First review for episode 1 of telltle's Game of Thrones game
its positive
there are some spoilers so read at your own risk
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its positive
there are some spoilers so read at your own risk
Thanks for the link.
Thought we'd be playing multiple characters per episode. It's the only way that made sense to me really, partly to mirror the tv show.
The 2 hours and a bit makes me think it won't be quite as long as Tales from the Borderlands, but that's no biggie if it's the right length for the story.
Sorry I just don't like the idea of playing in the Game of Thrones world. Not every setting is good for a game, especially where there is no room for a player character to shake anything up. Basically everything you do will be non cannon and it kind of pulls me out of the experience.
A huge fan of the show though.
It'll be fine when dealing with non-show characters, though Telltale's games have never really had divergent stories anyway when it comes to the overall plot. Whitehills for instance? And perhaps in Essos, if they don't go there in the show?
That actually sounds close to Borderlands anyways. My Borderlands playthrough leaned closer to 2 hours and 10 or so minutes than it did to 2.5 hours.
Fixed your link! Just an FYI, when you use the link tool, you have to enter the link into the second text box that comes up and not the first text box. The first text box just lets you write the text that users can click on to get to the link.
Quite possibly. Everyone's playtime varies anyway. I think I got around 145 - 160 minutes playtime from borderlands, but some of that was spent afk. So I can't give an accurate time.
It's interesting though that Borderlands had 6 chapters, versus GoT's 7. I think we can safely assume each chapter is dedicated to one character only (in terms of playability).
...I'm not seeing a review - just a trailer. Did they post it too early and pull it?
stopping an entire family from being destroyed and killed seems like very big stakes to me lol
as a fan of the show i have no issue with this game being set in the Game of Thrones world just like I didn't have an issue with them making a game in the borderlands world
because by the end of the the day if the story is good than I can care less about the setting
Seems it.
I'm seeing the same, whereas I'd previously managed to read the review.
yes they pulled it but I still have the old link up so i can still see the review lol
Essos is in the books/show, Daenerys Targaryens plotline is there but it's a huge continent so of course not every place has been seen. And I do understand that some don't get excited about this game but for me the world of Game of Thrones fits perfectly for a telltale game. I mean Game of Thrones is often about making decisions, political plotting and so on.
Ah right, I see. Thanks.
I wasn't actually aware that Essos was the continent that Dany's story took place on, though I did know Dany was at least near there. Kind of thought it was a city or something.
The positives from the review dealt with the political side of thing and such. Negative aspects mostly being the action parts.
Yeah I read it and it increased my hype even more
What comes to action, well I hope it works good enough. Not the most important thing for me anyway. I can't wait to play with Ethan and Mira. And well Gared too, I guess. 
Can you screenshot it or something if you still have it up? (Though not likely.)
I'm dying to read the review. <.<
I'm looking at the comments for that page, and the only comment said this:
I did a little more snooping, and found this:
It's a tweet made by the guy who wrote the article. Not much news, just thought it was funny.
I don't have screenshot but I can put here some points that I remember:
There wasn't really that much, but he did make clear that it was an impressive start for the series. Sorry, that's all I can remember right now, not much but something.
Edit: Oh yeah and it was mentioned that the first episode indeed does start from the Red Wedding. The Forrester men are celebrating in their tent when shit starts going down. And the protagonist of that chapter is of course Gared.
Music in the show impressive? Lol that's funny.
The music in the show is the weak sister, I trust Jared will do a better job than Dwajaldi.
Sounds good. I love the show for its political intrigue so if the game is not action heavy, that's fine. I hope we get to see the opening credit sequence from the show.
Never heard of that site, but it's good to know the game is good
Agreed! I get the feeling they might due to their partnership with HBO, and if not the entire opening credits maybe a watered down version of it? Who knows, we will find out in about three hours!
Only other thing I think was mentioned, as a negative, was the sense of scale. I.e less people around than you'd find in the show, but I think that's quite understandable, personally.
Reviews are coming in:
Might as well make this the official review topic?
lol this. I listened to the entire soundtrack and there's only 2 good tracks... and they're from season 1.
The shows music is awesome don't know what your talking about. Jared's music is okay I guess.
Great reviews so far, but honestly I thought they'd be higher
More reviews:
Another review:
Interesting that the game has a 'codex'.
Yeah, the review scores are a bit lower than I thought, but they seem about par for Walking Dead Season 2 and Wolf? Also, from the sounds of IGN's review, it seems like this is nothing more than a prologue really as I expected.
Main criticisms really, from what I can gather, tends to be a few glitches partly due to the art style. People seem to think the family is a bit too similar to the Starks too and choices not mattering much so far are referenced (or for this episode anyway).
But the game seems to shine where it matters. The story, dialog and acting. I know, it's not the most important thing for everyone, but as Telltale puts an emphasis on stories these days, it's the most important part to me.
Edit: Oh one thing, IGN did warn that people should watch the show or something before playing the game.
Yeah it seems to be averages about 80/100 which is good, but I just thought they'd be higher.
Now I'm starting to find some super positive ones. Now I'm starting to feel relieved :P
Love that con "Everyone you love will probably eventually die"
Gameinformer gave episode 1 a 8.5.
I assume the codex thing is like what they did in the wolf among US.
Seeing alot of reviews saying the episode starts out slow.... uhh well duh it's the first episode and they got to build the characters up lol
Yeah . . . plus what the IGN review mentioned, indicating they are essentially treating the episode as a prologue. I remember them/Telltale saying in a different article that the first episode had to do a lot heavy lifting in setting everything up, though it ends with a bang to kick everything off for the rest of the season.
Seems likely.
Yeah I'm really excited to play it now. Only review site to give it a bad score was polygon, but they've been well known to be awful reviewers.
Judging from these reviews looks like this is the opposite of Tales From The Borderlands based on how much background knowledge you need in order to fully enjoy the game. I'm getting kinda worried now.