The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited November 2014

    One of the best voice actors I agree, I didn't recognise him as the joker, and he was fantastic in the last of us. He was great in RE6 too. I love his voice. ^_^

    Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Awesome and that charater Played by Troy Baker the legend who played Joel, booker De witt, the Joker, The Darkness etc just a legend

  • This game looks a lot of fun. I've haven't played yet but plan to soon.

    blueneon posted: »

    Neon power was my favourite. :P

  • edited November 2014

    Alt text

    R.I.P Raging Skrublord

  • Play it, it is worth spending a bit of time on.

    This game looks a lot of fun. I've haven't played yet but plan to soon.

  • Like I said I will do, I haven't got a Ps4 but planning to get one soon ^_^

    blueneon posted: »

    Play it, it is worth spending a bit of time on.

  • Hope you like it. ^_^

    Like I said I will do, I haven't got a Ps4 but planning to get one soon ^_^

  • So I saw that @Dont_Look_Back and @SweetPeaClem can't roll their R's...

    I'm just just over here like, lol, that's grrrrrrrrrreat. B^]


    Its the Jewish Porn guy

  • HOW?


    So I saw that @Dont_Look_Back and @SweetPeaClem can't roll their R's... I'm just just over here like, lol, that's grrrrrrrrrreat. B^]

  • thanks

    blueneon posted: »

    Hope you like it. ^_^


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I CAN'T EITHER, OKAY? (I'm a frickin Saltlick)

  • I CAN'T EITHER, OKAY? (I'm a frickin Saltlick)

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • I haven't been active lately, there's nothing else to do here really and I hardly talk to anyone anymore. :/ I'll probably stick around though.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Like I said yesterday, I feel like this forum is like TWD now "I mean what's the point??, we're just gonna march over to another thread and more people are gonna leave or get banned, Then it will be our turn, We're all fucked"


    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I CAN'T EITHER, OKAY? (I'm a frickin Saltlick)

  • Yeah, I'm thinking about becoming less active soon, people are going away and there's less to do :(, But i'm starting a fan fic so that might keep me here, Submit a character if you want :)

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I haven't been active lately, there's nothing else to do here really and I hardly talk to anyone anymore. I'll probably stick around though.


    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • I might make one then, I don't know. I'm online a lot but I can't be bothered doing stuff most of the time.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yeah, I'm thinking about becoming less active soon, people are going away and there's less to do , But i'm starting a fan fic so that might

  • I'm so fucking pissed right now. My dad's good friend whose only 28 years old has been living with us since August because his family threw him out (they hated him and his family just sucked), and he's a really good guy, he always talked to his and hang out with us, the entire family is really close to him and he'd help around the house a lot. He's also a very good worker and a talented painter, and he's been refurnishing the house for us and all that since he moved in, and it's been fun. He just got a new job however and his dad picked him up from work last night and brought him to his house for something, and what happens? This fucking bitch that lives next to his dad calls the cops on him because he received a fine a while back but he never had the money to pay it. So this evil bitch decides to call the cops on him, and now he's in jail, and he's gonna stay there for like 3-6 months. He's not gonna have Thanksgiving with us, he isn't gonna celebrate Christmas, he isn't gonna celebrate the new year, he isn't gonna be able to come to the basketball game we had tickets to, none of that, because this stupid bitch has nothing better to do than call the cops on him for no reason because she's fucking crazy. I hope Karma gets to her, I really do.

  • How come?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Damn, A lot of people on here are fucking pissed too.

  • How come? (My reply isn't showing up)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Damn, A lot of people on here are fucking pissed too.

  • Damn, A lot of people on here are fucking pissed too.

    Deceptio posted: »

    I'm so fucking pissed right now. My dad's good friend whose only 28 years old has been living with us since August because his family threw

  • You haven't heard? One of the things is that Raging left and he says that he's never coming back and there's tons of other drama on here, I'm just trying to ignore it by asking people to submit character on my new fan fic..

    Deceptio posted: »

    I'm so fucking pissed right now. My dad's good friend whose only 28 years old has been living with us since August because his family threw

    edited November 2014

    Stop using my capital in your name xD

    How to talk to classmates on steam, oh also, he has a girlfriend: Sultan Gustac of Jerusalem: TOOT TOOT MOTHERFUCKER Lauridsbp: WTF

  • Bitch I won a crusade to get that title.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Stop using my capital in your name xD

  • pffft you don't know shet about our city fgt

    Bitch I won a crusade to get that title.

  • I fucking conquered that shit from the muslims. It's where my royal palace is.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    pffft you don't know shet about our city fgt

  • Will be posting the first part of my interactive story soon if anyone is interested.

  • I'm sorry to hear that bro that sucks and I don't even know why she would hate him so much that is disgraceful :'(

    Deceptio posted: »

    I'm so fucking pissed right now. My dad's good friend whose only 28 years old has been living with us since August because his family threw

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited November 2014

    Ignore, accidentally replied to the wrong person.

  • Cool!

    Will be posting the first part of my interactive story soon if anyone is interested.

  • Looking forward to it!

    Will be posting the first part of my interactive story soon if anyone is interested.

  • Again, If anyone wants to make a character for my Fan Fic here it is :) The sooner I have the characters, the sooner I can start writing.

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