Telltale need an engine update.
Tessellation and Ambient Occlusion are now common technologies: they bring the maximum with low efforts and are perfectly scalable from PS4 to android turning them just off and on or balancing them.
I cannot believe Telltale insists not using these little implementations to improve their art in their games. It's just silly and stubborn IMHO.
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Telltale isnt about graphics its about story and gameplay, and thats awesome!
Y'know I was just saying to myself that I wasn't in any way emotionally attached to little Clementine in S1, because she wasn't casting decent quality shadows. lol jk srry I don't know enough about this stuff to say anything just wanted to be silly for a moment.
This has not to be an excuse for being lazy on programming. Those are just common and old tricks that could have made the game far better.
If I were an artist that had to see the models I worked on for hours chopped like that and looking like wearing a marble wig, I would've been upset.
Telltale makes 4.99 episodes and until that changes I see no point in complaining about graphics
If you want telltale to make games with a better engine and great shadow effects than you better be willing to pay telltale more than just 4.99 an episode because better graphics don't come cheap lol
1) These are hardware programming tricks that could be implemented every moment (it's quite like implementing Antialiasing)
2) No problem to pay a little bit more.
TTG are probably already discussing the development of the engine, just look at the difference between TWD S1 and TWAU, it's a huge difference.
It will get better, just wait
I'll admit Games of Thrones looks a bit rough right now but I'm sure as the series progresses the game will get much smoother and cleaner like The Walking Dead did.
Both being good would be nice. Graphics shouldn't be the primary focus but they still matter. Surely with their success from the last two years they have enough money too improve this. They could get away with it more in games based of comic series, but it's pretty poor in game of thrones.
That's only 1/6 off this game though. It's still cheaper than normal but they're not giving it away.
If you had the choice between 2 games, one was the most amazing graphics, but a terrible story and gameplay. The other had decent, but perhaps a bit outdated graphics and a great story. I know personally what i would choose. Sure it would be nice to see the characters come even more alive, however the story is more important in my opinion.
The guy is not saying that they should give upon the story and focus on the graphics. In fact, he is defending that you can improve the graphics with a small effort.
Nice graphics and good story can walk together. It is not a one or another dilemma.
Agreed. But the graphics don't bother me as much as the games' performance, particularly on consoles. There's just no excuse for the stuttering we've seen on consoles, especially since the graphics aren't good enough to warrant the problems.
I love some of the people who comment, acting like they moonlight as graphic designers. XD
I don't give a shit about graphics i just care about the story.
if you ask me id just save the time of making a new engine and focus on the season 3 story.
I want TT to ramp up their engine, so consoles have an easier time processing the game.
I think the graphics are fine as they are right now. TTG captured the likeness of shows actors very well.
Didn't Telltale say they would be rolling out a new engine (or a improved build of their current one?) sometime soon? I can't exactly tell if Tales From The Borderlands is using a new engine as I've only seen bits and pieces of the livestream of the episode, but from what I saw it looked to be running well.
they rolled out an improved version after twd s1 season 2 and twau runs on a different version of the engine
Then good luck writing your novels! xD
I don't care if it had the graphics of pong. As long as the storyline good I don't care what the graphics look like.
I definitely care about graphics but my expectations aren't that high !
Now tbh I'm pretty afraid coz in trailer graphics kinda sucked ! but well we'll have to wait for the full game.
When I say my expectations aren't that high , I mean I'll be completely happy with graphics like TWAU , TWD S2 or TFTB .(but in trailer I feel it was way below the mentioned games . I mean c'mon look at margaery
It's kind of weird to see people implying that the story could be compromised by better graphics. That's not the way it works, folks. Telltale already has a great writing team in place. It's not like they would be shifting the writers to the programming department. They absolutely could hire better programmers without compromising the writing.
I'd think that most of the changes are under the hood, outside of some minor visual improvements from what I saw with Episode one of Tales from the Borderlands. [Mods aren't staff so we know as much as you do.]
By new engine, I figure they mean an upgraded version of their old engine, as they try to use the same engine for every title so they can port both their old and new titles to various consoles (and so they can make new episodes/series with the same tailored narrative gameplay quicker than if they had made a new engine for each title)
I don't notice that stuff too much but yeah it'd be nice if they added those, they probably need to put more effort in programming in general since the mouse controls feel really weird in Tales from the Borderlands and they haven't bothered doing something as simple as binding choices to keys in the keyboard so I can make them without worrying where my mouse is positioned, seems weird as in consoles that's the way it is, I guess I could solve both of these problems by getting an Xbox 360 controller but neither seem like they would require a high amount of resources to achieve and therefore it is rather disappointing that they aren't there.
At least they got rid of the stuttering, they now have asynch-loading (and it works perfectly!^^ )
It sort of comes hand in hand that good graphics always seem to lead to a shitty story. Nothing thats ever been extreme graphics has ever entertained me like the telltale games. Except like Last of Us but I like walking dead better. If they can find a balance of good graphics and story sure. But the track record for anything lately is good graphics plus story doesnt usually mix well.