punches looking like they made him see the light lol.

    I sure hope so. I'd argue that the way in which he lost his family was the saddest and most traumatizing, excluding Rick and Carl and how they lost Lori.

    Belan posted: »

    It never occurred to me that the scene where he's beating that man to death with a can was a flashback, but seeing as he's wearing different

  • Kenny playing Five Nights at Freddy's and dying alot from Bonnie/Foxy.

    Considering his left eye is blind and Bonnie/Foxy come from the left door.

  • Nice! Glad I inspired you in some way. I chose the Navy one.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Cool I'm thinking about doing a Fan Fic too, Here's the link if you wanna vote on what it should be on...

  • Cool :) I'm thinking about doing a Fan Fic too, Here's the link if you wanna vote on what it should be on...

    Heres my story if anyone is interested.

  • I enjoy it to when they aren't crazy or rude.

    mr.quality posted: »

    I actually like to talk with non-christians sometimes because they have different views than me, I like to see others views.

  • Yeah, me too.

    I enjoy it to when they aren't crazy or rude.

  • edited November 2014

    Lmao! We're all supposed to be acting like this is a serious subject but we're making songs about it. xD

    I'm c r y i n g

  • Today in my Ecology class we were talking about populations.

    The Question: "Which country has the most population?"

    The Answers Given: "Russia"
    And "Africa"


    It was China...

    Then she asks the second...The Answers Given: "Russia" "USA" "Japan" and..."AFRICA"...

    It was India...

    Then she says the USA is third...

    Then the person who kept answering Africa asked "Why wasn't Africa up there?"

    The teacher responds with one word..."Countries".

    I'm fucking done...This is the American educational system at work.

  • Why?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    XD, (Don't tell Mark about this)

  • XD, (Don't tell Mark about this)

    Today in my Ecology class we were talking about populations. The Question: "Which country has the most population?" The Answers Given:

  • My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. It's so racist and I feel bad ;-;

    Lmao! We're all supposed to be acting like this is a serious subject but we're making songs about it. xD

  • pssh I think everyone laughed. It's got just the right amount of racism. Lol, don't feel bad. xD

    My stomach hurts from laughing so hard. It's so racist and I feel bad ;-;

  • There are a lot. :P

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Your comment didn't show up. But "You know, He's Irish?" (And he keeps trying to find flaws with America to taunt me with.....)

  • Your comment didn't show up. But "You know, He's Irish?" (And he keeps trying to find flaws with America to taunt me with.....)

    Today in my Ecology class we were talking about populations. The Question: "Which country has the most population?" The Answers Given:

  • Your Comment didn't show up AGAIN (lol) but he doesn't have to know that :) (Or at least not until have some shit on Ireland)

    Today in my Ecology class we were talking about populations. The Question: "Which country has the most population?" The Answers Given:

  • The forums hate me.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Your Comment didn't show up AGAIN (lol) but he doesn't have to know that (Or at least not until have some shit on Ireland)

  • Alt text

    XDDD AAAH Merica wtf it hurts my braincells :'(

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    XD, (Don't tell Mark about this)

  • That's racist!

    I'm c r y i n g

  • R.I.P

    Deceptio posted: »

    Damn. Today's the 10 year anniversary of my grandma's passing. I never really got to know her or see her that much but she loved me and I loved her. RIP

  • XD

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Dat one comment that shows up...

  • Dat one comment that shows up...

    The forums hate me.

  • Alt text

    I'm c r y i n g

  • I know it is. Sorry.

    papai46 posted: »

    That's racist!

  • MAN YOUR STATIONS MURICANS!!!!!!!!!!!! Alt text

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    XDDD AAAH Merica wtf it hurts my braincells

  • Say Wut.

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Well it's because films are usually inspired or motivated by true events and trained writers are taught to relate to the viewer in order for them to fully appreciate a film if they have real world problems no matter how unrealistic the situation is you will embrace it each usually has a certain moral thorough the film or journey to be learned to be successful by the end :)

    Alt text

    I always really related to this saying because I play a lot of sport :D

    Life isn't like what you see in the movies, but it's pretty ironic how much movies can teach you about life.

  • wut wut in the butt

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Debatable... Alt text

  • Hey, In Frozen it was like 6 seconds...Alt text

  • Alt text

    Silly merica the north of Ireland belongs to BRITAIN WHAT DO THEY TEACH YOU at school goddamit notice the third picture I'm republic of Ireland B}

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    Alt text

    Saltlick123 posted: »


  • We need more Mods.

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